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CB Religion and Spirituality Christ's Church of the Valley / Dishonest unethical criminal :permits felon fraudster to fleece members
Christ's Church of the Valley /

Christ's Church of the Valley / review: Dishonest unethical criminal :permits felon fraudster to fleece members 41

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11:25 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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CCV ( Senior Pastor and phony "Christian" Dr. Don Wilson and equally phony staffers Scott Chandler and Jon Edmiston, have been notified IN WRITING by me numerous times FOR OVER ONE YEAR that a formal, known, member of CCV church, fraudster, Phoenix lawyer Edward Maldonado, a former Maricopa County prosecutor and current Maricopa County Attorney (who is so unsuccessful that he still seeks private clients (to screw over) on the side through his lawyer ads on the church website, has acted in a highly unethical and in fact CRIMINAL MANNER with me, a former CCV attendee-member (until thiss happened and nobody responsed or cared and I stopped attending). I hired MR MALDONADO after seeing and trusting his church legal rep ad on and Maldonado completely screwed me over in "representing" me. Yes, he demanded money orders upfront before he would start any work, then once he cashed them, he failed to return calls or emails, abandoned my case just before my trial focing me to represent myself in horror(my case was dismissed and I have no criminal record), then in violation of State Bar rules he refused to return any or all the unearned fees he had taken from me after we parted ways, then he wrote me a BAD-NSF check and maliciously mailed it to an incorrect out of state address right before my trial so I would have to spend a thousand bucks to travel to get it to use it to try to find another lawyer, when I finallu received it he had written a BAD-NSF CHECK - WHICH IS A FELONY IN MARICOPA COUNTY AND THEN HE FAILED AND REFUSED TO EVER MAKE HIS BAD NSF-CHECK GOOD WITH THE PENALTIES, FEES AND INTEREST AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW - FOR OVER ONE AND ONE HALF YEARS! AND AFTER TONS OF NOTICES! AND WHEN I SENT MY WRITTEN COMPLAINT AND WARNING TO FAILED PHONY SENIOR PASTOR DON WILSON AND HIS INCOMPETENT LEGAL STAFFERS SO THAT THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN TO OTHER CHURCH MEMBERS, INCLUDING PDF COPIES OF THE EXACT COURT-LEVEL DOCUMENT: A SWORN, NOTARIZED, WITNESSED BANK OF AMERICA AFFIDAVIT PROVING MALDONADO'S BAD-NSF CHECK, ALONG WITH NOTICE THAT HE HAD NEVER MADE THE CHECK GOOD AS REQUIRED BY LAW - WHAT DID THESE PHONY FRAUDSTER CHRISTIAN LEADERS, THESE DELUSIONAL MEN OF GOD DO? - Aaaabsolutely nothing. I received NO response, NO apology that they were sorry that I was screwed over financially due to a fraudster with an ad on the church website. NO offer to take his CCVONLINE.COM ad down and call him in for an explanation OR MEETING TO EXPLAIN HIS SIDE OF THE STORY TO ME THE VICTIM AS IS REQUIRED IN THE BIBLE. No offer to call the police or make him provide restitution as is required in THE BIBLE. Nothing. NADA. ZERO. And this made me absolutely sick not just for myself, but even more for the image and reputation of Christianity. What if this had happened to a non-believer, a non-Christian. They would NEVER become a believer - NEVER set foot in a church again. I thought that if this, CCV, the largest Christian church in the fifth largest metro area in the US is the cutting-edge of Christian leadership in the Church today, we are in deep do0-doo. So - shame, shame, shame on these selfish, fraudster, phony "Christians". I guess they were too busy counting all the tithing and donations and moving it all into some offshore account so they be able to live in absolute luxury after the whole CCV-racket thing crashes. Vile. Makes me want to puke. If you are a Christian you likely know that Christ, the main God-human-face in Christianity, held a special contempt for these exact type of religious people - the phony, fake, two-faced religious leaders of his time - and in fact he called them various things from "brood of vipers" to "whitewashed tombs" - indicating the sickening stench of their phoney pious -perfect outside yet corrupt, rotten, filthy and maggot infested inside - refering of course not to their colons but their hearts. Jesus rebuke of these folks is the one place in all the New Testament where Jesus really, really angry. Anger not for prostitutes, or for the gays, or Nancy Pelosi, or liberals, or peacenicks, but SERIOUS anger for the corrupt, phony two-faced, religious-church leaders. Yes Dr Don Wilson - Jesus had a story tailored just for you! He knew you were coming to screw over the body and he wanted to say something about you 2000+ years early. SO now what? If this story and this failed church leadership sickens you as it has me, you know what to do. Tell a friend that as much as you like the fancy kitchen and food, the expensive flagstone patios, great childcare, hilltop cross, and luxurious setting - your soul is far more important than being seen inside some pretty yet morally bankrupt campus. Vote these evil-dooers out with your feet and head over to another church. Thanks for Speading the Word. GodBless.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Nov 20, 2010 12:19 am EST

