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CB Education and Training Review of Dave Emory sign Spitfire
Dave Emory sign Spitfire

Dave Emory sign Spitfire review: Zionist Propagandist giving false information 2

Author of the review
12:31 pm EDT
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Oh... my... god. I almosted vomited. . First of all, I'd say he is a fake...Look at this letter, it's so obviously phony, designed to give "Dave Emory" a setup for his ### response. So the "true allegiance" of the US is to Saudi Arabia, and our support for Israel is just a smokescreen? Oh, sure... now I get it! Lololol. Reality check: The US largely controls the Saudi royal family, as they have done for decades, while the international banksters behind Israel largely control the US, as they have done for decades. Duh. Then there's the tactic of focusing on right wing blow hards (like Glenn Beck) as if they have anything worthwhile to say, and the intimation that the official story about 9/11 is basically true, that 19 Saudi Arabian idiots directed by some clown in a cave overcame the most sophisticated air defense system in human history. Right... talk about ludicrous conspiracy theories, lol. If the letter is real, which I seriously doubt, then "Shibusa" is dumber than dirt. But "Shibusa" is very likely not real... the letter is a fake, an obvious softball setup for Dave Emory's equally obvious propaganda.

Which leads us to "Dave Emory"... or whatever his real name is. The first tipoff is his reference to "the Underground Reich"... oh yeah, that's who really runs the world, lolol. Let's get something straight: The Nazis were created by the banksters in the first place, and to the extent the Nazis survived and still exist, they are still run by the same damn banksters. From a philosophical-ideological-political point of view, fascism is most definitely still alive and well, expanding in its scope and sophistication, and the exact same banksters are still very much behind it to this day... the same banksters who backed it in the beginning, along with socialism, communism, the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, and the State of Israel. And we pretty much know who the banksters are. Zionism and fascism are essentially one and the same at the highest levels, but you'll never learn about that from Dave Emory.

The next clue about who "Dave Emory" really is comes from this preposterous comment:  "Jews and Israel are com­pletely irrel­e­vant to any sub­stan­tive dis­cus­sion of world affairs." Lololol... really? Gosh, who do you think would like us to believe that whopper? The truth is the exact opposite, naturally. It would be hard to come up with any comment that has more obvious fingerprints of Zionist propaganda, but aren't we lucky, he gives us much more. He resorts to the common tactic of reciting arcane and meaningless history in an attempt to impress and confuse his readers. What relevance does "the tri­par­tite clan con­trol used by the Ottoman Empire" have today? None. Or the Nashashibis, Hamshemites, or the Hus­seini clan? None. Notice how he refers to 1948 as "the war of independence"... oh yeah, the poor jews were oppressed and had to fight for their independence. Reality check: the Ashkenazi jews of Israel have zero ancestral claim to the land of Palestine... they literally stole it from the Palestinians and have been engaged in systematic ethnic cleansing ever since, replete with over a hundred UN condemnations for illegal activity. And of course he puts the word "Palestinians" in quotes, suggesting that they are not really a true people... a very common (and repugnant) Zionist tactic.

Moving right along, he lectures us how "More than twice the num­ber of Jews were eth­ni­cally cleansed from Arab lands [over a roughly 30-year period] as “Pales­tini­ans” were eth­ni­cally cleansed in Israel" in a transparent attempt to warp perceptions and create sympathy for the poor jews, while conveniently neglecting to mention that when it comes to ethnic cleansing and mass murder, the Jewish Bolsheviks and Soviets are the all time champions of Western history with 66 million exterminated... rivaled only by Chairman Mao's Chinese Communists, who were also supported by the usual suspects – the same Euro international banksters who supported Lenin, Trotsky, and Hitler, founded the Federal Reserve, and who've been running England and the US for well over a hundred years.

This is all par for the course, typical Zionist propaganda. But the frosting on the cake is the reference to Arabs as "manifesting a largely medieval culture"... oh I almost forgot, the Talmud is such a gem of modern civility, lolol. We're told how the Arabs own much of the world's oil reserves, but no mention of how those resources have always been controlled by the Zionazi banksters who run Britain and the US. And it's so fascinating to learn that the "Bormann capital network" is "the great­est con­cen­tra­tion of money power under a sin­gle con­trol in all of world history"... oh sure, far more powerful than the House of Rothschild, lololol. The cherry topping is the suggestion that "the Reich" controls world public opinion. Gosh, I guess that means the Jews must be pretty damn stupid, since they own the global mainstream media outright, lolol. 

Ergo, the disinfo artist who goes by the name "Dave Emory" is a just another purveyor of Zionist propaganda. I don't know if he's a brainwashed goy dupe or a cypto jew, but it's one or the other. He really couldn't make it more obvious if he tried. It's hugely entertaining, but it's also dismaying that there's still anyone out there who's dumb enough to fall for it.

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Josiah Bartlett
Alameda, US
Sep 13, 2013 4:07 pm EDT

Agree with the above letter, but find the presentation rather sloppy. Have heard and read David Emorys work for many years and followed his career starting with his show on KFJC on with Nip Tuck. In the course of his broadcasting his initial work on the JFK, MLK, RFK, etc. was dropped and he has moved in a direction that be described as very supportive of the state of Israel and a virulent hatred of Germany and Islam. What is disturbing is knowing that his radio broadcasts are knowlingly broadcast without any rebuttal or correction to what often are his personal paranoid hallucinations. That college administrators allow this unchecked hatred to be broadcast on public airwaves unchallenged is troubling. On a positive note, his audience is so small and ineffective as to virtually have no standing on rational discourse. Thank you.

Gracchus Babeuf
Mar 27, 2016 9:57 pm EDT

The author of this "complaint" is a nutjob who hides behind a "jewish sounding" name because they don't want you to know they come from a neo-nazi website called "stormfront, " which should be obvious to anyone who's actually bothered to read the drivel that was so laboriously typed.

Invective excoriating "Zionazis" is about par-for-the-course when it comes to these internet nazi who work overtime to infiltrate and/or discredit any movement or persons who might cast a critical light onto the doings of the fascist (or "black" as in blackshirts) international.

One need not take their word for any of what Emory has to say, as his voluminous work speaks for itself and is readily available.

If the nazi storfronters want to submit a "rebuttal" to any of Emory's works, they should not hesitate. The fact that they do not do so is not a reflection of the stations' refusal to continence alternative editorial viewpoints so much as it is a reflection of their own awareness that anything they have to say by way of "rebuttal" will inevitably be laughed off the air by sober-minded and obective individuals who will immediately see through their cheap appropriation of classic nazi propaganda regarding "jewish conspiracies" which are as old and stale as the tsarist forgeries from which they were taken over 100 years ago.

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