I was introduced to the Chairman of the First Interstate Group (FIG) in a local Restaurant where I met an English Gentleman introduced to me by my friend as "Lord Neil Gibson", the Chairman of the bank FIG in Belize. Upon my introduction I was shown all sorts of images of very authentic looking so called "Sovereign Bonds", "Bank Guarantees", "Safe Keeping Receipts", along with several very impressive letters from the major US and European banks worth in tens of billions of dollars. I immediately smelled a rat and in less than 10 minutes of this very suspiciously arranged meeting with the Lord, walked out of the Restaurant and later advised my friend to immediately cease from doing anything with this group for his own protection. I am of an opinion that this company called First Interstate Group (FIG) from Belize is a engaged on highly questionable activities and all those to whom it may concern, be warned to seek legal advise before getting involved with this group called FIG, Belize. www.FirstInterstateGroup.Com.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I've run into the Rep. of FIG peddling this Bank guarantee scam as well. After seeing this notice I'm disengaging with this group who are asking for $15, 000 to arrange a bank guarantee. Alex
Gang of Crocks! International Gang Alert !
etc etc etc ...
Hi all. I hear what everyone is saying. I am thinking of doing business with this group. What phisical proof is there? I have read the links posted by Netorola but the guy who runs the site sounds a little obsessed. I agree that we should be able to voice our dissatisfaction but we also need to back it up...
This guy has been living off of people for years, he has tried to use Indian nation funds for his scams he lives in Bakersfield