Thank God for one godly man with the cajones and 1.5 years of patience to step up and call a spade a spade. What has happened to the Church? Hope you get your money back.

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Nov 20, 2010 12:34 am EST

Perhaps Dr Don Wilson and staffers should spend a little less time at Christian Leadership Conferences and more time as real, actual Christian leaders. Seems to this Christian that the real heart of Christianity is rolling up ones shirt sleeves and helping heal broken relationships and hurting people. And not so much seing how you can squeeze in another book or seminar to ones busy schedule. Is is not clear to anyone here that foresaking a victimized brother or sister to the point that they post a horribly damaging ad out of complete hopelessness and exasperation, aint the fruit of great or even good Church leadership. Dr. Don are you listening?

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Nov 20, 2010 12:48 am EST

So sad. CCV's def got failed leadership and now a person with more that just spiritual emptymess that needs fixing. Theyve caused additional harm. This guy? is a real victim. CCV and Pastor Don specifically, since he failed to even return an email, needs to step in and pay this guy back for his damages for whatever he was ripped off by CCV member Maldonado. Just searched for the lawyer ad referenced and here is the link to the actual ad touting "honesty" - LOL- STILL appearing right this second that the guy who was screwed over by attorney Maldonado refers to:

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Nov 20, 2010 12:51 am EST

Unbelievable! Not what the Church stands for! Fix this CCV!

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Nov 20, 2010 1:09 am EST

I know of this guy Maldonado, he represents kids in court. Now this may sound really noble at first glance, B- U-T, I have a different take on it. He represents poor, indigent, minors notbecause hes got a big heart, as the bad check screwover of a trusting Christian clearly proves, but because poor gang-bangers and ghetto kids KNOW little to NOTHING ABOUT THE LAW, ABOUT THEIR LEGAL RIGHTS OR WHAT CONSTITUTES GOOD LEGAL REPRESENTAION AND SO THEY WILL PROBABLY NEVER FILE A COMPLAINT AGAINST THIS GUY. hE MAY HAVE LOTS OF OTHERS AYT CCV FOOLED ABOUT HIS BIG HEART, BUT NOT ME. I am 100% certain that this is why this ### choose this specific area of law to practice. NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Sounds like the person who Maldonado screwed over was not a kid and knew his rights and is now exposing this gUy in a forum that a 6yr old in jail wouldnt or couldnt.

