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Fluidity Fitness / Fluidity Direct

Fluidity Fitness / Fluidity Direct review: Deceptive infomercial - poor product! 75

Author of the review
12:00 am EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am very sorry that I bought the Fluidity. I feel they are very deceptive in their infomercial. They tell you that you originally would pay 6 payments of $39.95. Then they say that if you order, they will take off one payment of $39.95 and you only have to pay 5. Next, they say that the machine comes fully assembled so you don't have to worry about it.

When I called in my order, they told me that I have to pay another $39.95 because they put the machine together for you. So you are back to the original 6 payments. Plus, they don't pay you back the extra $39.95 when you send it back. They also take another $4.00 towards the S&H that you pay for.

As for the DVD, they are not clear on the beginners tape. The instructor is showing you the intermediate stage. The girl for the beginners, is behind her and they barely show her even though there is a separate tape for beginners,intermediate and advanced. I recently read that another consumer hurt her knee because the tape is not very clear in the instruction. I have learned a very costly lesson. Never to buy equipment, unless it is at a store. Ordering it through phone is very expensive. It cost me $74.00 to send
it back!


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J. Lee
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Jun 05, 2007 1:21 pm EDT

I totally agree about with this comment on Fluidity. I purchased it after seeing the infomercial for months. It was so enticing. It was a bunch of lies. You can do this workout with a chair. I found the bar awkward and uncomfortable for many of the positions. The videos were boring and didn't change very much from beginner to advanced. They use of the bands and ball are minimal and would be more effective in another workout.

I tried using the bar twice before deciding to return it. They advertise it as a risk free trial. That was a lie. They don't want you to try it they want you to buy it. They expect that most people will keep it because the cost to return it is crazy.

I lug this heavy bar to may car in the snow and take it to the shipping co. only to find out that my measurement was off by an inch. Instead of $40 to return it it would be 80. The post office quoted $120. Add that to the shipping to send it to me and I have wasted $120. That is a risk. The bar is valued at $200 so I kept it.

I called customer service only to be yelled at by many different people and told that return shipping was my issue. I asked if it could be shipped to me for $40 why can't I return it for $40n(in my opinion $80 is still a lot to try this stupid thing). They ship it at a bulk company rate that individual can't get. I reported them to the BBB in California. They received no response from the company so my complain was closed.

My advice is save your money and go for a walk.

Judi King
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Oct 10, 2007 1:39 pm EDT

I bought a Fluidity bar in July 2006 and agreed to the 5 $39.95 payments. Fifteen (15) months later I receive a letter in the mail from a collection agency for Fluidity stating I owe $79.95 for the balance. I have been trying to call the [protected] # for the last 3 days "at least 20 times each day with the phone being busy each time" I was NEVER notified that I owed anything * not only that, what kind of company waits over a year to contact the customer.

From what I am reading on the net regarding this product it seems that this Company or what ever you want to call it do NOT know what they are doing.

I am very disappointed in this product anyway & one I have to deal with their ineptitude of how a business is ran. If anyone knows of a class action suit that may be going on please forward it so I can join.

Elvira Kuhn
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Jan 06, 2008 9:53 am EST

I saw the infomercial on Jan 2007 for the first time. I do Pilates and the movements I saw on the infomercial were intriguing and knew right away I wanted to incorporate them into my routine. I tried the stretches on my own right away. I love the stretches, I love the way I feel after going through these moves. I don't need the bar though. I use the edge of my kitchen table, a heavy wood, strong and immovable by these exercises.
I sympathize with your complaints. Their claims for the buyer to be able to return it sounds totally deceptive and dishonest. I would have to agree that integrity is lacking in the way the business is run .
Ms. Austin and the company have had ample chance to respond to customers, I would think by now. Otherwise, in the meantime, there are those of us who have to contend with attaching negative thoughts to the word "FLUIDITY."
Good business has always had that underlying win-win for both the business and the customer. That will never change. Obviously, in this case the scammed customer loses. But, on the other side, maybe not so obvious, because losing is not always measured in terms of dollar signs, Fluidity and company takes the bigger portion of the losing end.

