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Ameraco, Inc.

Ameraco, Inc. review: Fraud and scam 68

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9:11 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I work for this company for a long time and it was difficult for me to sale this program over the phone (495.00), knowing that it was a fraud!

please do not invest your money in this program...


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Brooklyn, US
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Feb 02, 2009 9:16 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

According to the Better Business Bureau this company have a A+ rating so how could this company be a scam. Maybe this company was not a good fit for you which may have caused your displeasure.

apollo, US
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Mar 04, 2009 8:11 pm EST

Why would Ronny state that Ameraco is a fraud when he was involved with them for "a long time". Sounds like he is out to not want anybody else to get involved with them. Confussed here, he is with them for as long time, but calls them a fraud.

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Mar 10, 2009 8:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought the system 2 years ago, and to date have made over 450 K.
This person, who by the way, can not even spell correctly is exactly why all this scam bloggers need to take into mind that:

If you work hard and want to make money, this is the best program

If you want to be supported by professional people, this is the best company

If you listen and read these blogs all day, you are never going to make any money...end of story

Their material is worth alone the price of the program. In face, I was refunded my 495.00 after I made my first sale.

McKeesport, US
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Mar 29, 2009 2:10 pm EDT

Anyone who made a deal with ameraco its time to put up or shut up about this company. I bought the system and have yet to get any of my properties picked up. If anyone did it and it work i'll go half on deal with you. email me at
i see no one is respond it must fraud like everyone say it is. no one wants to help me out. who ever did it and can back it up email me my email address is above here is my phone number also [protected]

Titusville, US
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May 04, 2009 5:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am personal friends with some of the Ameraco employees and I personally have seen some of the deals. Pacman 569 ? Oh my Gosh. The stories and tapes they have on file for you are amazing. If you talk to homeowners the way you speak to the Ameraco team, it's amazing you get anywhere in life. And as far as the former employee...He got fired so he's a little bitter. Ameraco is a small family working together to help you make money. If they were a scam, do you think they would continually answer your phone calls. The support line takes calls all day. Sometimes you get a call within a half hour and
sometimes it is 24 hours but they ALWAYS answer your calls. They try very hard to make you succeed. But most of it is up to you. Bottom line...No effort...No willingness to learn...No money to be made

Miami, US
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May 12, 2009 3:39 pm EDT


Titusville, US
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May 12, 2009 5:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That's okay, they have nothing to hide. Some of the lacators though, should be very concerned. They have all kinds of documentation on threats from locators as well as locators threatening homeowners. I guess it's time to fire up the coffee pot...

McKeesport, US
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May 13, 2009 12:41 am EDT

I have try and try to make it work with Ameraco. I believed what the company said. I have placed many houses with them. They told me they have no say over the investors. when I do find a house and i tell them I have a support system in ameraco well people hang up on me stating that it is a fraud. dont tell me this is not true it is. I have been dealing with this sinces Nov2008 i am a bounty hunter I told Shawn and donna the samething on the phone I know the laws very well.
Like I said before if u have done a deal with ameraco what house is it and we will go from there and maybe do a deal together and i'll try this company one more time.

Tulip, US
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May 15, 2009 1:32 am EDT

Diane? You are "personal friends with some of the employees"? "Documentation on threats from locators"? Are you serious?!

You would think someone truly knowledgeable would offer a more professional response. Looks like pacman569 was simply asking for any successful "locator" to volunteer a success story. Your reaction leads me to believe he has a good point.

McKeesport, US
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May 15, 2009 6:54 pm EDT

Im still waiting for someone to show they have done and nothing. If anyone out there see this and has done a deal with Ameraco and it has worked let me know here is my email address Another Ameraco has no right to show you any kind of documentation. You are not an employee unless you are one and are lieing about it. I spent 495.00 a program that I have not gotten anything in return.

Miami, US
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May 22, 2009 1:53 pm EDT

If you want to hear what people are saying about "ameraco"..go to "/link removed/; and put in "ameraco".

