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CB Dog Breeders Review of review: Puppy Mill 28

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9:56 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Bill Fleischer is a crook and ( runs a puppymill with a paint job (nice website). His dogs live their entire lives in small runs with no love, play, or social time. Just used to produce produce produce. He breeds anything and everything, most with terrible temperaments. A dog with a bad temperament should never be bred as it is passed on in the genes.

His puppies are not socialized at all and many never even see the outside of a run or barn until they go to the buyer. THis often leads to a puppy afraid of it's own shadow and most of his dogs turn out to be dog aggressive as he breeds dogs with bad genes. His prices are absolutely CRAZY. No one should ever pay more than $2500 for a puppy. That price will get the best of the best. He is just ripping people off. His low end $2500 puppies are the runts or the one's with ears torn off or sick ones.

Case #1 - I bought a $2500 puppy from him that turned out to be crazy. I ended up giving her away.

Case #2 - a friend of mine paid a ridiculous $4500 for a puppy that was afraid of everything, everyone, and very dog aggressive (fearful). She was spayed and given away.

Case #3 - his warranty is a joke. I know someone that tried to call him on warrently and Fleischer said he would replace the puppy with an additional $2500.

Case #4 - I called about a puppy (before I bought the crazy one)and asked about it and he said he would discount it. Upon tracking down the people that had the litter, they told me the puppy was sick (medical condition for life) and no it wasn't for sale. They would give it to anyone willing to provide for it. They were not happy that he was trying to sell it.

Case #5 - Beware of the bait and switch. Often the pictures you see online are not of the 'real' dog. I know of someone that was interested in buying an adult dog posted on his site. When he saw the dog in person it was not the same dog. Fleishcher tried to claim it was a mistake but the picture was never changed.

Case #6 - When these dogs get too old and no longer make him money (which by the way not only does he breed them too often but far to long in age), he decides to retire them. Not find them lovely homes because they deserve it, but he tries to sell them for thousands of dollars. These are dogs that are 10 yrs plus so only have a few years left.

Case #7 - Another person I know bought an adult dog from him that he said was a great dog (never mentioned why the original buyer sent it back). The dog has turned out to be totally psychoitic, as crazy as they come and yes he ended giving it away.

This man is a total shister, would rip off his own mother. Do not trust them man at all or believe anything he says. There are much nicer dogs that reputable breeders produce. Stay away from this man and his associates.

He is in cohoots with and

Buyer beware and do your homework!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Dallas, US
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Aug 24, 2010 10:41 pm EDT

I bought Bill Fleischer's puppy through Nobleheim German Shepherd. She has an underbite, hip dysplasia and a skin condition that causes bald patches. Her legs are not developing well either. They should stand straight. However, her legs are bent at an angle. She's extremely hyperactive and anxious around new people and other dogs. Before that, I went to Haus Merkel whose puppies also have the same bloodline as Nobleheim's. The owner at Haus Merkel weaned a litter of puppies at 4 weeks so that she could send the mother for schutzhund training and certification. Puppies should only be weaned at 5 weeks. Further, there was an overwhelming stench in the nursery and indoor kennel. Hardly a healthy place to breed puppies. I did not know Fleischerheim, Nobleheim and Haus Merkel were related and was unfortunate to have bought a puppy from them.

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Mar 16, 2017 10:20 am EDT
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Replying to comment of BC2020

This is an old post, but in hopes that someone reading this in 2017 will know the truth. I know the lady that owns Nobleheim GSs and she has never worked with Bill Fleischer, nor Dylan Merkel, though she knows both of them. Quit posting things about people you do not even know. Shirley McMinn of Nobleheim is one of the most honest breeders in the US. Do an updated search of Shirley and you will find her kennel one of the best anywhere. I have been training, breeding and showing for over 40 years and I trust Shirley with my life.

cms,santa fe, tx
Santa Fe, US
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Sep 23, 2010 1:12 am EDT

