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CB Apartments Rentals Review of Mabaso Lodge - Sodwana KZN
Mabaso Lodge - Sodwana KZN

Mabaso Lodge - Sodwana KZN review: Accomodation 7

Author of the review
1:25 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

We were exited to go on holiday to a beach that we've never been before...Sodwana. My Boyfriends mother searched the web to find a suitable resort for our stay. she found a "resort" that looked great and very promising! pictures showed it being a short walk from the beach, (the pictures mysteriously changed on the website recently), Houses looking equipt with everything you need. the directions say that you will be welcomed by a "Beautifull mabaso lodge entrance" we were shocked to find a rusty old automated gate, which we waited in front of for quite a while after our exhausting trip, after that came more dissapointment...during our stay we experienced 4 burgalaries (luckily not our place) where all the valubles, money video camera's, digital camera's, 4-wheelers & much more where stolen. the pool was filthy and untidy and the chairs around the pool were infested by black widow spiders and scorpions. it was extremely hot & irratent at this so called lodge, the swimming pool was almost the same heat of the temerature during the day! The so called villa we were supposed to stay in looked like a shack! disgusting bugs were crawling all over the place with just a piece of net covering the windows. the tv was such a piece of junk that was so small it wasnt even worth watching! the the disgusting old 17th century vinyl was tearing off the dirty cement floors, there is also absolutly no privacy inside, the rooms are divided with pieces of rotting bamboo with an opening on the top and bottom of about 1 meter. everything was falling apart! it looked like they got the furniture from a dumpster! It was old, outdated and just plain gross! the rag that they call a carpet was tearing apart and it was a breeding ground for filthy little bugs! the villa's are nothing like on the pictures! there is barely any fans or lights. they also said on the web site that the lodge security was "relativly" good? i didnt even see one guard! they did have electric fencing...that ofcourse DID NOT WORK! it was a vacation from hell! i would've rather loved to stay a home! you couldnt even walk barefoot between the villa's...there are scorpions & snakes everywhere! the entertainment they claimed to have was a joke! a 100 year old pool table? come on! not even the bedding matched! it's not quite welcoming to see a green pillow here then a brown one there with a completly different duvet it was pathetic! the guy that runs the lodge is a total scam artist and the Maids he claims to have is his 13 year old daughter coming to collect your laundry to wash it herself! (isn't that called child labour?) we were totally disgusted with the place, oh and they left one tiny little detail out of the website! that the main beach is 20km away! (that you have to pay to go to by the way) the next beach is 80km away! thank goodness we had a 4x4 otherwise we wouldve been stranded! you cant drive anywhere without one, dirt roads are filled with ditches and potholes that a hippo could fit into!
The spar is utterly disgusting! i took one step in the door and ran for my life! it reeked of rotten stuff! they had old & rotting meat festering with flies on the shelves, people pushing and shoving you out of the way, products well over months of their experation date and the sevice was a disgrace! even the trafic department was more drunk than the vacationers! I would never turn away a child asking for a few rands, but they swarm you there constantly begging for money! hitting, spitting and biting eachother to get in from of you it was shocking to see...there are no other shops to buy everyday things either! our vacation cost R17 000! i wouldnt even want it for free if i had the chance! that place will never see me ever again! (by the way..the whole website has been changed & edited) please dont fall for the same scam and waste all your hard earned holiday savings! take this complaint well into consideration!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Satisfied Mabaso Lodge visitor
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Jul 02, 2011 4:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I must comment on this post! We've visited Mabaso Lodge 5 times for the last 2 years now and the website was always the same and still is, nothing's changed! The pictures on the site I've seen is to show you the surrounding areas because Sodwana has the most beautifull beaches and Game Reserves me and my family has ever seen! There is NO lodge or resort in Sodwana that you can walk out of your house and on to the beach, trust me I did check because that is what we also would like! I think on the site on the first page it says clearly that Mabaso Lodge is 18km from Sodwana beach main entrance, me and my husband has checked it, it is only 15km! We were renting two units last December holiday for 10 nights and had no problems what so ever! I can't even recall a break-in there was one incident with quad bikes but it was the guests that were locked up by metro police because they were drunk while driving on the main road to Sodwana that is not allowed, the owner then went to the police to check if they can't get the son of the guest out of jail! People visiting Sodwana must remember that it is a very hot place and the owners of the lodges and camps are not to blame for that it is nature! The swimming pool water was hot but not like outside temperature the owner oftens opened the cold borehole water if there is plenty people in the pool! We've enjoyed the pool all the guest were playing volley ball togheter it was really nice! And the pot holes... the whole of South Africa is full of potholes? To come back to Mabaso Lodge, it is only Johan, his wife and two daugters ( one 18 and the other I think 26) working at the lodge and the service was always very nice and friendly! The security is very good, the one morning at 4:00 am my husband left to go deep sea fishing and the guards were there to check out the noise and they even helped to hook the boat trailer! My husband also left his boat at Mabaso Lodge untill the next holiday so we don't have to pull it all the way from Sandton to Mabaso Lodge and the boat was very secure there! The December holiday that we were having holiday at Mabaso Lodge there was also a family from Germany and the German told me at one of the spitbraai's at the lodge that it was their third December holiday in a row visiting Mabaso Lodge and they will return every December and won't miss new year's spitbraai! We are very happy with the accommodation at Mabaso Lodge and is for sure the cheapest in Sodwana area and worth it! Me and my family can't wait for holidays to come to go and visit Mabaso Lodge! Remember Sodwana is a protected area so it is not so bad to pay for entrance to the beach, we also paid the first holiday but got a rhino card then because we go to Sodwana almost every holiday! Thnx for the great holiday memories Mabaso Lodge, me and my family are very happy visitors and will return each year with more friends and family!

