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CB Education and Training Review of TDSB Continuing Education
TDSB Continuing Education

TDSB Continuing Education review: Cheats 34

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3:22 pm EDT
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I took an interior decorating course in 2009 at overland learning centre. The first day had about 27 students. The instructor was very vague about what she was going to teach and didnt seem to know much, but I thought it was just an introduction so maybe she would be more concrete later.

By the second session, half of the people didn't return. I heard they only get half of their money back and after the second day, if you quit, you get no money back. To keep it short, by the end, about 8 people remained and we all agreed the instructor taught us nothing and some even complained to the office. We found out that this woman has taught before and half the students also dropped out.

When I spoke to the co-ordinator of continued learning at tdsb, she said she knows which teacher i'm speaking of and if I wanted, I could take the course again at a different location. (meaning, spend another 200.00 but don't return to overland because she will be teaching that course again)

That means in spite of the high drop out rate and complaints, they know the person is not qualified, and they will continue to employ her as they have, and even if half the people drop out, they get to keep half of the fee or if you decide to drop out by the third day, or by the end, they know you'll learn nothing but they will keep all your money!

In my opinion, it seems as if they are knowingly stealing peoples money and I think for an education system that is highly immoral and disappointing.

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Compton, US
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Jun 07, 2013 1:04 am EDT

Martingrove Collegiate Vice Principal Vivian Mavrou is useless at dealing with bullying issues – constantly took the bully’s side despite evidence being given to the contrary. Dismissed all evidence given against the bully. Does not deserve to be a vice principal – has no idea how to deal objectively with heated situations.

Vivian Mavrou committed a criminal offense by having sexual intercourse with underaged students at Silverthorn Collegiate Institute. Chris Bolton, as a Chair of the Toronto District School Board supports pedophilia and human rights violations crimes against children.

Vivian Mavrou and the underaged students she had sex with are busy deleting posts about her. Don’t forget that Gordy Stefulic and Varla Abrams got easy disciplinary proceedings for having sex with students- They had legal sexual intercourse with 18+ students, but for the TDSB to retain their services for conducting unprofessional conduct is an insult to the teaching board. That is the past and it cannot be corrected, but Vivian Mavrou’s sex scandal should be given an fair hearing as sex offenders in the teaching system are numerous.

Kirsten Wallenberg
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Jan 11, 2017 8:13 am EST


Cardboard says:
June 25, 2013 at 11:15 pm

The toronto district school board hardly enforces appropriate action when teachers have sex with students. You could ask ms. Varla abrams and gordy stefulic how they are still working in the education field.
Randy palermo says:
July 24, 2016 at 3:39 pm

ComitÉ de discipline de l’ordre des enseignantes et enseignants de l’ontario


L’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants


Gordana anne stefulic oct

Avis d’audience

L’enquÊte du comitÉ de l’ontario college des enseignants, conformément à l’article 26, paragraphe (5) du collège de la loi teachers 1996 ontario (La «loi») , lois de l’ontario, 1996, chapitre 12, a ordonné que le ci-après de la matière décrit en ce qui concerne la conduite ou les actions de gordana anne stefulic, certificat no176236, soit renvoyée au comité de discipline de l’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’ontario.

Il est allÉguÉ que gordana anne stefulic est coupable de faute professionnelle au sens des paragraphes 30 (2) et 40 (1.1) de la loi en ce que:

(A) elle a omis de respecter les normes de la profession, contrairement à l’ontario

Règlement 437/97, ?Le paragraphe 1 (5) ;

(B) elle a abusé un ou plusieurs élèves physiquement, sexuel, verbal, psychologique ou affectif, contrairement au règlement de l’ontario 437/97, ?Le paragraphe 1 (7) et engagé dans l’abus sexuel d’un ou plusieurs élèves de nature définies dans les sections 1 et 40 (1.1) de la loi;

(C) elle a omis de se conformer à la loi sur l’éducation, lois révisées de l’ontario de 1990, chapitre e.2, et plus particulièrement l’article 264 (1) (C) de ceux-ci ou les règlements pris en vertu de cette loi, en contravention du règlement de l’ontario 437/97 paragraphe 1 (15) ;

(D) elle a commis des actes que, compte tenu de toutes les circonstances serait raisonnablement considéré par les membres comme honteux, déshonorant ou non professionnel, contrairement au règlement de l’ontario 437/97, ?Le paragraphe 1 (1cool; et

(E) , elle a eu une conduite indigne d’un membre, en contravention du règlement de l’ontario

437/97, ?Le paragraphe 1 (19).

PrÉcisions sur les allÉgations de ce qui suit:

1. Gordana anne stefulic (Le «membre») est un membre de l’ordre de l’ontario


2. Pendant toute la période, le membre a été employé par le toronto district school board

(Le «conseil») en tant que principal à [xx] school (L ‘ «école») en ontario.

3. Au cours de l’année scolaire [protected], le membre a accordé et / ou autorisé étudiant n ° 1

Et Étudiant n ° 2, deux étudiants de sexe masculin du conseil de moins de seize ans, entrée

Et / ou l’accès à sa page facebook et, ce faisant, a permis à l’élève n ° 1 et Étudiant

N ° 2 pour accéder à des contenus inappropriés et / ou de la vue, y compris:

(A) une image photographique d’une personne de sexe masculin sans chemise, vêtu d’un maillot de bain speedo et intitulé «repas du jour»;

(B) un dessin montrant une femme nue montrant ses seins et un homme nu tenant une chaîne qui a été attaché à son pénis bien doté.