I just bought a male puppy from Fleischerhiem in Bells, (Savoy), Texas on 9/22/2010. I thought that I had found the "right" kennel to purchase a top quality german shepherd. Boy was I wrong! I cannot agree more that they run a puppymill with a nice paint job "website". Everything about their website screamed top notch, but they are the furtherest thing from top notch. We decided to drive and personally pick up our puppy that we picked, and paid $2500 dollars for. We drove over 6 hours to get there, and from our experience I should have bought a $200 dollar dog from the local paper. The kennel manager had no idea we were coming, so we lucked out by him being there. The dog had not been bathed, nor by the smell of him, had never been bathed not even once. They probably had around 100 dogs that were all kenneled. My husband argued with the kennel manager that the dam of the puppy that we purchased was not the same dam in the internet photo. He is convinved that they put another picture of a female on the internet, and labeled her "Mary". He felt that the puppy was favoring his hind right leg, and his ears were not standing yet. They blamed ears on teething, and said that the puppy was not favoring his hind leg. They have not given me my AKC registration papers yet either. I do not know how the puppy will turn out yet, but appears we are going to have ear trouble. All in all, they need to be shut down and put out of business! I can understand why a dog could go crazy because of the confined conditions. Those dogs don't see a day of exercise in their lives there. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when your kenneling 100 plus dogs there is no way to give them the love, care, and affection that they need. They do not do that for their dogs even though they say they do! What steps can we take to make sure everyone knows what kind of puppy mill they are running! They are pulling the wool over the eyes of internet buyers, and browers on their website!

Larry Stemmons
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Oct 17, 2010 6:32 pm EDT

Nobleheim Kennels is no longer in cohoots with Bill Fleischer. Too bad too, because Nobleheim did it the right way for the few dogs of his they had. All of the above is exactly why they are not in cohoots... is what I've found while doing my research.

happy dog mom
Dallas, US
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Nov 07, 2010 5:57 pm EST
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we bought a dog from shirley, the owner of nobleheim, and have been completely thrilled with him. we drove from dallas and checked out her place. it was clean and not very big and all the dogs were well socialized and friendly. our puppy had the run of her house and so was also taught to love cats, a factor i appreciate. while we were talking, she mentioned that she "used to have a business partner" but had split with him because his place had gotten too big and that she didn't agree with the lack of socialization his dogs were getting. she said he was in it more now for the business part of breeding. she did not mention his name but i think we all know who she is talking about. she said she did still use some of his dogs for studs and in fact, our puppy's dad is owned by him. shirley had been a vet tech for many years and everything i learned about her was very positive. we left with our dog and have been very pleased. he is beautiful and well-mannered. very smart. he learned to sit the 2nd day we had him. he is 14 weeks old and fetches and walks well on a leash by my side. he just wants to please and is very loving. i have kids and cats and he has never met another animal or person he doesn't like. and i love the fact that he totally ignores aggressive barking dogs. so far, the perfect dog. so don't disregard shirley at nobleheim. go and talk to her and you will see she is nothing like the man described above.

as i understand it, he is a breeder and a broker. when you sell a lot of dogs, coming from different breeders, i guess some of them can be, uh, sub-standard. i guess that's why there are many differing opinions about the guy.

cms,santa fe, tx
Santa Fe, US
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Dec 20, 2010 7:33 pm EST

I posted a complaint 88 days ago. I am CMS from Santa Fe, TX. I have to say that I reacted prematurely when I posted my complaint. So for the record I need to set things straight due to all the cooperation that Bill Fliesher had done to make me happy, and feel comfortable with my purchase. The puppy that we bought, which my husband thought to have had a limp, we brought back to Bill. He met us in Dallas, and offered at his expense to take him to his Vet's office and have him X-rayed. Once the puppy was X-rayed it showed that the hips were sitting in the hip sockets like they were supposed to be. During the entire vet visit, I was present and verified everything that was done. Even though the hips were in the sockets just fine, Bill still offered to exchange the puppy to make my husband happy. My husband was still uncertain about the dog, but I felt he was ok. So to keep the peace I opted for the new puppy. Before I get into the new puppy subject, I do want everyone who reads this post to know that Bill was professional at all times, and answered all questions that were presented. Above all else, I personally like Bill Fliesher, which I did not think I would when I originally wrote my first post on the puppy. I do believe he went above and beyond to make sure that we were satisfied with the puppy that we purchased. Now, on the subject for the new puppy. He is a little over 4 months old, and is absolutely everything that we wanted in a dog. My husband has taken a special liking to our puppy, and even though I bought him for myself, he says the dog is his.(haha) He is very healthy, playful, and has an outstanding temperment. I could not have asked for a better dog. So in the end, the laugh is on me because I reacted before I gave Bill a chance to react. I would absolutely buy another dog from Bill, and refer his kennel to anyone who is looking for a quality German Shepherd puppy!

