We attempted for the last 4 months to communicate, by phone with Citizens Public Adjusters of Bensalem PA (Jerome J. Sacco Sr; President) regarding our dissatisfaction with their company's service. Each time we have received the run around, blatantly ignored and when I finally received a call back by Manager Jay Massuco I made a meeting and was stood up. In the spring of 2010 I contacted Citizens Public Adjusters because we had a leak in our kitchen that destroyed all of our floors and rugs and leaked down to our basement. I wasn�t sure if we should just go directly to the insurance company or go through an adjuster, I was assured by Dean they would collect money for the floors, rug and basement ceiling. All of which never came true. I had to do a lot of leg work with the insurance company and once the insurance company agreed to pay, Citizens with out our knowledge agreed on the amount of which would only cover the flooring of the kitchen not the carpets or the ceiling of the basement. I contacted Citizens several times about our concerns. When I finally spoke to IGO I was told he didn�t know what to tell me. I would have to go after the insurance company. Which I did and they informed me I would have to go back to Citizens, when I did I left several messages for Igo and then called there main office to leave messages for Roxanne. We didn't hear from them after that for about 2-3 weeks. Finally in the end of October 2010, I finally got a call back from Jay Massuco. apologizing for everything and asked me to get quotes and give a call back on Monday and he and I would handle, in which I did and was told he would call me back. This proceeded for another two weeks. My last call to Renee told me that Roxanne couldn�t come to the phone as she was sick, but I had to make a meeting with Jay. I mentioned there unprofessionalism and I should report this to the BBB, two minutes later Jay called me on his personal Phone number. He then scheduled an appointment with me at 5:30 on November 15th at 5:30. I left work early to meet Jay in which he was a � NO SHOW�. I called after he was 10 min. late and didn�t get an answer, attempted again 10 min later and was hung up on twice. I finally left a message that evening on Jay Voice Mail. The following day I called Jay to follow up and left another message asking for him to return my call. Wednesday I received a call from his secretary stating that Jay said he never made an appointment with me, but if I wanted one he would be glad to offer me one. I have been given the run around on this company from the start; I have had to do a lot of the leg work for this claim. And now they have stood me up. There customer service is horrible; I will never work with this company again. And I am asking that the 30% once agreed to be cut down to 15% as they did nothing.
BUYER BEWARE.. Don't use this company there sales man says anything to get you in the door and the rest of the company DOES NOTHING..
I agree. This company promises a lot when they first come home. You will always lose. They don't deserve the 30% they ask for. Please don't pay them more than 10% which is the standard. Better yet, avoid them and never fall for their dirty tactics. When you are in an agony, they will get everything signed by you, and you don't even bother what you are signing on, as you are promised 1000's of dollar. They will never even contact you and you and your agony simply keeps increasing.
I have never seen such unprofessional people in my life.
Wow I am actually surprised to hear this. I saw this blog about 5 days after I signed with citizens and I thought let me see what happens... The insurance company came to my house with my adjuster Mike Macintire and he really worked for me. The insurance company tried to only pay for part of my damages and mike got them to pay for the whole thing. My claim went from 5k to 35k, just with one meeting then he got another 5k with a few of the letters he sent. In total I received 40k for my claim and the insurance co. Only wanted to give me 5k. They charged me 25% but that was well worth it. I even went to 3 of the large companies and 2 of them wanted to charge my 35%. I think as far as the above comments are concerned you guys must have caught them on a bad day or a bad adjuster. I have recommended 2 people to mike and Bob Davis and they done nothin but great jobs.
I had a horrible experience with this company also. They charge and astronomical rate 33% and they did nothing except forge checks from my insurance company(yes they signed my name) for money allocated to my contractor! They never returned my calls about the issue, its been 6 months without contact and without any money to actually fix the damange to my home. Please dont use this company..check out rates for other adjusters (going rate is about 10%).
Will NEVER deal with this company again. Follow up, non existent. You do your own legwork, what are you paying them for? BEWARE of this place!
I have used Citizens 2x now for 2x large losses that I have had in my home. Both times their adjusters hit a home run for me! My insurance company was offering me peanuts for the amount of damage I had! If it weren't for Citizens I would have been screwed! They are well worth the percent they charge! And it's my understanding that different claims warrant different percentages! I believe I was treated very fare with the rate they charged me.
I have personally met with Jerome Sacco (the owner), and in my entire life I have never come across a more professional and generous person. Class act!
I have highly recommended Citizens to many family and friends. all of which used this company, all of which are very happy with their work and their outcome of dollar amounts they have gotten back.
I can see how some people may be bothered with the lack of communication. But this is with any company. Have you ever called into comcast or peco about an issue! good luck getting through to them! Not saying that this makes it right, but the bottom line is...as long as the end result is in my favor, I am good! Just be patient and good things will come from it!
On behalf of myself, and the countless family & friends that CItizens Public Adjusters has helped...THANK YOU!
I believe this must be Citizens writing their own false review. Quite simply, why would a reputable, business, who hopes to get more business FORGE signatures on checks. They falsely endorsed not one, but 2 checks dealing with our claim. Of course they haven't responded with an explanation yet. But they don't need too. As I said in the beginning no reputable business would do that. Only a crooked one. Stay away from Citizens.
Citizens Public Adjusters are in it just for your money. They are just ambulance chasers. They approach you at your most vulnerable moment and make all these promises and then you wont hear from them until you chase them down. You do all your own legwork and they just want your checks. A legitimate company will wait for your call. Bottom line: DO NOT USE CITIZENS!
Citizens Public Adjuster's who signed those contracts to collect my insurance checks? In addition, why where checks signed without my authorization and deposited into your escrow account? I never hired nor authorized you to conduct any work on my property nor deposit checks on my behalf. Where is the proof?