4. Au cours de l’année scolaire [protected], le membre,

(A) permis un étudiant et / ou aux étudiants d’avoir accès à un ordinateur portable personnel dont elle savait ou aurait dû savoir qu’ils contenaient des images à caractère pornographique ou à caractère érotique, qui semble représenter les jeunes adolescents de sexe masculin;

(B) autorisé un étudiant et / ou les étudiants d’avoir accès à l’ordinateur de la classe dont elle savait ou aurait dû savoir qu’ils contenaient des images pornographiques et / ou des images et / ou des images de corps nus dessins animés violents;

(C) a demandé et / ou autorisé étudiant n ° 3, l’élève n ° 4 et n ° 5 des étudiants, les étudiants de sexe masculin, de lui donner un massage; et

(D) n’a fait aucun effort pour dissuader ou empêcher un étudiant et / ou les étudiants de chercher à lui masser le dos.

Le comitÉ de discipline tiendra une audience en vertu des articles 30 et 32 ?De l’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants loi 1996 de l’ontario, de décider si les allégations sont vraies et si gordana anne stefulic est coupable de faute professionnelle. Une copie du règlement de procédure du comité de discipline et du comité d’aptitude professionnelle sera fournie sur demande.

Le comitÉ de discipline repondra le jeudi 14 février 2013 à 09h00 à fixer une date pour l’audition de cette affaire. Le comité se réunira au 12ème étage des bureaux de l’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’ontario 101, rue bloor ouest, toronto, ontario.

Vous avez le droit d’Être prÉsents sur la date precitee et À l’audience et etre represente par conseiller juridique.

Si vous le souhaitez, vous ou votre avocat peut communiquer avec avocat de l’ordre pour discuter de la planification d’une date d’audience pour déterminer si une date pour l’audience peut être convenue. Si une date pour l’audience peut être convenu, conformément à l’article 4.02 (2) du règlement de procédure du comité de discipline et du comité d’aptitude professionnelle, l’audience aura lieu à la date convenue.

Si une date pour l’audition de cette affaire est pas convenu et vous ne pas assister de fixer une date pour l’audition de cette affaire, le comitÉ de discipline peut procÉder en votre absence pour rÉgler une date d’audience. Avis de la date de l’audience sera fourni par Écrit À votre derniÈre adresse connue comme indique dans les records du college.

Si vous n’Êtes pas assister À la date d’audience prÉvue, le comitÉ de discipline peut procÉder en votre absence et vous ne sera pas fournis avec aucun autre avis de la procÉdure.

Si le comitÉ de discipline trouver vous coupable de faute professionnelle, vous êtes passible des peines prévues à l’article 30 de la loi.

Un membre dont la conduite est à l’étude dans les procédures devant le comité de discipline peut examiner, avant l’audience, toute preuve écrite ou documentaire qui sera produite ou tout rapport, dont le contenu sera donné comme preuve à l’audience. Vous ou votre représentant

Peuvent communiquer avec le bureau de caroline zayid de mccarthy tétrault sencrl, srl, avocat de l’ordre dans cette affaire, à suite 5300, toronto dominion bank tower, toronto, on m5k 1e6, téléphone 416-601-


Date: janvier 14, 2013

Michael salvatori, eao

Registrateur et chef de la direction

Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’ontario

12e étage, 101, rue bloor ouest

Toronto, on m5s 0a1

À: gordana anne stefulic

[xx] [xx]

Et: calderoni steer wanderon mctavish & smith llp

2 sheppard ave e

North york on m2n 5y7

Dale stump, procureur de la


Entre :

L’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants – et – gordana anne stefulic

ComitÉ de discipline de l’ordre des enseignantes et enseignants de l’ontario

Avis d’audience

Mccarthy tétrault sencrl, srl

Suite 5300

Toronto dominion bank tower

Toronto, on m5k 1e6

Caroline r. Zayid

Tél. [protected]

Fax [protected]

David e. Leonard

Tél. [protected]

Fax [protected]

Procureurs de l’

Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’ontario

# [protected].

The lone ranger says:
November 15, 2013 at 7:03 pm

The tdsb collapsed into mental derangement a long time ago.
Toonie says:
March 13, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Even terry baytor was better than gordy stefulic or vivian mavrou or varla abrams or mary cowans.

Gordy stefulic she was so useless that even her pink dresses and clip-clop shoes could not make up for her incompetence.
Wyttso says:
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January 11, 2017 at 11:03 am

Gordy stefulic is now a member of probus for chix in cambridge ontario.

