Gulshan-e-jamal welfare committee (Registration # dws 3080-k)
C-62 block b, gulshan-e-jamal,
Rashid minhas road, karachi-75350 e-mail: gulshan. Jamal. [protected]
Tel. [protected] cell #[protected]
Sub: water supply bills through kwsb to residents
& handing over water supply system to kwsb by cbf
Dear sir,
We invite your attention to the following correspondence for further action, which is still awaited. Kindly expedite the matter in the public interest:
1. Cbf letter # 14/j/gulshan-e-jamal/genl/2838 dated 18.01.2013, regarding direct issue of water supply bills to the residents of gulshan-e-jamal, karachi and collection thereto on individual basis;
2. Cbf resolution no. Cbr no. 20 dated 20.06.2012 regarding enhancement of water supply bills @ 10% adding to previous water supply rates. (Cbr no. 18 dated 22.10.2012). Further your attention is invited to section 217 (2) & 220 (2) of the cantonment act 1924 and ensure continuous water supply to the residents. Presently most of the areas of gulshan-e-jamal (About 95%) do not get the water supply through pipelines and they are getting water through tankers. Since cantonment board faisal has failed to to perform its duties and functions u/s 116, and also to maintain water supply system for providing drinking water to the residents of gulshan-e-jamal u/s 217, therefore the system should be handed over to kwsb as per sindh government notification dated 23.09.2003.
3. The water supply rates given by you as mention in para (2) above on the basis of the plot size, whereas the water connection is given ½” dia to all categories and delivery of water through pipeline with the specified time with an interval of 12 to 15 days for about half to 1 hours irrespective to size of plot. As a principle the water supply should be 2 hours daily throughout the year. Therefore please charge/calculate the water supply bills according to delivery time/days etc. As such kwsb may be asked to issue water supply bills direct to residents on individual basis accordingly. A list of such consumer is still awaited from your side (Cbf).
4. However, in the meantime, the cbf water supply staff at gulshan-e-jamal should be instructed to prepare a proper and fair distribution water supply schedule to ensure equal distribution of water to all residents. Further too many valves have been installed on the pipeline which hinders proper distribution and the same should be removed.
5. It is felt that kwsb water bills seems to be on higher side therefore, you are requested to kindly give us metered water supply formula in order to check and calculate the accuracy of the kwsb metered water bills etc.
6. Cbf letter # 14/j/gulshan-e-jamal/genl/1733 dated 01.10.2012 and gjwc letter dated 15.01.2013 for holding a joint meeting of provincial ombudsman’s, cbf and rep. Of gjwc with md/kwsb, karachi, which is still awaited. Kindly issue necessary letters to all the concerned parties for holding a joint meeting to resolve the issue of handing over water supply and sewerage system to kwsb in the light of the sindh government notification no. So. Viii/kw&sb/2 (17)/2003 dated 23.09.2003.
7. A copy of the audited balance sheet may also be provided as specified in the cantonment act 1924 u/s 280 (G & i).
8. As already requested, kindly furnish us a copy of the gazette notifications issued by ministry of defence, islamabad as required u/s 60 (2) & 285 (2) of cantonment act 1924, showing schedule of all taxes/charges etc. Without which all charges by cbf are illegal, ineffective and not applicable as well.
An early action will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Engr. M. Anwar arain
Copy to - for info and necessary action please
1 president, alliance of residents welfare associations, a-141, long life bungalows, block 17 gulstan-e-jahour, karachi
2 director, military land & cantonment boards (Karachi region) 252-b sarwar shaheed road, karachi. Tel 021-[protected] fax 021-[protected] e. Mail [protected]
(Sent: ocs no. [protected] dated 12.03.2013) – delivered on 13.03.2013 ocs
3 director general, military land & cantonment boards, m/o defence, pak sectt # 2,
Off muree road, rawalpindi cantt. Tel. [protected]
(Sent: ocs no. [protected] dated 12.03.2013) delivered on 13.03.2013 ocs
4 base commander, paf faisal base, being president of cantonment board faisal, karachi
(Sent: ocs no. [protected] dated 12.03.2013) delivered on 13.03.2013 ocs
5 provincial ombudsman, eobi house, karachi with compliments
6 secretary, ministry of defence, gop, islamabad.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Cantonment Board Faisal violating the Constitution of Pakistan
See below
Article 97 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 (Amended)