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Aug 17, 2011 2:24 pm EDT

Horrific Experience @ Mabaso Lodge, owned and run by Johan Smit and his dedicated family!

We booked accommodation for us and our friends as Mabaso Lodge. We came across the lodge at their online website We booked and paid our deposits after enquiring about a few basic things as running water and electricity and were assured that they have their own borehole and working generators. Knowing that the Sodwana Bay area is an untouched and primitive piece of nature we expected basic accommodation, but this lodge was hardly on par with term “basic accommodation”! We were charged R1 000.00 per night for these units that we have to combine and use as one complete unit, we bathed and washed in the one and cooked in the other unit as the gas stove was not working in the other unit!
We arrived at Mabaso Lodge at around 20h00 on Wednesday, 8 December 2010 where a fourteen, fifteen year old girl named Chantelle, (the owner’s daughter ), met us upon arrival. Chantelle then took us to our unit. After a nine hour drive, we started unpacking the vehicle, when our youngest daughter complained of ear ache. When we wanted to run a bath to break her fever, we discovered that there was no proper running water from the taps leading into the bath. We also saw that there was no hot water at the basin inside the bathroom and that the basin was not properly connected to the wall. The kitchen wasn’t any better as there were no cold water at the sink. So we improvised and used a pot of water to sponge her down. Worried about how we will take a bath the next morning, we mentioned to Chantelle that there was no water. She then advised us that her parents, the owners, were in Richards Bay and will only return the next afternoon.
We then wanted to start preparing food. We went outside to the “braai area” and again were not impressed. The braai was in a terrible state and was not even cleaned, although they knew that we were arriving and probably wanted to braai. We used a nearby unit’s Webber grill as this was the safest option. After mentioning that there were no lights at the braai area, they send somebody to correct the problem. Surely this should have been done before the guests arrive?
The next morning we wanted to make coffee, but to our surprise there was no kettle. Once again we used our initiative and the same pot was used to boil water for a cup of coffee. When we passed Chantelle in the “lodge” we asked her how will we clean up for the day and will we be able to use another chalets shower/bath. To my surprise she said she will phone her father and owner of the lodge and ask him? She then came back and hour later and said that her father said its fine we can use the shower next door. We then showered in a unit next door, which was obviously being repaired as this unit was in a worse state then the current one we are staying in.
When we came back from the beach we were greeted by Tammy (the owner’s daughter) and Johan ( the owner ). They said they were here to fix the bath tap. Johan then fiddled with the tap and the pressure flow of the water was restored, but as soon as they stepped out of the unit and we wanted to run a bath for the kids the water pressure was back to dripping mode. Feeling very bad to complain once again, we then asked if we could move closer to our friend’s unit, which was requested to Tammy when the booking was made, hoping and praying that there will be water there. Tammy then said that we could move to the elevated unit right next to our friend’s unit who will be joining us on the Saturday the 11th of December 2010. We wanted to make sure that we are not down grading when we move into the new unit and we decided to have a look. Upon arrival at the unit we were met by Bryan, one of the building contractors in the area. He then said to us that we should insist on moving into this unit as the other units were “dodgy”. We were shocked hearing this from Bryan and he called Johan a few other names as well, which we can’t repeat. The unit was in a mess and also in a terrible state, but the owner assured us that the unit will be cleaned and prepared. On Friday the 10th of December 2010, we moved into our “new” unit.
After packing and unpacking again that night, we noticed that there were huge spiders, webs and spider cocoons against the kitchen roof. These spiders were obviously there for a while, as how could there be cocoons. Spiders were running across the carpet in front of the T.V and we advised the children to stay of the carpet and stay on the sofa that was in front of the T.V. That night we used a Webber of one of the nearby unit, as our braai at the new unit wasn’t cleaned and was unusable. The bed in the main bedroom was very uncomfortable, but we decided not to complain as we were also embarrassed of complaining all the time.
Our friends arrived on the 11th of December 2010 and were greeted by a chair and a small coffee table in front of the front door. These two items was standing there for a day before the guests arrived. When we entered the unit to help our friends unpack, we noticed that there were grass, leafs and sand on the doorstep inside the unit. We opened the fridge and this was not clean. We had to clean the fridge before using it. The sink in the kitchen had no hot water tap and what was used to operate the cold water was a “press and hold” tap, this was not easy to use. This meant that you had to boil water when you needed to do the dishes. That night it started raining and our unit and our friend’s unit started leaking from the roof. We had to use pots and pans to control the dripping in both units. In the mean time our toilet did not flush and we had to repair it and our friends unit’s toilet cover broke. This all happened in the same night.
