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CB Religion and Spirituality Eckankar I was scammed big time by a fake religion

Eckankar review: I was scammed big time by a fake religion

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I have a doozy to tell you. This is real. I didn't make it up. I got scammed, really bad.

There is an outfit called Eckankar that has lied to me for years. My friend that runs a cult exposure network emailed the following to me. I didn't believe it. I spent months emailing and calling around to verify what they wrote me about. Most of it was dated. It was hard to piece together. I was concerned over defamation. Wow the entire account has been authenticated. I will try to simplify it.

This information comes from the United States and is connected to activity, happening, also abroad. It pertains to donations contributed to Eckankar. With my own donations taken  for years, then used to hurt me with that.

I just couldn't believe that I had been scammed, so badly. Victimized, right under my nose. With the RESA there, smiling to my face, and holding my evolution back, but profiting himself, financially! There is a whole network of them taking charitable donations and then pocketing them for their private use: 

Eckankar’s All Star List of Big League Money Fixers

Anthony Gneck is a Shorin Ryu Karate Master trained by William Chow, whose mentor was a convicted criminal called James Mitose, a good friend and collaborator with Paul Twitchell, in creating the original beginnings of Eckankar.
Gneck took his number one student who followed him to Nuremberg, Germany. To, further Eckankar’s aims of hiding their non charitable business assets;   that in fact were going into the pockets of Eckankar higher-ups. Whom, were not using said, for any spiritual reasons, but to become well off at the expense of, Eckankar’s paying chelas. 

 Gneck,  who was a former Marine veteran and also C. I. A. operative in Vietnam, had been a former teacher of the Hell’s Angels motorcycle club.

After a massive heart attack Gneck, became a member of Eckankar. He, then moved into parts of Germany to help out Real Estate licensed, Eckankar members;  who are in effect, land barons. 

Gneck, was used in the hiding of Eckankar’s non charity designated money;   as capital converted then, in the money laundering capital of the world, being, Stockdorf Germering and Gauting, in the republic of Germany. 

Oh, by the way, Tony (Anthony) Gneck supposedly died over twenty years ago in Asia, from a lethal death blow made to his head. Yet, he has been spotted all over Bavaria, and throughout Germany.

Gneck, was raised from the dead on a Paper Trip, (ID change) by one, Jerry Francis Fay,  a Life Member of Eckankar;   as well as one,  Greg Walter Zimmerman.

Greg Walter Zimmerman whom, is an escaped murder from the U. S. A., that is wanted on an Interpol Red Notice, but is also a Life Member of Eckankar whom, is a high level Scientologist now, as well.

Zimmerman, survives in expensive Europe and also the U. S. A. mainly as an under the table steroid infused, bodyguard. He gets his legal steroids from the U.K., from which he is a legal resident, from his marriage of, connivence, wife.

Steroids, that Zimmerman illegally sells in Germany, and the United States, as a highly paid bodyguard; looking after wanted Eckankar member witnesses, which are being sought by German and American legal authorities, over further needed evidence of, illegal Real Estate tampering, and money, laundering, in Europe and, in the United States. Authorities alerted, of crimes by Eckankar officers, operating on behalf of, Eckankar.

In case you don’t know it, Eckankar is a made up spiritual path fantasied, originally, and then put together by its creator, Paul Jacob Twitchell;   a former writer for Stars and Stripes magazine. Also, Twitchell (now deceased) a former but still very active Scientologist and a past member of the Radha Soami as well as Self Realization Fellowship, paths. 
Twitchell’s wife, threatened to leave the Eckankar’s fantasy based creator, if he didn’t come up with a big money maker of sorts. His then wife, Gail Anderson, had paid for all of his outstanding bills. Until said that is, sprouted his successful creation, as the current day Eckankar company, which is situated now in Chanhassen Minnesota .

But, then, Gail Anderson left her flakey poverty stricken husband she had financed over some years to party with Darwin Gross a former Portland area jazz musician and an electronics engineer for Epson; who she later appointed as a legal maneuver to successfully take over Twitchell’s, fantastic fantasy path.

Yet, the general public has never been informed at all, about the fact that Twitchell, never initiated an Eckankar master replacement, for his Hubbard collaborated facsimile; as a necessary physical and not spiritual act, brought forward as a lineage, phenomena.

To, this, historical fact, mentioned above, and moving forward in time, is the Hu restaurant. Hu a popular place for brainwashed Eckists to converge on, after being fleeced of their funds from Arahata training programs held in Germering, Germany. Germering, a city some twelve miles, from Munich.

The Hu eatery in practice, working escaped Chinese nationals from Hong Kong and other Chinese mainland areas, who labor in droves at this restaurant on its slave labor programs offered them, to get out of communist, China.