DO NOT use this co.they are issuing checks to clients and the banks are returning the checks stamped insufficent funds. kiss your insurance payment goodbye as this co is going through financial difficulties
their checks are no good, make sure you get cash, that's if they did not spend it
anyone for a class action suit against them?
Good PAN Shorince commissioner is investigating them now I am also reported them to the Atty. Gen.'s office. It is above the DA level should you not even go to the courthouse with the DNA it is past that point. I am owed $111, 000 of contents money and I got a letter stating I'm sorry we don't have your money and we don't know when we will have it. And that's it. The only reason they can get their hands on building funds was because my mortgage company was on it and they couldn't do it think about it thank God. They sign checks without our authorizations and without PO ways which are power of attorney's and legal documents to be able to do that. One adjuster said well I had your check for a while and I asked you to come pick it up. And I said to him I don't care if I had it there for year and a day it does not give you the right to spend my money that's like saying if you leave money on your friends coffee table it's okay for your friend To steal and use it! The insurance commissioner tell me I can get nothing some or all they're liquidating whatever assets this owner has and will not tell what assets he has so I have no clue about how I am going to furnish my home. I would suggest that everybody called her insurance companies and make sure that email that you got is correct. What they do is take the insurance checks deposit them keep what they want and then tell you some stories and give you the rest! Supposedly according to their attorney they over 50 clients morning in the sum of $800, 000 how is this allowed to happen? Why were people not warned! Now I have to sue them for the money, punitive damages, suffering, legal fees, insurance fraud and intent to defraud. I have to sue to get my own money! I don't know how class-action suits work but I know the insurance commissioners taking reports and maybe we can all come together and find out how we can do this because they were already being investigated before they took my money so obviously I'm not the only one. My child is traumatized her parents have passed away and we lost are whole house and all contents! According to the adjuster he is owed his 10% as well! I heard the complete opposite. From what I understand my letter states sorry we have missed managed funds. But yet they could calculate 10% to the workers do you think I really believe that? They pay off anybody who refers people to them with your own money. They sign your checks and keep some for themselves. And they do steering which means they hire people they know and then they're all crooks together and make cake all your money and work together and it is almost impossible to fight them all! They will lie, they will deny and they will tell you anything. Run as fast as you can if they show up at your fire or damage at your home. You will be sorry. Look at my story I have a letter to prove it and no way to put things back in my home. How Is it possible that the check in my file was removed signed drove to the bank deposited and then used. And then they give me a letter saying sorry we missed managed it, know what they did is deliberately. I would not even give them a dollar claim and a penny from it. Take a look at what my daughter wrote compared to what I just told you. I cried I do not know how to tell her that when our house is done what we have to sit on to eat with two where do you hang up to do? Please see the attached letter she gave me for Christmas and I hope this company reads this because this is what you've done to families that I lost all and already devastated and down and on top of it all you ruin their lives more please pisses around and let everybody know and make this company go out of business they should not have the right to conduct any more business. Yanni any questions call me at 215–237 –6362 maybe we can converse about finding out about a class-action suit if anybody knows an attorney and some of vice on how we would get this started. Thank you there is one problem they are not FDIC insured so if they go out of business nobody will back them up. See the attached
For all of those who are victims, I STRONGLY encourage you to contact the PA Attorney General Office/ Insurance Fraud Unit
For all victims: Please contact PA District Attorneys Office/ Insurance Fraud Unit ASAP.
Jamal b. Why? what can they do? Get me a check tomorrow? Meaning the pa ins comm. Why do you recommend for us to do that? I'm curious why and how it will help us?
Mike d v do you work for Citizens or something? How can you be okay and look at all the rest of us who paid you to write that?
Jennabear, I dont know a Jamal. But if you are addressing me Jahmal, then I can respond to your question. First of all, I am not an attorney, advisor, nor counselor. I was just sharing some information with victims that may can resolve their problem. Due your own due diligence. I will not and cannot answer your concerns.
Here is some information that may help. Class Action lawsuits are often filed where the injury is too small to be pursued by a single plaintiff. Victims may get very little benefit.
You might consider seeking an attorney who handles insurance fraud and bad faith to file an individual lawsuit. You must take action immediately.
Using Google you can find that Sacco has a nice home at 117 Tatham Road, Bensalem, PA. That home is now for sale. You can see the photos in the realtor listings.
Google search for: sacco license surrendered. The results show a PDF file date stamped 2014 Dec – 5 with consent order. There is another result for New Jersey.
Correction...her pets past away meaning my daughters! I was speak texting and it did not properly write and transcribe, I hope consumers get the story I am trying to say anyway! So sad and then they lie to the ins. Comm. That they owe you less to keep what they want, they cannot possibly be able to continue to do this! The owners house is worth 750, 000 on trulia so if he sells that he should be able to pay people back! Hopefully and a commercial building to sell too! What's taking so long? Obviously they need to do something because they caused many problems when families like ours lost all in a fire! I'm sorry, but this is the lowest scam you can ever do! I wish I never met them EVER!
All of you who have been a victim by citizens...Sue the s*** out of them!..You will win!..I did and dont believe that you cant!..They scam people and dont care!..They take advantage of people at a vulnerable state and it sickens my stomach that this company is still in business but hopefully not for long because theyre being investigated for fraud!
I am sooo with all of you!
My home burnt down on June 2014. Citizens Public Adjusters are the biggest liars! They showed my insurance company a list of contents that wasn't even mine. I also got sued by CPR restoration. They are in bed together. They stated that they were storing stuff of mine. My home was a TOTAL loss. They won partially. To date, I have NEVER received anything. Citizens exhausted so much money from me as well. I am totally on ANY type of suit. I just don't know what can be done.