Clare I want to tel you some things that your ou vriendin Danielle Vermaas did to Lauren Fine! Danielle couldnt stand Lauren. She hated her. Danielle spent a hole year chasing after Laurens boyfriend and he wasnt interested in her! He felt sorry for Danielle and tried to help her. The poor little orphen girl is what he called her. He felt sorry for her becuase she was ashamed of her mother and her father had no money and had to move in with her and her brother so Colin tried to help them. But that wasnt enough for Danielle and she couldnt understand why he didnt want to go out with her. Danielle hated it when Lauren and Colin started dating. She used to stalk Lauren on Facebook al the time and she kept wanting to know why Lauren was so special that Colin wanted to date her but he wouldnt date Danielle! Danielle lied to Lauren and told her that Colin had cheated on her but he hadnt! She did that to punnish Colin for not dating her! There was a problem though becuase she couldnt let Lauren and Colin talk and discover the lie so she told lauren that Colin was stalking her. Danielle would have got away with it but then Laurens mother told Colin what Danielle was doing so Danielle tried to get a restraining order against Colin to make him look like a bad man so that Lauren wouldnt speak to him! When the Noseweek story came out Danielle was very scared that Lauren would talk to Colin so she used to phone her and she told lauren that she didnt try to get the restraining order for the sms messages but actually for the phone calls. This was a lie but she didnt want Lauren to speak to Colin. Danielle wil never allow them to speak becuase she doesnt want Lauren to no that she lied to her! The mail that Lauren was getting was Danielles handiwork! They used Farmers Weekly becuase they were her aunts copies and the week after the Noseweek story came out she was on her aunts farm! The vultures were from the story that Colin had in the newspaper. You can see the article on his facebook photos! Danielle wanted lauren to get the court to find him guilty of sending the letters and then she would phone her mother and they would send more letters and then the court would have the police arrest him! When lauren couldnt get the court to find him guilty she told her mother to stop sending the letters and she phoned lauren and told her that it must have been Colin sending the letters! Danielle said that Lauren was stupid so she would tell people that she had to go to court to make Colin stop sending the letters and that would mean that Noseweek got the story wrong and that she was right to make Danielle get a restraining order against him! Danielle took Colin away from Lauren becuase it was a funny game to her!