Wonder what kind of mischief will she get into with the local 15 year olds.
Ori says:
June 14, 2014 at 5:48 pm


I hate the word alleged when gordy stefulic was found guilty. It was this guilt that landed her at the tsaa where contact with students and parents was unlikely. Even there her incompetence is evident. At least chris bolton resigned.
Bill swain says:
June 29, 2014 at 3:00 am

Anyone remember the teacher in victoria park secondary school in north york around 1969, 1970. He was a swimming teacher who had all his male students swim naked “etc”. Sure would like to get this guys name and possibly look into this matter.. 44 years later i’m still suffering chronic depression, ptsd because of this person. There were other victims maybe they will come out now and speak up.
Anna says:
July 23, 2016 at 2:19 am

I am through with applying to the local gta boards, including tdsb. I mean, c’mon.. An average 5 – 7 year waiting list just to get on the supply roster? I resent the elitist attitude that school boards take, making it seem like they’re the only option — the be all and end all — for teachers’ college grads. The entire teaching business, with so much unemployment, is becoming a joke.
Regina says:
August 3, 2016 at 10:17 am

Fyi gordy gordana stefulic probably lives in the kitchener/cambridge area and now is paid up member of probus, a name that mekes her a supporter of public transportstion. Saw her come out of a grocery store the other week.
Angelina says:
September 22, 2016 at 6:47 am

She is indeed a recent member of probus women’s group – a group of retired professionals. Frankly i find it difficult to picture gordy stefulic as a retired professional………maybe just retired because a professional she never was.

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MCI staff
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Jun 02, 2017 1:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Vivian Mavrou will just have to sit and wait for retirement .

Below is her public record from her OCT file:

So if she started in 1996 then already she has over 20 years. When the 85 factor kicks in she will be gone.

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Member Info
Vivian Mavrou, OCT

Registration Number: 205044 / Issued: Jun 30, 1996 / Status Good StandingMembership Status

Good Standing

Signifies the member has registered with the College, paid the annual membership fee and has been issued a Certificate of Registration and a Certificate of Qualification or other certificate type valid for that calendar year.


Provides a list of all postsecondary degrees held by the member, the name of the granting institution and the date the degree was granted.

Bachelor of Science, McMaster University, Ontario1995
Bachelor of Education, University of Toronto, Ontario1996


Program Of Teacher EducationProgram of Teacher Education

The name of the program of professional education completed by the member.

Professional education program completed in Ontario, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto, Ontario1996


Basic QualificationsQualifications

Provides a list of teaching qualifications that a member has earned during teacher training or since graduating from a teacher education program.

Basic Qualifications

Basic Qualifications indicate the grade levels and subjects the member is qualified to teach.

Dates show when the member successfully completed the qualification courses.

Intermediate and Senior Divisions, Science - GeneralJune 1996
Intermediate and Senior Divisions, MathematicsJune 1996
Junior DivisionSeptember 2001


Additional QualificationsQualifications

Provides a list of teaching qualifications that a member has earned during teacher training or since graduating from a teacher education program.

Additional Qualifications

Additional Qualifications indicate the courses in teaching specialties or administration that the member has completed after graduation from a teacher education program.

Dates show when the member successfully completed the qualification courses.

Honour Specialist, BiologyAugust 1998Physical and Health Ed. (Intermediate/Senior), Part 1September 2000Physical and Health Ed. (Intermediate/Senior), Part 2September 2001Physical and Health Ed. (Intermediate/Senior), SpecialistSeptember 2002Principal's Qualification Program, Part 1February 2003Principal's Qualification Program, Part 2July 2003Status HistoryStatus History

This indicates the types of certificates held by a member throughout their career and whether or not their status with the College has changed. More information about the different certificates that Ontario teachers may hold is available here.

Certificate Type Status Effective Date Expiry
Certificate of Qualification and Registration Good Standing May 20, 1997
Ontario Teacher's Certificate Good Standing Jun 30, 1996


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Jun 14, 2017 4:15 pm EDT


Kirsten Wallenberg
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Aug 21, 2017 1:57 pm EDT

I hate the word ALLEGED when Gordy Stefulic was found guilty. It was this guilt that landed her at the TSAA where contact with students and parents was unlikely. Even there her incompetence is evident. At least Chris Bolton resigned.
Grim Reaper says:
April 17, 2016 at 1:27 pm
Well she has also gone now.She has retired, living on a fantastic pension(eat your heart out those still working for minimum wages and holding down several such jobs just to pay rent) and following her hobbies until she passes on to the next world with a smile on her face.
Karl says:
June 11, 2017 at 12:22 pm
According to ZOOM INFO her credentials have been quietly revoked as will whatever business licences she is using for her “goodies”.
Melanie says:
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August 21, 2017 at 2:54 pm
Its true. Gordy Stefulic is an alcoholic, even if she doesn’t show it. She drinks by hiding her disgusting addition where people don’t see her; in the washroom or whenever she is alone.
Click to Edit –

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Sep 08, 2017 7:32 pm EDT
Replying to comment of MCI staff

She has gone to Cambridge Ontario and she has managed to get away with all the things she did while at the TDSB

chicago, US
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Jul 11, 2023 7:03 pm EDT

Yeah she is a volunteer at the local hospital in Cambridge.