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Jan 16, 2008 11:18 pm EST

Actually, I have no problem with the bar. I think it's a good workout and I like doing the pull-ups and stretches with it. However, the video/instructor SUCKS! She does the moves so fast, even on the beginner DVD, which like the reviewer stated, isn't really beginner at all. The beginner girl is out of view and the instructor is doing intermediate! WTF?! I could see somebody easily getting injured because there is no instructional DVD or anything, and even on the "beginner" DVD, she demonstrates how to do the moves for literally 1 or 2 seconds! It got to a point where I had to pause it after every single move, just so I have time to see how exactly I'm supposed to do it.

And, the way they sell is is indeed shady from the very beginning... asking for $10 more to process it within a week instead of 3/4. If you return it, you will still be out the money of the bar, because of all the shipping charges. Sucks that a product which could've actually been good, has been marketed in such a way.

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Jan 20, 2008 7:01 am EST

Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts, this has helped me to decide NOT to purchase this item. By you, posting your experiences, does hurt the company, they can and are loosing my business. Have a great 2008 ladies.

Sarah Walters
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Jan 20, 2008 2:15 pm EST

I am glad that I ran across this website while researching Fluidity. I have seen the infomercial for months and have always been intriqued. While on the website, I couldn't even find the shipping charges. I guess you have sign up with your credit card and then they hit you with that. Did someone say $70 bucks? Now I have decided not to invest in the product. I thought I might be able to purchase the advanced dvd for cheap on ebay since some of you said that you don't need the bar.

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Jan 21, 2008 7:34 am EST

DISAPPOINTMENT! I was really into this product when I saw it. I have been trying to order it online all morning, but have not been able to get to the order page because of its security certificate. I never was able to find a price on it at all, so I started to search the net to see if there were any reviews with a price on it. I found this and some other sites that don't have good reviews about it. What a great product with such bad things attached to it. I would love to get the bar but want to have a good DVD and customer service to go along with it. So needless to say I will not be purchasing this item. I am very disappointed though because I know it will be a great workout and give the resluts I want if it had all the great things to go along with it. The company really needs to work on its site issues and its customer service issues. The one thing they need to learn is that word of mouth will bite you in the butt every time, even if it is a small one!

R. Forsythe
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Jan 27, 2008 7:40 am EST

I am so glad you made this site. I was consitering making a purchase but will save my money. Thanks.

Bobette Nelms
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Jan 30, 2008 1:32 am EST

I was going to purchase this bar and now I am having second thoughts.

J. Sardinia
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Jan 30, 2008 9:09 am EST

I hope the company finds this site and learns how many customers they've lost. I called to order the product this morning, though I was a a bit hesitant because the infomercial never stated the full cost of the package. Ultimately, the bar, et al, was going to run me $199.00 after the trial. The shipping was going to be nearly $60.00 unless I wanted to wait 3-4 weeks, in which case I'd only have to pay $49.00. When I asked the cost to return the item if I was unhappy with it, the rep. told me this whole line of bunk about how it would cost me less than $49.00 to return ship it.

Kathleen K
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Jan 31, 2008 8:01 pm EST

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I Love Pilates and was excited when I saw the Fluidity bar on the ivillage tv show, from what the explained it is a step up from Pilates. I had planned on ordering until I found this site. I NEED to have a good dvd for me to be successful in a program. The price is rediculous, this company has a good concept but they need to step up, fix the problems and retrain the customer service reps. They also need to rethink the price. Again thank you for taking the time to rate this product it has saved me money and disapointment.

sharon brown
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Feb 10, 2008 11:53 am EST

I am so happy that I found this site since my aunt and myself were going to purchase this equipment. I would have been so disappointed to find out that I was going to be taken. Thank you very much for the information. Sharon Brown Fl.

Carol James
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Feb 14, 2008 9:44 am EST

Like the others I am glad I found this page. I too , had called about buying this product. My granddaughter takes gymnastics classes and I thought this product would be great for strengthening her body and give her more poise. After reading these coments I have changed my mind. To much money for so much uncertinty.

