While checking my credit report I found a Judgement filed against me in New Jersey, where I used to live years ago, filed by VANZ LLC. showing the attorneys names as Fein Such Kahn and Shepard. Since there was no phone number or contact information available for this company, I did some research and found that they operate under a different name as well, Laridia Consulting Inc. I found out that they are Debt Buyers. Apparently they filed a motion against me for an old debt, made up some amount and sued me in court. I was never served a summons because I do not live at the old address, so I'm assuming whoever lived there at the time (a year ago) threw it out instead of returning to sender. Obviously I didn't show up in court, so a Judgement was filed against me including court fees, which totaled over $3, 000. I called the courthouse and they faxed me the documents so I was able to find out what credit card company this was pertaining to and I called them. The account was sold 3 times, eventually ending up in their hands. After researching Laridian Consulting, I found that they have been sued in other states for extortion, mail fraud, conspiracy and racketeering. Amazingly enough, there was no complaints filed in NJ on the Better Business Bureau. I myself, was reluctant, since I'm not sure who to file the complaint against. The company VANZ LLC, which appears on the Judgement, is virtually non-existent. When I called their phone number, the message does not mention Vanz LLC at all. There is no website for this company either. According to the courthouse, I can file a Motion against them, but since I don't live in NJ, I can't do that either, because I cannot appear in court.
This company is known for buying old debts, filing law suits using old / previous addresses so they can get Judgements. They are aggressive, according to all the information I've found, and have been engaging in illegal collection practices in New Jersey and New York for some time, even causing some arrests.
Good luck with your court date, I'm glad to hear that you're showing up. This office (if that's what we can call them) is known for filing motions using old mailing addresses so the defendants don't show. I was one of the unfortunate ones that was never Served, so I didn't get my chance to defend myself. Since forwarding addresses are only setup for 6 weeks with the post office, and this was sent out to my address over a year after I moved away, the tenants there must have thrown it in the trash. The courthouse told me that I was considered "Served" because it didn't get returned in the mail... You are lucky! I hope your court date goes well.
But I would definitely be careful - I've read a few reports about calling these people and it's best not to. I can't remember why, I just remember reading about their office being illegitimate, and I'd definitely avoid giving them any financial information - that is a red flag!
I feel your pain, I'm a single mom too and thankfully I am a sole proprietor, so they couldn't garnish my wages. I'm sure they weren't expecting to waste their time on going after me, they probably thought they'd get my wages garnished too (otherwise why would they waste their money filing court motions, etc.) The judgement is still on my credit report, and will remain there for 10 years, which puts me in a real bad position, as yours probably will too. I didn't actually get out of anything, but didn't pay them anything either. I did some research on their company (if that's what we can call it) and found they were illegitimate in many ways. You cannot call them on the phone, and if you look up their company name, there is no contact information because they are operating under different names, no office address or phone number. No website. No email address... nothing.
I ended up doing nothing because when I called the courthouse to find out how they even got this far, they told me that the reason the case was heard was due to the fact that the letter was not returned to them (even though the Certified Letter was returned). They considered me "served" even though I didn't live at that old address for more than a year when Vanz LLC brought the case to court. I was told that I would have had to file a motion against them in court, in order to fight them. Vanz LLC probably knows that - a single mother doesn't usually have the money to hire an attorney.
Since you were never served and just found out about the garnishment like that, it sounds like they scammed you too, probably "Served" you at an old address or something where you couldn't respond or appear in court.
If I had the money, I'd start a class action lawsuit and get everyone together, but I just don't. My advice would be to hire an attorney and file a motion against them; hopefully that would put the garnishment on hold at least until you can fight them properly. Good luck with the case and let me know what happens.
Thank you for the insight. Although I was never served either, I found out after calling the courthouse that I was considered 'served' because the mail was never returned to the courthouse. Apparently, the new tenants must have just thrown it in the trash, instead of putting it back in the mailbox to be returned. I still find that hard to believe, because I always thought that to be Served, you have to physically sign for the Summons, but I guess I was wrong. The courthouse told me the date it was filed, and it happened to be over a year since I left New Jersey. I never received any letters from creditors, so I never knew of any threat, and my current credit report shows some old debts listed as write-offs. What's even worse, is that I did some research and found out what the Judgement was supposedly for, which was an old credit card from several years ago, that was written off and the amount that was originally owed was more than $1000 less than what the Fein Such lawfirm sued for, so the Judgement shows a much higher amount than what I really owed to begin with. How is that even legal?
As for warrants, I never even thought about that, and the courthouse didn't mention it to me when I called to inquire about the Judgement, so I hope I don't have one.