Timothy Hortons
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Jun 25, 2013 8:05 pm EDT

Got this from here More names Viv Mavrou had sex with. PASS ON EACH POST at least twice. Soon the whole world will know and love vivian Mavrou. [quote]Eric Disopolo Jan 29/92 On ADHD meds. Likes to f*** older experienced women Ryan Brown Nov30/92 SIN [protected] 207-559 The West Mall [protected] Troy Parks Oct 27/90 ### with a BIG ONE. Vivian liked that Keelie Cook #[protected] Jan20/90 170 Wellesworth Drive Toronto [protected] IPRC Dumdum Noorulha “the Taliban” Nasimi Jan /89 350 the east mall [protected] [/quote]

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Aug 24, 2013 4:02 pm EDT

Can you recall the saga of Toronto District School Board teachers named Mary Gowans and Nathalie Champagne? No one knows why these two women were not imprisoned for having sexual relations with underaged students, but in these two cases, the students were the ones who informed the public about Mary Gowans and Nathalie Champagne's disgusting conduct with students. Remember, the last thing the Toronto District School Board wants you to know is what they are doing, as they deceitfully hide information of teachers and their crimes. That's why the government spies on you because what they don't want you to know what the public sector employees are doing. The TDSB pays online shills and even the teachers to derail conversations which shine some light on incompetent teachers and criticism of the teachers' unions. The TDSB uses intimidation and online bullying to bring fear into anyone who criticizes the school board and their pro-Communist and vulgar curriculum. They want you to be afraid, being afraid is a choice, you can either face the facts or allow the criminals in the Toronto District School Board to fool you into fear, instead of courage to stand up to these worthless deceitful criminals who work in top positions of the TDSB.Now people who have been dumbdown by the system is wondering why they are not getting the right to know what happens in public schools.The TDSB and the unions protect their own cronies and uses favoritism to promote their own. The TDSB and the unions are an organized force, and through their influence of academia and politics they make it impossible to you and me to have a real choice in elections. Toronto District School Board administrator Vivian Mavrou was caught giving rides for the school bully while she was a teacher at Silverthorn Collegiate, and the TDSB transferred her to Martingrove Collegiate in spite of her professional misconduct . Teachers have a position of power and should respect that. They should have enough judgement to not sleep with their pupils or let them into their car after school .Being a white female should not be an exception when it comes to the law and rules of the teaching profession.

This type of sociopathic nature and pedophilia is widely existent among females working in the Toronto District School Board. they give you the impression of ruthless monsters.Most of these female teachers are psychotic and sexual perverts in general. Mary Gowans was a married woman who had children, yet she exchanged over 2, 000 text messages with the male student and let him into her home under the disguise of "babysitting duties". Natalie Champagne recorded on video an illegal act with an under of age student, and all the Ontario Teachers College did was suspend her teaching certificate while she remains a free woman being held not responsible for her criminal act.

Unionized organizations like the Toronto District School Board like have the ability to claim the moral high ground by saying they want to protect children, but at the same time children need protection in so many other ways. TDSB Vice Principal Vivian Mavrou had a romantic relationsghip with a school bully and yet Vivian Mavrou ignores the things that harm other students which are caused by bullies and bullying. The TDSB feels comfortable of female teachers having sexual relationships with students, especially if they are senior teachers and they are white females. That's the bottom line.It's wrong because, regardless of age, the teacher holds a position of power over the student, which has implications on the school environment and teaching profession. The abuse of power lies in making someone an offer they can't refuse. The other person's consent does not change the fact that the proposition should never have been made in the first place because the teacher is forbidden to solicit sex from students.

Vivian Mavrou, Mary Gowans and Nathalie Champagne are incompetent teachers who represent the professionalism of the Toronto District School Board. Mary Gowans and Nathalie Champagne are no longer working for the TDSB, but Vivian Mavrou, being a teacher for over 17 years, is protected by tenure, cronyism and nepotism which prevails in the corrupt Toronto District School Board.

Terrified Terri
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Feb 01, 2014 8:55 pm EST


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Oct 25, 2014 4:48 pm EDT

Another Vivian Mavrou Forum. Thats seven I have seen this week

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Jun 18, 2016 10:27 am EDT

For those who aren't in the know, ephebophilia is the sexual attraction to pubescent teenagers by somebody who is themselves an adult. Representatives of this category would be Vivian Mavrou of Martingrove Collegiate and recently retired Principal Gordana Stefulic. The former leans more towards hebephilia.

Terra Sector Union


Posts: 1363

Founded: Sep 04, 2013


Female Pedophilia/Ephebophilia is plaguing our schools

by Terra Sector Union » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:13 am

No longer will we have to keep young girls from scary old men but young boys are in danger from female predators. Over the years, there has been reports of teachers, particularly female having sexual relationships with their students.

So here's an article recently about a Texas teacher that gave her male student a lap dance along with sensual touching.

SOURCE : ... -1.1768909

Bottom of Form 1

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Jul 04, 2016 9:39 am EDT

Gordana Stefulic is a hebephile

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Sep 08, 2017 7:34 pm EDT
Replying to comment of VivianM

Whats a hebo?

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Jul 05, 2016 8:28 am EDT

Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion
Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion
Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion
Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion
Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion
Vivian Mavrou applied for a promotion

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Sep 06, 2016 7:42 am EDT

Hello, I have no idea who this person is nor do I know why my name is mentioned in this horrible post. I went to silverthorn for about 4-6 months, never met this disgusting woman in my life. Please remove the name of keelie cook & her home address.

Kirsten Wallenberg
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Sep 07, 2016 7:37 am EDT

Hello, I have no idea who this person is nor do I know why my name is mentioned in this horrible post. I went to silverthorn for about 4-6 months, never met this disgusting woman in my life. Please remove the name of keelie cook & her home address.

Thor is that you Ms Cook had a lesbian relationship with this woman. Is the picture familiar?

