Last year, on Dec. 18, 2009, I was featured in a news story by WSVN Ch. 7 News called "Collecting Trouble". A collection agency, Valentine & Kebartas, had called me back in Mar. with the fraudulent caller i.d. of "Law Office". Today I received notice that V. & K's. lawyers' Motion for Summary Judgment was DENIED! We will now be going to trial. Valentine & Kebartas are NOT lawyers, (despite their lawyer sounding name), they "Spoofed" their caller i.d. to make people THINK that they are dealing with a law firm. These people are Scam Artists and Lawyer Impersonators! DO NOT pay them ANYTHING! If you get a call from them contact an attorney right away and if you can do it LEGALLY, try to record their conversation(s) for use in court. Fraudulent misrepresentation by debt collectors is an old trick, yet it STILL WORKS on a lot of people! Don't be one of them, fight back.
Ah, Mildred Snukis of where ever her boss/master decides to put her. No known permanent address, just moves from place to place with her hoard of disgusting untrained cats. Undoubtedly the same ones that caused so much damage in the house they rented from me back in 2010. She works for a private investigator named Guillermo Daniel Jalil whose big dreams of a career in law enforcement, (got his Masters Degree in Criminal Justice from Penn State) were flushed down the toilet when his applications were rejected by the law enforcement community. Isn't that what so many frustrated "police officer wannabes" wind up doing? They become P.I.'s because that's as close as they're ever going to get to being a REAL law enforcement officer! All that time spent in college and money wasted for nothing! There is no doubt whatsoever that it was Mr. Jalil and NOT Mildred Snukis who who posted the Oct. 4th. comment last week. It's his style of writing that gives him away, always the same pathetic rhetoric and false statements like for instance his claim that I sued for damages and got nothing. Can't say anything more about that...confidentiality agreement, you know. By the way, what Mr. Jalil, (A.K.A. Mildred Snukis) didn't mention was that the public record regarding me that he is still trying to make such a big deal about, is from the year 1992...TWENTY YEARS AGO! Nobody cares about an ancient and irrerelevant public record except you, Mr. Jalil!
Well, how about that! Looks like "M Snukis" (a.k.a. Guillermo D. Jalil) is at it again! Still having Mildred Snukis post your defamatory rants about me in order to avoid another stalking complaint, Mr. Jalil? Or are you simply posting everything yourself while hiding behind her identity? I see you're still trying to intimidate me with your "vast legal expertise". (LOL!) The only thing more pathetic than a "frustrated police officer wannabe" (like you), is a "frustrated lawyer wannabe". Oh, by the way, on that subject, in regards to your TWICE FAILED efforts to sustain a Bar Complaint against my attorney, (LOL again!) looks like your "new evidence" didn't impress the bar counsel investigators very much. Final outcome...COMPLAINT DISMISSED...AGAIN! Oh well..."back to the drawing board".
Are you, once again, falsely accusing me of something? If so, I would suggest that you file a police report and...Oh, wait a minute! I just already tried that MANY times in the past! How did that work out for you? Not too good, huh? I have to smile every time I think about that police sergeant referring to you as an "a##hole" and saying that they "preferred to NOT hear from you again"! Apparently, the F.B.I., the FDLE, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office, the Broward Sheriff's Office and the City of Hollywood Police Dept. ALL have the same opinion of you! NONE of your groundless complaints or false accusations were taken seriously, undoubtedly because they all instantly recognized you for exactly what you are. ( LOL continued!) You just keep on "shooting yourself in the foot", don't you?! Stop hiding behind Mildred Snukis, Mr. Jalil! In my opinion, it defines you as a gutless coward!
Notice given to M Snukis and Guillermo D. Jalil
This company is trying to collect settled debts. Constantly calling about an account that is paid off.
Harassing and threatening phone calls.
This company is sending me notices of an INCORRECT balance due on a debt that is has already been in an ongoing payment arrangement with an attorney since 2008.
Ah, Edward Alan Crespo of Hollywood, Florida. Edward Crespo, DOB 08/19/1952, was arrested, tried, convicted and incarcerated for drug offenses under the false name of Alan D'Amato (fake DOB is 07/10/1950). Case file in Broward County Clerk, 92019802CF10A. The Dept of Corrections and the DA never corrected the record and probably never will. He obtained clemency in 2003 from the Governor of Florida without correcting his false court records. I supposed the Governor's Office doesn't care that people are convicted under a false name. The court records and the Department of Corrections continue to refer to him as Alan D'Amato. I think Florida needs a new Governor who cares about the public enough to keep them safe. Accurate public records empowers every day citizens to make informed decisions about others. He has sued three debt collectors in federal court! He refuses to pay his credit cards and screams fowl when they call to collect. He records the debt collectors when they call and nitpicks them into a lawsuit. Crespo says he's the victim, of course. He sued one of the debt collectors because they called as he claims, and that his girlfriend Sheila Piper left him, and she cancelled the wedding! Wow, you must have had a weak relationship with your fiance if she's willing to leave you over a debt collection call. Over a debt collection call? Silly! Nonsense. He sued for damages and got nothing! Nothing!
Notice given to Edward Alan Crespo
836.04 Defamation.
Whoever speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
You have issues with women. Please stop bothering me. Please stop saying things on the internet that aren't true. I am not your girlfriend. I am not your friend. Stop writing letters. You are just a man who has issues with women and harasses people. If this continues, I will file a restraining order against you. Please stop making threats.
Please stop bothering me. I am not your girlfriend. I am not your friend. You are a man who has issues with women. Not interested. Stop the threats. Stop the letters. I am filing for a restraining order if this goes on. This is not funny. Please leave me alone.
I see that Guillermo D. Jalil is still indulging in his one-man terrorist campaign of harassment and defamation while hiding behind the name of his girlfriend, Mildred Snukis. Rather transparent and cowardly in my opinion. I see you recently posted my depo video on yet another website. By the way, I read all about you in David Rathman's book, "AS GOOD AS A DOG". Chapter 44, "THE INFORMER" made for some particularly interesting reading. Now don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that ratting out (an alleged) high level methamphetamine manufacturer like Mike Spadafora to the Exeter Township Police is a BAD's not. Meth is a very bad and dangerous drug. But according to the accounts in David Rathman's book, apparently you did it primarily to help your associate, Harry Hall II in his custody fight with David Rathman's daughter, Kristen. Not very honorable when one considers your true motives. You TRIED to do the same thing to me...and FAILED! Once again, and in my opinion, you made yourself look like an incompetant idiot to the entire law enforcement community with your unverified and inaccurate information about my identity. Your retractions and apologies to the Federal Court made for some very enjoyable reading! And now you're trying to introduce a Bill in the Florida House? What a JOKE! You weren't even able to get the Broward State Attorneys Office to take you seriously or act on your request. Do you honestly think you'll do any better with the Florida House of Representatives? I seriously doubt it, especially after I provide them with full documentation of your history and the transcripts of judge Kaplan's opinion of you, your motives and your actions in the stalking complaint. And that includes the newspaper stories about you in the Reading Eagle. Two can play your game, Mr. Jalil.