On three separate occasions I placed orders with Devil Inspired... And to my shock I have not received ANY of the merchandise that I ordered! I originally thought that maybe the reason was because the actual company was extremely far away perhaps over seas and so I just continued to wait... It's been several months now and I believe that this company is actually a fraud! I am going to look into a formal law suit in order to bring this company down and off the internet! They even pretended to give me some sort of minor reimbursement which was never put on my card that I used to make the purchases and believe me, I checked over and over and over again! Since then, I basically have been quite busy with my daily affairs that I haven't looked any further into any kind of further responses from this company but I now am sure that they have no intentions of correcting any of what my missing orders would entail of their correspondence to them! I am owed over $2,500.00 and I want some kind of answers or I am going to make sure that I get this whole situation out for the media to look into and I am going to pursue legal charges against this whole scam operation in it's entirety!
Desired outcome: I want a full refund put on a new card, for I have since cancelled the card that I used to purchase all of the fraudulent company products that I NEVER received at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new card number is [protected] cvv986 exp12/28