On February 8 2023 I was sent to Concentra to take a pre employment drug screen. I was given a piece of paper to fill out that was very strange. It was asking me to sign to agree to vaccinations and pelvic exams and to disclose any results to any third service party, and also the bottom of the paper had my signature already on it from some previous xerox copy thing. I scribbled out the paragraph that had nothing to do with the reason I was there and initialed it, I scribbled out my signature that was already there for some reason without thinking any more of it at the time. (I have copies of all of these documents) the lady at the desk expressed disapproval at this. When I was called back I emptied my pockets no problem, the gal conducting the test handed me a strange cup, it was wider and deeper than any others I had ever seen and the fill mark she applied was halfway up, more than what was needed, and the temperature strip looked strange. there was no lid, or kit, just the cup she handed me. I took it and proceeded to the restroom to submit. The first thing I noticed is that the temp strip stayed black, it didn't change any color at all when the specimen was introduced to the receptacle. I exited the restroom and handed it to the gal. She set it down and motioned for a male employee to come over and look at it, he shook his head no. she instantly pulled out a slip of paper for me to sign, it was a paper that was stating that I admit to providing a dilute or tampered with sample that is out of temperature range. also, it was asking me to agree to being watched while producing another sample. and what's even more weird is that it already had my name on it. this was all happening so fast. there was no second guessing, no questions, no nothing. it felt so staged really. I told her what is this, she said I have to sign it and pee again. I said I won't sign it but I'll pee again. And then I told her to pour my sample into another cup because I think the temperature strip is faulty, she refused, I asked her to tilt the cup and make more of the sample touch the spot where the strip is at, and she refused. I told her I would give another sample but I won't sign anything admitting that I did something wrong. she said if I didn't sign then I can't give another sample and the test would be over. I said okay. I'm not going to sign a document that admits to doing something I didn't do. Now, at that time I was unaware of the legal process and how it really works because I've never had a problem with pre employment drug tests. I've worked in shops for over twenty years and taken dozens of pre employment drug screens with no problems. I left and called my employer to tell him what happened and he sent another form so I could retest somewhere else. then he emailed he again and told me to disregard the previous email because the clinic called him and told him I refused to retest and left the building. I was dropped and the job was no longer mine. I returned the next day to the facility to request a copy of all the documents of the incident... I actually said I wanted anything that pertained to me or had my name on it. And I especially wanted a copy of the notice that was sent to the employer. I was provided with three documents and the gentleman was unhappy to provide those. There was a copy of a 'forensic custody and control form' which looks nothing like what its supposed to look like, and the bottom of it says 'laboratory copy' and it has 'no sample provided' marked, but the statement says 'sample was out of temperature range, refused to test and left the building because he said he couldn't wait for another test' so did I not provide a sample or was it out of temperature range? quite a vague remark, and it has 'other' marked for who the sample was released to. and a bunch of other weird stuff. it is entirely fishy and looks totally unofficial, it looks like someone there is trying to get me in trouble or keep me from getting a job and then some. the other form I was able to get was the copy of the 'employer services patient information' which has things on it that are unrelated to the testing and also had my signature xeroxed on the bottom. this is the form I scribbled out the paragraphs that I wouldn't agree to and initialed nest to the scribbles, this is when the desk person got mad. another form is the 'unusual collection form' that's what it says on top. that's the form asking me to admit to providing a dilute and out of temperature sample and agreeing to let someone watch me retest. This is a job in a shop that makes plastic pipes, so what's with the DOT style testing process? I wanted a copy of the message sent to my boss about what happened, and they said they don't have one because they called him and told him. I asked what happened to my sample and they said they threw it away, but the laboratory copy they gave me says someone picked it up. They wont provide any more documentation. so, I am providing this notice to inform Concentra that they can email me to discuss this because my next visit it with an attorney. [protected]@gmail.com let me know
Desired outcome: lawsuit