The following day, when we arrived back from the beach, we started to make fire to prepare for a braai. We decided to use the braai supplied, but obviously we had to clean it first, this was also not a success as the braai fell apart while we were using it. Again, why was this not checked before guests arrive?
When we spoke to Johan we advised him that we would need wood every night, that also did not realize and we had to search for one of the workers to bring us fire wood. On the second night the worker advised us that the owner is not happy with us using his firewood and we were advised that we should make alternative arrangements. On the brochure of Mabaso Lodge it clearly states that ice and wood will be supplied if arranged at the office. Again what was advertised was not delivered.
On the 13th of December 2010 the heavens opened and the units were basically flooded. Our friends bed was drenched wet and they had to use towels to keep themselves dry. Our unit was leaking as well, but fortunately not over the beds, but next to the beds. We also had to use pots to keep the floods in control. The storm passed and there was water everywhere, accept in the taps! No water in the showers, no water in the sinks. A Shower that night was out of the question. The next morning there was still no water and the owner told us that lightning was the cause. As you can see from all the above, there were many excuses for the poor accommodation.
We decided to confront the owner regarding all of the above, but his minor was sent to handle the complaints. Eventually Tammy arrived and she was not prepared to listen to our complaints. She was aggressive and when Johan arrived he blamed us for being unfair!
With that in mind, I decided to phone Johan and try to compromise. I mentioned to him that the guests were not happy and we were leaving as Mabaso Lodge is just not up to standard. It would take Johan and all of his workers some time to upgrade the lodge. We left on the 14th of December 2010 which meant that we had R4 000.00 in credit with Mabaso Lodge. I said to Johan that obviously we would not ask for all of our money back, but of the remaining R4 000.00 only half would be great. Johan said that we should phone him back on the 19th of December 2010 to see if any new guests booked the vacant units. I phoned Johan, but was referred to Tammy. She then blew off steam by saying that she will not pay any money back as we owe her an apology! An apology was due to us, not the other way around? I said to her that I am not going to leave this and will seek legal advise. She welcomed the action! A Few seconds later Johan phoned and started threatening me and I again advised him that I would seek legal advice if I don’t get my money back.
This is clear that Mabaso Lodge is not interested in delivering a good standard service and when they are confronted with this, they start being aggressive. This letter serves to warn tourists and holiday makers to stay away and don’t get caught like we did. The lodge is not up to standard and there are many lodges to choose from, but please make sure that you choose the correct one. In our case we failed horribly in providing a decent holiday for our kids by not making sure.
This is a list of all the complaints most of which was discussed with the owner and others just rectified by ourselves:
1) Lights did not work at the entrance of the first unit;
2) Light did not work at the braai area;
3) Braai was filthy;
4) No working toilets, the one units toilet was broken and the second units toilet was not flushing at all;
5) No proper running water in the bath;
6) Basin was not connected to the wall properly and no hot water;
7) No cold water at the sink in the kitchen and only hot water and kitchen sink;
8) New unit was not clean;
9) Units were dilapidated, and very old, definitely not a “newly found lodge” as advertised on their website;
10) Roof was leaking in living room and first bedroom;
11) The unit was not stable as the unit moved as we moved in it;
12) No washing line or any alternative ways of hanging wet towels from the beach;
13) No kettle in the first unit;
14) Roof leaked badly in other unit, the guests were soaked the next morning and he blamed the workers for stepping on the roof whilst painting the roof.
15) No water at all for day and a half;
16) Lodge swimming pool was slimy and green;
17) Braai at our second unit totally collapsed one evening whilst we were attempting to have a braai, we were urged to make our fire next to the braai on the ground and braai.
On the day we left we were advised by other residents in town that all the water pipes burst, I am so glad we left the resort, we actually booked into a resort not far from Mabaso Lodge called Zabalaza Lodge which is owned and run by Simon a local businessman. We would like to thank him for making our holiday accommodation a great experience. We will most definitely book with Zabalaza Lodge next year and recommend them to all our friends and family!

