There was a player who kept sending unwanted private messages to me earlier in the week, which I stopped replying to but then they started harassing and verbally attacking me and saying a lot of hurtful things which were not true. I reported it with screenshots. I blocked them as was instructed by Evony customer support. Today, I was told by alliance leaders there is a new account posting profanity attached with my username. They wouldn't leave me alone, and whoever this person is or these people are- they wouldn't stop posting on World Chat repeatedly and publicly stating lies and insisting they knew all about me or basically, trolling me and trying to get others to attack me. I did not respond to any of it, and I don't feel comfortable with what has been happening. I've taken several screenshots of what is still there. I do not agree that this type of behaviour should continue on a gaming platform. Whoever is doing it has serious mental issues, as this is not normal behaviour. Once they were told by alliance leaders to stop, they quickly deleted other hateful comments and changed hateful words to state "forever love - my username" instead of "F**k - my username" etc. It is affecting my mental health and emotional well-being and I seriously think this game needs better and stricter monitoring. There is no excuse for causing deliberate verbal attacks or psychological harm to others on a social gaming platform. Could you please help stop this type of behaviour and enforce better community standards on the Evony app. And you seriously need to deal with these people because it's ruining the game for everyone. . The psychological harm that stems from this cyber bullying and cover up cannot be reversed. The community standards are not being adhered to and these troublemakers should be stopped.
Desired outcome: They should completely ban these types of players who consistently bully, humiliate, harass and troll others. They should be penalised according to the law.