Christen Ager-Hanssen is an aggressive, violent and hostile human being. He is a failed businessman, who had an internet business in the 90s that went bankrupt after he cheated all his investors. He later stole money from the national pension fund of Sweden for another business in internet which all led to bankruptcy. He is a cheat, a fraudster and best thing to do from my experience is stay away. I feel bad from my friends at Johnston press, where I had worked his involvement their is unhelpful to say the very least. He is corrupt and uses people. He is a bully and harasses people at the work place.
Christen Ager-Hanssen is a vile human being!
Christen Ager-Hanssen is a PIG found his email online
He is a cheat and bankrupt and has history of cheating and stealing
He is a piece of sh-t in his personal life too. He cheats on his long time Norwegian girlfriend Jenny with a Swedish gold digger named Caroline Häller, with whom he has a kid.