Martha Mahe
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Feb 15, 2008 12:24 pm EST

I am so glad I found this site. I was just seconds away from purchasing the fluidity bar, as a matter of fact I just hung up on the customer service agent right in the middle of ordering this product. While they put me on hold I was reading all the reviews on this site. I'm so relieved. I definitely will not purchase from a company who cons millions of innocent consumers saying this product is risk free money back guaruntee but in reality they will suck all the money out of you, and leave you with nothing. Fluidity really needs to consider selling this product in stores so people don't lose out on the expensive shipping, and get stuck w/ a product they don't want that will just sit and collect dust! Thanks everyone for the feedback, you saved me alot of time and money!

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Feb 23, 2008 1:10 pm EST

great to hear about this product. I was going to purchase it also but I won't now that I have read the comments...thanks!

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Feb 29, 2008 2:50 pm EST

Thanks for the info ladies. I was watching this infomercial this morning and thought that this looked like a good product. The moves and streches reminded me of 'Callenetics'. It is very similar and you need a balance bar in order to do them. I was going to purchase the bar for this purpose. Thanks for the warnings.

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Mar 03, 2008 3:22 pm EST

Thanks for the information! I visited the Fludity site just before coming here and was very close to buying it. It looked like it was too good to be true...

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Mar 08, 2008 11:30 pm EST

Thank you for posting about your experience. I was moments away from buying into the Fluidity system when the actual cost (5 payments of $39.95 was not mentioned on the tv infomercial I watched!) and the outrageous shipping fees gave me pace. A little research brought me here. A little more research helped me come up with what may be a far less risky method to try a ballet bar workout. I'm going to buy a $20 removable doorway chin-up bar and install it at ballet bar level. For DVD's I may try a Fluidity program from ebay or rent another ballet type workout like The Bar Method from my netflix account. Now I consider $20 a risk free way to try a bar workout not $120!

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Mar 27, 2008 7:44 am EDT

Thank you all so much! I was about to order this product because in theory it makes perfect sense...I enjoy Pilates and Yoga and felt that this would be the perfect compliment to my work-out routine. I don't need the hassle of this company, I know how to stretch and I'd just as soon keep my money! I really appreciate you folks sharing your experience. Too bad that the company doesn't realize the true impact of poor and deceptive customer service.

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Mar 29, 2008 8:32 am EDT

We live in the time of the "deceptive infomercial"...beware. The companies assume we are idiots and they seem to get away with screwing us over and over again. I wait until the product can be bought at a retail store. That way I can take it back that same day and make sure these rip-off companies do not have my c.c. number.
I wanted to buy this product but so glad to have this site and read what everyone has to say. I have been fooled by the Bean and the Leg-shaper, but I will not be fooled by this product. Thank you for your comments.

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Mar 30, 2008 8:34 am EDT

Today I saw the commerical and I was about to call and place my order, but something told me to do a online search regarding the Fluidity Bar and this website appeared. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to express you concerrns. It appears that the website saved me some money and time.

Best of luck to you all!

Adriana Martinez
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Apr 10, 2008 7:57 pm EDT

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SELL IT, I MAY BUY IT! I'm living in Cincinnati, OH so if you close by and you really hated it, I will be willing to buy it for a reasonable price I have been a dancer all my life and now in my 30’s I don’t have the time and I’m to old to attend to a Ballet class. I can see that a lot of people it’s disappointed by this product but I’m willing to try it but not for $400. Do you think that was to hard for you because you dont have a dancer background? Tell me!

Contact me at

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Apr 12, 2008 9:16 am EDT

I am so glad I found this site. I was moments away from ordering.

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Apr 12, 2008 9:18 am EDT

I am so glad I found this site as I was moments away from ordering. I was wondering what the total cost was, since they fail to mention on their informercial.