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Aug 18, 2011 7:30 am EDT

Mabaso Lodge sucks! If you say that Mabaso Lodge is great and you will go and stay there again, then clearly you are not use to anything better. Our experience was horrific and nothing that anyone says will change my mind!

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Jan 10, 2012 12:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would highly recommend anyone for a holiday experience of a life time at Mabaso lodge. The facilities, entertainment and accommodation was outstanding! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Mabaso lodge for an experience of a life time, my expectations was exceeded by far and I cannot wait to return to Mabaso lodge for my next holiday. I also must compliment the lodge and staff on the security that we had, we had no issues and we had 24 hour security, what a pleasure and peace of mind. See you soon!
This time we will most definitely be a much bigger group!

Happy Lady
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Jan 11, 2012 7:35 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We had a fabulous time at Mabaso Lodge. Compliments to Johan and his team for outstanding accommodation, facilities and security! Keep up the good work and see you guys soon!

Christiaan du Plessis
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Jun 04, 2012 2:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you to Johan and Marie for the fantastic lodge. All expectations was met. I would recommend the lodge to any one who loves tradition and great out door experiences. Your website and product are one thing, what you see is what you get.

Ben Theunissen
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Oct 10, 2012 2:19 am EDT

The place is in terrible condition and if you would like to make a booking rather make sure. They can not provide the service that is promised and when you demand your money back, they blame you for being unfair! Rather book somewhere else!