In 2016 a system integration with Country Retirement/Pension at Human Resources.
The transition was very quiet and I found out when I looked at the portal at AON we are forced to use that my beneficaries were INCORRECT. I have a pre-retirement death benefit and if I would have passed, it would have been terrible for my actual Beneficairies to figure out or get the funds!
Also, when I left the COUNTRY Insurance company in [protected] I was there 18 years and vested. The projects for retireing early at 55 were MUCH higher and now when I talk to Country HR they say it was always a high rate of .44. This was NOT the case and the projection and factor was much LESS and monthly payout MUCH HIGHER when I left Country.
I had huge issues even getting new projection and getting into their "servicing" portal.
COUNTRY Human Resources rep and AON treated me like an idiot and like I did not even understand what pensions were and how they worked. Scripted answers.
I asked COUNTRY why my beneficiaires were pulled over WRONG and why the factor changed or was higher. No answer other than treating me like I'm a stupid old person that should not retire before age 65.
I specifically asked Human Resources to go back to 2008 and 2009 and send me what the project was then and a copy of my beneficiary designations (I was blown off at that point) . I also asked them to confirm in writing what the factor was for my Grandfathered retirement pension plan in 2008-09 and again was blown off.
This passing the buck. Ignorning retiree quesitons and getting real looks into the HISTORY of my account and others is very deceitful and tiring for those asking real quesitons.
Service and process are terrible and the scripts and treating people like they are dumb for questioning the calculations and data/pension integration with AON is wrong too.
AON has a bad reputation and now COUNTRY in my opinoin does too! Their Human Resources strategy stinks and exploits past employees!
Here is what I want
1. historical printout and answer back to 2008 and 2009 and answers
2. why was benefiricary not integrated and pulled over correctly and put me and my family at HIGH RISK if I would have passed and my pre-retirement death benefit paid out INCORRECTLY.
3. Why the age 55 early retirement factor projected in 2008-09 is drastically higher than what is being projected now (.44).
4 A copy of the projection history back to 2008 (age 55 and factors used) and also what it was on system conversion in 2016
Desired outcome: See above