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JPMorgan Chase Complaints 1443

9:34 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase forbearance

I went through the same BS from june-august they knocked off 233.00 dollarsa month off my normal(687.00) regular payments on the forbearance period finally in august i was done with my 3 months of forbearance they told me to keep paying my forbearance payment for an additional 2 months because 'the are behind'.they said it would take 45 days to complete i also found out the 233.00 a month they knocked off my regular payment on the forebearence period and the next 2 months is added to my balance I was behind on before i got the forebearane that will be about 3900.00 dollars to come up with and get it current if I dont get the loan modification, I think they are drawing this out just to forclose

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Columbus, US
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Oct 01, 2010 7:51 am EDT

This last comment I disagree with strongly. What the pther's said is true, how do I know every bit of it has happened to us
and now that I'm widowed, I have really seen first hand the shady words, deeds and everything else.
My health has really been affected.

God help us all.

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Dec 05, 2009 1:44 pm EST

would it make sense to do a forbearance if we are already applying for the Making Home Affordable Modification Program? The modification paperwork has been with Chase Home Finance since July and it's getting harder and harder to pay the mortgage. My question is ... how exactly does Chase's forbearance program work and would it be beneficial to do a forbearance at this point?

Wesley Chapel, US
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Oct 29, 2009 7:48 pm EDT

Why do the Courts CHOOSE not to listen to the customers? Chase are a tribe of bullies, they lie about everything, and file false docuements. Come on Justice system, open your eyes, why are you ALLOWING this to continue. It makes me sick!. The justice system can and is bought. Shame on America!

Wilmington, US
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Oct 07, 2009 11:01 pm EDT

Your attitude is the exact attitude I have got from almost every Chase employee I have dealt with! We are people that have come on hard times and are jumping through every hoop that Chase throws at us to fight to keep our HOMES! It's not a piece of furniture or a appliance from Walmart we are talking about. It is our HOMES! I have been going through the "modification" process at Chase for over a year. I have faxed everything they have asked for at least 4 times because they keep losing it. I have signed their Forebearnace agreement and followed it to the letter, but was told because they were overwhelmed with these loans, I had to continue with making the astronomically high payments in the Forebearnce agreement until they get around to finishing on their end. No where in the agreement I signed stated that I would have to do this. You want us to be patient with you because you are overwhelmed, but you treat us with disrespect and disgust! You want the government to bail you out cause your on hard economic times, but then turn around and have no compassion for your own customers. Just remember what comes around goes around. The economy will not be like this forever and sooner or later the customers will not be held hostage any longer. It's then that Chase will feel the pain that the rest of us are feeling right now. Our memories are long and we will remember how we were treated when we needed help and it is then that you will see a mass exodus of customers leaving Chase! Hopefully it will be then that you will not have a job and then you won't have to worry about how much you hate Chase customers!

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Oct 07, 2009 12:10 am EDT

hey genius - your investor is behind. if the investor was wanting to foreclose, they wouldnt be wasting their time and money continually offering you help by extending our your forbearance. i love how you guys get assistance, then find SOMETHING to still complain about.

want to know a secret? complete the d*mn forebearance, and you will go into a loan mod! the reason these break and get declined, is bc our customers do not uphold their end of the deal. wait, thats not a secret... THATS PRINTED IN YOUR PAPERWORK!

12:27 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase trying to voluntarily repossess

After I lost my job in June I decided to voluntarily repossess my car. I went through calling countless people just to finally have someone send me out some paperwork for the repossession and after sending it back I kept getting phone calls for another month and a half about late payments. I explained to them that I was trying to voluntarily repossess the car but nobody at Chase or their business partners were making any effort to come pick up the car. Finally I got a call to pick up the car on a Wednesday. The guy on the phone said that he would be there tomorrow at 10 am. Nobody showed or called. I waited again on Friday for half of the day before I had to leave town. Again, nobody showed in the time I was there or called. I've been out of town for 2 weeks now and a friend checking my house said there was a business card with the phone number for an auto repossession business on my door, but no phone call. I finally got a call from an unknown number by some angry lady at Chase named Becky saying that me avoiding them has been unacceptable. To top it off she said that she would have to seek further action, or something of that sort, unless I called back their [protected] number today (a Saturday) by 2:30 pm. Well I called back and their automated machine informed me that they weren't open on a Saturday. Awesome.

This isn't resolved yet. Currently trying to get ahold of someone to resolve this but I guess trying to resolve an issue on the weekend is impossible, however they have no problems contacting me.

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Shelby Pare
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Dec 13, 2018 12:06 pm EST


Cedric Green
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Nov 13, 2017 2:19 pm EST

If you want them to pickup that car just tell them if they don't come today you will call the Auto Pound to come get it cause you're not a Storage Unit. They will be out in an Hour and that car will be gone..GUARANTEED

lakdjfal;, US
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Mar 18, 2010 10:12 pm EDT

I switch jobs while having an auto chase loan and they never called me regarding no full payment had been sent in. I called them since they did not to let them know my situation - the right thing to do. After that they started harassing me for days. Like no calls and then several. If I had not called them first I wonder when they would have. Evenually, I made a verbal agreement I would make double payments each month till I was up today. I was never more than two months behind. I payed one payment on day and planned next pay day to send another. That first payment was on a Monday and they repo my car the following Wednesday night. They wanted my to pay western Union at Walmart on Monday but I told them I only had enough money for the actually payment and that was my right pay through my bank's bill pay. I called her Tuesday to give a reference number and she like we will still possible repo the car. I like you better not cause I just made a payment in faith they'd not repo my car. But they did. I was made but overall I didn't need car payment anymore. I want to make good on the loan since I did make agree to in the contract, but the amount left on it is not adding up. I paid into the loan over 4400 and they sold the car for about 2200 and they said I owed 5700 still. The loan was only like 9800. Even with the interest doesn't make sense. They never added repo charges to my bill nor will they mail out form with all that I paid in, car sold for, interest paid in, and what is left on the loan. They never sent me a letter they were repo it, which is the law and they believe it is their right not to. If I had know they wanted my car I would have delievered it to them right away. I did not need they bad attitudes and unwilling to work with me. They could had the car earlier and saved everyone's time. But instead they fought with me verbally over the phone. I need some legal help on this and I know that they are trying to scam me - they think young adults in their 20's are dumb. They messed with the wrong person I know my rights!

