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California Child Support Agency

California Child Support Agency review: The Entire Syste, 1

Author of the review
3:31 am EDT
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I have children from an ex boyfriend, and one with my ex husband. California Child Support Agency, has done little to nothing over the years to provide the child support I need to sufficiently provide for my children, or advocate a fair amount of child support for my children. My ex boyfriend owes over 70, 000 dollars, and has never spent a day in jail for non support or of his neglect of his children. My ex husband didn't bother to pay any child support until six months after our marriage ended. When the California Child Support Agency finally bothered to open a case for me. I put a request in the second my husband and I were no longer living together.Though neither of these men help with the day to day care of the children, they both pay low child support. When I lost my job, my child support was raised fifty dollars a month, and the judge told me I didn't deserve anymore because my current boyfriend paid most of the bills. Which is bs, the children are my exs children, and not his. Nor is fifty dollars in anyway fair. Judges dealing with child support cases always give the non custodial payments to allow to be minimal. It is my ex's own fault for not paying his child support in the past, not mine. But judges continually give him a break. Which is a complete waste of my time going to court. Many responsible men and women, that are currently raising their children on a day to day basis are getting screwed by this agency. If I had to put my youngest son in daycare, the pittance of child support I get doesn't even cover the cost of daycare. They refuse to reimburse family or friends for caring for the children while I work. The judge even said that if family are taking care of children while custodial parent is working, than the family should do it for free. Which is unfair to the family if they need the extra money for living expenses.

I think most of these judges and this agency is horrible, and unfair to custodial parents. If your a dead beat parent, and don't plan on paying your child support, you can come to CA and only loose your driver's license for non payment of child support... While many children live in proverty, go without needed supplies, or rely on government agencies, for their needs... Because this farce of agency, which should be to advocate the welfare of the children, refuses to do it job sufficiently. Life isn't fair, but the judges, and CCSA employees do little to make it a lot more fair to dead beat parents.

Update by slynn1
Aug 08, 2010 2:32 am EDT

Your a ###ing ###. First off, I have and do work very hard to support my children. I am not on welfare at all! I worked my ### off to support my kids. My family and friends have watched my kids for free. When they were young and in daycare, I paid the daycare, not welfare nor my exs. I was young when I had my first two kids, but I was with that boyfriend for a very long time. As for my third child, my ex husband and I were married for two years before we had him! Get off your high horse and stop going by assumptions. I am not the first nor the last women to have had children with ### men!~

I do know many women who did get public assistance because their man refuses to help out with their kids. I don't deserve more child support my children do you ### sucking [censored]. Just because I was stupid with whom I procreated ###, doesn't mean that my kid shouldn't be receiving the support their entitled too. Like many Americans I lost my job, and though I have put out what seems like thousand of applications, I have not gotten another job yet. Both my exs are working, so I think it is time they step up and help out, instead of expect me to raise the kids, and support them.

FYI my parents are proud. I was in an abusive relationship, I got counseling, supported my children, and now have a wonderful boyfriend that is a hundred times better than the other two. Now I am in a stable relationship, and my children are happy. That is what matters. Most of the time, when I went to court it was a waste of time because I was WORKING. My exs would drag me into court to get their child support LOWERED. SO I WOULD LOOSE A DAYS PAY FOR NO REASON.

You must be a dead beat parent by what you what you say. So step up and try actually being a parent. I am not a greedy [censored]. I just think that the child support agencies don't do enough to get custodial parents their child support.You are for being a dead beat good for nothing, waste of space ###, that cannot step up and pay for your kids. Do the world a favor and get your tubes tied, or get snipped. Most of the child support I will get will be after my children are out of the house. WHO DO YOU THINK SUPPORTED THEM [censored], ME THAT IS WHO! It is a waste, because when I needed the money was now when I am not working. The first time in about fifteen years [censored]. Right now, I am far from the only one that is unemployed. FYI it is also the fathers responsibility to support their kids, not just the moms. That is what is wrong with people like you. You just think only one parent should be responsible when two were involved with bring a child into the world. I have done my part, actually I have been mommy and daddy, their souls support, for a majority of my older children's lives. I hate people like you, who thinks just because I complain about a child support agency that I am money hungry. I want during this hard time, to still be able to provide for my children. All my child support goes to buying them the things they need. So let me guess, when my younger son get's braces, I suppose you think I should alone take the responsibility, and that my ex husband shouldn't pay a dime... I hope your dumb ### gets brought down a few pegs.. Your nothing but a judgmental [censored]!~ It must be nice to have never made a mistake in your life! I hope your a women, that has children, and your man leaves you. Than lets see how much your nose is turned up when you are dependent on this broken system!@

Update by slynn1
Aug 08, 2010 7:04 am EDT

Your parents should be proud of you. A judgmental ### that has no sympathy for anyone who made mistakes when they were young and stupid. Someone that thinks that only one parent should support their children. My exs should have helped pay for childcare, but didn't. I wasn't talking about welfare paying child care cost, but the father should help with that! If my friend was watching my kids, providing snacks for them, than what shouldn't the judge allow for my ex, the father of the children, to help pay the expenses. If you don't have to deal with the child support agency, than good for you! While I was working, you stupid ###! It is people like you, that are okay with the way, single parents are treated by the child support system, which by the way is different than welfare. I am not on welfare, I get unemployment, and child support. And right now, millions are in the same boat. How sad for you to have such a cold heart. You and judgmental ### like you are why the child support system is what it is. Which if your stupid ### doesn't know, is different from welfare. I will make this clear to you. The child support agency and judges provide monthly allotments of support ie money, to the custodial parent from the non custodial parent. The child welfare agency is the agency that deals with food stamps, medical, and welfare, or supplemental money for needy families. Just so you understand, I wasn't complaining about child welfare, but child support system.. Which means, I wasn't referring to how unfair it is that some judges wont allow child care to be added into child support. I also wasn't referring to my case, but to anther woman's while I was listening to the ### judge. Which, he seemed to think just like you~