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Nov 20, 2010 1:19 am EST

That last poster sounds like he nailed Maldonado to the cross.

mike allison
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Nov 20, 2010 4:51 pm EST

I am aware of this guy Maldonado and this case. While this incident is not going to start or stop the world, it is sad and dark and very destructive to the image and reputation of CCV, individual Christians who are actively, diligently and sacrificially sharing their faith with others, and of course, the public image of Christianity collectively. The worst part is that this type of incident, in general terms, is WAY TOO COMMON in the Church today. The irony here, and I would wager a million bucks, is that if this injured party had been ripped-off and he sent a similar complaint email that threatened litigation or online negative publicity after waiting very, VERY patiently for 1.5 years to receive a replaced bad-NSF check, from, oh, lets say . . . the president of (imaginary) XXX EXTREME VIDEO: the WORLDS #1 ADULT VIDEO CORPORATION, he probabaly would have gotten a very prompt and respectful response from that organization (even if they hated the sender) just because it is good PR and good business to protect the image of the company and brand. Why are Christian business leaders so much more stupid and unethical than the most extreme non-Christian equivelants we can offer in comparrison? How can CCV and Pastor Don Wilson be so dum, so hurtfull, so evil, so destructivce, so self-absorbed and so negligent here? Lets face it, 85%+-, of Americans have faith in or belief in some sort in a God/higher power. To move or draw them into the Christian form and expression of that belief requires something different, better and very compelling. Most reading this, I'm gussing, know that "something" to be the way, teachings and sacrificial love of Jesus, and his radical call that we follow suit in his/Gods' countercultural expression of that way in opposition to every selfish, materiaistic, individualistic impulse and desire running through our veins and calling out to us on a second by second basis in this world. And a "way" that the Church and CCV all too often, as evidenced here, do not practice or seriously encourage other to practice. CCV has for years, actively sought and built its brand and foundation on heterosexual, blue collar MEN. It aggressively sought them out, tailored its format to their desires, preferences and interests and encouraged them to sign up and join in, with family in tow, of course, in order to create the maximum body count and tithing bounty. But instead of seriously building disciples and creating true Jesus followers actively practising and living the "way", (actions which by the way, would NOT include screwing over a fellow Christian brother with legal troubles or a mega-church pastor ignoring the victims repeated written pleas for over a year), CCV picked another "way", which includes fully saturating attendees with every sport ever invented, interspersed with lots of EXTREME sports for good measure, including organizing Christian donor cycle riding gangs and Christian gun practice and conceal carry permit courses. Good times! Just this second, in fact, I am picturing a bad-fu*kin ###, fully tatted Jesus on a Harley with his 9mm Glock glistening in his bulging jeans as he roars, balls out, finger pointed, 80 mph down Bell Road. Fraudster lawyer Maldonado rides a street chopper and has a real strong case of "bad-###". Nothing wrong with riding a bike. But the real charachter of Christian man become visible in how honestlt, ethically and compassionately he traets his fellow man. Maldonados grade here: F-. We all know perhaps one of the most well know verses of all time: "you shall reap what you sow". And if the CCV Club Donor Cyle Group rider has been falsly lead and taught by CCV senior pastors, to believe at his church (CCV) that bike riding or shooting a gun with a conceal carry permit or playing pickup BBall night after night, is a key and primary expression of being a Jesus follower, as he and many, no MOST CCV men have been taught either directly or indirectly, then CCV's "way" has reaped a bad-NSF check, screw you - sue me, anti-Jesus, anti-love, anti-compassion church member teaching disaster of truly Biblical proportions.

Scooter Van Neuter
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Mar 16, 2022 6:36 pm EDT

Your rambling, brainless diatribe only makes you out to be an idiot. You obviously know nothing of which you're attempting to address. Put down the bong and find a church.

mike allison
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Nov 20, 2010 4:58 pm EST

Very well said brother. So what do we do know anout felon criminal Maldonado still on the loose with no punishment and ads still running on and the very failed Don WIlson and CCV leadership?

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Nov 21, 2010 8:24 pm EST

Where is the media on this story?

