Well ask the petrol attendant to put in r500 of petrol, he was so friendly but little did I know that this was a face with a plan in action. He was talking to a friend while pretending putting petrol in my thank also because I trust too much and did not note, afterwards I saw my tank does not registering the right level amount than I realized the amount shown on station tank shown r135 the time I heard he putting the petrolpipe in not knowing that he had filled up the guys 5 gallon holder, so he did not trip the meter but just went on filling up, this is an eye opening not to use caltex anymore, I am driving a gold vw golf and it happened at elto caltex kuils river [protected] on 26 09 2022 at16:53 please look on your camera, and its not the first time
Desired outcome: Please looked into it and let me know