3:52 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase terrible terrible bank

This bank is such a piece of ###.
If you step into any "chase" branches you will notice no one knows wtf they are talking about!
I was constantly getting overdrafted by them, especially since they crossed over from wamu to chase. It got to the point I couldnt use their telephone banking system because it never gave me accurate information and their website is constantly malfunctioning. On top of all this I went into to a branch just to avoid over drafting, I asked the girl what my available balance was she told me 46.00 I asked her if I had anything pending, she said I did but that chase already deducted the amount for the pending transaction. I believed her and took out 32 dollars. Lone and behold I call the next day and check my balance, I am negative 7 dollars. How the ###!
I had to leave my house w an empty tank and drive to the ###ing bank and deposit a 7.00 check from my mother before 4:00 pm just so that I didnt over draft and pay a 35.00 fee. This happens to me atleast 4 times a month!
I ###ing hate this bank. No one in there knows what they are ###in talking about, not the teller, the manager, supervisor, janitor, nobody!. If they dont know whats going on in my account how the ### should i!
And if something is ###ing pending, deduct it from my available balance you stupid ###s what else do I need you for? The least u can do is know my god damn balance!

And you obviously know my balance because u are quick to send me an overdraft fee. You evil ###s.

Which is why I cancelled, which btw took me 4 attempts to do because it took them forever to clear pending transactions. I am so glad I transfered to bank of america they let me get 10 bucks from the atm and pink hello kitty checks :)

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Medford, US
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Jan 13, 2010 11:04 am EST

I have never had a problem with a bank before but now I do. I do not like Chase at all. I use paypal and paypal put a charge on my account of a $2.00 cash advance. This is because I use bing for cashback purchases and one of my purchases was returned but since they put the money in paypal account already, I owed paypal the money. I didn't know that I would be charged as a cash advance as I always use paypal for credit card charges so I authorized the charge. I never every use cash advances. Anyway, Chase charged me a $10 fee for this $2.00 cash advance. I am furious so I call them and I explain the situation that I never charged a cash advance, that paypal never informed me of this. Paypal just emailed me and asked to bill my credit card for the $2.00 so I did. So I asked Chase to remove the $10.00 fee saying that why would anyone ask for a cash advance of $2.00? The customer rep agreed but said she can't remove the fee! I asked to speak to her supervisor and she told me they can't remove it either. Then before I could say another word she said if there isn't anything else have a nice day and I was in the middle of saying there is something else but she hung up! So then I called back because I had a question about another card in which I had paid the full balance of the card minus the return I had done. I always pay my balances in full to avoid finance charges but somehow I was still being charged the interest fee. My former credit card company, Providian, which was taken over by WAMU, which was taken over by Chase, would always remove the fee as a one time curtosey. Well Chase wouldn't remove my finance charge! The rep said even though I paid what I owed technically, I still had to pay the whole balance, including what I returned, to avoid finance charges! What the hell? Who pays for something they don't owe anymore?

Columbia City, US
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Nov 17, 2009 12:58 am EST

I am with ya on the FACT that chase banks blows big big BIG BALLS. here's my story! My card number was stolen on the internet and used to make some online purchases (dating services, online poker...etc). They charged pretty close to about 600 dollars (i had 400 in my checking i know im a poor college kid). they call me the next day and ask if i had made those and i said no and they took care of the charges...or so i thought. 3 months later times were rough and i only had 25 dollars in my account but all was accounted for. I go buy a few groceries about ten dollars worth only three items but they were all at different locations and different transactions. Later that night i check my bank account and my account was in the negative because chase had charged me 30 dollars. Go into the branch the next day and they said they had reversed their decision on one fraud charge and i had 105 dollars of overdraft fees because of yesterdays purchases. I fought and fought with them about how i didn't make a charge that was made online for dating (i'm married!) but they said they weren't sure whom to talk to and they when they make a decision like that it's final. I had to call my mother to send me money because of the banks decision. I cancelled out my checking out with them and they charged my chase credit card a missed payment because they didn't know that i had closed my checking account.

Chase bank is absolutely the worst bank i've ever had. They dont tell you everything that you need to know or have the right to know. They make their money from defrauding hard working people out of their hard earned money. They never know whom you need to talk to and there is always never anything they can do because and i quote "its not the banks fault, we haven't made any errors".

3:22 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase tagged in chexsystems by chase

Chase closed my bank account without notice or any real reason that they could give me causing me to bounce checks. I have now been tagged in ChexSystems for Suspected Fraud. This after someone at Chase told me there was nothing to be concerned about in terms of my credit. I have asked ChexSystems to investigate further, but feel I should also send a letter to Chase. Who do I contact to file a complaint? I'm hoping to avoid having to hire a lawyer to get this resolved.

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Dayton, US
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Sep 26, 2009 7:34 pm EDT

Chase is a really hard bank to deal with when it comes to chexsystems. They also report to EWS. I would contact headquarters/CEO of chase in writing as well as the OCC. Believe it or not, this is a common probelem.

2:55 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase financial devastation

I recieved a phone call from an employee of Chase bank stating I need to have enough money in my checking account to cover my automatic withdrawal for my monthly credit card payment because the bank was raising my pay back rate from 2% to 5% . I asked the employee why Chase bank was going to do this and the reply was "because we can change the rate anytime we want to. Read the fine print". I was financially devastated because the payment would go from $400.00 monthly to approx. $1, 200.00 per month. I explained that I was on a fixed income and again they said "you should have read the fine print". I had been paying on this account for several years and was never late or never missed a payment. They advertize on the radio constantly how caring and how the consumer can count on them, even how they can help you out. Don't be taken in by this SHOW NO MERCY BANK. THIS IS THE KIND OF HELP NO ONE NEEDS!

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Downers Grove, US
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Nov 20, 2009 9:52 pm EST

Chase filed a lien on my mother in law's house, she died, sold the house - tried to pay lien off - they won't answer phone calls. I have called over 20 times in the last week - hired attorney - they won't answer him, either.

I am willing to file a class action law suit against Chase - - write to me - they won't answer my calls or write to me

2:12 pm EDT
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Chase lost a $1, 600 mortgage from me back in July and as of mid September has yet to find it or credit it to my account despite my showing them a cleared check (front and back) showing the money going into their bank and also sending them a bank statement showing the $1, 600 coming out of our acccount. They refuse to give a phone number other then their...