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Nov 21, 2010 11:55 pm EST

The opposite of church leadership

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Nov 24, 2010 8:39 pm EST


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Nov 27, 2010 3:18 pm EST

CCV Pastor Don Wison never even bothered to respond to the victim of his churchs' website fraud. I have personally viewed the emails. Wow-Wee! Now that is a real failure of both leadership and Christ's teachings which call Christians to protect and look after the sick, the poor, the screwed over, the rejected/outcast, the widow and orphan, etc, etc., or as I like to re-paraphrase: the last, the least and the lost. A sad moment for valley Christianity.

chritine arlene
Tempe, US
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Dec 12, 2010 10:24 am EST

I go to ccv and love the church and the pastor. I live in tempe and travel all the way to Glendale for service. Pastor Don Wilson is a great man of God. God uses him to teach his people to be good christians. I don't know what happened with that guy and the attorney. But it is not the responability of the pastor to know everything about everybody. It does not make you a christian because you put an ad on the website. I'm sorry this happened to the person and I will pray that God will touch his heart and give him peace. But it's not pastor Don Wilson's fault this happened. It has nothing to do with him and it is wrong to bad mouth him or ccv.

James Heinz
Peoria, US
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Dec 21, 2010 2:01 am EST

Your issue is with the attorney and your insults to Don Wilson and CCV are without merit. Anyone who attends CCV can post an ad on the site. Sue the attorney and leave GOD, CCV, and Dr. Wilson out of your commentary. If you new anything about Don Wilson and the principals of CCV, you would have dealt with this with the person who took advantage of you. There is the BBB, State Bar, and others you can file a complaint with. You are being divisive in a manner that cannot be pleasing to GOD, and I'm sure you'll pay a price for it. CCV positively impacts thousands of Valley residents and their family's. You might want to consider an apology to Don Wilson and CCV. Thank you. JAH

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Dec 25, 2010 9:13 pm EST

I am a registered member at a Roman Catholic Church near to CCV. I have attended CCV services from time to time - that said; I believe your issue has nothing to do with the Pastor, or the Church itself. Your rant makes as much sense as me complaining about an autobody shop providing poor service to my vehicle. Should I sue or blame the television station where I saw the ad for the shop I took my car too? Of course not. You, as an individual, should research ANYONE that you choose to do business with. Period. That is your own responsibility; not that of the Church, the pastor, staff or anyone that attends services there. You are wrong, and you should NOT bear false witness against others. Which is precisely what you are doing.

BiG Money
BiG Money
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Dec 25, 2010 10:00 pm EST


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Bob F.
Glendale, US
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Jan 27, 2011 1:10 am EST

This is the singularly most disgusting thing I've come across in quite some time - not because of what the leader of your (former) church did or didn't do, but because of your unconscionable attack of him over your personal failed private legal matter.

I've attended CCV many years, and you and I both know this church has never promoted any business person or company to its members. Their only work is to save miserable sinners like yourself, not find people lawyers or get you a refund because you feel like you got a bad deal.

Of course Don didn't reply to you. If your communication with him was half as angry and idiotic as your post here, he not only should have ignored you, but should probably have obtained an Order of Protection against you, too (hopefully the uniformed and plainclothes officers at our church know what you look like).

Calling a man who has devoted his life to caring and helping the downtrodden and is personally responsible for bringing many thousands of men, women, and children to the Lord a "phony" Christian just because he wouldn't somehow punish a member of his flock over your rambling accusations speaks volumes of your character, or rather lack of it, and Don's good sense.

I myself will pray for you, then thank God you're not sitting among us next Sunday.

Robert F.

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Feb 15, 2011 8:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hey mr. scared to use my name and show scripture verses where its the pastors fault for you picking the wrong lawyer. how about research the bbb or bar for a go lawyer, not look at a ad on a church web page that has a discloser the the church is not affilitaed with people the post on the site it a service. so you need to evaulate who you really angree with. check your self for several bad moves. Mona

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Mar 03, 2011 2:38 pm EST

You've all heard one side of a story and then degraded this lawyer. I don't know if he is guilty or not, but I do know that there is no support for this type of insulting in the Bible. (Proverbs 26:17, Matthew 18, Romans 12:17-21). Yo