97 Article 97 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 (Amended)
97. Extent of executive authority of Federation.
97. Extent of executive authority of Federation. — Subject to the Constitution, the executive authority of the Federation shall extend to the matters with respect to which 1[Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] has power to make laws, including exercise of rights, authority and jurisdiction in and in relation to areas outside Pakistan:
Provided that the said authority shall not, save as expressly provided in the Constitution or in any law made by 1[Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], extend in any Province to a matter with respect to which the Provincial Assembly has also power to make laws.
(note: here Property Tax of Excise & Taxation Department, Govt. of Sindh will apply)
FOURTH SCHEDULE. — Legislative Lists.
50. Taxes on the capital value of the assets, not including taxes 7[****] on immovable property.
7. Section 101(1)(vi) of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 (10 of 2010), omitted the words “on capital gains”, occurring after the word “taxes”, in entry no. 50 of Part 1 of the Federal Legislative List of the Fourth Schedule, (w.e.f. April 19, 2010).
Leading & Latest Cases on 4th Schedule of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973:
P L D 1958 LAHORE 887
P L D 1997 LAHORE 99
P L D 1997 SC 582
2002 SCMR 1694
P L D 2007 SC 133
Interesting to note for every one in CBF Jurisdictions
Mr. President, AOA,
Thank you very much for emailing me very important stuffs regularly.
Please see below a letter submitted by a retired Justice of Sindh High Court to the
Karachi Cantonment Board against Notice U/s. 68 of Act 1924.
Perhaps you may be aware that extent of executive authority of the Federation of Pakistan
is laid down by Article 97 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic as Amended in 2010,
where in the subject of “ Property Tax “ has been omitted from the Entry No. 50 in Fourth
Schedule in the Federal Legislative List.
Reading of the Article 97 and Fourth Schedule in the Federal Legislative List, indicates that
now Parliament ( Majlis -e- Shoora ) has no power to legislate on the subject of Property
Tax, therefore, the Federal Government and or the Karachi Cantonment Board has no
executive powers to impose, assess or recover the property tax from the owner / occupier
of the property.
In view of the above you are requested to obey the Constitution and refrain from taking any
action against the Constitution of Pakistan. On your failure to do so I would left no option
but to seek the remedy from competent Courts of Law entirely at your own risks so as to
cost and consequences.
With Best Regards
S. M. Shakil Akhter
Member - Board of Executive Committee of
Latifi Co operative Housing Society Ltd.,
Section 68 of Cantonment Act 1924
Revision of assessment list
68. Revision of assessment list-
(1) The 1[Executive Officer] shall, at the same time, give public notice of a date, not less than one month thereafter. 2[when the Board will proceed] to consider the valuation and assessments entered in the assessment list, and, in all cases in which any property is for the first time assessed or the assessment is increased, 3[the Executive Officer shall also give] written notice thereof to the owner and to any lessee or occupier of the property.
(2) Any objection to a valuation or assessment shall be made in writing to the 1[Executive Officer] before the date fixed in the notice, and shall state in what respect the valuation or assessment is disputed, and all objections so made shall be recorded in a register to be kept for the purpose by the 1[Executive Officer].
(3) The objections shall be inquired into and investigated, and the persons making them shall be allowed an opportunity of being heard either in person or by authorised agent, by an Assessment Committee appointed by the 4[Board].
(4) The Assessment Committee shall consist of not less than three persons, and, 5[* * *] it shall not be necessary to appoint to the Assessment Committee any member 6[of the Board].