 Unbeknownst to the public, is the fact that this Hu restaurant launders Jerry Fay and Greg Walter Zimmerman’s real estate cash proceeds, on behalf of Eckankar based money laundering schemes. But, also, has provided documents of escape for those workers at the named restaurant;  that holds said, there, until their debt is paid, in full.

Fay, already mentioned throughout, has Real Estate holdings in North Korea. Jerome Francis Fay also holds lucrative real estate lots located just outside of Portland, Oregon, which the Eckankar corporation, is a beneficiary to. Benefits in terms of workable liquid assets that can be moved quite, quickly, locally or abroad.

As a further side note, Greggy Zimmerman has laundered millions of Euros through this Hu restaurant on behalf of his elderly Mother, whom has spendy real estate holdings located within Laguna Beach and also other areas of Southern California as well.

Jeanne Klein, Zimmerman’s Mother, hides out in an old folks home in Gauting, and also Nurnberg at this time; where she regularly sneers at special branch constitutional authorities in Germany casing her, cementing a dossier on her, and the Scientology plus Eckankar Life Member ordained son, on the lam.

Moreover an Eckankar high initiate practicing osteopath who holds an office and staff at a popular clinic down the road from the train station in Pasing.

A singled out further dubious, Eckankar high initiate, as one further nasty character there regularly for a high fee passing on derogatory made up medical records on marked Eckankar dissidents. Thus, altering their medical records so that these identified dissidents can be held indefinitely, in German prisons situated throughout Germany.

Unlike the United States, England and other civilized countries, persons, can be held in German jails and prisons just on word alone, and not by due process.
So, the Eckankar corporation operating on the sly in Germany and other countries in Europe such as Romania for instance; has made friends with medicine, and practicing court room attorneys; to silence and hold Eckankar dissidents inside jails and prisons there indefinitely.

Thus, the clandestine shady Eckankar corporation usually vies for legal labeling of insanity pleas; or otherwise, as their pet incrimination on, problematic non compliers.

That’s why in recent history the majority of Eckankar legal cases hold their dissidents in jails and prisons on insanity mandates; outside of due process.
The sickly labelling gets a non compliant Eckankar inmate to be put inside; as a permanent stay even in such places as the constitutionally protected, United States.

Back to our Pasing Germany area osteopath who regularly funnels his large sums of paper cash through the very usueful HU restaruant. An Eckankar high initiate osteopath doctor also making records that employees there in the restaruant are fit to work. This, even taking place, during Covid days!

As, has already been mentioned, the useful good German doctor works at trying to get rid of noncompliers to this Eckankar mafia style members only club. Consequently mandates usually being randomly spun as an excessive hate at misbehaving members not controlled by demeaning, cultish company rhetoric.

The Doc, thereby passes fraudulent medical details onto German legal authorities in the hopes of getting these misbehaving Eckankar members, trashed and done away with, for good.

Doc, who also passes this intel onto the Eckankar Church’s intel branch, held in its foreboding temple located in Chanhassen, Minnesota. This, Eckankar Temple holds its noncomplying members ‘F’ records; outside usual far effective reach, of the United States Federal Governments, Justice Department. Moreover, has moved the whereabouts of its only, Eckankar represented attorney, as an unknown location?

Andrea Shnider, has been Germany’s Boss of Eckankar.  Working there for Reise Bank in Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt, is Europe’s Banking Capital, where Schider has gathered the names and credit Information of Eckankar members throughout Germany as well as others, whom, have large sums of available cash.  

This regional Eck Spiritual Aide and other Eckankar representatives that will approach these designated donors, already looked at on paper, as high rollers;   to become Eckankar substantial paying members. 

 With, this same mentioned credit information, Boss Schneider and her conniving pals, can press still other more chintzy Eckankar members, for even higher cash donations refused by them, in the past. Donations not readily available to give, that said have so far refused to make, to the Eckankar church.

Donations such as the ones already mentioned overall as those having built the Eckankar temple, at a village on the far outside stretches of Frankfurt am Main.

Donations made by the faithful who reached into deep pockets;  expecting a return on their money, invested in such. Outsiders, discovering, as abundant donator’s, the well revealed made up Eckankar story, which, may cause some of them to revert to murder, perhaps? David Lane PhD could have had a run in by people like this, when he published his classic book, on Paul Twitchell’s, Eckankar?

 In relation to this is Scientology that was exposed for basically supposedly robbing its parishioners to the point of bankruptcy, in places like Germany;  but Eckankar, which is Scientology in an already proven clandestine form, has managed to avoid any detection for decades, while doing terrible damage to its non complying members, not following Chanhassen’s, cult orders.