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11:12 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase certificate of deposit (cd)

I was a WAMU customer, but Washington Mutual was taken over by Chase last year.
As a college student, I opened a 12 month CD on 8/28/08.
Before maturity date 8/28/09, I was never given any information about its upcoming maturity and what to do the account. I figured it would go into my related Chase checking account.
I was out of the country during the week it expired, and now on 9/15/09 I realized that it had "auto-renewed" itself.
I had NO idea auto-renewal was even possible since they did not gain my consent.
WAMU never mentioned this, and even when they made the switch, Chase did not re-send me the Terms and Conditions/Fees.
Supposedly there is a 10 day period in which I could have taken out my money without a penalty, but now I am stuck with my ENTIRE life savings (literally, entire life savings) in a CD gaining 0.2% interest.
If I want to withdraw my money, it will cost me $25 + 3% of what I withdraw. The amount would end up being $420 - more than I could earn in interest in any other investment product.
I went to 2 Chase local branches and called the national line, literally begging to minimize the withdrawal fee or "extend" the grace period. They said the system "won't let them" make any changes. One guy told me, "Wow - that early withdrawal fee is huge. Basically, you're screwed."

I will need the money within the next months since I've graduated from college and will be looking to move and rent near a job.
It was a first time mistake, and I had considered myself a very loyal Chase customer.

Chase - I hate you. You have lost a future high-income earner customer.
Thanks for being so manipulative and unwilling to help customers.

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Calabasas, US
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Dec 19, 2009 2:30 pm EST

I have exactly same problem that to be when i was counting each penny for my downpayment. I went to couple of local chase branches and same thing "it auto calulated"... i am WAMU customer from long time have multiple accounts/credit cards...but i feel so pisst off i am planing to move some account to other banks..

Jersey City, US
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Oct 23, 2009 10:41 am EDT

I had the same problem. What is wrong with Chase? Bunch of crooks. Their penalty pretty much wipes out the interest from my CD. And oh they renewed my CD for a whopping 0.2%! This is a disgrace! I am ashamed that i have been a Chase customer. They do not have any sense of customer service.

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Oct 13, 2009 10:46 pm EDT

Chase has now taken the stance that they do not have to notifiy you when the CD has matured and will sock it in a new12/13 month CD for you drawing an outstanding .02%. It cost us a bit of money but we opted to withdraw and put $$$ into a other bank. Just another unbelievable way of taking your money, these days.

Somerville, US
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Oct 02, 2009 5:42 pm EDT

I have the same problem. Chase just take advantage of WAMU customers who don't pay attention to their harsh early withdraw penalty. I would avoid Chase in any way in the future.

7:15 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase scam and lies

I charged my son's wisdom teeth surgery on my WaMu credit card, which hadn't yet been used. When I was reimbursed by my insurance, I went to the bank to deposit the check. I explained to the teller that I was hoping to make a payment on my credit card without having to use the mail or checks, because I am too disorganized and don't always get my mail since three other adults get the mail at my house.

I deposited a round dollar amount to get some cash (under $100) and was told in order to make the credit card payment I would need to 'withdraw' it (the $400 I elected to pay) and she would process the payment in that amount. She was very nice and friendly, going on and on explaining something about how helpful the bank is as far as conveniently paying bills at the teller. I felt as if she was overdoing it--the way people I collect urinalysis samples at the drug treatment center do, when they want to distract me from their attempt to cheat on their UA. But mainly my eyes just glazed over and I wanted to get out of there.

The next month, I made a payment with a male teller, who gave me a large pink receipt. This reminded me of how suspicious I'd felt the last time, because I hadn't gotten anything like that before! I made a mental note to check the bill when I found it. We found it yesterday, when my girlfriend noticed there was a late charge on it! I saw that the first payment had not occurred, the way I'd intended. Now, what do I do? Call the cops? Go to the bank? I don't have any receipt, thanks to the teller. The way it's set up, I made a cash withdrawal, and it looks like I got cash out for Christmas. My bank statement shows the debit card activity I actually did use while shopping.

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Arvada, US
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Oct 01, 2009 8:21 am EDT

My complaint is in regards to JP Morgan's giving no access to any form of customer service, for the Colorado Quest card/ EBT program. I'm suppose to have web access to online services, however their security questions prevent me from logging into the account. My complaint is that there is no way to contact them to reset the security questions. Sure I can call the customer service phone number, but even there, all services are completely automated, without any options for the services I need. It seems they want no contact with anyone one, who has problems with their company. I am so completely frustrated, I wound never recommend this company for any sort business ever!

8:06 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase fees for & over the limit&

The incident belowviolates one of the 400 credit card bill amendments passed earlier this year.

(H.R. 627:Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, Ammendment H.Amdt. 97 ).

Yesterday my credit card was refused at a store.
I called today to find out what the current statement balance was and was told it is over the limit, by $244.29 cents.
I asked (i) how my card had been allowed to accept charges over the credit limit and (ii) if I would be charged fees and interest for this over the limit balance

After disconnecting me twice, going through the ten questions each time, being transferred again and again, these are the replies the credit card manager gave:

* The card allowed charges over the limit to go through so as not to “embarrass”– to my reply that it was refused at a store yesterday, the answer was “we allow a certain amount”

When I said the idea of a credit card limit is so it does not go over the reply was “it was my responsibility to keep track of it”

(Iwas told I can call back once I paid the fee and request a “over the limit block on the card” so it does not happen again!
To my question as to why is there a credit card limit if I am required to put an “over the limit block on it was “I am Chase and this applies to all our cards, I will send you a copy of the written agreement” and that if I went online, I would see all this information on their website, it is there...

First it is wrong for the credit card company to automatically allow the credit card charges to go over the credit limit and second why do I have to go "online" and search through pages and pages for the hidden information on their wrong charges?

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7:34 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase rude, threatening, scam!

I have never had an account with chase auto finance. Their rep is a piece of work and I hope she loses her job, as she has already lost her dignity.

Their collections reps are rude, threatening, and I will be recording future conversations (Along with their harrassing voicemails I have already recorded) and report it to the authorities.

Talk about rude customer service! Since last week, I have received at least 3 extremely threatening calls addressed to my name from their collections department. I have never received any letters from them. I called at least 5 different chase numbers (The main number, customer service, plus various auto finance numbers I keep getting routed t0) , none have a record of an account.

I get a call from them again today and this time actually spoke with their harrassing rep. I explained I don't owe them anything because I never opened an account with them. The only auto loan I had was with another company, which I paid off over 5 years ago. She then starts screaming and called me a liar! She said not to lie to her and that i'm 3 months behind on a payment. I then asked where she's been sending her collections letters. She would not give that out, then demanded my social security number! I told her i'm not giving that out. I tell her to check my home number (Which she is calling) against my home address, because that won't match in her system.