It's so funny that you are posting this... because I too as of April 19th, 2010 received a notice from Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard, PC regarding a debt that I owe through Vanz, LLC. I also am on the internet now trying to find out who the hell Vanz, LLC is?
They also summoned me to court in hackensack, NJ saying that they are sueing me for $4, 219.45 in damages, plus costs.
I have left numerious messages for the attorney, David J. Levine and he has not returned any of my calls.
On top of which, they included in this letter a lame questionnaire asking every financial personal information including what my assets and liabilities are. I don't even know who these people are!
Either way, I'm going to go to the court hearing and file a complaint.
Thank you for submitting this and letting people like me know that I'm not the only one receiving such correspondence.
Wow same problem here! Got a letter in my payroll check yesterday of wage garnishment. I have no idea who Vanz LLC is and now I have a 1429.01 judgement against me. As a single Mother working as a seasonal School Bus Driver, I'm finding real hard to understand how they can live with themselfs.
I lefted massages with my office to get more information on this company before they start the garnishments and I also left a message with the court office as to what this is about. I'm scared, I just barely get by now, how am I going to get through this now.
What ever happened to these judgments, did you have to pay them? and if you didn't how did you get out of it? I need to know what to do here now that a garnishment oder has been placed.
According to State of NJ this man owns several large MONEY type companies at the same address
VANZ, LLC (MESCE, THOMAS, 008 ) [protected] FLC
Vanz, LLC
577 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Name: First Laridian Mortgage Co Inc
Street: 577 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, nj [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Address: 577 HAMBURG TPKE,
WAYNE, NJ [protected]
Telephone: [protected]
Owns property 2010 MESCE, THOMAS J
WAYNE, NJ 07470
This company has also come after my husband for a prevous debt (before I even knew him) on a car loan he co-signed for his daughter over 8 years ago.
Much to my surprise, while we were vacationing in mexico, they froze my bank account and stole over $700! I have been fighting with this company to get at least half of my money back, (since it was a joint account) I have a right to my portion of the money. (even though every penny was mine and not my husbands).
I have continually asked to them to send us documents of how they came to a figure of over $11, 000. since the car didnt even cost that much to begin with and the car was obviously re-sold after it had been repossesed.
Today we recieved another threatening letter saying that they have created a lien upon any real estate we presently own (which we have none) or may try to buy in the future. They also state in the letter: "This judgment will also appear on all your credit reports and will be in existance for the next 20 years".
They are also threatening to garnish his wages.
I found out that your wages can not be garnished by more than one company. My husband is already paying out over $1, 100 per month to his ex wife for alimony and he can not pay this debt.
So today, I went online and filed a complaint with the FTC. (Federal Trade Commission). I'm not sure if it will help, but we dont know what else to do.
I have received the same letter and summons to appear in court for a credit card debt i have with Chase bank. They bought the debt and now they are suing me for the full amount of $6, 410. Should i be worried and what should i do? Whats the best way to handle this situation? I have to appear in court this Friday and i am not sure of what to expect. Whats the worst case scenario. Can someone help...thank you.
OMG! I just found out about this company Vanz LLC through calling the Special Civil Part Court where I supposedly lived that was sent a Summons and Complaint. A levy was put against my bank account in January and since $100 was only taken, I didn't rush into pursuing this matter. I happen to work for a law firm that specializes in collections so I knew the correct procedure in handling this type of matter. First, you are supposed to receive a letter stating that said collection agency is hired to collect on your past due debt. If a payment arrangement or dispute is not being discussed with the collection agency/law firm, then steps will be taken to file a Judgment against you on behalf of the creditor. If the amount is less than $15, 000.00, it will be filed with the Special Civil Part Court in the county you reside in. Thing is, I NEVER lived in the county that the levy and Summons and Complain was mailed so I was not properly sued so to speak.
The Summons and Complaint states that the debtor has 35 days to dispute or Answer to the Complaint or extreme matters such as Warrant of Arrest will be filed (which I was told by the Fein Such firm was filed on me). With my matter, I do owe the creditor, the firm does have my correct information in terms of social, previous addresses but the one that I was supposedly served at was NOT an address I used to live at. If you are EVER told you own monies and it does not show up on your credit report(this Judgment never appeared on my recent credit report--checked last month) so this will not stay on record for 7 years! But if you do happen to get any filings from a Court, you are allowed by rights to contact the court and get all the information you need in terms of when it was filed, who the Plaintiff is, where the Summons and Complaint was mailed, etc. Through calling the court in that county where the S & C was filed, I found out that the Writ of Execution (first step to you being sued was filed with the Plaintiff being Vanz LLC--the paralegal at my job knew of this company AND my boss knew Fein Such before I finished saying the attorneys names). After the original creditor was exhausted with attempts to collect from me, it was bought by a second company but both creditors were written off my credit report this past summer. I didn't realize that a third company had taken the claim but being that I moved back to NJ from Cali June of 2009, if they did in fact write me a letter stating they had taken over the claim, I wouldn't have seen any mailings until June of last year.