View 0 more photos
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Sep 08, 2017 7:34 pm EDT


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Jan 30, 2017 7:46 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

David Krueshaft says
DECEMBER 17, 2013 AT 5:55 AM

The primary example is bullying of teachers by administrators who work in the Toronto District School Board. When this happens, teachers cannot teach as effectively, but they still get blamed for the incompetence of the administrators, Superintendents and Trustees.

In other words, overpaid and abusive administrators are the real problem here.

One example of a troublesome administrator is Martingrove Collegiate Vice Principal Vivian Mavrou. Vivian Mavrou was accused of having explicit and inappropriate relations with a Silverthorn Collegiate school bully who was found with Vivian after school taking rides with her in her vehicle. Some of the students from Silverthorn Collegiate Institute complained that Vivian Mavrou took sides with the school bully, despite the evidence being given to her about the harassment of students perpetrated by the school bully. However, Vivian Mavrou was acquitted of the allegations because the school bully was coerced to deny the allegations so the TDSB Disciplinary Committee and Vivian’s cronies could cover-up the sex stories and transfer Vivian Mavrou to Martingrove Collegiate Institute.

Gordana Anne Stefulic is another bizarre case of a distasteful woman who preys on innocent children. Gordy Stefulic’s accusations range from having sex with a student in the 1990s to sharing child pornography in 2007. It is no surprise because complaints from Gordy’s former workplace at Silverthorn Collegiate testified that Gordy Stefulic had her cronies in the TDSB to protect her from being punished for her misconduct. Gordy Stefulic was accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars, and unlike Terry Baytor, Gordy was allowed to remain employed as a teacher. Currently, Gordy Stefulic has been promoted as a Chair of the TSAA. Incompetence has its rewards in the unionized teaching profession.

Teachers’ unions don’t care about their students. The failure of the TDSB, Ontario College of Teachers and teachers’ unions in preventing perverted teachers from exploiting under-aged students is a reminder to Canadians that the teachers’ unions and public school administrators do not act in the interest of a productive and moral society. This is why you hear stories about Mary Gowans, Wade Vroom and Nathalie Champagne on the news while Benjamin Levin’s sex allegations are being suppressed in the media because he is one of those perverted cronies. Canadians should know that Benjamin Levin was accused of making child porn and luring a 10 to 14 year old females for the purposes of exploitation. Benjamin Levin was the former Deputy Minister of Education in Ontario who was persistent with forcing an explicit Sex-Ed programme to students.

No wonder more and more Canadians are considering to home-school their children or invest in private schools. The public schools in Ontario are comprised of too many perverted teachers who are more interested in sex than educating.You can’t have great schools without great teachers.

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Feb 25, 2017 7:22 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

What about Doctors, Dentists, Accountants?

Tirana, AL
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Oct 01, 2022 11:29 am EDT

Doctors They [censored] patients

Dentists They stick their tools in patients mouth

Accountants They [censored] you financially by stealing

Terry Baytor
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Jun 30, 2017 12:37 pm EDT

The problem is that Miz Viv Mavrou is using a pay-as-you-go phone anonymously registered to some guy she invented. She uses that exclusively to text her latest love who is in Grade 11. Nasty.

CAP Repoter
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Mar 18, 2019 1:39 pm EDT

Gordy Stefulic 38 : Pricipal, Burhamthorpe Adult School, Ontario, cautioned for having sexual intercourse with an 19-year-old male student on three separate occasions dating back to 2000, not only on Toronto District School Board property but also in her car near a local golf course and the apartment of a friend. A discipline committee panel held a private hearing into these incidents relating to failure to observe appropriate student/educator boundaries. Subsequently at the board’s and the student’s request that the incident not be made public it was agreed that professional psychological counseling for a period of one year be required.

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Mar 19, 2019 5:56 pm EDT

Gordy Stefulic asked some of her male students to fondle her buttock and private area in 2007 when she was principal at Silverthorn Collegiate Institute. No disciplinary action were taken on her but 3 of those kids got scolded because this happened in front of a group of about 10 guys who witnessed the whole thing. They were supposedly held for detention after school for petty things that she caught them doing like smoking in front of the school. Rumors started circulating around the school that she had hand-picked these guys for detention because her intentions was to have a gangbang with all of them. She said that one of the boys made a sexually charged remark towards her which prompted more aggressive behavior from a group of 3 to 5 guys that were present. She claimed they began to forcefully grope her and they would take her right there because the school was pretty much empty. She claimed they were sexually assaulting her and about to engage in gang r a p e until she able to struggle free and ran out of the classroom they were in. Although in her mind this was what took place the actual event was quite different.

It was Gordy Stefulic that actually began a very sexually explicit conversations with the boys present. She spoke about body parts that men/male are drawn to on a woman and went around the room and asked each boy what part/s they are attracted to most. The conversation got more p3rverted when she started asking how many of them had the cranal pleasure of caressing those womanly parts. To the boys that said “no”, she made 3 of them stand up and approach her. She took their hands one at at time and guided them around her breast, buttock and vagina. Once they were comfortable with the act, she ordered them to be more spirited and enthusiastic. All 3 boys were exuberantly fondling all over her body at the same time when another student suddenly knock on the door. It was a female student, and she partially saw what was going on because the classroom door had a glass window on the top half. From there the flood gate opened and words quickly spread to the authorities and the 3 boys took the fall.