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Apr 13, 2008 8:53 pm EDT

Boy am I glad, I ran into this site. I had an argument with my husband last night over the fluidity, because I saw it on tv just yesterday and fell in love with it, I thought exactly what I need. So I went ahead and ordered it straight away, I must admit I was so shocked at the total cost of it, I didn't think was worth that much money, but I still wanted it. My husband said was another total waste of money like many other contraptions I've bought in the past. Overnight I started thinking maybe he's right how long will I use it for. I woke up this morning thinking I still would like to try it, I thought let me ring and find out how much it will cost me to send it back, they couldn't tell me, and I then realised it's not going to be cheap from Australia, so I cancelled the order much to my disappointment. So I hopped on the internet and thought can I buy it on ebay for cheaper and I come across this complaint site, and I'm so glad I did, I made the right decision. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!

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Apr 14, 2008 10:09 am EDT

I was ready to order but was too busy Saturday. I am grateful I found this site. The exercises and concept look great but last thing I need is another hassle and more stress over undiclosed charges etc. or the bar not being what it is supposed to be. The infomercial was never clear on the actual price and shipping which I found to be a concern. I will just head to the gym and get back to my running and some pilates. Or check out other bar options.

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May 19, 2008 7:31 pm EDT

THANK YOU... THANK YOU.. so much ladies. I so had my heart set on purchasing this system. Thankfully my mother in law told me to do my research. This the third site I has checked out, and up until this one the only disappointment I found was the return shipping cost. Not a problem for me, I thought because I was not intending on returning it. Then the list went on of unhappy customers. It has brought me to the conclusion of not making that purchase for three main reasons:

1. I truly dislike inconsiderate and rude customer service.. (I mean come on.. customer service is intended to make the customer feel at ease.)

2. The website is too vague not very helpful at all.. Hense the reason I had to search or ask relatives what they think in the first place.

3. The possibility of major results on my size 5 body will probably be minimal. paying 199$ to keep my body toned, I will be looking fot the DVD.

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May 22, 2008 10:59 am EDT

I am very thanklful for all the insight on this product. After seeing the infomertial, I fell in love with the idea of the product and if I would not have found this information, I too, would most likely been dissapointed. I would like to know however if anyone with a complaint on this or not would have any reccomendation on a video or something that you are pleased with using working out. I have about 35 lbs to loose after 2 kids and have not been active at all, so I'm having a hard time getting started, but have a previous backround with gymnastics, ballet, dance, etc as a child and enjoy things of that nature as opposed to the gym and running or the eliptic- that mainly why this product attracted me the most! I would love some suggestions! Thanks!

kathy hullinger
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May 27, 2008 10:27 am EDT

i seen the commercial this a.m. and loving to dance and do the stretches etc i was sold! i was also thinking what a great investment for my future ballernia but...then i called the 800 number and this guy answered...he said, " hey hi what product you calling for?" i told him and he said "well i'm having tech. difficulties so call the number back and get someone else." it felt and sounded like i had called someones home phone not an actual sales area. that got me thining maybe i don't wanna give my cr. card infor over the phone so i came to the web and did a search. THANK YOU. i won't be purchasing this equipt. for all the reasons listed above.

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May 29, 2008 4:32 pm EDT

After watching the infomercial closely I recognize that many if not most of the exercises are almost exactly like those in the exercise program called Callanetics. I used to do these using a book that was published in the 80s but they're available on DVD now. I would like to have something like the Fluidity bar to help with the positioning of some of the exercises but now I'm having second thoughts. Anyway, try Callanetics - the results can be truly astounding.

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May 30, 2008 3:13 am EDT

A HUGE thank you to all of the ladies who took the time to write in about their experiences with Fluidity. Like so many of you, I also saw the infomercial and thought it would be great to try. Luckily, I, too had the foresight to do a bit of investigating before purchasing. Thank goodness I found this site! To the ladies who suffered the unfortunate monetary losses, I'm sorry. However, please feel good in knowing that you have saved so many others from making the same costly mistake. You're the best!