A Federal lawsuit was executed against Eckankar in the United States, supported by the United States government, a number of years ago. A legal case as a willing, to be looked at, by the Feds; involving many damaged members. Some, whom petitioned the case before the United States, were again pegged as basically being insane. Mentally deranged,  so said, could be imprisoned.

Others, who had petioned the Gov, that crimes had been committed against them, were then deported to their home countries of origin way outside of American borders where they could have caused lots of damage, to Twitchell’s, fully made up, esoteric organization.

A nonprofit supposedly IRS compliant Eckankar Church mentioned, now kept afloat by dubious real estate deals made from abroad by Eckankar members hiding out in other international jurisdictions.

Germany Romania Switzerland France England as Jurisdictions mentioned . Authorities,  unaware of said, illegal real estate deals, forwarded, as cash flows to, the Eckankar church in Chanhassen. Not for its membership though but for the private business interests of investment profiteers as outsiders; making money on the inside from members situated as paying, membership dues pawns, used. But, said, members, knowingly getting cash in hand kickbacks from their participation in these business schemes, using high initiates with full knowledge as numerous Eckankar officers.

Matilda Tobbler is a high initiate in Eckankar who was recommended to that position by her mentor, as a higher up in London’s,  Eckankar hierarchy of compliant parishioners. The mentor completely stunned and sickened later on by her past decision to sponsor this women who became a cash mule, for Eckankar.

Tobbler thus has been dabbling in legal studies ever since she moved her corporate signature out of Switzerland, and on into hiding cash in the cracks, Germany.

Tobbler moving her ‘Swiss Signature’ so as to rub shoulders with other Eckankar executives, aiming to control the monetary resources of its miserly, last hold out, members;  as well as to recruit those displaying high figures, in their credit scores, situated in Germany. Thus, to make said holdouts, prime targets for Eckankar’s, recruitment. Sounds like some of the supposed, stories, of Scientology, doesn’t it.

Furthermore, Tobler, has regularly spied out Eckankar members to ruin them, in her home country, if they had gotten out of line;  meaning her-line of narrow cult thinking.

Eventually, though, Tobler has been run out of Switzerland with fire on her tail because the Swiss authorities are less lenient on pseudo churches, aiming for their member’s, monetary resources. 

Germany now is where Tobler gets the most cash, by importing her dubious practices from Switzerland where she was run out of town; into Germany, under the noses of Constitutional Authorities in this republic, unawareness of her activities there to launder cash from illicit real estate deals and send, it on to the Eckankar Church, in the United States of America.

Rajeev Sharma named next is an adherent of getting pegged (his nick name is peggy) by his female companions. Regardless, of such unreliable heresay, Sharma has had, an ongoing subservient glow about him, situating him to write multiple letters to the Eckankar leader, whom;  finally decided to take a chance on Sharma; thus do his monetary and also information gathering work, throughout Europe and also Northern California, where Rajeev’s relatives own very high real estate holdings, merging across state lines into, conservative Oregon. 

Sharma was moved free of charge from London to the Munich area to suss out the local Eckankar members, and then report them to Eckankar headquarters in Chanhassen.

 Thus, Sharma has been useful in reporting bad guys to the current Eckankar leader who has attacked said, day and night, with Eckankar techniques in an attempt to quiet them. Maybe, even, of them? 

Something, the current leader had also done to those that attempted to follow another former Eckankar master, who had been thrown out of Eckankar, after a dispute he had made with the current leader, over getting a pay issue sorted out. As well as womanizing, and alcohol and pharmaceutical drug, overuse.
In like kind, Eckankar members who also raised concern over this pay issue of the former Eckankar master, were summarily attacked with what the industry calls, “Black Magic. Many of these persons died coincidently, while others, became gravely ill. 

 Check out California Arizona Nevada Oregon and Minnesota medical records, it’s all there. Legal Evidence, of wrong doing by the current Eckankar administration now in power was so alarming at its breeching point in the 1980s; that the camp in charge had to move out of state to avoid prosecution of their designated chief executives. 

 Prosecution, due to, a very large array of felony chargeable legalities being lodged against them;  inclusive of copyright theft and an alteration of local, set, in house, corporate by-laws. 

 To, this, potential harm was definitely there in place to strike down just installed Eckankar officers then, and in the future.

Subsequently, internal corporate changes have been made over decades to shift wording; thus any potential prosecution for those past multiple violations of established corporate law mandates;  that were operating presently, when it’s charity incorporation took place, furthered from origin in time to future potential prosecutions by legal authorities carefully examining inconsistencies in, corporate compliance, and otherwise.

 Perhaps, it wouldn’t be all so bad or even sneaky, if said church corporation was actually spiritual, but obviously, it is not. Eckankar’s, aim, is more a psychological control of its membership, done, in completely mean ways;  meant to harm and hinder its paying out the Ying-Yang, parishioners. 

