The website seems so legit, the prices seem excellent for these bags that are double the price. Everything is fake, its amazing how they are in business. I bought a product from them, and thinking they were a real business I never checked up on this product. I now looked it up once the product was delivered, and its a messed up copy. First off, the tags are copies and they opened up the metal ring to shove it on there. Second, the label of the company is the wrong color. Its just so terrible that they can even be up and running. They even have paypal, and many other trustworthy things on their website to make it seem legit. So please skip this site if you want to buy real brand name items. And to think it says 100% Authentic Guaranteed.
Oh no I have bought at least three Prada bags from them.Not very cheap, tho one was leather and the other two were nylon.
They are very well made, tags look genuine and packaging looked real.
I have no way of knowing if they are real or fake. Still using the excellent shape still .Haven't bought anything recently.Dont think I'm going to anyway.
Whom do you trust online ?