John Larson
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Mar 29, 2011 12:06 am EDT

Well, I'm glad to hear he followed through on the return aspect. But it's still an oversized puppy mill. Dogs are fed and sheltered... that's about it. I've been out there. It isn't pretty. If he'd keep it one dog per kennel, and have runs for the indoor dogs... it could be a decent enough place.

brooklyn, US
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Dec 09, 2011 8:00 am EST
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I purchased a dog from Fleischerhiem/ Noblehiem In 2007, the stud was Irsus Veracruz from Fleischerhiem and the Dam was Alina Vera Cruz, from Noblehiem .Shirley Noblehiem sent me a sick dog for $3, 400.He died October 20th from renal failure.When I got him at six weeks he was rather skinny, had chronic diarrhea, and allergies.When I called Bill he said he would exchange the puppy, I already was in love, and wouldn't.He grew to be beautiful, although I spent thousands in vet bills.Im wondering if anyone else had a similar experience, or new anyone who had the same litter.My heart is broken, my dog just made it to his 4th birthday, he suffered a horrible death, due to renal failure.

brooklyn, US
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Jan 03, 2012 12:10 am EST
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Correction from above the Dam was Alina von Quarin, from Noblehiem.

brooklyn, US
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Jan 03, 2012 12:11 am EST
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Correction from above, the Dam was Alina von Quarin, not Vera Cruz.From Noblehiem.

815 G Street, US
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Oct 07, 2012 7:19 am EDT

I bought a 6 month old puppy from Vom Haus Merkel and after 2 months he started limping so we took him to a vet to get checked out. The vet took x-rays and diagnosed him with "impressive" hip dysplasia for a dog so young as well as osteochondritis in his left knee. We took him to an orthopedic specialist to confirm the diagnosis. We reported this to Dyan Merkel along with all of his medical records and x-rays and she claimed that the two veterinarians were wrong and that "she couldn't see any hip dysplasia". She has refused to adhere to her "puppy guarantee" and told us to "wait it out for mother nature to fix his problem" even though her guarantee is only good for a year. She is the worst breeder I have come across and you should think twice before ever buying a dog from her!

haus Merkel
Dallas, US
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Oct 16, 2012 10:29 am EDT

To the comment made above anonymously...just remember, there are always two sides to a story! Letter sent to the owner of the puppy stated above from the breeder.

I am not going to play the game of "my Vet vs your Vet" either. A properly positioned x-ray was sent to OFA (Orthopedic Foundations for Animals) that is the leading authority for diagnosing hip dysplasia in the U.S. and the world. Dr. Keller's finding of good hip joint conformation and no secondary DJD clearly refutes your claim per the enclosed attachment.

Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not your dog does not have hip dysplasia. Obviously your Vets (both of them) are either incompetent or have every financial incentive to make up whatever findings you and they wish. This is clearly fraud!

Yes, please contact the AKC which recognizes OFA as the only authority for hip dysplasia as well as the BBB to expose your Veterinarians incompetence and unethical behavour. Also publicize your threats to damage my reputation with these fraudulent misrepresetations.

You are in direct breach of our contract by not sending me the x-rays and time for review by competent vets of my choice prior to returning your dog. Consequently there is no contractual basis for any replacement, let alone the refund you have demanded. You have tried to bully and elderly lady with health and financial issues and should be ashamed of yourself!

Maximilian is your dog who you had mutilated by having him neutered at too young an age which greatly diminished his value (cannot be used for show or breeding, or Schutzhund (which you indicated an interest in doing with him). I can either ship him back to you at your expense or can try to find a home for him as you choose. He has never limped since he has been here and runs around normally. I will not charge you for the cost of the new properly positioned x-rays I had taken nor my normal boarding charges though you should offer to pay for them.

I will expect your prompt decision as to what you wish to do with your hip dysplasia free dog by Monday at noon CST(10/8/12).


Dyan Merkel

haus Merkel
Dallas, US
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Oct 16, 2012 5:43 pm EDT

By the way regarding the above complaint, here are the facts to go with the truth: To Dyan Merkel, Haus Merkel German Shepherds.
This letter is in regards to the digital pelvic image identified as Maximilian with chip number [protected] acquired on 10/1/12. For an approximate 7 month old German Shepherd Dog the hips are congruent, the acetabula deep and well-formed and there is no secondary DJD.