 The whole structure of Eckankar currently is set up to injure, not create spiritual enlightenment, of its paying members and initiates. The founder himself, of Eckankar, was less intense about making money.

This, previous behavior, on the part of the creator of Eckankar, Paul Jacob Twitchell, seems diametrically opposite to the current leadership which is completely lost from its founder’s starting spiritual principles lodged deeply at its forefront despite the new age religion writer’s, copious acts of excessive plagiarism

Major plazerism, which has caused current leadership in Eckankar to take those copies of copying other writer’s works, out of circulation, permanently. Regardless, Twitchell was less apt to injure. Currently, Eckankar Chanhassen doesn’t give a s**t.

Forward, onto, Eckankar high initiate Lela Arivello as a health nut and an Real Estate licensed broker formerly of Palm Springs, California. Her son used to launder money for the Italian mob in Palm Springs via a parking lot, rental scheme. 

 Sonny, has recently joined his Mom in Germany to help her out along with another Real Estate man, wanted for murder in the United States, called, Greg Walter Zimmerman. Whom, just happens to be friends with still yet another Real Estate Tycoon from Portland Oregon named, Jerry Fay. Fay, having right of abode within Germany because of his original non-adoptive, birth, there. 

 These named persons being the three amigos, Lela, Greggy and Jerry, amongst many others, with similar credentials; have worked the laws in Germany to acquire property for Eckankar, there. One, such property holding which has been an acquirement, is the Eckankar temple, situated outside of Frankfurt am Main.

Oh, gee wiz, did I mention that Zimmerman and Fay are, associated with having, a life membership, in the Eckankar church? Greggy runs funds though through the gypsy league of Munich, and then streams the rest through Scientology in Germany. Greggy is a well known murderous nutter, wanted by the police everywhere.

 Zimmerman, Fay, and Arivello, go way back. The trio themselves having been brokers in a whole series of schemes that they have participated in together; while appearing nonchalant in the public eye.

Fay, being a general contractor and painter, Zimmerman and his Mother Jeanne Klein, being silent partners fronting cash to illegal businesses up, and down, Europe. With said Ma Arivello working at a low end Aldi store in a village outside of Munich piling up dosh in her company locker along with apples and sandwiches resting on, international currencies inside the steel compartment . 

 Sonny, Arivello’s boy, one day, being observed retrieving a large black duffle bag of rifles and manchine-guns from a boating shed during a winter storm; all the while sneering aggressively when he realized a government agent had been watching him;  in his gun running retrieval that was heading towards snowed in, Austria. The alps too covered over by snow to be patrolled that day by German Austrian and Italian customs officers.

 Sonny Arivello having scurried away in his waiting running compact Fiat, to speed away without snow chains. Then, the car, eventually crossing over the border into Italy to his employers, requiring they’re already paid for Martian, hardware. 

 Thus, all Eckankar members to whatever extent, are guarded by a brick and mortar shield of pseudo nonprofit sanctuary; yet eating their donated funding nonetheless, by scattered confusing efforts rarely displayed, outright. This clandestine activity train therefore made by movers and shakers bending and breaking legal limits to accommodate dark forces, vamping off, a hypnotized membership.

Constellated Eckankar players feeding the big hungry dinosaur in Chanhassen with a rabid appetite. An unconcerned cult not disturbed over the bodies falling under a heavy weight of servitude. But, consequently, being extremely punishing in its effect on victims, who unknowingly are supplying fuel to the growing all consuming Moloch fire eating cash paying, fodder.

Blah blah blah… where is my report headed? Why, has so much structure been applied to the building of an Eckankar church, where, in the beginning this was not in the least bit necessary? So, then, why is such structure, necessary now? Why, then, so many worded structural changes in Eckankar doctrine, to affect the use of such in its application to the world at large, as well as to its Eckankar membership? 

Here-say, initially wiped out the reputation of a man and his minion corps, as associates. Revealed, in an Portland located Federal court happening, about a decade later, after the fact.

Destruction, then, carried out over employment contracts drugs alcohol bed hopping, and so much cigarette smoking, that Virginia made this man in question, an honorary citizen.

They, all lost the plot. All, of them. Eckankar parishioners are submerged in it, now. They, are all, drowning. Nothing, is left, of its spirited, and original paradigm. 

I can't tell people who might make contact with Eckankar, what to do. Eckankar, is not, what it says, it is. 

It may not be about exposing Eckankar, or shutting it down.

Scientology, which parented Eckankar, exists and thrives as does, Eckankar. But, the public, you, really need to understand, the people who are running this outfit. They, them, are twisted, and if you participate with them, you will become twisted too. For sure.

I got scammed. But, you can avoid it.


Recommendation: Don’t Use This Outfit To Try To Get Any Enlightenment

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