Miami, US
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Jun 01, 2009 12:25 pm EDT


Miami, US
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Jun 01, 2009 12:35 pm EDT

Ameraco works around the fact that they have over 10, 000 investors to buy these properties (30% below market value). THEY DO NOT ! I would highly suggest that you do not waste your money ... 495.00 . You can do what you want but I'm warning right now...DON'T DO IT !

Orlando, US
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Jun 01, 2009 12:52 pm EDT

I'd like to look at your deals. Or, maybe you'd be interested in one of mine. Get in touch with me at shortsalefundinggroup dot com. We are REAL experts, REAL investors. Let's talk.

Miami, US
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Jun 03, 2009 4:31 pm EDT

I am so upset by this company...I know that the BBB has several complaints on them. I also found out that the STATE ATTORNEY OFFICE in florida is checking into there business...YEA! They have SCAM alot of people out of 495.00. Someone said it right by saying it's a PIPE DREAM ! They want you to find properties (30% below market value) and they supposely have over 10, 000 investors to buy them...RIGHT ! I have submitted a number of properties that met there requirements and not ONE investor has contacted me...NOT ONE !

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Jun 09, 2009 11:55 pm EDT

This is to Tony, I'm someone who recently contacted Ameraco to join, have you actually uilized the Investor Database to contact them and got no response? How long has it been that you have not heard anything from an investor from inquiring a property?

Miami, US
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Jun 10, 2009 9:22 am EDT

This is to "Monica" from Tony...There is NO investors database...Once you submit a property to "Ameraco"..They send out a form through e-mail to a few so call "Investors" in that state...Once these so call "Investors" look at this form and are interested...they will contact you...Unfort. 99% of the will not hear from them. You can call there "support team" but they will only "sugar coat" the problem...they will also suggest that you find your own investor...WHY should you..supposely they have over 10, 000 of them...RIGHT ! When it comes to your might never hear anything...this program is VERY STRESSFUL !

Titusville, US
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Jun 10, 2009 9:38 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There is a database of investors. You submit a property on line (for timely review). The deal goes out to every Investor in your state, any Investor who has requested property in your state and their internal guild of Investors. Support is there to make sure your deals go through as a GLA. There are 4 steps in the program. "Suggesting" that you follow step 4 ( seeing if you can find ADDITIONAL Investors) is a completion of the steps. I beleive what they say about this is... "DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP - There are likely additional local investors that would love to know about your deal that are NOT in our network. So, at this point, you should refer to pages 111-115 (step 4) of your training manual and continue to shop your deal to more investors. Remember, the more investors you have looking at your deal, the greater the likelihood your deal will be picked up and the greater the percentage of commission as well...If you people spent as much time trying to be successful as you do writing these blogs, you might not be so "stressed out"

Tulip, US
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Jun 10, 2009 11:31 am EDT

Interesting. "Diane" has posted here several times. Initially, she? was a "personal friend" of Ameraco employees with knowledge of confidential records and "tapes". Apparently, "Diane" is now an employee of the company as evidenced by her use of possessive pronouns in her most recent post ("our network"). Not the best PR job. My suggestion is that you move "Step 4" to "Step 1", skip the rest, and save your $495. Anyone else wondering what "Diane's" REAL name is?

Titusville, US
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Jun 10, 2009 11:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was quoting exactly what they sent me as a response to my deal.

McKeesport, US
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Jun 13, 2009 6:56 pm EDT

I was able to get my money back from Ameraco. I filled a complaint with the BBB and I got my money back. I feel much better now that I got my money returned. I dont feel anyone should join the ameraco group it is lies. They have you think you will make all kinds of money its nothing more than just a pipe dream. I had to learn from my own mistake. People dont waste your 495.00 on this program.

Miami, US
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Jun 15, 2009 8:32 am EDT

Interesting as well..."watchdog" you made some very good observation about this "diane". She went from being a "personal friend" to a apparent employee. A employee that is trying to save her fraudulent company from sinking! I wouldn't TRUST anything she would have to say. I do agree with "watchdog" by saving your money (495.00). What is "diane" real name? Come clean "diane"...Were here to help you...Don't let this company overcome you ! I know your hurting inside...let it go ! "Ameraco" is being investigated by the STATE ATTORNEY's only a matter of time before this company will no longer exist !