1. Subs. by Act 15 of 1983, sec. 45, for “Board” (w.e.f. [protected]).
2. Subs. by Act 15 of 1983, sec. 45, for “when it will proceed” (w.e.f.[protected]).
3. Subs. by Act 15 of 1983, sec. 45, for “it shall also give” (w.e.f.[protected]).
4. Subs. by Act 24 of 1936, sec. 69 for “Cantonment Authority”.
5. The words “where there is a Board” rep. by Act 24 of 1936, sec. 26.
6. Subs. by Act 25 of 1936, sec. 26, for “thereof”
کنٹونمنٹ بورڈ فیصل پاکستان کے آئین کی خلاف ورزی
ذیل میں ملاحظہ کریں
پاکستان 1973 ء (ترمیم شدہ) کے آئین کے آرٹیکل 97
پاکستان 1973 ء کے آئین کے 97 آرٹیکل 97 (ترمیم شدہ)
97. فیڈریشن کے ایگزیکٹو اتھارٹی کی حد تک.
97. فیڈریشن کے ایگزیکٹو اتھارٹی کی حد تک. - آئین کے تحت رہتے ہوئے، فیڈریشن کے ایگزیکٹو اتھارٹی احترام کے ساتھ معاملات میں توسیع کرے گا جس سے 1 [مجلس شوری (پارلیمنٹ)] میں اور کے سلسلے میں حقوق، اتھارٹی اور ادکارتا کے استعمال سمیت قانون بنانے کی طاقت ہے : پاکستان سے باہر کے علاقوں
انہوں نے کہا کہ اتھارٹی، واضح طور آئین میں یا 1 کی طرف سے بنائی گئی کسی قانون میں فراہم کی کو بچانے کے لئے نہیں ہوگا [مجلس شوری (پارلیمنٹ)]، جو صوبائی اسمبلی بھی طاقت ہے کرنے کے لئے احترام کے ساتھ بات کرنے کے لئے کسی بھی صوبے میں توسیع قوانین بنانے کے لئے.
(نوٹ:. ایکسائز اینڈ ٹیکسیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ، گورنمنٹ یہاں پراپرٹی ٹیکس سندھ کا اطلاق کیا جائے گا)
چوتھی شیڈول. - قانون ساز فہرستیں.
50. نہیں ٹیکس 7 [****] غیر منقولہ جائیداد پر بھی اثاثوں کے دارالحکومت قیمت پر ٹیکس،.
7. آئین کی دفعہ 101 (1) (VI) (اٹھارہویں ترمیم) ایکٹ، [protected] کی 10)، کوئی اندراج میں، لفظ "ٹیکس" کے بعد واقع ہونے، "سرمایہ فائدہ پر" الفاظ مٹا دیئے گئے. چوتھا شیڈول، (عالمی اقتصادی فورم 19 اپریل 2010) وفاقی قانون ساز فہرست کے حصہ 1 کے 50.
پاکستان، 1973 ء کے آئین کے 4th کے شیڈول پر اور تازہ ترین واقعات معروف:
پی ایل ڈی 1958 ء لاہور 887
پاکستان کمپنی لمیٹڈ کی ترقی. . REGISTRAR مشترکہ سرمایہ کمپنیوں کے کراچی اور دوسرے
پی ایل ڈی 1997 ء لاہور 99
MST. ممتاز بیگم MST.WAZIR بیگم
پی ایل ڈی 1997 سپریم کورٹ 582
سیکرٹری M / اے مالیات کے ذریعے میسرز الہی کاٹن ملز لمیٹڈ اور دیگر وفاق پاکستان، اسلام آباد اور 6ORS
2002 SCMR 1694
سیکرٹری کے ذریعے SOCIETE جینرل DE SURVEILLANCES ایس اے پاکستان، وزارت خزانہ، ریونیو ڈویژن، ISB
پی ایل ڈی 2007 سپریم کورٹ 133
صنعتی ترقی کے ذریعے پاکستان سیکرٹری پاکستان فیڈریشن کے بینک، وزارت خزانہ اور او آر ایس
CBF علاقوں میں ہر ایک کے لئے یہ دلچسپ امر
جناب صدر، AOA،
بہت اہم مجھے ای میل کرنے کے لئے بہت بہت شکریہ باقاعدگی stuffs.
