Product/Service involved:
Travel Club
20, 000 hotels & motels, up to 65% off
Condos up to 75% off by the day or week with hundreds of thousands of weeks to choose from.
No fee air ticketing
Discount Cruises: up to 50% off
Discount tours, packages and all inclusive's
Up to 50% off on: Amusement theme parks and tourist attractions, golf, skiing & snowboarding, camping
Discounted cars, motor homes
Discounted houseboat rentals
24 hr. world wide concierge services
Consumer benefits: Restaurant/movie theater/automotive/health beauty, aids discounts.
Weekly newsletter with hundreds of specials: Condos, cruises, hotels, and vacation packages
Commission rebates of 5% to 12%.
Amount involved: $8593.00
How they were first contacted: Mail solicitation
Complaint Description:
Cancellation of Travel Club Contract. High pressure sales tactics to mislead us abut travel club services. False advertisement.
ON 14 Aug 2009 my wife and I attend an presention in Gulf Shores, Al. We were offered a free vacation to attend.(Received this in the mail). We didn't do any research before we went because we were NOT going to sign up/buy and anything. The presentation (Destinations Unlimited) was for a Travel Club (SeaLand Travel) We ended up joining the club for $8593 paying by credit card. When we got home we found of that Destinations Unlimited and Sealand Travel had many complaints and law suites against them. BB rated F for Destinations Unlimited and D for SeaLand Travel. I also found out we overpaid for the service by about 8000 dollars. I called my credit company that night (14 Aug 2009)to cancel. They said I could not cancel, it was already posted. I e-mail the companies and told them I wanted to cancel. I called the companies and left messages that I wanted to cancel. On Saturday I sent the companies letters by certified mail, stating we wanted to cancel. I received an e-mail from Sealand travel say they had nothing to do with the contract, contact Destinations Unlimited. On Saturday I talked with a D.U. customer service rep.(In Colorado) he said I could not cancel because its in the contract. On Monday I received one to the letters back stating that the company had moved and the certified letter could not be delivered.(Web address in Colorado) I received the post office post card from Sealand travel that they received the cancellation letter. I haven't received the card from Destinations Unlimited in Gulf Shores.
We feel that Destinations Unlimited used high-pressure sales tactics to mislead us about the travel services.
The airline tickets, hotel accommodations, gasoline and $300 grocery coupons we were offered to attend a presentation were not free. We would have to pay $100 plus taxes and other fees. We found that the travel restrictions were so onerous that the trips are virtually impossible to schedule.
We were promised travel value for pennies on the dollar and at the lowest prices for travel however, after doing a little research we found out that other customers discovered that they could have booked the same trips for approximately the same prices. The Club promises of significant discounts on cruises, air travel, hotels and condominiums proved no better than competing travel companies' deals. We still do not have our Membership #
They have used various names Royal Palm Travel, Bon Voyage, Suncountry, Horizon, Beachcomber, Castaway, Infinite Vacations according to my research.
Missouri Attorney Generals web site has listed 12 complaints against Destinations Unlimited and 2 against SeaLand Travel.
Texas Attorney General has charged Infiniti Vacations for Deceptive Trade Practices
Destinations Unlimited- Gulf Shores, Al. Ph [protected] No Web
Destinations Unlimited- Denver, CO.
PH [protected]
Sealand Travel-Kansas City, MO.
They now called themselves Grand Design Travel and are still operating out of Gulf Shores, Alabama.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
On May 5, 2009, my wife an I attended a high class seminar that we were invited to by Destinations Unlimited. Very good presentation, but we were told in order to join we had to pay that night. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back was spoken a total of 7 times, as I took 4 pages of notes. We paid that night, planning on using their services for an upcoming family vacation in August. Starting in June and through July, I made over a dozen calls to arrange airfare and hotels in Florida. I was constantly sent to Sea Land Travel to make the reservations, even though we never heard of Sea Land. In the end I made all reservations myself. When I demanded a refund, the real nightmare began. I was shuffled from one person to the next. Every time I was told they would see what the could do. I was told as late as February, there would be no refund since I signed their contract. Arnuldo, with no last name, who told me he was the senior VP, told me in no uncertain terms no refund was coming and to hire a lawyer, if I felt they had not abided by the contract. What arrogance. I received my annual fee statement and was told to mail a check to an address. It is a PO box. This sickens me that companies and people can treat other people like this and steal our hard earned money. I am trying to figure out how to recover our money. Any ideas, please e-mail. I am desperate to resolve this.
The same thing happened to us in 2024. Fortunately, we bought the "try-it before you commit" but still to the tune of $5K+ when all was said and done. We WILL be canceling at the end of the 5 years because everything they said in the presentation is EXACTLY the opposite of how it actually is when you go to book!