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CB Telemarketing Review of D4YOU services
D4YOU services

D4YOU services review: MLP media 20

Author of the review
10:58 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

The company is run by Martin England so please please check and google MLP Media and look at the complaints before you sign anything. Also look on this site. Dont get ripped off.

Update by abacuslettings
Jan 25, 2012 9:43 am EST

Once again trying to cover the past, none of this is true workmate.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Chorley, GB
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Jan 24, 2012 3:12 pm EST

this post has been made by someone personally known to mr england and abacus lettings is not and never has been a customer. he is maried to martin england's ex wife and all the comments and postings he has made in the past have been utter garbage and posted to deliberately hurt him. if anyone has any queries regarding their contract with d 4 you services, please contact them directly and not through this person, who has been proved to be a liar

Hove, GB
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Feb 29, 2012 5:39 pm EST

Martin Thomas England is indeed a con man. Previously ran JME Marketing and MLP ltd. Both went into liquidation owing thousands after failing to fulfill contracts. Takes the money and honours a small percentage of contracts to give himself credibility. Once he has a large book of prepaid orders he goes into liquidation. Copy and past link. More to follow. abacuslettings is speaking the truth.

Hove, GB
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Mar 02, 2012 12:20 am EST

No 2 in the series of copy and paste links to Martin England's murky past. Do not use D4YOU Services under any circumstances unless you want to be DoneByThem. Copy and Paste the following link into your browser.

Hove, GB
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Mar 02, 2012 12:29 am EST

No 3 in the series. Surprise, surprise! Martin Englands name crops up a few times on this link as well. Getting to be quite a habit it appears.

Hove, GB
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Mar 02, 2012 5:12 pm EST

No. 4 Copy and Paste Link. He even appears on another thread on this site. He's the type of guy who is quite happy to cause misery to others but as soon as those same people pay him in kind he cries like a baby claiming he's the victim. Quite frankly its pathetic. The guy needs to grow a pair.
MLP Media Ltd Chorley Lancs — Sold fictitious advertising for local surgery

Pontypool, GB
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Mar 15, 2012 10:20 am EDT

Tried to serve a County Claim Form to Mr England at his new address - D$ You Services but they refused it. He owes me £585.

Call me for legal advice
Harlow, GB
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Apr 15, 2012 11:40 pm EDT

Firstly I should say that I am a civil litigator and have experience with recovering damages for breach of contract. I should also say that I myself have suffered at the hand of MLP, it's a horrible thing to happen and I sympathise will everyone here that has shared the same fate. If i can help you I will!

Poppadom, the reason your proceedings have not been accepted is because you are issuing/serving against the wrong legal entity. Company law 101: a limited company is a legal entity and retains its own liabilities. You should have served against the company with which you engaged a contract. This limited liability, retained by the company is known as the corporate veil and is intended to encourage investment and business. It can be lifted where fraud, sham or facade are proven however these have to be exceptional circumstances. The issue with this is that MLP Media Ltd, although still active on companies house may not have any money with which to pay us out, even if you have a County Court Judgement against them for the debt.

I have posted on here before and until now haven't been able to help anyone because my costs outweighing the amount being claimed; these are small claims cases. If enough people need my help and we can push the value up into the fast track (over £5, 000) then I may be able to recover costs and help everyone in a group action without charging anything more than i recover from MLP, again this is subjct to confirmation that they have enough money to pay me out! I will have to look into this so no promises but if everyone who is owed money from MLP within the last 6 years (limitation for breach of contract) then I will try and put something together.

Call me and I will advise you without asking for a penny (although I would reserve the right to charge if I win the case against MLP whereby I will recover the money from them and not from you).

I hate this sort of fraudulent trading that damages the little guys, if I can stick it to them for you I will!

I will shamelessly plug that I also do personal injury and indutrial disease work so I would ask, if you appreciate my kindess to you, that you repay me with a reccomendation to anyone you know that has been injured and would like legal advice (again at no charge).

Good luck everyone, call me!

Colin Goldring
Civil Litigator
Broadgate Legal Solicitors
Tel: [protected]
Fax: [protected]

Rogue Traders!!
Wolverhampton, GB
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Jun 21, 2012 8:18 am EDT

i have just spoken to someone at D4 You services who have taken £240 from my daughter for anadvertisementt to be printed on Doctors appointment cards in our local surgery to promote her business she is setting up... He was the most arrogant person i have ever spoken to and was quite ### sure of him self when being quite flippantt and sarcastic about me asking where our money is or the advertisementt they have been claiming they will print!
We took out a contract with them in Jan this year, to be told that the printing would be completed a couple of months later... we have chased several times to be told the same thing... it will be done in 2 weeks time! this is now 6months later!
In my opinion they are a big con ripping people off!
Its ridiculouss that our law allows this person to keep setting business up to rip people off...
Im going to report them to trading standards along with BBC Rouge Traders. The more people that report him the more likely someone will investigate him

manchester, GB
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Jul 04, 2012 2:14 am EDT


Eastbourne, GB
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Aug 14, 2012 7:13 am EDT

Now its iLeaflets too. Same people.