Miami, US
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Jun 15, 2009 8:50 am EDT

YEA! for "pacman569" I'm so glad that you got your money back from this fraudulent company "Ameraco". I'm so sorry for the STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE that you had to go through. I wish more people like yourself would notify the BBB and demand a refund ! The best thing you said and what alot of other people are saying about this company..."IT'S NOTHING MORE THAN A PIPE DREAM" I wish you the very best...

McKeesport, US
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Jun 15, 2009 9:37 am EDT

Tony it was overnight after i contacted the BBB that i had my money back. Plus I had my lawyer also contact them. I went into this 50-50. I didnt know it was gonna be fraud I had a feeling it was but I was willing to give it my best shot.

Titusville, US
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Jun 15, 2009 10:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ameraco taught Dan and his wife how to locate property. It's that simple. They are people who didn't want to listen to get the help they needed to better their deals. It was either their way or no way. This letter from an "attorney" is nothing more than a threat from them. I'm sure attorneys use spell check.

To Whom It May Concern:
My Client Daniel Miller is sueing you for his money back and damage stress.
You progam doesnt work. It is all lies. I am filling the law suit on Friday June 5, 2009 at 9:00A.M. My client has giving you enough time to return his $495.00 and you are refussing to you return it. So his last option is to sue you. You have until Wednesday Morning to answer this. You should just return my clients money to him and I will not have to go any farther with this suit. My client feels that you lie about saying you have 10, 000 plus investors. I have had many people look into this system and we have all came up with the samething it doesnt work you are the only ones making money. You are stealing money from people and getting away with it. As of today you will no longer get away with this. The news station in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania will be contacting you company about fraud. I would take this matter to heart and give my client his money back. Your rating on the BBB is lies. I dont know how you got that rating. I have also contact the Attorney General here in Pittsburgh PA
Thank You,
Mathew Noodlman

Tulip, US
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Jun 15, 2009 12:27 pm EDT

HOW REVEALING! I stand amazed at Diane's latest post! What more do you need to know? We now know that this company allows client information to be distributed to non-employees and "personal friends". How is "Diane" able to gain access to personal files? Is this how this company operates? I'm not sure if Mr. Miller had a valid lawsuit prior to this, but I believe he does now, and I would be willing to represent him (yes, I occasionally use spell check).

Titusville, US
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Jun 15, 2009 12:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As Dr. Linda said in her previous blog,
If you listen and read these blogs all day, you are never going to make any money...end of story

Their material is worth alone the price of the program. In face, I was refunded my 495.00 after I made my first sale.

Titusville, US
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Jun 15, 2009 12:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
People who post messages in chat rooms, online forums and blogs can be held liable for invasion of privacy or for making defamatory statements, which are damaging, false statements of fact.

Tulip, US
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Jun 15, 2009 12:56 pm EDT


Tulip, US
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Jun 15, 2009 1:00 pm EDT

By the way, do Dr's. also use spell check? When you pretend to be "Dr. Linda" next time, maybe you should have the boss proofread your comment. How many people are you anyway?

Titusville, US
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Jun 15, 2009 1:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Maybe thats a good point. You can be as many people as would like or say whatever you would like and people buy into it, that doesn't make it true. If I go to the hairdresser and get a bad haircut and color (not because they cut it bad or colored it bad), it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, I could go on any blog site and trash that hairdresser. I am not Dr. Linda. I copy and pasted what she wrote and she misspelled nothing.

McKeesport, US
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Jun 15, 2009 1:37 pm EDT

Diane, u have no reason to be looking at personal files if u dont work for the company so that means u will be in the lawsuit also. So Ameraco better watch what they do enough people are gonna sue them. I am just glad I was able to get my money back from Ameraco. People dont join this company they lie. Pipe dreams is all u'll end up with. Glad I found it out the hard way.