Gordy Stefulic later approached the girl that caught her the session with the guys in detention and began to befriend the girl, gave her gifts and thanked her for coming to her rescue from the boys. Gordy Stefulic lured her in to sexual contact. The girl was very quiet about what Stefulic and she did but they were seen at Yorkdale mall together with Stefulic’s arm around her shoulder and seem to be very touchy-feelly.

How does Gordy Stefulic get any work done as principal when all she is preoccupied with is sex? I wouldn’t not rule out that a gangbang session did take place elsewhere at a different time.

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Mar 29, 2019 11:28 am EDT

I heard rumors that she took it up the a$$ in one of the stalls of a boy's washroom back around 2000. Anyone have additional insight into this?

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Jun 27, 2019 1:47 pm EDT

Heard she is going to a galaxie far far way.


Tirana, AL
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Oct 01, 2022 11:27 am EDT

Apparently on Vega 28447H3 she is running an all boys school for yonge men. She has her pick of yonge studs to keep her occupied.

Hamilton, CA
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May 31, 2022 3:40 pm EDT
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] is a pic of Capt Peecard who had sex with Gordy Stefulic. So far we don't know on which star it was.

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Tirana, AL
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Oct 18, 2022 9:56 am EDT

user1632486 of US

Jan 30, 2017

7:46 am EST

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David Krueshaft says

DECEMBER 17, 2013 AT 5:55 AM

The primary example is bullying of teachers by administrators who work in the Toronto District School Board. When this happens, teachers cannot teach as effectively, but they still get blamed for the incompetence of the administrators, Superintendents and Trustees.

In other words, overpaid and abusive administrators are the real problem here.

One example of a troublesome administrator is Martingrove Collegiate Vice Principal Vivian Mavrou. Vivian Mavrou was accused of having explicit and inappropriate relations with a Silverthorn Collegiate school bully who was found with Vivian after school taking rides with her in her vehicle. Some of the students from Silverthorn Collegiate Institute complained that Vivian Mavrou took sides with the school bully, despite the evidence being given to her about the harassment of students perpetrated by the school bully. However, Vivian Mavrou was acquitted of the allegations because the school bully was coerced to deny the allegations so the TDSB Disciplinary Committee and Vivian’s cronies could cover-up the sex stories and transfer Vivian Mavrou to Martingrove Collegiate Institute.

Gordana Anne Stefulic is another bizarre case of a distasteful woman who preys on innocent children. Gordy Stefulic’s accusations range from having sex with a student in the 1990s to sharing child pornography in 2007. It is no surprise because complaints from Gordy’s former workplace at Silverthorn Collegiate testified that Gordy Stefulic had her cronies in the TDSB to protect her from being punished for her misconduct. Gordy Stefulic was accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars, and unlike Terry Baytor, Gordy was allowed to remain employed as a teacher. Currently, Gordy Stefulic has been promoted as a Chair of the TSAA. Incompetence has its rewards in the unionized teaching profession. Of course she is now retired and according to some stories, she has married and took on hubby's name so she has dropped off the face of the earth, just like my friend who was doing similar activities with students but then on retirement went back to India, has a maid and will never have to return to address potential charges or rumours of f u c k i n g students and never getting caught.

oshawa, CA
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Oct 21, 2022 8:28 pm EDT

She is over 60 and is not as hot as she used to be

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oshawa, CA
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Oct 21, 2022 8:28 pm EDT

check this pic

ottawa, CA
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Oct 24, 2022 12:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Gordana Gordy Stefulic - Retired

Gordana Gordy Stefulic - Retired

Now that our Gordy has retired the scandals from her TDSB days will be following her

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Adult ed

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Join date : 2017-11-28

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyTue Nov 28, 2017 7:08 pm

11 April 2013

My fellow teachers, I am deeply troubled and upset about Ms. Stefulic’s remark that I control women by putting my tongue down women’s throats against their will and that I have bragged about this in the staff room. I have never met Ms. Gordy Stefulic outside of school (never alone) and certainly, it is not the kind of conversation I would have with any person, period. I have too much respect for women and have a very long history in these matters. Nevertheless, I am upset and deeply troubled by Ms. Stefulic’s behavior and state of mind! I fear for her school and the Board! Does anyone have suggestions?

Darian Leduchowski

Telephone [protected]


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TDSB lurker

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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyThu Dec 28, 2017 5:42 pm

Adult ed wrote:

11 April 2013

My fellow teachers, I am deeply troubled and upset about Ms. Stefulic’s remark that I control women by putting my tongue down women’s throats against their will and that I have bragged about this in the staff room. I have never met Ms. Gordy Stefulic outside of school (never alone) and certainly, it is not the kind of conversation I would have with any person, period. I have too much respect for women and have a very long history in these matters. Nevertheless, I am upset and deeply troubled by Ms. Stefulic’s behavior and state of mind! I fear for her school and the Board! Does anyone have suggestions?

Darian Leduchowski

Telephone [protected]

Was she on some school's staff. Nobody remembers her! Did she contribute anything to the TDSB or was she one of those who took the pension and ran at the first moment possible. Shocked Laughing lol!


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptySat May 12, 2018 9:04 pm

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth

Only for teens with a large cock.


