I am the lucky owner of a hot tub bought from a seemingly legit website in California that’s BBB accredited. Supposedly a premium spa as the website portrays from the Island Escape line …called the Orion . But it seems I actually own a SpaKing from China. But I digress…
When I first discussed the order for our hot tub I was mislead to believe that delivery was to be early June before committing to the sale. I was told that if I processed the order right then I could get a tub within 5 weeks instead of waiting the usual processing time... as a shipment was coming in and thus could avoid waiting 5 extra weeks. Since then I've been mislead several times more as to when I would receive my tub. Each time I had to call and ask why my tub was not delivered and each time I was given another date .. June became July became August became Sept ...the most recent time with a delivery estimate of 9/8. Well Sept 9th had come and gone and now I was told a mid Sept date. Not once was I called by the company to be informed of any delays. I had to track down a rep after several tries and no return calls to tell me the status of my order. That should have been my first clue of what was to happen, but I kept thinking I was being unreasonable and to be patient and understanding. I have been more than patient.
Their policy on delivery stated on their website says they "will do the very best but cannot commit to specific deadlines". However there was absolutely no communication with me about delays and I have had to repeatedly contact their support for information. I found this appalling because I was given dates and assured it would arrive. It wasn’t as if I knew this going in.
I purchase nearly everything online and I have never dealt with such negligence
ChooseDirect.com had over $6, 000.00 of my money for several months and I've missed an entire season with my hot tub. I've had retained an electrician for several of the earlier promised delivery dates. The rep I placed the order from did not reply when I asked him direct questions about the delay regarding the way he "won the sale" telling me if I ordered asap I would get the tub with no delay (as I have mentioned above). Excuses abound and have included: they haven't had a chance to call us yet (even though it was almost 3 months after the original missed delivery date).
I called the delivery freight (Allied) used by the company and was met with total understanding on their part. I was told many ChooseDirect.com customers have complained about this situation, they were not the least bit surprised about my gripe.
I believed the company may be a scam based on their incredibly poor customer service. I checked their BBB rating to find it has an A- ... much higher than I thought.) It has since dropped to a B .In searching reviews of this company I found quite a few people who have recently experienced similar situations to mine or worse and who were VERY dissatisfied with their product as well . Perhaps you can see my concerns? I have $6, 343 on a credit card accruing interest since April when the sale was committed. I know that so far this just sounds like a huge inconvenience at worst I realize... But the plot thickens.
Once the product arrived I noticed something’s were missing. It also did not say anything about “Island Escape” or Orion…it was a SpaKing. That was mildly disturbing but it looked nice so we proceeded. I called the company and spoke to an operator who told me I had to contact someone else and to call back. I expressed that I was concerned because I knew the conditions of sale stated that I call immediately if I had a complaint or else they would no longer consider it valid. I thought it odd … how can I test a hot tub until its filled and powered. I was told this was fine and not to worry. I called again, not sure of dates and left a message with an operator. But no return call came. Weeks went buy, I think 2 or 3 before I talked to “Someone”. (Lisa)I mentioned the tub was missing a key feature I ordered custom. Its LED perimeter lighting. (This was one of the bells and whistles reason why I wanted a modern tub to replace our old tub, so not to get it was more than a monetary issue for us) To say the least I was disappointed and now I had this tub delivered and installed and no way get the lighting I paid for and really wanted. I accepted this defeat and moved on. I told Lisa about it and she said shed get back to me on an answer. Again I waited and finally a call back a week + later. She said they would give me back $199 for the lighting. I expressed my disappointment about the lighting and she agreed to give us an extra year warrantee and a years worth of spa chemicals. I accepted having no other recourse.
Well nearly a month later no refund and again I complained to the BBB. Not shockingly, a check arrived less than a week later! Humm. This company plays hardball I see. However even to date, still no spa chemicals. But that’s not even the worst.
Now it gets dicey… We notice that we are having a lot of trouble with the control panel. The manual it came with was very obviously translated from an Asian language to English and thus was very vague, and difficult to follow. (Its not my first hot tub with digital controls, so I know it was not me).
When trying to get help online, I found nothing about my “Island Escape Orion” Spa…it didn’t exist. The booklet said SpaKing on the cover, not Island Escape and when we asked about this Lisa assured us it was the right manual and said they were working on translating it for the future. That doesn’t exactly help me now…
Unhappy still and not sure how to appease this gut feeling that I was being swindled, I turned to the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint. (Complaint Case#[protected])(Contact: Carrie Mosteiro) ( I have since filed another BBB complaint for failure to respond to my request to return the tub - they have not responded).
Since then I still can not control the temperature of the spa, even though its supposed to be an easy task. It can sometimes drop to 70 and sometimes heat itself to 113…(which I might add hurts a more than you’d think when you get in and don’t look at the temp first). I cant even set the temp to 113F if I wanted to, it doesn’t go up nearly that high! Several times the controls have actually just shut the tub off, sometimes it jams up and is unresponsive, and the only way to get it on again is to trip the breaker. To boot, remember I said those error codes don’t match those in booklet.