I pulled a new credit report and, hmmmm, nothing listing chase auto finance. I opened up a credit card 2 weeks ago and that credit card is already on my credit report. And the monsters are auto finance are saying i'm 3 months behind, but it's not on my credit report? It's on someone's credit report, but not mine. I told them they got scammed. They're using my name, home number, someone else's address and someone else's social security. Hope they lose their money on this since they dropped the ball. Whoever at the dealership approved this loan was a ###, should have noticed the auto loan didn't match the social security, address, name.

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Dec 06, 2010 3:10 pm EST
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I knew I wasn't the only one...

I don't have a loan with them either - never have.

Philadelphia, US
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Mar 22, 2010 2:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I want to joi a class action against Chase Auto! A year ago they repoed our SUV. To date the SUV is still in our name and the TAG is missing! Chase claims the SUV was damaged and had hi miles our records show that it was taken 2 months prior to Chase documentation. They also sold it for less then a grand, yet the loan is for over 7 grand. No way is this SUV worth only a grand! We were told to wait for the hardship program and we were not offered this program, Chase just took the Auto! They need to be sued that will but a end to their Fraud and illegal business practices! Also Chase never sent us a notice to pay balance on we couldnt even save it..and Chase would not let us sell it!

2:11 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase unfair business practices

Last year Chase bought Washington Mutual; we had 2 credit cards with WaMu that became Chase cards. My husband and I decided not to activate the Chase cards until we had paid off the balance; working to that end we made twice the minimum payment on each card. In July we received a letter from them saying that our accounts had been closed from lack of use.

Three years ago we paid off a Chase credit card and closed it as the interest rate had increased from 11% to 30% even though we had never missed a payment. I was extremely disappointed when Chase bought out WaMu as I had already been the recipient of their usury business practices, but decided to make the best of a less than positive situation (from my perspective) and simply pay off the cards and charge something small every month and pay it off before any interest could accrue. I decided not to close anymore credit card accounts as that produces a negative to my credit score but Chase beat me to it this time.

What steps can I take to 'assist' Chase in realizing how wrong they are to treat their customers this way? Also, is there any possibility that all of us who were treated badly by this company could file a classaction lawsuit to get them to reverse the worst of their crimes?

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Landing, US
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Sep 30, 2009 11:22 am EDT

My husband and I have always paid our bills on time. I am pregnant and I am not working F/T. My husband got "transfer checks" from Chase last week. He hadn't had a balance on the card and the limit was $17k. I used one of the checks to pay off my credit cards and the transfer rate was 0.99%. I deposited into my bank account on 9/25 and it cleared on 9/28. I sent Electronic payments from my bank acct on 9/29 to pay the credit cards that I had so all would be on one card and I would only have to make one payment every month.
Today, 9/30, my bank calls me and tells me CHASE refused to honor the check. I called my husband and HE called Chase to find out WHY? My husband and I both have credit scored in the high 700's. We PAY OUR BILLS.
Chase told my husband "we decided to close your acct today because you haven't used it".
My husband says, well then why did you allow this to GO ONTO MY CARD?
Chase said "it was an error"

I find NO COINCIDENCE at ALL that Chase happened to close my husband's acct IMMEDIATELY after we used one of the checks. So now I have $5k worth of checks going out of my acct that WILL BOUNCE.
Isn't this nice? Isn't it great when people who PAY THEIR bills get the shaft? I have to wonder why they didn't treat delinquent, irresponsible people who CAUSED this "crisis" like this.
I know a person who declared bankruptcy and THEN got a WHOLE bunch of new credit cards, ran them up again and then declared Bankruptcy again!
Maybe that's what we should all do folks... STOP PAYING YOUR BILLS AND DECLARE BANKRUPTCY! It's become apparent that doing the RIGHT THING in this country only gets you punished... that is why people who don't pay their mtgs and bills get so much help! Nice to know when we PAY OUR BILLS we get screwed even more. I WILL BE CLOSING ANY AND EVERY CHASE CARD I HAVE!

St. Paul, US
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Sep 27, 2009 3:53 pm EDT

I agree! It's not fair that the consumer not only gets stuck with the bill but now has to deal with poor credit ratings. How in the world do you explain that one? There needs to be more control, if creditors offer credit to people that really never "qualified" shouldn't the creditor be liable? why am I? I didn't have anything to do with it. Instead, I get stuck and so does every other good person. Now it's nearly impossible to become credit card free with having to pay off creditors bad choices. BTW what's happening to all of the people who defaulted? I wonder...

Miami Beach, US
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Sep 20, 2009 8:52 pm EDT

More people need to come out and address the unscrupulous and unfair behaviors of credit card companies like Chase. The more we all talk to our politicians and report these tactics to government bodies like the FTC, the less they will be inclined to practice them. I too paid off a balance on a Chase credit card that I have had for 4 years. In those for years my interest rate went from 9% to almost 28% with little to no fault of my own. I decided to pay it off and stop paying them more interest than I would pay a loan shark. No sooner that I paid it off that they reduced my credit line by half. Instead of now showing a higher available line that was now completely paid off, I have half the line and now by doing so, they have hurt my credit score by how much credit I have available. Another friend of mine had the same thing done to them except he uses the card for monthly expenses and was paying it off at the end of every month. After the most recent pay off, they cut his credit line in half just a week after he paid it off and unknowingly went over his NEW credit limit by $30.00. They hurt him by now showing less credit available, a card that should have had more than 50% credit line available now showed as maxed and over the credit line. All within a week. This type of practice needs to stop and these banks should not have the power to manipulate consumers as such. When credit has become the end all be all, even the good people who pay on time get hurt. Contact your politicians and scream out to the top of your lungs!

Alcova, US
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Sep 17, 2009 11:24 am EDT

My parents had a Chase credit card It is showing on there credit statement errors when my mom went to fond out what was going on because they have not had this card for years. Chase told her that they had sold the contract to three different bank now they cannt come up with the contract what can we do. We need to get this taken care of and I thought if they could show you the contract you did have to pay the debt but they really do not owe chase.

6:27 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase closing accounts for no reason

I had a credit card with providian bank which was then transferred to wamu... And then chase took over wamu.

I tried to charge $89 yesterday and was embarrassed to find out it was declined. I checked online and was over $1, 000 below my limit and my payment wasn't due yet so I contacted chase.

That's when I found out my account had been cancelled in july! The reason? I was using up too much credit on my credit cards. So even though i'd never ever been late on any credit card nor had I ever gone over my limits on any credit card, chase canceled me.

I looked further online and saw a slew of complaints about this - mostly chase and amex. It's insane - why cancel people who have never missed (Or was late on) a payment?!