Update by slynn1
Aug 10, 2010 2:08 am EDT

Your a ignorant stupid ###. It must be sad to have such a cold heart. One, my children were in daycare for a year, and I paid the daycare, or my ex husband did. Welfare, my ex boyfriend, didn't pay a dime for their daycare. When my kids were little I didn't get any child support, so what would be the point in going to court to try and get more? I worked nights and weekends usually to avoid leaving my kids withany one other than my family. I eventually found a job I could do at home. Suddenly, daycare problem fixed! Once I worked outside of the home, (and yes I did have a fairly good income, but not enough to support a family of four after I divorced my ex husband.) He never spent a day in daycare at all. I worked weekends, and longer work days, so I could be home with them as much as possible. My older children would pick him up from school, or my dad, or his grandpa, or a trusted family friend.

The last time I went to court, were the judge so kindly gave me fifty extra dollars of child support a month. There was this mother of a two year old girl, that worked two part time jobs to support her daughter. Since the mother lived with her brother and sister in law, and the sister in law stayed home to watch her own children, the judge refused to allot child support to the mother, for child care expenses, because he said that family should watch kids for free. Which is bs... Why would you want to leave your child with a professional child care that you are trusting with your baby, than a family member you know and trust. But again a ### like you can relate to that piece of ### judge.

I love my children, and though I despise my exs, they gave me three beautiful boys. That I raised, and loved, that I am proud of. They all are great kids, and if my exs are stupid like you, and don't understand or care about . It is their loss, not mine. I stepped up, and I did what I had to do to provide for them. I would do it again, because when you hold your baby in your arms, you love them instantly and want the best for them. So, I made mistakes, so have many other women. And many more to come... When your sixteen your stupid, and don't think of the consequences of your actions... Live and learn, and thank goodness that my kids learned from my mistakes.

I hope that you don't have any male children because than you would teach them not to take responsibility for their kids. According to you, I alone am responsible. Well, my kids didn't just spontaneously pop out of my womb, I had some help in that... In the very least they should be held financially responsible for their kids.

Just so you know, your a horrible ###, people like you that thinks that a mom whom advocated for her children is money hungry, that your heart is made of stone and your just ignorant. Obviously, you don't have any kids, or can't because you don't know the difference in child support agency, and the welfare agency. I think if you don't have children God did the world a favor. Your just jealous that I do...

That is sad that you think that it is okay that a mom is forced to work two or three jobs to support her kids. Do you know what happens to kids like that? They end up going down a bad path because nobody is there to raise them. That is why having a good child support system is so important. SO the one RESPONSIBLE parent isn't forced to make choices like that. My ex husband was a selfish jerk, and once our marriage was over, he decided so did his responsiblities to his son. How fair is that? We were married long enough I could have gone after him for spousal support and child support. I only wanted child support, because he has a responsiblity to support his son. This also teaches my children, that if they have children they need to be responsbile. California child support judges, don't have the children's best interest at heart. Many of them are men, that feel more concern for the dead beat father. Here is an easy solution, send there lazy ### to jail, or working in understaffed shelters, cleaning up our freeways of all the trash. Suddenly I bet paying child support, or the stupid games they play to get out of it, ends.

You should be proud to be an ignorant, cold heart, souless ###...

Update by slynn1
Aug 10, 2010 7:48 pm EDT

Your mom must be proud of you cannot even afford a hotel room! That made me laugh. It sounds like life is kicking your stupid ignorant butt. I spelled it correctly because I have spell check on my computer... But it is okay for your old used ### to call me names like [censored]... Which means the same as ###... Maybe next time you have to go out of town, you should use a skanky motel were hos like you use... Who knows, maybe even a used up old [censored] like you can find some action... So what is your medical condition? Aids from sleeping around too much? I wouldn't be surprised... Or maybe you have cancer, and will do the world a favor and die soon... One less judgmental soulless ### nobody is going to miss. It sounds like your financial situation isn't all that well, if your moving into a smaller house... Are getting overdraft charges on from your bank... Maybe your on SSI or disability. Which is the same as welfare! Which I am not on! So your the welfare [censored]! I ### my boyfriend, not many men as you say. I am in a "relationship", which means we are exclusive. I don't need to be ###ed by many men, because one does me just fine. I am sure an ignorant used up [censored] like you would understand that... Have fun tonight with your battery operated man... I am happy with the real thing... FYI my parents were hippies and very affectionate with each other. I would rather have a loving, passionate relationship to show my children, than a cold one.. Sex isn't a taboo subject, and parents should feel comfortable taking to their children about it. You make me laugh... Cannot even bash someone well. You go off about the bad words I use, and than do the same! Your not only a cold soulless ### but a hypocrite! I doubt anyone will come to your funeral, besides your cat! LOL!

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