Ken Hodges
Glendale, US
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Apr 06, 2011 12:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The thing is, that if this guy or gal had a real complaint, he or she would at least put his or her name to it. As far as Mr Maldonaldo, I do not know him. As far as the Church and Pastor Don Wilson and Staff goes, be careful who YOU accuse of not being a Christ following person. The Church is for everyone who wants to be healed, and even the worst of all has a right to come to Christ's Church. CCV is not Don's or anyone elses, It Is GOD'S.
So to me, this person is a coward and is doing Satan's work to try and tear down the Church. They should sign there name to it or everyone should disregard it. Ken Hodges

Dale Lathrop
Peoria, US
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May 29, 2011 9:25 pm EDT

My wife and I love CCV and I think those of you who are complaining may have your own issues you should deal with before trashing such a wonderful organization. My children and thier families have found Christ through CCV. Before you start refering to the Bible as reference to support your complaints maybe you should read it first. It is not your place to pass judgment on others only God . We have a world in turmoil with more important issues we should be focusing on, you might feel better about your situation if you forgive and move forward and work for the lord not against him.

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Sep 10, 2011 2:24 pm EDT

many people take advantage of the church. my sympathy for this brother/sister being fleeced by another believer. it is undeniable that such cheating and accusations hurt the body of Christ. i hope for both sides to find peace and healing at the foot of the cross, where consistency to observe and listen to Dr. Don's life and preaching will also surely guides us there

Glendale, US
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Sep 22, 2011 6:17 pm EDT

OMG! I am a CCV member and after reading this complaint, I must say that I am appalled by this... 'this' being such a subversive and misdirected attempt to somehow associate blame with Pastor Don Wilson and the Church. Your complaint is with your 'former' attorney. But you wish to defame the Pastor as a “phony Christian" and (out of nowhere) accuse the Church of misappropriation of funds (tithes) simply because you (as you claim) were screwed over by this attorney. As a human being… I have absolutely no sympathy for you. But becasuse I am Christian... I will pray for you.

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Sep 26, 2011 1:38 pm EDT

It is kind weird that someone with that background is working in that position at CCV, I am sure Don prayed about it, as did the Elders, before hiring him. Gosh, I am glad for forgiveness. That is really not the point though. It is also even weirder to bash someone, well a whole church really, online like this. It is obvious you are really hurting by this incident... but, to the point you have really sunk to a terrible low. Sorry you are in such a bad place. I hope it all comes together for you so that you can heal and perhaps recant a bit of the blame here... Anger can really take control of a person. It can really bring the worst out so be careful. Don't let it ruin what kind of life God intends for each of us to have! Peace be with you.

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Sep 26, 2011 1:51 pm EDT

One more thing... I have so many friends and family that know I go to CCV and love it- that are not Believers. They are really skeptical of Christianity. If they read this they would be so much further from Christ and would really scoff at me and my church. Please think about this kind of stuff... It is doing more damage than to just this church. Lost sheep are really important to God... please know your anger mission is not helping. Thanks!

Peoria, US
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Oct 19, 2011 4:54 pm EDT

I have attened ccv a few tmes, dont thnk will be returnng anytime soon..some f the staff is racist..I have seen them miss treat this little black girl..I was appalled I watched as the mother tried to report it and no one took her seriouse..also seen her speak with Paster Don and when she walked away he had a look of disregaurd...I feel we are all the same in the inside...and should not be judge by are skin...and how can they sleep at night knowing you have mistreated a Three years old child...THE SAME GOD THAT THEY PRAY TO OVER THERE AT CCV, IS THE SAME GOD THEY'LL HAVE TO ANWSER TOO FOR MISS TREATING CHILDREN OF GOD!HYPOCRITES

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Nov 03, 2011 4:20 pm EDT

The originator of this thread is just as shallow as the attorney he claims bilked him. It's too bad it turned sour but really, shouldn't you pursue the attorney? This public attack on the church and staff leaves more than a hint of the kind of person YOU are. Nothing less than a butt show, true colors, transparent.