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San Jose, US
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Sep 13, 2012 5:03 am EDT
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Our chase checking account was restricted without any notice as well. We had this account for 13 years (started when it was Washington Mutual bank). I was an loyal  customer in every way, direct deposit two pay checks, home mortgage with chase, credit cards, ATM cards and the whole deal. All of the sudden they decided to close my account. When asked why, both by phone and going to their branch, I was told they can not tell me why. I will spread the news on face book sites and all my friends and family that Chase sucks big time.

Patricia Ann Williams
Baton Rouge, US
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Mar 15, 2010 9:33 am EDT

My name is Patricia Ann Willams: I had providian, then wa-mu and now chase. Last year chase closed an account with a credit limit of $10.300.00. This year; I paid the account off ($5005.00). I received a letter last week telling me they were closing another account with a credit limit of $7400.00. I paid both of these accounts off in January of 2010. chase is not making any interest from me; so they closed the accounts. Called chase, but just got a lot of bull... The truth of the matter is my credit score is higher now than when I received these credit cards. Due to the closing of these accounts; I am sure my credit score will plummage. The government implements laws to supposely help the consumers; but in reality it hurts the consumers. Obama doesn't have to buy his own shoe strings and has no ideal what is going on with these credit card companies. What's the point of having credit card companies tell you how much it will cost you if you only pay the minimum. People are out of work and have no health insurance. Its a domino effect: The government come down on the credit card companies and the consumers get the backlash of what the government has done. These credit card companies are ruthless and will probably continue to be so. The government is a lot of talk and that is all.

I am very disappointed; but things will go on as usual(it's all a vicious game) and the consumers suffer. This is just wrong...

Patricia Ann Williams
Baton Rouge, US
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Mar 15, 2010 9:15 am EDT

My name is Patricia Ann Williams: I had providian, then wa-mu and now chase. Last year chase closed an account with a credit limit of $10, 300. This year, I paid the account off($5005) dollars. I received a letter last week telling me they were closing another account with a credit limit of $7400.00. I Paid both of these accounts off in January of 2010. chase is not making any interest from me; so they closed the accounts. Called but got a lot of bull... The truth of the matter is my credit score is higher now than when I received these credit cards. Due to the closing of these accounts; I am sure my credit score will plummage. It's a domino effect: The government implements laws to help the consumer, but in reality it hurts the consumer. Obama don't have to buy his own shoes strings and has no idea what is going on regarding these credit card companies. They are ruthless and will probably continue these unjust practices. I am retired and on disability.
The government is a lot of talk and that's all.
I am very disappointed; but things will go on as usual(it's all a game) and the consumers suffer.
This is just wrong!

4:04 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase questionable banking ethics

We used to bank with wamu until chase bought it out. Chase bank is wwwwaaayyyy too big to be a "people's" bank. We are blown off with every complaint from holding all small checks for sometimes 48 hours to process all large checks through first (Which go through like freight trains) , to holding "pending" deposits of payroll checks that have been deposited to the account for close to 10 years for the reason of, "it's a larger check than usual". (I got a raise for work performance if it's really any of their business). This bank is working under questionable business ethics.

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Fort Worth, US
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Mar 31, 2014 11:03 am EDT
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THAT isn't questionable in my opinion. Most would agree its just theft.

2:43 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase surprise interest rates

Chase took over my account from Washington Mutual. Since the first statement I go my interest rate increase to 25.74%. I call to find out why, all they kept repeating is in six months to call them back. I gave up and just decided to just quickly pay off the card. Second statement a late fee was added on I call to get it remove and why to no avail. I then decided I will pay it off by the fourth month I paid off the credit card. I just got their statement (which I couldn't wait to get to see a zero balance) and it has an interest charge of $59.35. I called again and they would not waive or remove the charge. I ask to speak to a supervisor, she said I am a supervisor. So I requested let me speak to your boss then. I spoke to her boss and got the same answer. I ask for her boss and she gave me the same answer. I ask the last boss, "you mean to tell me with my good credit record you will let me go as a customer for $59.35?") Her response was "I am not saying that you just have to pay the $59.35." Again, I said "waive the unjust finance charges and I will stay with Chase." She said "you are putting words in her mouth, you are responsible for the $59.35." So, again, I repeat you are will to lose me as a loyal customer. I ask for her boss and she said she is the highest I could go. I asked her "'you own this company. She said "no, " I then asked for the name and phone # of the owner and she said I could only have the address on the bill and to send my complaints there. I was so sad that Chase can get away with all this. It is so sad to know that this company here in America can actually get away with these unethical business practice. SO SAD. If anyone has the phone # or address to Chase in Wilmington, owner please email to [protected]

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Walpole, US
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Sep 28, 2009 1:36 am EDT

I just had a similar experience with Chase VISA. My mother just passed and I was in the hospital with her for 6 days straight. I pay my VISA in full mailed it I thought on time but it got there one day past due date. They hit me with Late Fee and Finance Charge I called to say I thought it would arrive on time. They said they couldn't do anything. The following month I get a Finance Charge on the bill I called to ask why since I paid in full and they said I will have a Revolving Finance Charge for a couple of months since I had paid the bill late. I explained that bill was on time and that I had called about prior bill. They said they couldn't do anything. So I said I COULD I will Cancel the card and I will spread the news about the added finance charge even though you pay in full. I work in a hospital so I have informed alot of people already and all of my friends. I cannot believe how POOR their Customer Service is.

6:33 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase mortgage crooks

My husband and I had our mortgage with WaMU. We filed chapter 7 bankruptcy since my husbands business failed and we were paying and over $3000.00 mortgage. We bankrupted our second mortgage, working with a bankruptcy attorney. I went on Chases website, downloaded and filled out a Loan Modification package. After three months of calling and getting no response, I finally got thru to our loan rep. She told me Congratulations that we had qualified for a Trial Payment Plan. We have been faithfully paying our first mortgage of over $2300.00. With their Trial Payment Plan, I was told we had to pay three mortgages of $2100.00 and then if we did that, our mortgage would be reaccessed and modified to fit our current income. Well the 2100.00 was better than the 2300.00 so we thought we were getting somewhere. After three weeks of not receiving any paperwork, I called my loan rep and guess what. She does not work in that dept anymore and I was given a new name. This one likes to email so I stated emailing. Well first I was told that their systems were being updated and she could not help me unitl that was done. In the meantime my husband and I received a notice from Chase that they are suing us for not paying our mortgage for three months. I immediately got on the phone and had my bank (n0t Chase) fax me copies of the cancelled checks. The did and guess what- Chase's stamp is on the back of all three. They have cashed our mortgage payments and our now using our mortgage money to sue us. I faxed the attorneys a letter along with our cancelled checks. Have not heard a word back from them. I emailed our loan mod girl and told her what was going on. She said she knew nothing about the lawsuit and had turned my email over to their legal dept. She also told me our paperwork was with an outside vendor who does their mailing for them and she would have to follow up. What a joke. I advise all AMERICAN'S to boycott this bank. One hand does not know what the other is doing. If we don't come together they are going to rip us off blind, which is what they are already doing.

