To whom it may concern,
If you are considering visiting this establishment and seeing Dr. Jody D. Levy: Do not.
My mother experienced treatment here that I would not wish upon my worst enemy. Dr. Jody D. Levy is not only a grossly incompetent doctor but a dreadful human being.
On May 6th, 2020, my mother had another one of her asthma attacks at midnight that left her blue in the face and gasping for air for a total of 15 seconds. She experienced what we can only describe as a bout of asphyxiation. The next day, my mother decided to visit Dr. Levy, although we all wish we had not.
Dr. Levy's response to my mother, whom she had seen for years at this point, was to sarcastically remark that she "looks fine right now" and then performing a show for her as to what her other "real" asthma patients experienced (so to those of you who are her patients- she is making a mockery of you behind your back). How does a patient "look" fine? If a person has internal hemorrhaging, they would, in theory, "look" fine. Under Dr. Levy's care, this person would be deemed "healthy" and sent back home to pass away and suffer. Moreover, she stated that she looks fine "right now"; according to Dr. Levy's logic, all patients should show symptoms at all times in order for their condition to be "real". Dr. Levy's line of questioning, and judgment, are not only unethical but potentially life-threatening to new and old patients.
She also asked my mother why she didn't see a psychiatrist, insinuating she was crazy. My mother has been seeing Dr. Levy for years for asthma; Dr. Levy has prescribed my mother nearly three different forms of inhalers. Dr. Levy, in the appointment, asked her, "Who prescribed those to you?". Dr. Levy herself did; it incredibly concerns us that a doctor would not know that she, herself, prescribed a specific medication to her patient. Does my mother even need the inhalers? Or is Dr. Levy just prescribing patients whatever random thing she thinks "works"?
Dr. Levy also questioned why my mother had not gone to the ER; whether she had or hadn't, I'm lost as to how this matters now that my mother is under her care. Dr. Levy's line of questioning is not that of a normal doctor but that of a judgemental interrogator.
Lastly, she ended her vitriolic spiel by stating that my mother needs to see a specialist; the conversation should have started and ended with this single sentence. Dr. Levy is clearly not equipped to diagnose patients or prescribe them medications (as she then quickly forgets her patient's history).
At this point in time, my family and I are beside ourselves at the treatment my mother faced. In the entirety of our lives living in the US, we have never experienced such terrible treatment at the hands of someone who is supposed to care for us.
Facey Medical Group has genuinely made a big mistake hiring someone who is not only so uncaring, but worse, is an active dangerous participant in the lives of her patients. I hope FMG reconsiders its decision to keep such a person employed at their establishment. Not even for the terrible treatment my family received, but for the sake of all potential and old patients of Dr. Levy.
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