Glendale, US
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Nov 16, 2011 4:18 am EST

As a member of CCV, let me just say that we are all not just sheep lining up to agree with the "Status quo". I was taught to question, study, and hold those in leadership accountable. My father was a successful Christian businessman who was also a church elder. He had his share of being cheated by other businessmen who professed to be Christians. He would spend more pursuing those cases because of the damage those individuals do to the public example of Christianity.
With that said, churches are not "museums for saints" - they are "hospitals for sinners" and if there are those who are looking for reasons NOT to become a Christian by focusing on the failures of others...they will find plenty. It is supposed to be between them and God, and if they chose to pr commit to Christianity - they will also fail. However, it is human nature to feel that others' failures are greater than your own.
Regarding this issue put before us: I have a degree in law and I have no opinion on this except to observe the testimony presented here. You have read one side by a very angry individual - one side, people! He is less than objective and reasonable in his demeanor in expressing his issues. Although he professes Christianity, he resents the tithe paid to the church and makes accusations regarding what they do with it, i.e, "off shore accounts" ...hardly reasonable and lucid. He also takes his anger to the body of the church, attempting to discourage others from attending. This is NOT the teaching of the Bible, and by demonstrating his anger in this manner, he is just as guility of failure as a Christian as those he acccuses. The attendees of CCv are adults and not stupid. Their discernment of church leadership is between them and God. This individual needs to leave his computer, get on his knees and practice forgiveness. Then he can consider and decide what legal actions to take against the accused lawyer. Do I practice what I preach? 3 years ago my husband and I were betrayed both personally and financially by a friend and business owner that originally brought my husband to CCV. As this man became successful, he grew to be less of an example of a Christian. We lost a friend and a fair amount of money. We considered legal action, but chose to confront this individual privately and have kept our anger and comments within our own home. ...not taking our anger and gossiping about this within the church. Our largest problem is not the individual that hurt is our anger and we are still working on the process of forgiveness. The majority of the pain we still feel is the damage this man has done by the life he lives and those that were able to validate not going to church because they saw a hypocrite.

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Feb 26, 2012 10:23 pm EST

I read this and it literally makes me sick to my stomach this persons views and feelings towards CCV, Don, and the rest of the staff. After searching for 2 years I was invited to CCV, and have been attending regularly since. This person needs counselling as well. I've spoken with Don on many occasions, met and talked with others on the staff, and have nothing but high regards for the church and their key core beliefs. I'm a PK (preachers kid), my dad is now medically disabled and can no longer preach or pastor (they are different things). Knowing what I know about things going on behind the scenes, and the size of that church let me add my thoughts. Pastor Don is a man seeking God's heart. He probably receives hundreds, if not thousands, of emails and letters a week. His staff probably reads through them and knows where to direct each and every one of them. Don doesn't have the time because of all the things God is leading him to do. The email that was sent by this individual was probably handled by a staff member who may have even tried to help. Or at least clarify that the church is not responsible for what is posted on their classifieds listings. They cannot intervene in every situation where there is a perceived wrong-doing, as they would be not be going about God's work. This individual also reminds me of a friend of my father's, who believes my dad is responsible for fixing everything wrong in her life. And I mean everything that she has done or someone she perceives has slighted her in any way. Unfortunately as a human he can't nor should he, likewise as a pastor he can pray for her, but at a point she has to take resposibility for her own life. I believe the individual who wrote this email should do the same, pray for help and guidance, and stop blaming others for things they have no control over. God will deal with all involved in this situation, let justice AND glory be His and His alone.

