I have had a TxTag since 2008 and have paid every legitimate TxTag charge since that time and up to the present. My account is automatically reimbursed $40 when the balance falls below $10. some time ago, TxTag undertook some software changes which caused my TxTag to become unrecognized. I then received the first of several bills from CTRMA. On becoming aware of the problem, I went onto TxTag's website and corrected the problem. I then began a lively correspondence with CTRMA (I have complete documentation of all correspondence and disputes with both TxTag and CTRMA in a 1/2 inch thick file). I paid only the the legitimate TxTag charges shown on the CTRMA bill (They graciously tell you on the bill what you could save with a TxTag) and refused to pay any processing or penalty charges because I have had my TxTag since 2008. I steadfastly refuse to pay any of their bogus charges and especially take umbrage at their claim of "Toll Violation". I could easily pay the claimed charges but will not on principle and will contemplate legal action if either CTRMA or Penn Credit adversly impacts my credit rating which stands anorth of 800, I am not a deadbeat. Penn Credit is merely acting on data provided by CTRMA and CTRMA does not talk to TxTag, so I lay this whole matter at the feet of CTRMA with some culpability by TxTag for failure to communicate with its customers about software changes or to coordinate with CTRMA when disputes such as this arise.
Desired outcome: Remove the claim of "Toll Violation" and the accompanying charge of $78.16 and insure that my credit history is unaffected.