On 02/02/10, my wife and I met at ECD with Harold Feldman and were introduced to the modular dormer product. Our preliminary estimate was $137, 985 for our project. On 03/19/10, we called ECD to learn that Mr. Feldman no longer worked for the company and we began to re-discuss our plans with David Marconi throughout April and May of 2010. We paid ECD a check in the sum of $3100 for the first set of architectural plans to be done on 04/29/10. The estimate changed numerous times between our original estimate from Harold and our estimates from David through 05/21/10. By 05/25/10 the estimate had increased to $151, 939. The only customer chosen options additional to the first estimate that could have increased this estimate were solid doors for $460.00, a small window in the bathroom, and a heated bathtub. There was clearly a disconnect between the items presented in the multiple estimates from 02/10 to 5/25 partially due to the change in employees representing the company. My wife and I spoke to Mr. Boerckel by phone on 05/25/10 regarding our concerns and he met at our house on 05/27/10. On 06/02/10, Mr. Boerckel emailed an updated contract for $147, 054 that we agreed to. On 06/03/10, Mr. Boerckel, and his architect, Anthony, came to our house for a second measure with a new employee, Ken. We were informed that David Marconi no longer worked for ECD. Anxious to begin our project, we issued two checks for $22058.10 and $2000.00 for a 15% deposit and a second set of plans. We were informed that the next step would be to go to the office to choose colors, siding, carpet, etc. Scott scheduled us to come in on 06/10/10. When we came to choose our colors, we were helped by the Receptionist, Rebecca Meyer who was clearly not qualified for this task as she was showing us marble when it was not actually offered. We approached Scott at this same meeting and he showed us the samples of what was included. We were extremely disappointed. At our initial appointment in February 2010 throughout June 2010, ECD had advertised Kohler, Mohawk, and Certainteed products to show us that we were getting the very best but did not explain that the products were not only outdated but the very low end of these popular brands. We were also told at this meeting that the second set of plans had not even been started because the architect was working on a large project which would throw our closing date of 07/01/2010 off with the bank and cause us to lose a considerable amount of money. Still dissatisfied, we met with Mr. Boerckel and Ken at the ECD office on 06/14/10 and cancelled the project and the contract. At this meeting, when asked, Mr. Boerckel admitted during the conversation that he wouldn't have these products for his own home and offers them to keep the price down for the initial bids. Mr. Boerckel called our home on 06/16/10 to offer a resolution. His offer was to include an upgrade on the siding and fixtures for free but nothing else. We have received no money back although the construction on the modular dormer never even began nor were the second set of plans started. Our first set of plans were simply preliminary drawings, only a first draft, also not completed. We expect a refund of $27, 158.10. Due to miscommunication within the ECD company, verbal agreements and estimates were inconsistent to say the least. For three months, the estimates fluctuated due to these miscommunications and change in employment within the company. My wife and I began to distrust ECD due to the misrepresentation of the product selection and the constant confusion due to their seemingly disorganized ways. We were uncomfortable allowing ECD to remove the second story of our home. We were very happy that we made this decision in September (three months after cancellation) when we received an email from yet another employee asking us how our anticipated project was going because he noticed that we had been "shuffled around".
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am currently searching for a company to do a dormer on my home and from what I have read and heard, I wouldn't trust this construction company as far as I can throw them. Aside from this, I have seen a few other complaints on the internet. I also heard a horror story from a parent of a boy, my son plays soccer with. They had East Coast Dormer do work on their home and actually had to call another company to fix certain things only 7 months after completion. Evidently, 8-10 calls were placed East Coast Dormer prior to this lady having to reach out to another company. Looks like once these guys get your money...They forget they know you!
My wife and I recently hired East Coast Dormer to build a modular second floor addition to our all original 1950s cape. It had been a great experience and we highly recommend them.
From start to finish, from the day we signed a contract, to the day we moved back in, it took a little over a month. Compared to some of our neighbors who've been in construction for well over a year, and still not done, this was a HUGE positive for us.
We interviewed 5-6 large LongIsland contractors before settling with East Coast Dormers. Many of them seemed shady and wouldn't give straight answers. One company even gave us a quote for the project over the phone without coming to look at the house. A 100k budget project and the contractor didn't even care to come out to meet us in person. Needless to say, this contractor did not get our project. We called East Coast Dormer towards the end of our search. It was like night and day. Scott (the owner) Carmine (sales) and Rose (assistant) were always available to use by phone and eMail. And even after-hours in the early evening and on the weekends. Carmine put up with many changes to the plans and materials. He was very patient, explaining all the choices and associated costs. And project timelines.
It helps to know exactly what you are looking for. Carmine had the plans drawn up and he gave us an EXACT price for the total project. Not a vague estimate. An EXACT price down to the penny before any work is done. Upgraded bathroom fixtures, tile, carpeting, roofing, siding styles etc You will know exactly what you are getting and for how much. Nothing is left up in the air. It's all itemized and accounted for. They even handled all the permit fees and architectural reviews with the village and town so I didn't have to take time off from work to handle paperwork.
Day1+2 was demo. Day3 the modular addition is trucked over. Day4 the modular addition is hoisted up with a crane and set on the house. At the end of Day4, the electricity is all hooked up and working. Everything is completely weatherproof. NO TARPS. After Day4, the East Coast Dormer crew comes to finish the interiors, siding, hook up the pre-installed plumbing and heating, carpeting, etc. There was a crew here every day, doing full days until the project was done. Every single day there was someone here working. They cleaned up the job site at the end of every day. There was no cheezy advertising signs on the lawn or stuck to the side of the house like other contractors do. Very professional, friendly, experienced and hard working. The East Coast Dormer crew was fantastic.
EAst Coast Dormer called or eMailed almost every day to give us updates and schedules. Scott (the owner) called at least once a week to check up on us and made sure we were happy. It was a great experience overall. We are so glad to have chosen them. Good luck with your project.
This is in response to the above complaint. When the McCleanhan's signed contract with us they were happy & there were no problems. After more than 3 weeks, out of the blue, they decided they wanted their deposit back. They they found another company & they were promised a lower price, so they wanted their money back from us. They legally have a 3 day right of recession & if they acted upon that or if a week went by, we would have refunded their deposit no problem. But that's not the case, they cancelled over 3 weeks later and we have a No Refund policy that was clearly understood & signed by them. Work on the plans were already in process with East Coast and our factory as well, which means money was already being expended. According to the agencies we didn't break any rules and they were not entitled to their deposit back. All the rest of their complaint are excusesto try to make themselves look right. East Coast feels they have done nothing wrong. You can't go around signing contracts & weeks later decide they don't want to do it any longer. They had plenty of time to decide if they wanted to do business with us before they signed contract, so if they weren't happy they should not have signed with us.
As for the 2nd complaint: There is no truth to any of it. We have a 1 year warrentee & stand by all our customers even after the warantee expires. We never did business with you, don't know who you are & it sounds as if you have a grudge against us, as if you want to ruin our reputation. You have some nerve posting a negative review, when we didn't even meet you. Some people are just angry & don't care who they trash.