R Lucas
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Mar 09, 2012 9:48 pm EST

First what does the CCV free website for attendees have to do with the pastor or any other worker there? The CCV site has a place for a local business to advertise for free. If you have a bad experience why blame the church. Do you think they screen each and every business? Should they take your word for the story over his. Is this even relevant? I think you sound like a freak and I would have ignored you also. Sounds to me like more is at stake then just getting a bad attorney this no name guy sounds mentally unstable and just wants to bad mouth a large church for some reason. I don’t believe him nor care about his problem. I do wander just what he had to go to court for... sounds like maybe he is the dishonest one.
R Lucas

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Mar 21, 2012 9:48 am EDT

Calling someone a freak is not very Christian like R Lucas, it's only antagonizing and adding fuel to the fire and could hurt your biz as well...unfortunately, there are many "weekend warriors" and 2 faced ppl in this world, no matter if they attend church or not... best thing to do is pray for all involved, because in the end, its the Lord who will decide the fate and dole out the punishment.

Caleb Clausing
Phoenix, US
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Mar 26, 2012 11:42 pm EDT

Pastor Don is a good man and a wonderful Christian. You sir are coming across as not a victim, but a whiney baby. I am sorry you feel this way...but you are the reason people don't become Christians...with your hipocrisy and highly one-sided attempt to destroy someone's name...and a place of worship's name for that matter. You honestly should be ashamed. - Caleb Clausing (CCV Member)

Caleb Clausing
Phoenix, US
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Mar 27, 2012 12:02 am EDT

Pastor Don at CCV is a great man and wonderful Christian. It is you I am sorry for! I cannot believe this one-sided load of garbage. I am sorry you are so incredibly childish and blinded by hypocrisy. People such as yourself are the reasons many get turned off by such a loving religion with your hate mail and comments. I am sorry you feel like you were wronged...but you went about this entirely the wrong way. Nobody in their right mind that reads this would ever take your side of this argument because you come across as a true whinny baby. Grow up. Your attempts to blind people with your one-sided roderic is just pathetic. Just stay home and color. CCV has done wonders for this community and has saved many souls. You on the other hand have done nothing but attempt to destroy what is good and should honestly feel ashamed. I will pray for you. I will pray you find Jesus...for you are far from him by your actions. You're words are very cheap. - Caleb P. Clausing (CCV Member)

Goodyear, US
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Jan 04, 2013 5:37 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Grow up! Do your own due diligence and stop blaming the pastor for what is your responsibility.If your marraige doesn't work out, is that the pastors fault too? (assuming you're married) Who peed in your cornflakes? Have alot of us been screwed over by leadership and/or other chrisitians over the years? Yes. That doesn't make you less accountable in regards to be discerning and not trusting just anyone who names the name of Jesus. Judas sat at Jesus's side and you see how that went. Get a life and get over the blame game. It's on you, NOT Pastor Wilson. "work out YOUR OWN salvation with fear and trembling.'s that bitter tasting!?

Troy, US
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Jan 27, 2013 3:10 pm EST

1 Corinthians 6:4-7

New International Version (NIV)

4 Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? 5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 6 But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers!

7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?