Titusville, US
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Jun 15, 2009 1:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I really wish people could see Dan, that your deals were horrible and nobody in their right mind would invest in them. Actually, they could get posted, all they would need to do is take out your personal information. The only pipe dreams you create are your own Mr. Miller

orlando, US
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Aug 17, 2009 9:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


McKeesport, US
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Aug 31, 2009 1:17 pm EDT

You better quit stop the slender on me or im filing a law suit against you and ameraco. I'll get more money out of this company and you. For you running your mouth on here. NO one is going to believe what they company is lieing about. If you want a job that bad i can hire you to tell the truth and no lie to people. Thank god I learn the hard way. I never believed anything this company stated. But I knew I could get my money back and I did. So Im happy about that. So just shut up about me right now 8-31-09 if i come back in here and your saying stuff about me Im hand all this information to my lawyer. he already has a copy now. I want you to say your sorry on here for the whole world to see how big of a liar you are. Stop trying to save Ameraco its not working anyways.

Titusville, US
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Aug 31, 2009 4:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Do you even read where it says "Please check text spelling before submitting a comment"?
I better stop "slendering" you? WHAT? You say, "NO one is going to believe what they company is lieing about" WHAT? Perhaps this is why the program wouldn't work for you. Is this how you talk to homeowners? You say, i can hire you to tell the truth and no lie to people." WHAT? You say, " I never believed anything this company stated" Do you always give money to things you don't believe in? I doubt that.
You also say "So just shut up about me right now 8-31-09 if i come back in here and your saying stuff about me Im hand all this information to my lawyer." ONCE AGAIN, WHAT? I think this blog is a good example of why the program wouldn't work for you. I really don't have to say anything. The blogs written about you, on this site, are nothing but the truth. Perhaps that's why you are getting so aggravated.

McKeesport, US
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Aug 31, 2009 5:07 pm EDT

You dont go and say stuff Mam I dont know who the heck you are. I never heard of you for Ameraco. I try Ameraco believing what they say. Biggest mistake ever. Shawn told me on the phone when we talked he told me you need to get your own investors and I said in quote than why did i pay 495.00 to you guys if i need my own investors. and he turned it around like this company is so known to do.
Im telling you for the last time quit saying you are going to put my information on this website from the company or my lawyer is drawing up a lawsuit on you and Ameraco Im sure Ameraco is going to love that. The way you keep runing off at the mouth on here mam. Im calling Shawn myself and having him get on you about being on here writing stuff about people. This is a free country. I can state my fact about this company that I know from trying the stupid lies of this program there is nothing wrong with that. I know the fact you dont you. What you know is lies from Ameraco.

Titusville, US
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Aug 31, 2009 6:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have so much more to say, but I'm tired. Gonna go eat dinner, I'll deal with you later...Have a great evening.

Titusville, US
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Sep 01, 2009 10:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ameraco NEVER tells you to find your own Investors (unless you are doing a deal that is out of the scope of the program). I am stating fact and truth. You say, " This is a free country. I can state my fact about this company that I know from trying the stupid lies of this program there is nothing wrong with that ". You are absolutely right Dan, this IS a free country, and I too can tell the facts. The difference between me and you? I can back my facts up. We are not to be held responsible for your st... and ign... I am done trading comments with you. Let me ask you Dan, how many pipe dreams have you had?

Ortley Beach, US
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Sep 03, 2009 9:40 pm EDT

Your childish rant on here, grammatically speaking, is worlds better than Mr. Miller's blogs. But, the way you have treated this guy has made my decision to not spend 495.00 with your company. I have flipped over 50 properties in NJ, Md. and Fla. since 1991, all while owning a hotel, 2 restaurants, an auto repair business, and am currently starting a contracting/remodeling business for other investors and homeowners (website once completed is here in Ortley Beach, NJ. I was online looking for fellow investors to invest on a large commercial property that I had found. The second reason besides your attitude toward Mr. Miller-your 10k investors don't fund commercial deals? What is that about? Most investors I know go where there is money involved, and don't and wouldn't limit themselves to just "residential deals". I called and could tell things were just not right. If anyone reading this has any questions about real estate investing, or if you think you have located a really good deal, feel free to email me at
Diane, I do agree with you on one of your blogs...that there are plenty of whiners out there. They're called liberal democrats. If you think health care is expensive now, wait til it's free! I'm also on and facebook.
Tom Fittin

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