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CB Fitness Centers and Gyms Fitness 19 1880 Braselton Hwy Ste 110, Lawrenceville, GA, 30043, US
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Fitness 19
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Fitness 19

1880 Braselton Hwy Ste 110, Lawrenceville, GA, 30043, US
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1 complaint
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10:25 am EDT

Fitness 19 - rude manager & terrible staff

I have been a member at this gym for many years and I am at my wits end with the new manager, Robert Turner and the lack of judgment he has with his choice of staff and the way the gym is being run. Just recently he has given the position of Billing to the youngest girl working at the gym. I have had many problems with my billing and I would not recommend getting a membership at this gym. Robert comes into the gym with bloodshot red eyes and we can clearly tell he is under the influence of some type of illegal substance and he reeks of cigarette smoke. Recently the kids room has been left dirty, crumbs all over the floor and toys disarray. I have tried to get in contact with higher management than Robert Turner to file my complaint but he clearly stated all complaints go through him. How can I complain to him about how the gym is ran when he is the one in charge? The only staff members that have been constant and always a great help are the two woman who work in the children's room, my kids love them dearly and I wouldn't change a thing about them :)

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Nov 14, 2015 4:35 am EST

Saw this post on Facebook and looked at the guys page and it said he was the GM of Fitness 19 Braselton. Do all of their employees conduct themselves this way on social media?

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The Truth You Must Know
Jun 09, 2015 11:19 am EDT

"How can I complain to him about how the gym is ran when he is the one in charge?"

Try contacting their headquarters.

Be prepared to offer specifics on your complaint.

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