Comment: good hip joint conformation.
Thank you.
G.G. Keller, D.V.M., MS
Diplomate ACVR
Chief of Veterinary Services
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

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Brooklyn, US
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Mar 25, 2013 3:56 pm EDT

My God! This is the gourgeous puppy that was ruined by a retarted owner. Look had GSDs all my life, when they are growing it is important not to overexercise, not to let them run on slippery surfaces, or downstairs and also give them appropriate nutrition and vitamins. Also, idiot out there "ONLY INCOMPETENT, UNETHICAL VET" will confirm HD before 2 y.o. Furthermore, it is the owner that makes the dog shine. Long hours of training, a lot of reading, consultation, and you get yourself a ScH 3 champ and a stud like mine, actually a runt in reality by birth. Some obtuse, intellectually challenged ###s must be prohibited from ever going near a dog. However, we want it all in a nice package, uuhh I paid $5, 000 so he has to be perfect...The dog is the reflection of an owner, put some sweat into raising, training and maintaining a top quality dog only then you will have one.


Cape Coral, US
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May 08, 2013 10:21 pm EDT
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PLEASE do your research before purchasing from Dyan Merkel! After spending 4, 000$ for her putz top pick puppy we have been through nothing but stress and disappointment! Our 5 1/2 month old male has severe Cow hocks, which surprisingly so this Breeder of Merit feels is really no big deal...Check out her add for this from her vet on Google search. It is clearly posted on her website as well so she has an out of responsibility if your puppy has this. It is considered a huge FAULT in breeding and is Genetic fault! He also has an underdevloped rear with clear signs of severe hip issues...4 month radiographs indicate signs of HD already...and he limps after any running! He has cross bite that has left his insissors breaking tissue on the roof of his mouth, no bushy tail, skin allergies...Her contract if you really read and understand it leaves her responsible for Nothing...Find a breeder who Really cares about the breed...Find a breeder that does not breed back to back because she has finacial problems please...If not for you do it for these puppies... Beware that if you confront this Breeder of Merit with any concerns or complaints she will handle things in the most unprofessional manner...Not the way an ethical breeder would!

Waynesville, US
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May 23, 2013 11:46 pm EDT

I have a dog from Fleischerhiem, he is the best dog. He has a great temperament, he is great with children and other dogs. My family loves him and my friends pay him endless compliments. I am able to bring him to BBQs and he stays by my side or plays with the children. He is four years old and I have had his hips x-rayed. He is healthy but I did get pet insurance or him as soon as I bought him through TRUPANION. I think it is a responsible decision, if anything happens to him, I will be able to afford his care. Also, the pet insurance covers hip dysplasia if you purchase it before the puppy is one year old. If you are concerned with your dogs health you should make responsible decisions to be able to afford his/her care at all costs. I am a younger lady and I have never had any issues with my dogs behavior or health that I would blame on the breeder. I took him to training, and he is obedient. If he gets itchy from allergies, I change his food or ask the Vet if it is seasonal allergies (since I move about every 3 years for my job, the dog's skin reacts different to different environment ie: humid, dry, spring time etc... ). I hate to see all of these complaints when I have had a great experience. Best of Luck everyone. I recommend this breeder.

Rachel F
fdes b5, US
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May 24, 2013 7:51 am EDT

Ive recommended these pups to three friends and all the pups I have seen grow up into the perfect GSDs. Ive seen the actual breeding facilities and they are top of the line open ranch style facilities. Extremely well run and an amazing staff. Impressed all the way around. Excellent bloodline with agression and bad traits bred out over 30years of responsible breeding.

Leonard, US
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Mar 25, 2014 9:33 pm EDT

People are so gung go to complain when they know nothing about what really goes on. I've been working with bill for a year now and I can personally guarantee that the dogs there are taken care of well because I am one of the four full time animal loving employees that work there. I do the wheel ping medications and exercising/ socialization of the young dogs and puppies. Bill feeds the best food he has found and takes dogs to the vet promptly with any concerns. His biggest expense is the four star food he feeds and then vet bills because he truly loves his dogs and wants everyone to be healthy. I was a vet tech for two years and I live every dog on that place. They are all special. We do not breed any dog that doesn't have certified hips and elbows and an awesome temperament. Every large run is cleaned daily none of these puppies are fearful. They are super sound. He gave me a puppy as a wedding present 6 months ago and he is my best friend and companion. He also is already certified as a service animal. He is extremely smart. I love him more than any other animal I've ever owned. I know nothing about Nobleheim I've never had any interactions with them. I'm a rehabber and an animal lover. I would never work for a person that ran any kind of a mill.

John Kolenda
Dorr, US
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Jul 01, 2014 2:37 pm EDT

I have been to Fleischerheim Kennels many times and the dogs that Bill imports and breeds with are of the highest quality.

