My brother bought 3 knives from The price was small, but the seller didn’t provide any confirmation info. I sent multiple emails, but no one replied. I have no idea what to do now. Maybe someone has any idea how to track this seller and return money back, please contact me then or leave a comment. As well as be careful if you buy from them, you can lose money. Thanks.
Please contact us so we can dig into this. We have an Elite Rating with Reseller Ratings and this is not normal for us. We do a lot of business and have 1, 000's of very happy customers. I actually question this website and review... is this legit? Support
Terrible experience. They don't know their product line. They had an item that was discontinued by the manufacturer and replaced with an updated/current same model different model designation #. They had both listed on their site for the same price. I didn't catch this issue until it was enroute. Todd told me to refuse package. I did and it took way to long for a partial refund. He charged me $20.67 for shipping a small package less than 2 lbs. What a ripoff.