Lori C
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Jun 06, 2008 8:47 am EDT

I bought this exercise bar thinking I could just return it if I changed my mind, which is what I did. I have plantar facitis and it is very painful for me to walk. I wanted to try something different so that I could do something with Weight Watchers while my tendon healed. However, we unexpectedly had to buy a new furnace and I felt that my purchase of this program was way too frivolous compared to our immediate needs. I did not want to even open the box, because it is the most awkward thing you've ever seen. So I got on the website to find out about returns. There isn't much information. They only said you can return it within 30 days less shipping and handling. You have to email their customer service. They email you back with a Return Authorization Number and an address to put on the box. Well, the thing had already cost me an additional $50 bucks to order. When I inquired UPS of the costs of a pick-up at the house (after all, it weighs about 60 pounds and the box is about 45 inches square by 6 inches thick) the shipping was quoted to be about $130. That is from Maine to Encino, California. So total shipping, from when I ordered it to returning it would actually cost $180 total. Needless to say, that is over half of what the whole thing costs so I might have to keep it. If you are given to impulse spending, please learn from my foolish, expensive lesson. This has cured me for a very long time. I agree with previous reviewers; if you must buy equipment, BUY IT FROM A STORE. It is a lot less hasle. I would so rather walk than use this thing. I wish i had read all of the reviews first before buying it.

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Jul 04, 2008 7:05 am EDT

I'm glad people take the time to provide their review. It stops people like me from being taken for a ride. Thank you.

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Jul 06, 2008 8:09 am EDT

Thanks for taking the time to inform us about the problems. I have seen infomercials on this program and on the Core Rhythms program that made both look great. After reading reviews from people who had had major hassles with dealing with these companies, I opted out. It is scary giving your credit card info to people who operate in deceptive ways and can affect you credit if you object to their demands. Now I will always look up products online before I order. The infomercials make me want to order right away every thing is always so great before you send in your money!

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Jul 19, 2008 2:11 pm EDT

I wish I would have come across this site before calling to order the Fluidity. It looked great on TV but when I called she smoothly informed me that there would be 5 additional payments of $39.99" plus the first one would actually be $49.99 with shipping and handling and that 'included' the assembly. I was floored! This is false advertising and it should be stopped immediately! Even if they would have said the FIRST installment of $39.99, but that is NOT what they said. I am very upset and would never ever even consider buying any products even vaguely related to this person. Thanks for your comments. I hope others read this site before wasting their time.

Belinda Barron
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Jul 31, 2008 5:38 am EDT

I don't have a complaint. I just have a comment. After watching the Fluidity video I noticed the movements are very similar to Callenetics by Callan Pickney which also involves a bar but it can be any bar as long as you follow the instructions and it is safe to use. I used something already in my home. her book and DVD can be bought in any bookstore or It's worth looking into to see if you think what I think.

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Aug 02, 2008 5:30 am EDT

I'm glad I decided to check on the internet before I called in to get Fluidity. I actually logged on because the commercial only said one payment of $39.95, but never told the total cost, or number of payments. They are really pushing the "free trial."

I probably would have gotten it and ended up keeping it to avoid return costs and shoving it in a closet! Thanks for your input!

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Aug 09, 2008 2:25 pm EDT

Thanks to everyone for the comments. They are the reason I'm NOT going to purchase the Fluidity. Think I'll check out the Callenetics by Callan Pickney as mentioned by Belinda and avoid the Fludity pricing scam. I can assemble anything.

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Aug 11, 2008 7:20 pm EDT

wow. i watched the program like the rest of you and was really looking forward to ordering the product. but after reading the good and bad reviews I don't want to invest in a company that doesn't sound like they take the time to show customer concern. what a dissapointment. o well this isn't the end. I can always get a pull up bar bar drill it to my door and go from there. that way i can use it for excerise and a knight stick if someone tries to break in.(lol) life is what u make it, it just like these reviews has it's up's and downs.

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Sep 09, 2008 4:31 pm EDT

I actually called the customer service last saturday to make the purchase but then the agent started selling me lots of stuff so I decided to check website about FB first if it's all worth it but thanks for sharing all these feedbacks I will just keep my money and start walking.

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