The business owner of this company's name is Charles Danzy. At first I looked passed the appearance since I don't judge books by their covers. This man is exactly how he appears and sounds. He'll constantly speak on how he provides quality services and products to his customers even if the insurance doesn't cover betterment. He'll do his best to seem like a stand up guy business and ethically to be befriended. But don't overlook that he is a pothead, uses this company's bank account to dodge child support, and will try to hustle you with so many other services he's only affiliated with but will claim it's his team or other businesses. Charles took a $2400 business loan that he was suppose to had repaid with interest in less than a month. Charles doesn't answer calls anymore.
Also Charles uses other persons to door knock for him since he can't get through to most with his dreadlocks that are braided and his rugged looks.