سندھ ہائی کورٹ کے ایک ریٹائرڈ جسٹس کی طرف سے پیش ایک خط نیچے ملاحظہ کریں براہ مہربانی
نوٹس کے خلاف کراچی کنٹونمنٹ بورڈ یو / ے. ایکٹ 1924 ء کے 68.
اقتباس: -
شاید آپ کو معلوم ہو سکتا ہے کہ پاکستان کی فیڈریشن کے ایگزیکٹو اتھارٹی کی حد تک
کے طور پر 2010 ء میں ترمیم شدہ اسلامی جمہوریہ کے آئین کے آرٹیکل 97 کی طرف سے مقرر کیا جاتا ہے،
"پراپرٹی ٹیکس" کے موضوع میں چوتھے نمبر میں انٹری نمبر 50 سے لپ کر دیا گیا ہے جہاں
وفاقی قانون ساز فہرست میں شیڈول.
وفاقی قانون ساز فہرست میں آرٹیکل 97 اور چوتھے شیڈول کے پڑھنا، اس طرف اشارہ کرتا ہے
اب پارلیمنٹ (مجلس شوری) کی خاصیت کے موضوع پر قانون بنانے کا اختیار نہیں ہے
ٹیکس، لہذا، وفاقی حکومت اور یا کراچی کنٹونمنٹ بورڈ نہیں ہے
مالک / قابض سے پراپرٹی ٹیکس، مسلط کا جائزہ لینے یا کی وصولی کے لئے انتظامی طاقتوں
جائیداد کی.
مندرجہ بالا کے پیش نظر آپ نے آئین کی اطاعت اور کسی بھی لینے سے گریز کرنے کی درخواست کر رہے ہیں
پاکستان کے آئین کے خلاف کارروائی. ایسا کرنے کے لئے اپنے ناکامی پر تو میں نے کوئی چارہ نہیں چھوڑ گے
لیکن آپ کے اپنے خطرات میں مکمل طور پر قانون کی مجاز عدالتوں سے علاج حاصل کرنے کے طور پر
قیمت اور نتائج.
ڈاؤن لوڈ، اتارنا کے حوالے سے
ایس ایم شکیل اختر
اراکین کی - کی انتظامی کمیٹی کے بورڈ
Latifi کوآپریٹیو ہاؤسنگ سوسائٹی لمیٹڈ،
چھاؤنی ایکٹ 1924 ء کی دفعہ 68
تشخیص کی فہرست پر نظر ثانی
68. تشخیص ترمیمی فہرست
(1) 1 [ایگزیکٹو آفیسر]، ایک ہی وقت میں، اس کے بعد ایک تاریخ کے عوامی نوٹس، کم سے کم ایک ماہ دے گا. 2 تشخیص کی فہرست میں داخل تشخیص اور تعین پر غور کرنے کے [بورڈ آف جاری رہے گی جب]، اور، کسی بھی جائیداد کی تشخیص پہلی بار یا تشخیص کے لئے ہے جس میں تمام معاملات میں 3، اضافہ ہوا ہے [ایگزیکٹو آفیسر بھی دے گا] اس کے مالک اور مال کے کسی بھی پٹاداری یا قابض کو نوٹس ریکارڈ رکھا جائے گا.
(2) ایک اندازہ یا تشخیص کے لئے کوئی اعتراض نوٹس میں مقرر تاریخ سے پہلے 1 [ایگزیکٹو آفیسر] تحریری طور پر کیا جائے گا، اور تشخیص یا تشخیص سے اختلاف کیا جاتا ہے احترام میں ریاست کرے گا، اور تو کی گئی تمام اعتراضات ہوں گے 1 کی طرف سے اس مقصد کے لئے رکھا جانا ایک رجسٹر [ایگزیکٹو آفیسر] میں درج کی گئی.
(3) اعتراضات کی تحقیقات اور چھان بین کی، اور ان کے بنانے افراد 4 [بورڈ] کی طرف سے مقرر ایک اسسمنٹ کمیٹی کی طرف سے، ذاتی طور پر یا مجاز ایجنٹ کی طرف سے یا تو سنا جا رہا ہے کا ایک موقع کی اجازت دی جائے گی کیا جائے گا.