Todd A.
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Feb 06, 2013 4:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For all you pundits who have saught to weigh in on a subject that you are neither invlolved in nor familiar with, let me assure you that I am familiar with this Ed Maldonado. Must I remind you that the church is made of sinners- there was but one perfect man who walked this earth, and He died a brutal death. Therefore, as you sit on your high horse and throw darts at multiple individuals who- at the very least have stepped out into the open to proclaim sometihng that they believe in- and, many of whom have spent their enrtire life seeking out needs and fulfilling them in humble service, remember this... Theodore Roosevelt once wrote a poem that starts, "The credit belongs to those who are actualyl in the arena..." if you replace "arena" with church, you will realize that honor comes in having enough audacity, determination, fortitude, and sicipline to notice that they are sinners and to try to do something about that sin. It is not ironic that I read the following verse today: Luke 6:22-23 "what blessing await you when people hare you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. When that happens, be happy! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits for you in heaven. ANd, remember their ancestors treated the ancient prophets the same way".
Why would I take the time to write this email? It's easy, I have been directly influenced by the very same Ed Maldonado that the initial complaint was written about. Though I find it ironic that Ed was likely the only lawyer who agreed to take your case- after you had made your own bad choices to get into the predicatment you were in- and that you now try and look a gift horse in the mouth, I can only type about my experience. I am a father of 4, a husband to a beautiful wife (for the one writer who stated something reduculous about Ed only representing thugs and gang bangers), and I largely make great decisions. However, on this one night, I chose to get behind a wheel and drive a car while being barely over the legal limit. As you can guess, I was pulled over and given a DUI. As you would not predict, I called Ed Maldonado around 1 a.m. (during the process). Not only did he answer his phone, but he stayed awake long enough to describe next steps, what would happem, and where to go from here. Oh, and guess what, he didn't even mention his cost $ until the following day. Furthermore, when he did mention such cost, he simply said stated his rate for such a case, and ended by saying that I could pay him when I got to it- or, in whatever amount I could afford.
Bottom line, those of you who have chosen this as a forum to take target practice and what you have previosuly deemed a group of followers who will roll over and not say anything back, I say to you "we are turning the other cheek (Luke 6:29)".. not as in hit us again, but as the scripture itself was written- to stand up and say "go ahead, I dare you to do it again to someone who sits here, willing to look you in the eye, and let you know the validity of your actions". The church (CCV) is made up of sinners who are imperfect, but who are also have a backbone and are willing to be bold enough to believe in something- in the ONE thing- and proclaim it. Kuddos to you Mr. Ed Maldonado for trying to seek and save the lost. My heart breaks for you in that you had do deal with such a matter. May you learn from this- may it give you but a glimpse of the day that Jesus suffered after having spent a life of nothing but goodwill, servanthood, and humility!
This post has a name: Todd A. And, if you would like to know more about me, please feel free to write, post, or hit me up on either FB or Twitter!

Leonard w jeffery
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Mar 31, 2017 11:18 pm EDT

I think god did not intend us to keep our eyes on men but only on him peter was walking on water till he took his of Jesus he sinked so willl we devil is busy stealing every ones love for each other and and building hatred towards each other I have a problem with this my self impatience but I realize it and asking god for help I think most all churches start off good in the will of god but some times they get out of gods will and start bulinding there own kingdoms not gods Jesus focus was love and souls not building s social clubs or celebrity preachers if any of these men get out of the will of god it is his business to judge not us are job is to pray for them and forgive them and keep are self pure at heart they are still bringing more people to Jesus than most of us if god can use a donkey he can still use them they are only humans and yes sinners only they grace of god any of us is saved if you have a problem find another church don't be a stumbling block for someone they might can I love you and Jesus loves you to keep eyes on he will never let you down and remember we are all being attact by Satan every day he wants us be mad unforgiving so he can take are joy if we would all have the love of Jesus like he did when they crucified him he said for give them they know what they do what a beautiful world we would live no more pain crimes or abuse we would all love oneanothere more than are self wow there is still hope

Tom Achtenberg
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Jul 25, 2018 7:01 pm EDT

The CCV website has not had the classified section for almost 10 years. They also made the statement that they do not endorse any of the advertisers. The whole claim is bogus.

Parker wendy
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Mar 25, 2019 1:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I LOVE CC V of Peoria ! I have been attending for about a year. My specia! Needs child lives Sunday morning.
Every time I have needed help paying bills they have blessed us over and abundantly. This has encouraged me to begin tithing instead of tiping and attending a small group regularly, I am currently looking to get involved to serve and am signed up for starting point in April ! Attending CC V in Peoria has been the best life choice i have ever made and hav e impacted spiritually on all areas of my life 💖 thank you pastor Ashley woldrige and David stone

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Jul 27, 2020 4:31 pm EDT

CCV is much better off with Ashley as head pastor. Don Wilson is/was nothing but a politically motivated GOP evangelist. It was such a shame that he was allowed to breach his falsehoods this past weekend.

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