The fact that they didn't follow the correct process, it is as though I wasn't sent a Summons and Complaint and depending on what my boss decides to do, I will either make payment arrangements OR Fein Such will have to revoke the S & C and drop the Warrant for Arrest and follow the correct procedure. I could just see myself being arrested in the county that supposedly had the Warrant for my arrest and end up suing the State since I was not properly notified of any Motions filed against me.
For the first person that wrote in regard to Vanz LLC and the law firm that represents them, please be aware that the Judgment will only count in the State it was issued, it will NOT affect where you live now. If you return back to NJ within 20 years of the year the Judgment was filed, you will be held accountable for that Judgment and will have to pay in full before trying to buy a home. Judgments are primarily issued by law firms to let their collection agencies know that debt might not be collected that year but in due time, it is more than likely that it will be collected if the debtor wants to ever own a house in their own name or business.
Even with the Warrant for my arrest, it is only valid in the county the Summons was issued so as far as the county I live in, I don't have to worry about getting pulled over by a cop and getting arrested!
These people are threatening to sue me too - never heard of them before. They never contacted me, I have no clue who they are.
It's unfortunate for them that I don't have any income - no money! So, they are wasting their time and money on me.
I had a similar experience with an old credit card and this firm, and it wasnt all that bad. As far as I could tell, the law firm is a large business and "Laridian" is a client of theirs. I was getting sued and when I called to discuss it, the agent on the phone was courteous and offered me a few different options to pay . They were able to provide a copy of the statement that I received (when I lost my job and stopped paying) and I was able to talk them down to 70%. Supposedly, when i am done paying (4 more payments to go!) I will get a letter to clear up my credit report. I have dealt with some terrible law firms and this wasnt one of them
have received today the same thing in the mail. this is however, from vanz but a WARRANT for my ARREST I have no received ANY and i repeat ANY letters from them previously, so to go THIS far is a joke and i'm quite angry and appalled. They must be stopped.
I received a notice from the Hackensack, NJ court that I am being sued by Fein Sure Kahn & Shepard for a debt from 2003. The debt is for CACH LLC. Prior to this notice I never received any letters or phones calls from these Junk Debt Buyers. Amazingly after I received the summons, two days later I received a letter from these idiots that they would like me to call them to settle the balance. I plan file an answer in the court along with a notice of appearance. Thank you to all who posted a comment about these scammers before me.
I live in CA and have since 2005. Somehow they obtained a judgment against me in 2013 in NJ which I was never notified. Anyway I didn't know about it and got a email from my bank that y automatic withdraw of $25.00 from my checking to my savings couldn't be processed due to insufficient funds. I had $8, 000 in my checking now zero they took it all. How can you get a judgement in a state that you don't live in and they can take your money?
I was contacted by Fein Such Kahn & Shepard about a credit card I never owned. I told them I never had such credit card and I never heard from them again. Until my bank let my know my accounts were $0. 00 balances. Fein Such Kahn & Shepard has put a levy on my account and took all my money. I'm trying to find out what can I do because I was never served anything other than the collection letter. I am so pissed that the can just take my money and I am currently out of work. Seeking some much needed advice.
I am so livid right!
I'm working from home, due to Covid, and get a call from my CEO that a sheriff showed up at our office serving me with papers to have my wages garnished from a debt from 2003 in the amount of $133.00 that is now $1757.37 that I had absolutely NO IDEA ABOUT!
I no longer live in the area however I am still in NJ and have been at my current home for over ten yrs and worked at the same location for over 4yrs.
They have my SS# and work address but you mean to tell me that they couldn't send some alert to home address so that whatever this is could be addressed!?
How do you go after $133.00 after 18yrs and inflate the amount over 13 times the original amount and not notify someone?
This NEVER showed up on my credit report and I have left numerous voicemails for these jerks.
I would love to hire an attorney however it would cost more to do so than to pay the damn bill which is exactly what they are wanting to happen.
I filed a complaint with NJ Consumer of Affairs however they are only working via email due to Covid.
Like someone said before; I would love to file a class action suit against these people.
They are absolute criminals.
I have had a very similar experience with these fraudsters and should a lawsuit ensue I would be there front and center. It is terrifying they can operate and not be caught. What they are doing is nothing less than criminal.