(4) اسسمنٹ کمیٹی کے کم سے کم تین افراد، اور، 5 پر مشتمل ہوں گے [***] یہ کسی بھی رکن 6 [بورڈ آف] اسسمنٹ کمیٹی کو مقرر کرنے کے لئے ضروری نہیں ہو گا.
1. Subs. 1983 کے ایکٹ 15 سیکنڈ کی طرف سے. 45، "بورڈ" (w.e.f. [protected]) کے لئے.
2. Subs. 1983 کے ایکٹ 15 سیکنڈ کی طرف سے. 45، "یہ جاری رہے گی جب" (wef1-10-1983) کے لئے.
3. Subs. 1983 کے ایکٹ 15 سیکنڈ کی طرف سے. 45 کے لئے (wef1-10-1983) "یہ بھی دے گا".
4. Subs. 1936، سیکنڈ کے ایکٹ 24 کی طرف سے. "چھاؤنی اتھارٹی" کے لئے 69.
5. نمائندہ "ایک بورڈ ہے جہاں" کے الفاظ. 1936، سیکنڈ کے ایکٹ 24 کی طرف سے. 26.
6. Subs. 1936، سیکنڈ کے ایکٹ 25 کی طرف سے. "اس" کے لئے 26، # s68
To: Ref. # GJWC/2013/07
Cantonment Executive Officer
Cantonment Board Faisal
Karachi Tel: [protected] Fax: [protected]
TCS # [protected] Delivered and signed by Sina Date: 5th May, 2013
Ref. Your letter no.14/J/Gulshan-e-Jamal/genl/4836 dated 30.04.2013
Dear Sir
With reference to your above referred letter of 30.04.2013 received on 03.05.2013 along with KWSB Water Bill for the month of March, 2013, threatening disconnection of water supply to Gulshan-e-Jamal and also demanding direct payment to KWSB.
2. In this connection, your kindly attention is invited to our following letters to which CBF is still silent:
S.# Date Our Ref. # CBF Dy. # Subject matter / remarks
1 2013.03.01 Received in CBF on 04.03.2013 Payment of water bills. Lists of water connection consumers, both residential and commercial to be provided by CBF in the light of meeting held on 23.01.2013 which are still awaited.
2 2013.03.11 GJWC/2013/03 67429 Water Supply Bills to be issued through KWSB on individual basis for direct payment. CBF is silent.
3 2013.04.07 GJWC/2013/05 68168 Water supply to Gulshan-e-Jamal and direct billing by KWSB to Individual consumers, Reminder # 3. CBF is silent.
4 2013.04.07 GJWC/2013/04 68167 Joint meeting of all stake holders for water supply. Reminder # 2. CBF is silent.
3. The summary of above letters is given below to which CBF reply is still awaited.
1. Update List of water consumers (residential/commercial) connected with Water supply pipeline - Gulshan-e-Jamal;
2. CBF letter to KWSB for issue of water bills directly to individual consumers in Gulshan-e-Jamal, setting aside and waiving off the old water supply arrears of CBF for which no water was supplied by CBF.
3. Either CBF should issue water bills to consumers individually the current metered water supply setting aside and waiving off the old arrears. We will request the consumer for payment.
4. To provide regular water supply to Gulshan-e-Jamal area as already decided in meeting till decision of handing over of water supply system to KWSB.
5. Your letter to KWSB for joint meeting of all stake holders for handing over water supply system to KWSB by CBF
6. Payment of bulk metered Water supply bills by CBF to KWSB since the connection is in the name of CBF as Government supply;
7. CBF should make arrangements for repair/maintenance of water supply pipelines as per KWSB specifications in the light of the joint survey done previously for the purpose of handing over entire water supply & sewerage system to KWSB and also CBF should make payment to KWSB as per their demand for this purpose, since CBF has collected a huge money from Gulshan-e-Jamal;
8. CBF should provide Schedule of various types of Charges/taxes as notified in the Gazette of Pakistan, which is still awaited from CBF in spite of many requests/letters/reminders and CBF has kept public documents as secret.
