I guess I am another person to be scammed by a dodgy dating site.. I tried to join "erovie" to hopefully find some one but soon realised that they could not help me.. so I tried to cancel my membership with the only email address I could find on the site.. having thought I had succeeded juts let it go, only to receive many emails demanding I pay & also threatening me with debt collectors & more recently, legal action. with every email came a price hike & in euros.. after finding this complaints site I thought I should put in my 2 bobs worth.. not only has this company left alot to be desired but also I feel have transgressed the privacy laws in this country but forwarding my personal details to third party companies. i. e debt collectors.. using the same law firm Auer witte Thiel I already see the common thread & cant wait to see them take me to court.. I had a thought.. why not let social media do the leg work for us & shut these crims down.. just a thought from some one on the other side of the world..