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyFri Oct 05, 2018 1:53 am

TDSB lurker wrote:

Adult ed wrote:

11 April 2013

My fellow teachers, I am deeply troubled and upset about Ms. Stefulic’s remark that I control women by putting my tongue down women’s throats against their will and that I have bragged about this in the staff room. I have never met Ms. Gordy Stefulic outside of school (never alone) and certainly, it is not the kind of conversation I would have with any person, period. I have too much respect for women and have a very long history in these matters. Nevertheless, I am upset and deeply troubled by Ms. Stefulic’s behavior and state of mind! I fear for her school and the Board! Does anyone have suggestions?

Darian Leduchowski

Telephone [protected]

Was she on some school's staff. Nobody remembers her! Did she contribute anything to the TDSB or was she one of those who took the pension and ran at the first moment possible. Shocked Laughing lol!

If she has a big mouth then she can swallow big cocks


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 6:18 pm

She was a principal at a few schools and according to a in grade 11 she also had a big hairy pussy that she like to have filled. She is now gone, sort of retired.


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 5:10 pm

Google says she is a Cambridge Probian. Is she married?


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Posts : 47

Join date : 2019-03-28

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 6:55 pm

I had sex with Ms. Stefulic when I was in grade 11 at George Harvey C.I. We did it in the boys’ washroom on the 3rd floor on the south end of the building. She had asked me to stay after school because she wanted to talk to me in private. She made me wait in her office until well after 5:30PM when the school was pretty much empty and there was definite nothing happening on the 3rd floor. There might have been a few in kids outside in the parking lot but the office and faculty staff were all gone for the evening as far as I can tell. She probably knows everyone’s schedule and when they come and go being principal.

Around 5:45PM or so, I heard the clip clop sounds her shoes would make coming down the hall towards the main office, she has pretty large legs & calves. She said “follow me young man” and proceeded to lead me up the stairs at the south end. She would walk up the stairs a couple steps ahead of me so her big round [censored] was pretty much right in front of my face. I can tell you that recent photos doesn’t do her justice because back then she was SMOKING HOT. My description of her would be a curvy, buxom blonde amazon cougar about 5'9" tall. She was around 40 yrs. I think but still pretty hot and tempting (what the kids would call PHAT).

She was wearing a tight, knee-high navy colour skirt and a white blouse. That view of her big [censored] and legs walking up those stairs was starting to give me a hard-on. Almost instinctively, when she got to the top of the second or third set of stairs she turned back, looked at me and said “like what you see?”. I felt flushed and embarrassed as she caught me in the act. When we got up to the third floor, the hall way was dark as the lights were off. She peeked and checked all the classrooms that we passed and finally pulled me into the boys’ washroom towards the end of the hall. It made sense because who would go to use the washroom on the third floor when you could use one on the first floor. It seems like she really knew what she was doing in scoping out the place.

Once inside the boys’ room, she told me to drop my bag and “take a load off”. She said she wanted my opinion on something and proceeded to lift up her skirt slowly towards her waist revealing her flesh-tone pantyhose and white panty. She asked if I think white colour panties looks good on her as she slowly turned around to reveal that big [censored]…this time I did not have to image what it looks like under that skirt. Needless to say I was shocked, then she grabbed my hand and guided it up and down that big [censored]. I just froze and didn’t know what to do, so just went along it, she wants sex so lets enjoy this I thought to myself. Then she guided my hand around her vag, and pushed up on my two middle figures deeper into her. I can sense she was getting moist through her panties and she began to unbutton her blouse. She had a white bra on and she dragged my hand that was still feeling up her p#ssy towards her ample t!ts and guided my thumb around her nipple. She hastily pulled away just as I was getting into it. She turned to stand behind me and started to fondle my crotch with one hand and going under my t-shirt with her other hand as she stood behind me. She asked if this is the first time I have been with a woman, all I can say was “ummm”. She whispered “relax, I’ll show you what to do…don’t be nervous…other guys wishes they can do this…how experience you will be with women after this”. I can’t totally remember all that was said but that was the gist of it and there was only moaning and groaning after that.

She un-did my jeans, pulled down my underwear and started tugging on my d!ck. It was already rock-hard and I can recall her saying “my oh my”. She got on her knees and started sucking on it. At first slowly licking it with her tongue then fast and vigorous head-bobbing d!ck-in-mouth BJ. I thought I was going to nut when she stopped, she stood up and pulled down her panty & pantyhose. She had a big hairy p#ssy, her pubs were darker then her hair colour. She then pulled out a condom from her purse and put it on me. She bent over resting her arms on one of the sinks and told me to take her from behind which I gladly obliged. I was ramming her as hard as I can without a care for any repercussion, all I wanted to do was just f@ck this [censored]. The session was intense and rough. She kept telling me to look at her face in the mirror above the sink while I stood behind her and doggy-style her big [censored].

It was about 15 mins of relentlessly pounding that big [censored] that I was about to cum, just then she pulled out again and said she wants to see me have an orgasm. She took off the condom and proceeded with a zealous hand-job and blow-job simultaneously until I shot my load which caught her chin and left cheek.

She cleaned off the c@m from her face with some toilet paper, pulled down her skirt and buttoned up her blouse. She told me never to speak of the incident to anyone. We f@cked again about a month later and a few more time after that until she was transferred out from GHCI.