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Falmouth, US
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Dec 31, 2013 12:34 pm EST

After being ill and getting behind on my mtg, I sent 2 loan mod pkgs to Chase and our "loan rep", if she even existed, would never return any phone calls or emails (in fact, my emails came back "deleted/not read"). After speaking with someone else, Chase claimed they never got the 1st pkg (which took approx 2 days for me to prepare), then a few mo later, they mysteriously found the pkg, but claimed the docs were now too old and I would have to re-do. Guess what, no response on the 2nd pkg either. Even faxed them both Fed Ex receipts. What a scam! Now, they are sending me pkgs to do another one, right. I suspect that all that time and expense on my part to prepare these pkgs went straight into a shredder at Chase. But after reading up on consumer complaints and comments, sounds like I may have dodged a bullet by not getting their "loan mod"! My 2nd & biggest gripe with Chase is that I made (2) house pmts online, and, even though I have a receipt showing when I made the pmts, they were in "suspension" for 9 days before they posted to my acct, so that I had to pay another $57 late fee, even though I made the pmt (5) days before the due date, and was then current. Chase is so unethical and crooked, it wreaks! They teach their "customer service" dept to play dumb when you call. I called (3) times on the same day and asked the same questions, WHY hasn't my pmt been posted and when WILL it be posted? I got (3) completely different answers from ea, just some nonsense about online pmts taking several days to "show up, " something about the pmt was in "suspension" while "verifying funds and pmt amts", and "call back later to see if your pmt posted". What? Why should I have to keep calling them to get my money posted? Why do they even have online pmts? I realized later that I had actually OVERPAID, because they were charging me double late fees and the pmt system online will not let you change it to pay the correct amt, only the amt they have figured. I pay the late fees, but they never come off the acct. Then my stmts say "unapplied funds" and its the amt I've overpaid, but online and on the statement, they don't account for the overpmt. I am current on my loan and should have a credit toward the next pmt, but don't. Meanwhile, they had thousands of dollars of mine riding in limbo somewhere and no one can explain why. Every other bill/bank I pay online shows up that day or a day later. Why does Chase take days or weeks? Now I'm fighting to get my late fees back/credited. Expect anything from Chase. They're greedy one-sided crooks. They will not address issues or problems with the way they do things. One of the most frustrating and backwards cos I've ever dealt with. Everything they do is a lie and a scam. Ridiculous!

Miami, US
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Mar 12, 2013 8:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more offers free Lender background reports and investigations to help stop Mortgage Crooks before they SCREW you and your family.

Your Home and your Mortgage will likely be the largest purchase you will ever make. Its never been more important to be educated on the facts about a lender before its to late. The lender you work with can positively or negatively effect every part of your and your families life forever.

Shenandoah Junction, US
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Feb 04, 2011 6:46 pm EST
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We also went through a "loan modification" program with Chase (after being told by one of their employees that our priorities were in the wrong place as we valued paying the electric and feeding our kids over keeping up on our payments). We were given the trial payments, and when the three months were up had heard nothing. Phone calls lead to being told to continue to make the modified payments until told otherwise. From October until MAY we made these payments, then were told our modification was approved... of course, the payment was the same one we could not afford before the trial period! We had a choice: accept the modification and make the payments, or lose the house. According to their underwriters, my husband's GROSS pay "clearly indicated that we could afford the payment." Sure. If we only eat mac and cheese. Thy are charging us 8.8% interest for a fifteen year refinance. The have several departments in CA and others in CO and none of them know what the others are doing. It's theivery, plain and simple.

Downers Grove, US
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Nov 20, 2009 9:49 pm EST

I agree - had home equity loan on mother in law's house - she died - sold house and can't pay off loan even though there is lien on house - can;t get rid of lien because no one knows how to at Chase - hoired lawyer - he can't even find source of lien -


Want to file a class action suit against Chase and Wamu?

I have called Chase more than 20 times in the past week - robots

Write to me at

Have even called Attorney General's office in Illinois, Ohio, Missouri - NO ONE WILL HELP ME FIND OUT HOW TO GET RID OF LIEN...

4:14 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase late fee

I have recently closed my credit card due to the unsatisfactory service and a late fee accessed on my account which I believe should not have been charged.

I usually make all my payments early and more than the minimum payment amount required. My statement with due date 8-3-09 did not have any disclosure of a payment increase. The statement with due date of 9-3-09 only indicated:

Please note you have a new payment due date that has been
extended to give you more time to pay. The new payment due
date is reflected on this statement. If you prefer to select
a payment due date that better meets your needs,
please call Customer Service.

On 8-10-09 I made my usual budgeted amount of $100 to the account.

On 8-14-09 I sent an email via the secure mail asking why my payment had increased to $127.00 from $52.00 the past month. I was prompted to send this email as I had no notification of such a change to date.

On 9-3-09 I was assessed a late fee of $39.00 for being late, even though I had made the payment on 8-10-09, and no explanation as to why the mailed statement had an increase minimum payment increase.

On 9-5-09 I contacted the credit card 800 number only to received a very blunt explanation of “you were late and I cannot do anything about the late fee.” I found this individual rude and inflexible when trying to present my point. After being told I was “talking in circles” I asked to speak with a supervisor. I was transferred to Sherry J in Springfield, MO. While she was much more professional and I have no complaint other than she indicated that the only way she could refund the late fee was if it was a bank error.

So I closed my account and will continue to close my accounts with Chase at which time I am financially able.

I received no notice of the increased payment amount, if I had an additional $27.00 on 8-10-09 to avoid the $39.late fee charge on 9-3-09 wouldn’t be the issue. I had already made the payment the day after the statement was cut. It wasn’t a matter of money or intentional payment shortage I had already paid the monthly payment. The inability of the bank I have used for many years and have maintained my commitments in a favorable manner---cannot lend itself to refunding a $39.00 fee. If this is what Chase Bank has come to, I’ll find a local bank.