4. Please note that Welfare Committee is not officially and legally authorized to collect funds/bills from consumers/residents on behalf of CBF or KWSB, therefore it is impossible for the Welfare Committee. Govt. has constituted specific departments, like CBF/KWSB for this purpose. It is requested to issue water bills to individual consumers as stated above. Further the connection is in the name of CBF and not in the name of Welfare Committee; therefore the water supply bill for MARCH 2013 in ORIGINAL is returned herewith for necessary action at your end
5. As per Section 217 of the Cantonment Act, 1924, it is the prime duty of CBF to supply drinking water to Gulshan-e-Jamal. CBF present water supply is only to some blocks with gap of 20 to 25 days for half an hour having a quality of 25 to 30 buckets only, whereas according to rules CBF is responsible for continuous water supply for 02 hours daily without any break.
6. Since the matter of handing over of water supply system by CBF to KWSB is long outstanding and no sincere efforts are being made by CBF in this regard due to this act of CBF the residents are suffering a lot for their basic right of necessity of life.
An early response will be much appreciated.
Yours faithfully
Encl: KWSB Water Bill for March 2013 in ORIGINAL is enclosed/returned for further necessary action at CBF end.
Copy for info and n/a to
1 Director, Military Land & Cantonment Boards (Karachi Region) 252-B Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi. Tel 021-[protected] Fax 021-[protected] e.mail
TCS # [protected] delivered on 07.05.2013 and signed by Mr. Irfan
2 Director General, Military Land & Cantonment Boards, M/o Defence, Pak Sectt # 2,
Off Muree Road, Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel. [protected],
TCS [protected] Delivered on 07.05.2013 and signed by Raheel
3 Base Commander, PAF Faisal Base, being President of Cantonment Board Faisal, Karachi TCS # [protected] Delivered on 07.05.2013 and received/signed by Mr. LDC Nisar
4 Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sind, F-9 Ist Floor, EOBI House, (Ex-Awami markaz), Shah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: 021-[protected]-17
TCS # [protected] delivered on 07.05.2013 and received/signed by Mr. Nadeem
5 MD/KW&SB Karachi for info and n/a for taking ovr water supply system from CBF.;;;;; TCS # [protected] Delivered on 07.05.2013 signed by Hussain
guzarish hai k hamara area ghulshan e iqbal khi lasania restaurant street jamia masjid habiba tun nesa block 10 A .ap ki gari kai deno se safai nahi kar rahi or masjid me namazio ko takleef hoti hai.masjid ke bord tak kachra hai .ap se guzarish hai jald se jald safai karwai.
Dear Sir,
We are resident of KDA Oversees Bungles Gulistan-E-Jouhar Block-N and over block resident N-3 Zubari have three dogs out his home and DOGs bargaining day and night every resident of Block-N is to much disturb and also every child scary from DOGs last time when CBF destroyer DOGS house from Block-N Park and intimate to zubari sahb to move your DOGs from park and kipping in your house inside but resident of N-3 Zubari refuse CBF intimation kindly reslove that issue
Dear Sir,
Block 10 A Ghulshan e Iqbal lasania wali gali plot 1-22 tak makan hain unhone apni madat k tehat apni pipe line khud dali jis ka kharcha 120, 000 laga jo waterboard se compain nahi kia us wakat hamne waterboard se compliant ki hamari nahi soni gai waha ak abadi bani hai jo bokhari shareef ka nam se hai jo map me bi nahi hai in-legal hai waha se kuch log police leke aye or plot 1-22 tak k ghar ki pipe line me se connection lere hai or masjid Habiba un nesa keleye khowa bi khodwaya or waha lari ka bi khatra hai jab ke ham bakadigi se bill ada kar re hai. Engineer Azmat Sab or Anees Sab ye dono involve hai in ko papand keya jai or police mobile wapis bheji jai is wakat waha kafi hangama arai hai or barai merbani is notice ka action leya jai ...
Regard Shams ul Haq Paracha