When people call Jerry Brooks, at DataCom Solutions, Inc.With any type of a complaint about one of his employees he seems to want to call the people ###, hores, sluts or ###.I didnt think ECOS of such companies was supposed to have such attitudes on the phone.I think this type of an attitude needs to be investigated and the proper attention should be applied.Because this type of attitude could result in customers dropping their cable service.And going else where for their service.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I was called by one person named Raiappa Reddy, Datacom solutions, 3rd floor, Global business park, Gurgaon on 11 September as I was referred by one of my friend in search for a better job, who interviewed me on call and asked me to attend an interview on the 12 Sept in Delhi, who promised all my travel expense will be immediately reimbursement after the interview. Even before I booked up my flight tickets, I reconfirmed with this person who told me will be Reimbursed immediately on submitting my reimbursement slip. I asked me to sent the same through an email who told me which was not necessary and he will take care. I took up a flight to Delhi and attended the interview, which also includes a question asking me what would be given to him if he appointed me, for which I had no answer but told him nothing but hardwork. After the interview was done I was told the reimbursement would be sent to my address within a week, I have been following the same with this person for about two months now, who either doesn't attend the call or will give me another number to contact who doesn't receive the call from my number. This has been the same treatment for another person who attended the interview from Hyderabad. This is a poor service and they don't have any official site but this a subsidiary group of Videocon.Lately when I spoke to the same person who tells me this can't be reimbursed. It would be grateful if this site helps me as this badly hit my two months finance.
Please get the right DataCom. You posted slanderous information about the wrong company. We are not affiliated, a subsidiary, nor do we have a relationship with the company you spoke with. We are in AL and do not outsource employment. There are at least 100 DataCom, so as I understand your finances were badly hit, but you are attempting to damage an innocent companies reputation. These kinds of site are cyberbullying. People post damaging information, and it is not factual. Before you vent, respectfully do your homework, because looking at the site you posted above, it was not the correct DataCom.
I am Shannon Williams the Human Resource director at DataCom. The person that posted this innuendo obviously has some mental issues and we were very generous by not filing communication harassment charges. We only refrained after realizing there were some serious mental defects at hand. However, we are now legally pursuing these folks for slander, along with the publishers of this site, for taking a non-verifiable stance and publishing such untruths about us. I was the actual gate keeper and no one ever got past me in the more than 100 calls to the office demanding direct communication with our President. Fact is, I was insulted by these people (a husband & wife) duo that we do not know, simply for not allowing direct access to complain about issues that fall within my sector. I've been subjected to a lot in my 25 years of HR, but this one was a masterpiece.
DATACOME and JARRY BROOKS also fraud because he do not pay commission in our employ JARRY BROOKS FRAUD PERSON TOTAL FRAUD HE IS NOT PAYING MY $4000
datacom solution is not reliable company. Mr Jarry not sent commission our employs
Its mean they are fraud. Datacom bussniss not good. My bad experience with datacom. Mr jarry not good person i dont know he is not sent my $ 3000 its mean this is doing fraud with me. people know that $ 3000 is not big amount but trust is big for any person.
Im signup for any sweet girl but Mr Shannon Williams cancel my order and again place my order our company datacom this is fraud and Shannon Williams not pay commission my girl. i think so datacom all person is fraud and also this company is fraud
He is such a fraud, big liar, DOES NOT PAY ANY PENNY WHO WORKS FOR HER!
1485 Bob Wade Ln NW Huntsville, AL [protected]
Age: 45-49
Associated: Jerry L Brooks, Jerry L Brooks, Kris Brooks, Lucretia S Brooks
I am shocked that COMPLAINTS BOARD allows terrorist
from Pakistan to post information on respective US businesses with a
proper investigation before submission. Please pay special attention to
the rambling and unintelligible grammar of these posts. These posts are
either from an elementary student or someone from another country. The
FACTS: are that the person making the posts is USMAN ANIS and SARA UNIS
from Pakistan. USMAN actively searches on CABLEBAR for cable/satellite
companies in the US and acts as an authorized call center selling
DIRECTV sales. He approached us and said he operated a call center in
NY. What he found the truth to be from DIRECTV corporate, is that he
high jacks/STEALS customers' information and re enters the information
as new orders. This is ILLEGAL and DIRECTV contacted us by certified
mail in December 2013 and pull backed a sum of large from January 2014
commission. Many of the commissions had been paid to USAMAN and SARA.
Today, we are still getting money taken back for his activity. We
also received telephone conferences from corporate management indicating
that they were aware that USMAN has taken advantage of many dealers. Usman and his wife SARA send emails from google accounts and use a magic jack number from NY with the caller ID indicating DIRECTV. Usman
also approached us and asked us to sponsor him and his wife as
employees. We told him that we WOULD NOT consider a sponsorship. When
we informed him that DIRECTV sent us a certified email admonishing his
illegal activity, as well as, the CHARGE BACK of the HIGH JACKED orders,
he threatened us. Usman
is a terrorist and falsifies his relationship within the satellite
industry. USAN says he is paralyzed and uses deceptive tactics to
camouflage his intent. His true intent is to: place the high jacked
orders, and request money be sent quickly. But, what we know from
DIRECTV is when he is paid the commissions on these HIGH JACKED orders,
DIRECTV says that there are NOT ORDERS! For Complaints Boards to
allow PAKISTANI TERRORIST to post information without proper
investigation is UNAMERICAN and TREASONIST! Since, I have factual
information regarding USMAN ANIS' deceptive practice, I am forwarding
all of this information to the FBI and the Attorney General to review
all the sources and information allowed on Complaints Board. The
complaint board should be a viable and useful tool for legitimate
complaints, and not a tool to extort, harass, and post personal
information. That is not freedom of speech!