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3:52 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase overcharged greatly

I am an original Washington Mutual customer & Chase bank finds any way they can to charge you fees. They will put a hold on your payroll check if it not a direct deposit, There ATM machines have different cut off times when WaMu was 9pm PST, They run the largest check or debit 1st to get more NSF fees from the consumer, they charge an $12.50 fee if you balance is negative for 5 or more day even negative balance is only the NFS/Banks fees, There online transfer cut off time is 8pm EST when WaMu was 9pm PST & there customer service reps don't know there heads from a hole in the ground, there are reading from a script & the accents are so heavy you can understand them & they are sure of the ATM & online banking cut off times. I have come to this conclusion that Chase wants to use my & your money to make money, but Chase pays the consumer/us with fees for the use of our money. There is something quite wrong with this type of banking relationship.

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Aug 16, 2009 8:09 pm EDT

I found out about the increase in the minimum payment rate from 2% to 5% only just today. Chase told me that they sent a letter in June, but I never received it. On a $20, 000 balance, this is almost a $600 per month increase, which is incredible.

It would have been nice to have received some advance notice. It would have been better to have the minimum payment increased gradually over time. We're now stuck with figuring out where to come up with the additional money after only just having returned from a vacation.

Houston, US
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May 08, 2012 3:38 am EDT
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I woke up this morning with a negative $500.00 because they put my pending charges in a position where it would domino effect and caused me 5 NSFs. If anyone knows of or plans on filing a lawsuit please notify me. I am closing my account and the can kiss my ### about getting there money!

5:50 am EDT
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JPMorgan Chase car loan

Chase auto finance sucks! My husband and I financed a 2006 chrysler 300 in 2005. We got hit with 18% interest. We have been paying since 2005, so it is some ridiculous amount when it finally gets paid off. Well for one my husband had got sick a few times in 2008, so we were late on our payments. Chase literally called us, this is no exageration at least 5 times a day. Everyday. Sundays and holidays. Ok fast foward to last month. My husband works for the state in pa. Starting in june he was told the government was not going to pass the budget in july so the state employees would not be paid. So he was not able to make june's payment. So july he does not get a paycheck. Chase is steady calling... We explained to the lady at chase that we have had the contract since 05. We have been late only 3 times if even that in almost 4 years. My husband explained about the budget thing with the state, she said she would talk to the supervisor. So nothing happened and then one day I asked my husband where he parked the car... It was repossesed!... We were able to get it back for 3 months of back pay. And fees and all that. So $1960 later we are ready to get our car back. Now there is a big run around about where our personal belongings are, and they had to make a key to get in the car... Ha! An extra $225... Hey they could have knocked on our door they could have had a key! So now we owe the auction $225... And we have no idea what happened to our belongings...1 big hassle... Suppose we could not come up with the $1960 they would have sold it at auction! To top it off the value of the car is paid for! We are just paying interest!

Moral of the story: yes it was stupid of us not to have emergency $ but when chase says they are gonna repossess your car take them seriously. And if they don't say they will, they will! I guess they don't want people hiding their cars?

Chase sucks! I can't wait to be out of this contract with this over priced loan and high interest.

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Linda Betts
Cape Coral, US
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Oct 13, 2009 2:51 pm EDT

I just posted my complaint regarding Chase Auto a few minutes ago before noticing that one of this wesites sponsors is "Chase". What kind of scam is this?

12:16 pm EDT
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JPMorgan Chase late fees, customer service terrible, finance charges

From the day chase took over wamu it was a nightmare for me.
On may 27th, 2009 I wrote a letter to chase that went something like this.

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to you on behalf of _in regards to the business credit card account we have with you. It was brought to my attention on friday, may 22nd, 2009 over a phone call that I received that we had missed april's payment and that we had another payment due may26th, 2009. I immediately made a payment over the phone, but had some concerns as to why I never received a statement in the mail or a notification of any kind. The customer service representative was very rude and could not give me any answer.

I went online to look up our account and found that chase had automatically enrolled me in "paperless notification" when they took over my old account I previously had with wamu. I found this very upsetting for several reasons. First, if I was switched to paperless statement, why was I not notified by mail that this was taking place? Second, why was I not notified that I had a payment that was due? And lastly, how can the switch take place without my authorization? I can not make a payment if I am unaware of the payment that is due.

If you look back to our account with wamu you can see I was always on time with my payments. This was not my fault, but the fault of chase for switching me to a paperless statement without authorization and I am requesting that the $39.00 late fee be reversed.

I have updated the account to receive future statements per us mail so this should not be an issue from here on out.



Then the rest of the nightmare continued.

On may 28th, 2009 I decided to cancel my credit card with chase as they had not only charged me a late fee of $39.00, the customer service was downright out rude, the fax number they gave me to send information was incorrect, I talked to 4 different representatives and got 4 different answers, I was told they do not reverse fees, and on top of it all they had also increased my annual percentage rate from 8.99% to 29.99%. Yes that is not a error in my typing.

I paid the card off in full on may 28th, 2009 and wrote a letter that went something like this.

To whom it may concern:

I have paid off this account in full and will no longer be doing business with chase.

Due to the unacceptable rudeness for your customer service representatives, incorrect information on how to fax something to chase, which lead me on a wild goose chase all day, and being switched to paperless statements without my consent, costing me a $39.00 late fee, along with a lot of frustration and most of all my valuable time is the end of doing business with you.

I know credit card companies are into the bullying phase of the credit crunch, but I did not deserve to be treated like that? Your customer service people are so rude it is almost unbelievable. I will make sure to let others I know aware of the way I was treated and in my opinion they should never do business with a chase bank or credit
Card company.

I have requested that this account be closed immediately, please make sure that it is.


In june I received my next months statement thinking that I was free and clear of ever dealing with chase again, now let me remind you I paid the card off on may 28th, 2009 and this statement had a finance charge of $73.04 for the balance due between may 26th payment and may 28th the day I paid it off. $73.04 for 2 days!

I called again and was told there was nothing they could do about it, once again by a very rude customer service representative, so I paid the $73.04 that was due by june 26th, 2009 on june 10th, 2009.

You are not going to believe this, but when I received my july statement my effective annual percentage rate went from the 29.99% to 60.36%. Is this even legal? There was also a $1.00 finance charge included on this statement. I immediately got on the phone again and was disconnected twice before I could even talk to anyone. Once again there is absolutely nothing they can do about the $1.00 finance charge so they told me if I paid it over the phone that would be the last payment I would have to make, so I did make the payment over the phone on july 8th, 2009.

Over done with so I thought. I received my next statement for august and this time there was a $13.95 processing fee for making the $1.00 payment over the phone and another $1.00 finance fee on top of that for a total of $14.95.