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 7:45 pm

Gordy Stefulic asked some of her male students to fondle her buttock and private area in 2007 when she was principal at Silverthorn Collegiate Institute. No disciplinary action were taken on her but 3 of those kids got scolded because this happened in front of a group of about 10 guys who witnessed the whole thing. They were supposedly held for detention after school for petty things that she caught them doing like smoking in front of the school. Rumors started circulating around the school that she had hand-picked these boys for detention because her intentions was to have a gangbang with them. She said that one of the boys made a sexually charged remark towards her which prompted more aggressive behavior from a group of 3 to 5 that were present. She claimed they began to forcefully grope her, grinding their crotch against her mimicking having sexual intercourse and said they would take her right there. She claimed they were sexually assaulting her and about to engage in gang rape until she able to struggle free and ran out of the classroom they were in. Although in her mind this was what took place the actual event was quite different.

It was Gordy Stefulic that actually began a very sexually explicit conversations with the boys present. She spoke about body parts that men/male are attracted to on a woman. She went around the room and asked each boy what part/s they are attracted to most. The conversation got more perverted when she started asking how many of them had the cranal pleasure of caressing those womanly parts. For the boys who answered “no”, she made 3 of them stand up and approach her. She took their hands one at at time and guided them around her breast, buttock and vagina. Once they were comfortable, she ordered them to be more spirited and enthusiastic. The 3 boys were exuberantly fondling all over her body when another student knock on the door. It was a female student, and she partially saw what was going on because the classroom door had a glass window on the top half. From there the flood gate opened and words quickly spread to the administrators and the 3 boys took the fall.

Gordy Stefulic later approached the girl and began to befriend her, gave her gifts and thanked her for coming to her rescue from the boys. Gordy Stefulic lured her in to sexual relationship. The girl was very quiet about what she and Stefulic did but they were seen at Yorkdale mall together with Stefulic’s arm around her shoulder and seem to be very touchy-feelly.

How does Gordy Stefulic get any work done as principal when all she is preoccupied with is sex? I would NOT rule out that a gangbang session did take place, maybe elsewhere at a different time.



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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyFri Mar 29, 2019 4:46 pm

I heard rumors that Gordy Stefulic took it up the A$$ in one of the stalls of a boys washroom back in her days at GHCI as well. Any one have additional insights?


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyFri Mar 29, 2019 6:35 pm

This is what Gordy Stefulic kinda looked like back in the days. Now you know why she's so popular on the internet.Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy_11


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyMon Apr 01, 2019 6:53 pm

Gordy Stefulic 38 : Pricipal, Burhamthorpe Adult School, Ontario, cautioned for having sexual intercourse with an 19-year-old male student on three separate occasions dating back to 2000, not only on Toronto District School Board property but also in her car near a local golf course and the apartment of a friend. A discipline committee panel held a private hearing into these incidents relating to failure to observe appropriate student/educator boundaries. Subsequently at the board’s and the student’s request that the incident not be made public it was agreed that professional psychological counseling for a period of one year be required. And yes, she took it up the [censored]!


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyMon Apr 01, 2019 7:03 pm

She was transferred from GHCI to BCI because she was banging a 19 year old male student. She has been transferred many times and is now retired and got away with having illicit sex with students.


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyWed Apr 03, 2019 7:27 pm

It’s true that Gordy Stefulic likes to have sex with male students in the boy’s washroom. It really gets her aroused, it's the possibility of getting caught that she really gets off on. If she were to f@ck in the bedroom she would not be as energetic and assertive. She has a deep sexual desire to suck on guys' d!cks and watch as they shoot their loads of jizz. Her deviant addiction stem from watching tons of hardcore porn. Two of my classmates from grade 12 when she was at BCI said they got a bl@wjob from her in the boy’s washroom. Both guys said they blasted her face with their loads when they climaxed and she loved it, her eyes would lit up. Gordy Stefulic is a true s!ut, her conquest of male students in the washroom are probably into the hundreds over the course of her career.


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyWed Apr 03, 2019 8:23 pm

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth 220px-15

This one's for you Gordy...choke on it you wh@re [censored].


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Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyWed Jun 12, 2019 8:45 pm

Robot wrote:

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth

Only for teens with a large cock.

There's a book being written about her exploits. You should by it and see all the details for yourself.


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Posts : 10

Join date : 2016-06-30

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Empty

PostSubject: Re: Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth EmptyMon Oct 28, 2019 4:03 pm

Adult ed wrote:

11 April 2013

My fellow teachers, I am deeply troubled and upset about Ms. Stefulic’s remark that I control women by putting my tongue down women’s throats against their will and that I have bragged about this in the staff room. I have never met Ms. Gordy Stefulic outside of school (never alone) and certainly, it is not the kind of conversation I would have with any person, period. I have too much respect for women and have a very long history in these matters. Nevertheless, I am upset and deeply troubled by Ms. Stefulic’s behavior and state of mind! I fear for her school and the Board! Does anyone have suggestions?

Darian Leduchowski

Telephone [protected]

Gordy Stefulic has a big mouth. A BIG MOUTH NEEDED FOR BIG COCKS afro

Toronto, AF
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Jan 30, 2023 10:04 pm EST

The pic speaks for itself. Breast augmentation is in.

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Onkel Allah
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Sep 20, 2023 8:23 pm EDT

Gordy Stefulic is part owner of Electrapy distributing. She's making a fortune from a lot of orders through her marketing company situated in Cambridge Ontario Canada. Read the reviews before buying though.