They are well cared for, and the kennel is very clean. All of his dogs are approachable and happy. His staff is hard working, conscience and polite. Bill's devotion and knowledge has greatly helped the German Shepherd breed in the United States.

Bill has always been truthful and fair in his dealings with me.

Nancy Tubb
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Oct 07, 2014 4:40 pm EDT

I contacted Bill Fleischer about buying a dog he had featured on his web page. She was gorgeous and I said I would fly to Dallas to get her in three days. He didn't ask for a deposit. I flew up there with a friend and looked all around and every dog was in a small kennel, they were all mediocre at best, they were more than half grown and one ear was floppy in every one of them. I finally found him and said I was here about the dog on his webpage. He replied "oh, that dog was flown out of here early this morning." I said "but I told you I was coming to get her in three days." His reply "you snooze, you lose." Never have I been treated so rudely, nor have I been as unimpressed with a breeder. I think he is a puppy mill, sells the cute puppies before they develop into very inferior disappointing dogs. I would never take a dog from him if it were free.

Fortunately I had another contact to see, Jennifer Aguilllar in Whitesboro TX who I felt very comfortable with. Her dogs were gorgeous, lived in huge runs where they could be turned loose to swim in a large pond. I ended up buying not one but two pups from her, and have had them nine wonderful years. She is an awesome breeder. Nancy Tubb, Midland, TX

Chase mommy
Roseville, US
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Nov 15, 2014 10:02 pm EST

I have purchased 2 dogs from Bill, and they have been the best dogs I have EVER owned. Bill has been completely professional, and I will be buying my next one from him as well. Both shepherds have had the best disposition and have been such a huge part of our family.

Mill Valley, US
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Feb 05, 2015 1:26 am EST

Something seems weird about this, good thing I'm suspicious. I think these breeder are trying to cover up their greediness, by having owners to back them up. How did those fleshierman fan owners know about this? You can get a good dog breeder even from a crook, irresponsible, puppy mill, or backyard breeder, unfortunately this is why we have so many dogs dying in shelters these people are the cause. They have no respect for their dogs that is a fake breeder. A real responsible breeder respects, trust, and honors their dogs. It is not always about just the people it is about the dogs.

Mitch Allen
San Antonio, US
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Mar 01, 2015 11:26 pm EST
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The guy has about 45-50 puppies right now. Seems like a puppy mill to me.

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Nov 04, 2015 10:37 pm EST

I have never purchased a German Shepherd from Fleischerheim Kennels but have spoken with Bill regarding breeding, showing, and general points of health and care of German Shepherds over the phone. He has always been cordial, helpful and knowledgeable. I have also had the pleasure of dealing with two of the German Shepherds bred by Fleischerheim over the years. They were both exceptional examples of the breed: healthy, sound, and intelligent. Their temperaments differed, but that is expected in a breed that has been bred to serve so many different purposes over the years. Breeding and genetics are very complicated and even with the best of intentions, the outcomes of some crosses will not produce the best results. Bill stands behind his dogs, and produces outstanding examples of the German Shepherd Dog. I am sorry for anyone who has had a bad experience, but feel certain that they can find no breeder with a better reputation than Fleischerheim kennels.

Mitch Allen
San Antonio, US
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Nov 04, 2015 11:17 pm EST
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Since visiting with Bill back in February I have seen at least 100 puppies listed on his site. I have researched dogs from all over the world that are WUSV champions and have never seen anything like his operation. You can have a HD free dog shipped from Europe for much less money and have a much healthier pet. He should be investigated and shut down.

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Dec 11, 2015 6:53 pm EST
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I have a Fleisherheim German Shepherd and he is the most even tempered dog I have ever owned. He is loved by everyone who comes in contact with him. So smart, and so easy to train. Bill and Evy have both been so great to work with. I would (and have) recommended him to anyone.

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Jan 27, 2020 12:59 am EST
Replying to comment of ChaseMommy

Seriously, what is wrong with you. This dog does not appear to have a full, strong body. just looking at the front legs makes me wonder.

James M Ven
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May 31, 2020 4:02 pm EDT

I just recently lost our male German Shepherd at age 10 purchased from Bill Fleischerheim (Zamp vom Thermados son) who was the best dog you could have ever hoped for. Bill helped me pick from 2 Ultimate Supreme males, he said this one follows me everywhere I go, you should take him. Sure enough, Bill was right, he basically never left our side from puppyhood, through the end. Best tempered and most beautiful dog and loyal companion, loved by all. Will be missed, never forgotten. Bill has the best dogs!

JV, Naples FL