I was not going to get off the phone until this was reversed. I spoke to 1o customer representatives before someone finally said he would take care of it for me. I have been checking online and it looks like the charges were taken off, but I have not received my september statement as of yet.

This account was closed as of may 28th, 2009, yet I still have a total credit limit of $5000.00. Will chase ever get it together? No company should be able to do business like this.



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Jun 03, 2016 8:08 am EDT

No April fool's day joke. Very horrendous customer services. The 2 women I spoke to were aggressively rude, wouldn't let me talk and then said I was wrong. *They* kept saying, you aren't letting me talk. They would jump right in before I could explain what I was seeing on my bill and telling me the dates listed on my bill weren't the actual dates. Whatever.

Basically, I sent in a credit card payment (always paid in full and on time) and it appears they tried to put it through on a Sunday, when my credit union is closed. They then charged me a $39 fee for returned payment on the same day they put the check through again and received full payment. This all happened about a week before the payment was actually due.
When I called to find out about it, I was talked to snidely, condescendingly and laughed at. They said they would put me on hold but basically put me on mute and left me there for several minutes. I was talking with my husband about what our credit union account said and the CS person tried to take that info and use it against me. Thing is, the credit union never lists a bounced check or charges us a fee for a bounced check nor did they contact us about a bounced check. All of which they do. We've had it happen before when they've had to take money out of our savings to cover the checking.

I did, finally, get that $39 fee waived. But I worked hard to get that fee removed and was upset and had knots in my stomach by the time I was done. Why couldn't they have just done it when I first called instead of treating me so poorly?
I hung up and called back immediately asking to speak with a supervisor (I did not get one the first time around) and closed the account. She ridiculously said that if I were to re-open the account at a later time it would be based on my credit at the time. I laughed and said that I will NEVER deal with Chase in any circumstances. From reading complaints out here, seems their auto and home financial services are staffed by the same inept pool of hired workers. I wonder if they get points and a bonus based on those points for how rudely they are to people. Amazing. Maybe there is a class, How to Be Rude, 101.

I am actually afraid to deal with them after reading the complaints out here. And I will monitor my credit score (which is excellent) to make sure they don't mess with it.

I've dealt with several other credit card companies in the past and have never been treated so poorly. I also have a Bank of America card which was a back up card and will solely use that one from now on. You should only have one credit card anyway. Easier to keep track of.

Now, in a couple of months, I will request my free credit report to double check they weren't completely evil. I just can't trust my hard earned, excellent credit record to be ruined by people who can't even be nice. If my home mortgage ever gets transferred to them, I will immediately refinance. I can't imagine having to deal with this low level of service on something as important as my house!

Jim in California
Hemet, US
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Nov 11, 2009 10:30 pm EST

Just tonight, November 11 (Veterans Day, and I am a Vietnam veteran) I received a notice from Chase (online--they took over WAMU, where we never had a problem) that I owed over $220, part of it being a $39.00 late fee because they said I made the payment late...(not so, it was two days early)...and they added a finance charge of $66 and some change. My God, how can these people call themselves legitimate businessmen? They had also upped my interest rate to 29.99 percent earlier. How on earth can we even manage to pay with such creeps? Where is the law?

Tomorrow I'm going to call them and try to straighten out the mess, but given that Linda's story sounds plausible and true, I doubt if I get anywhere. I guess a lawsuit may be the answer.

Jim in California

El Paso, US
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Oct 26, 2009 12:33 am EDT


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Jun 03, 2016 8:08 am EDT

I obtained a CHASE credit card through Circuit City, Winston Salem NC, with a 0% interest if account was paid off by 10/29/08 (17 months after account was opened).This was great, I was so excited! My minimum monthly payment was only $10.00. Every month I paid 3-6 times the amount of my monthly minimum with plans to pay off the account before the promotional 0% interest ending date. Well, did I get a real slap in the face when I called on 10/20/08 to pay off my balance of $272.07 and they tell me, "oh, your promotion actually ended 9/04/08 (with NO notice to me) so now you owe $560.85 thats the $272.07 plus 415.20% APR". WTH! So for the last 8 days I have been trying to dispute this and each time I'm told, "Sorry, thats just the way our contract rolls". Yesterday I decided to check them out with the BBB of Delaware, guess what? I found that over 7 thousand complaints have been filed with the BBB of Deleware alone. Today, I get an email from the BBB of DE confirming they have forwarded my complaint to CHASE Headquarters for a resolution, it is now 12PM on the final day of my "0% financing promotion" and I still haven't heard anything. Oh and BTW, I tried to just go ahead and pay the $272.07 and was told it will only be accepted as a "payment" towards the $560.85 "remaining Balance" on an $840.00 purchase, thats been being paid on for the last 17 months. Geezs, if I make it through this with my sanity, "I swear to GOD, I will never do business with CHASE again or anyone or thing thats is affiliated with CHASE BANK.

4:23 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase malicious hidden charges

I applied for a credit card with chase back in 2007. I only used this credit card one time! The amount that I had spent was $180. I did't receive a bill in the mail until about 3 months later and it was $700 dollars. Today I tried to cash a personal check that was written to me by a WAMU customer but now a CHASE customer. They told me that there is a $6 fee for cashing the check. I thought as long as you went to the bank of the person who writes you the check this is free. Why am I being charged a fee because I am not a CHASE customer. Shouldn't this be illegal? DON'T DO BUISNESS WITH CHASE THEY ARE CROOKS!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Northfield, US
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Sep 01, 2009 9:35 pm EDT

If you charged $180 and the bill said you charged $700, then maybe someone at the store where you made the purchase used your card numbers to charge more things.

The first thing to do is to call Chase and file a complaint in writing that you did not make $700 in purchases.

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Sep 01, 2009 5:20 pm EDT

So you didn't pay your credit card bill even though you knew you used it? The check thing sucks, but just go to your own bank and you won't get charged is usually how it works.

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JPMorgan Chase is a global financial services firm offering a range of products including banking, investment, and asset management services. They provide solutions for individuals, small businesses, and large corporations, including checking and savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages, and wealth management advice.
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- Provide detailed information about your experience with JPMorgan Chase. Mention key areas, transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the company's response.

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- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of JPMorgan Chase complaint handling

JPMorgan Chase reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 27, 2006. The latest review J.P. Morgan Investment Services was posted on Feb 24, 2024. The latest complaint mortgage refinance was resolved on Nov 21, 2016. JPMorgan Chase has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 1444 reviews. JPMorgan Chase has resolved 583 complaints.
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