Cannock, GB
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Oct 24, 2012 3:55 pm EDT

I just gave a cheque to one of their guys from d4you services. As soon as I saw these posts I had it stopped straight away so they have not got their money. I signed a contract but I don't care. If they wanna come and try get the money then let em. I doubt they will want to go anywhere near any court houses. Thanks for these posts as it stopped them getting my money.

Solihull, GB
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Dec 28, 2012 11:58 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

OMG I took out a contract in July with D4You for Doctors appointment cards and paid £360 but they have done nothing yet. They have fobbed me off twice giving problems with the printing system and now say they will be printed in January but I have lost all hope of getting anything now aftr reading these posts. I have emailed them three times demanding a full refund for breach of contract but each time they have replied saying they can't cancel as the print/type setting has been done already, but now I have serious doubts.

Can anyone advise me what is the best course of action to get my money back? I am a new business sole trader and can't afford this sort of scam.

Witney, GB
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Mar 04, 2013 2:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi All
I paid them £480 in May 2012, requested they cancel my contract in October 2012 as appointment card was not in the vets yet.
No apologies, no return calls.
In January 2013 an envelope arrived with an appointment card in with my advert in no compliment slip to say where it had come from? I called D 4 u asking why they had gone ahead and printed when they were meant to be talking over and getting authority to issue my refund? They asked if I expected to have free advertising!
I did get an apology via email after losing my cool on the telephone and an offer of 6 months free advertising, but as I told them in October 2012 I wanted a refund as requested.
Absolutely disgusting company and staff, I don't know how they can sleep at night taking money form all these small (struggling to make ends meet) companies.
No wonder so many of the have time of sick so often!

Witney, GB
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Mar 04, 2013 2:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Should have added I've already reported them to Trading Standards and will take them to court,
I shall also contact bbc rouge traders too, if enough people get onto them then maybe once agian this guy will be exposed!

Birmingham, GB
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Apr 15, 2013 5:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too have been scammed by D4You Services. Not by a Telephone number however, but by a Rep who came into my shop selling advertising space on a local bridal shops appointment cards (the appointment cards subsequently didnt exist). So they are obviously branching away from medical practitioners. I agreed to a 240.00 advertising space for my cake business, and they took £600.00 from my account by the time i realised! I tried to call the reps mobile number (on the back copy of the contract he left me) and it was false. They havent answered emails or calls! Dont know what to do as the bank are saying its civil and i cant afford to sue! The last lot he took from the bank the other day left my one year old and 8 year old with f****** soup as he cleared me out completely.

Mancon England
Chorley, GB
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May 24, 2013 5:14 am EDT

Martin England has closed this business down.

Suzanne Bartram
Birmingham, GB
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Jun 18, 2013 4:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm another one of Martin England's victims. I have a small foot clinic in the West Midlands, where one of his reps approached me to sell advertising space. He's had £202 out of me for nothing. I haven't heard from him since. I struggled to find the funds for this anyway and compromised mine and my daughter's living expenses. I will be contacting trading standards and rogue traders tomorrow. This weak insignificant excuse for a man is a parasite preying on small businesses for his own gains because he hasn't got the stamina or ***s to work for a living like everyone else. Thankfully what goes around comes around, quicker than he might be expecting it to!

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Aug 12, 2013 8:58 am EDT

I have lost out to D4You also. I took out an advertisement with them late last year and now August the year after and after the landline contact number I had appears to be disconnected I decided to Google them. Don't I wish I had done that before! I did call them a number of months ago to complain to which I got an extremely rude woman. After a heated argument we did sort out that I made no further payments until it was in print. I have lost my initial payment made to the rep but thankful I didn't pay any more. Maybe someone could advise us small business owners if we have any chance of getting a claim made against them and how.
I hope Karma catches up with this one and I won't be paying anything in advance in future.

Highbridge, GB
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Aug 19, 2013 3:48 am EDT

We purchased advertisements for our local Doctors surgey, which is Highbridge Medical Practise in Somerset, we met with a rep in October 2012, he took a £90.00 deposit and three further payments by standing order, of £90.00, totalling £360.00. We have spoken to them several times and we are continually told by them that the cards are in the process of being printed. We were told that they should have been out by e beginning of October 2012.We have spoken to the medical centre who have never spoken to these people, and never delt with them, Yet D4you knew all the details of the medical centre, they even knew when they were having the cards produced, I know this be because I I went I to. The Medical centre to check that they were having cards produced at that time. And the printers that our medical centre uses is about 10 minutes away from D4 you's offices in Lancashire.i think that this is very conk credential and I hope that no one else gets caught bys this man. I am now contacting tad and standards and rogue traders too, as I think the more we let people know Bout this, the more likely it is that this man will have to stop what he is doing.

Sarah HB
Manchester, GB
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Feb 05, 2014 7:22 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Paid for advertising to be put on the back of Vet appt cards which have never been produced. The cost of £385 I cannot get hold of him via telephone or email. The website doesn't exist. I'm so cross, I can barely afford to feed myself on the little money I make and this was a risk I shouldn't' have taken.