I am extremely frustrated by this whole experience. I have a $6800.00 spa I feel is crap, sorry. I did some research online about this Choose Direct and found a host of people who have very similar issues and complaints. Id be happy to furnish those links to you if need be, I have many of documented them. I feel rather taken advantage of. I’ve requested a refund both to the company, the BBB and I have contacted American Express, the card I used to order. I have also filed a complaint to the State Consumer Protection Board just recently. If not just for me but also the others who they have ripped off and bullied. Choose Direct is not a bargain site offering high quality products at lower prices as it pretends to be, it is a scam.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Firstly, I was an employee of ChooseDirect.com which is now Directtohomeappliances, LLC. Oh, why is it now Directtohomeappliances, LLC? I'll tell you. No Merchant Service company(credit card processor) will work with Steve Barbarich, because of all the chargebacks ChooseDirect.com receives, because of late and faulty dangerous hot tubs. Steve had to wipe the slate clean, and make a new name for himself. Checks had to mailed in for hot tubs. What online company only takes checks? Checks are GREAT for Steve Barbarich because you cant file a chargeback and he can take his sweet time returning your money if he wants.
Im getting off track, back to the issue on hand. STEVE, ALL YOUR hot tubs are LATE and dangerous. Numerous customers have been burned. I have their names and contact info but I'd like to ask them first before putting their names online.
1. What happens to all the customers who purchased from [protected]? The product is not listed with the California Energy Commission and is not in complaince with title 20. This spa is not certified and inspected in an approved lab in the state of California.
2. This tub is not UL (Underwriters Lab) or ETL approved. A tub MUST have one of these certifications. Do you know what these means? Lets say your home burns down because of this piece of plastic junk you bought, a home inspector comes in and sees your tub is not UL or ETL approved and your not going to see a dime from your insurance company.
Steves rebuttal will be that the 2010 models are ETL approved but let me inform you that the ACC control packs will have the ETL approval but the entire hot tub wont! An ETL approval for an ACC control does not count. Getting laid off has been a relief and I can finally sleep! Customers with non working hot tubs have been waiting on a retrofit for their hot tub for months some maybe a year. When I worked there 2 weeks ago, Steve Barbarich said it would be getting done in March but who knows?
HOT TUB TECHNICIANS-For Steve paying you is not his priority. You are last on this list. Customers who paid techs upfront that are under warranty, I know your still waiting for your reinbursement since the month of November and December. I hope you guys get it this month.
As a customer service rep, I was cursed at by customers, yelled at and was called many nasty names. My old manager caught the worst end of it but believe me, there was nothing more we could do. I want you guys to know, I was just working the best that I could, I pleaded for techs to get paid and for customers to get help. It has always been my intention to help all of you but under the confines of my employer it was IMPOSSIBLE. You cant help someone if the business has no money. I know they got a new credit card processor, maybe now you guys can get what you deserve. I will be blogging daily about my daily experiences at choosedirect.com or Directtohomeappliances LLC. www.choosedirectsucks.wordpress.com
If anyone has questions feel free to ask.
Thank you so much for your posting. I am having difficulty getting a refund from this company. Thankfully I didn't get a product. And I can simply sue for fraud. The customer service people there do seem frazzled when we call and complain. I have yet to curse but am getting close to crossing that line. It seems the play book is to stall stall stall the customer. I was curious as to whether you thought the company was broke. I am afraid a bankruptcy would lessen my chances of getting my money back. I plan to look into filing a lien on something Steve Barbarich owns. Hope you have found a great new job.
I bought a Patio Heather Cover and have NEVER received it. This store is a scam...I have wait for more than 6 months...several calls to them and NEVER got it. If you ever deal with them, GOOD LUCK! If you require more information about it, I have lots of documents here. Please email me at flevy@gmail.com.
i worked there too, and this company is a complete scam!
We were stupid, yes, and paid by check because we fell for the line that the company that made the outdoor kitchen accepted checks only. Thought that was fishy, but one guy called and called pressuring me at work, etc about completing the order--that they were already working on the kitchen, etc, so, sent the check for $4200--still nothing!
I have a problem with the spa that was sold by Direct to Home Appliances. It arrived {my God!) 2 months after I paid for it - instead of 2 weeks as was promised. It worked for a month and then the control panel stop functioning and the spa developed a leak. I was promised to get the control panel replacement in "2 weeks" and no words who going to pay for the repairs. It was 2 months ago. Since then I was unable to get in touch with anybody in the company.
I have hired a lawyer, I am currently working with the US Attorney General's Office on this and also the FBI we are filing suit. I don't know if it will matter, but I'm doing all I can. I do believe in Karma, and I KNOW what goes around comes around.
I agree with all of the comments above! I got scammed out of nearly $3000.00 dollars for outdoor kitchen appliances. BBB approved...not anymore! Company had an A- rating when I bought from them! Now they tell me they are gonna give me a refund...but in monthly installments...I'll believe it when I see it! I hope the federal government is finally catching up to these crooks! I also hope that Todd Loguidance and Lisa Roundtree Fitzpatrick go down with Steve Barbarich because they were the ones running the scam for him!
I ordered a tub from them almost a year ago and still have not gotten it. They no longer return my emails or calls.
As a former employee at Choose Direct also known as Direct to Home Appliances I am upset to read what has been said about the innocent ones that stuck it out trying to make a living and now have been trashed by unhappy customers that want to blame anyone and everyone that they came in contact with. I know first-hand that Lisa Roundtree-Fitzpatrick, the Customer Service Director worked herself into the ground sticking up for customers and going to bat. She is dedicated and loyal to customer service. What she did was more than appreciated by all of the company. She took over calls that no one wanted to deal with. Ms. Roundtree-Fitzpatrick made every attempt possible to get products delivered and refunds sent even though the fact is that her BOSS was not being entirely upfront with her regarding the financial situation and real delivery schedules. She played the cards that were dealt to her and did a hell of a job under the circumstances. Hopefully others will come up front and clear her name from this scandal...