The EBT card should be for food only, how come people use then to go and get 17% Sherry cooking wine at the groceri store and get away
with it? They are drinking up the EBT cards that way!
I work hard and can't even get help with anty benefits cause I work!
Somebody needs to look in to this fast, this is my tax money they are drinking up!
By the way, my friend is an alcoholic and this is how he gets drunk on the 1st every month
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
frank294 you are an idiot who thinks they have something special to say. Deflate your ego.
I am a food benefits caseworker and I can definitely see both sides here. Unfortunately, I don't think it's any secret that the SNAP program is abused frequently. I am dealing with a guy right now that insists that the only two people in his household are him and his daughter and that his daughter's mother takes care of both of them (pays bills/rent/buys necessities) but does not live in the same house with him. This guy has turned in fake lease after fake lease and forged so many documents it's sickening, all to get about $367 a month in food benefits. I did some research online and found that, low and behold, he and his daughter's mother do in fact live together (thank you FaceBook) and the reason that he didn't want me to know that is because she works at a hospital making very good money. They also just bought a house together and I found out about that through public records online as well. Just a reminder to anyone that thinks they can cheat the system...just about ANYTHING can be looked up online so be sure to cover your tracks WELL especially if you are trying to lie about your residency or income when you apply for food benefits. Bear in mind, that was just ONE example of MANY examples that I could give about complete and total liars who come into my office on a daily basis and try to serve up a bunch of BS to score some government assistance. I also see a ton of people that really do need the help and those are the people that I bend over backwards to help out. The others, well let's just say I bend over backwards to bust them and make sure a claim is filed so their [censor] have to pay back every cent they stole by abusing the food benefits program.
I do agree that most people try to abuse the system and can easily be tracked. I just report it every time and maybe it will get cut off because I do have a good stable job but without health benefits. So they took me off my benefits and I can keep my health care(Medi Care) until I do find a FULL TIME job with the benefits coming after the trial period. But the only problem is that you have to re apply again if you do eventually lose your job. And at the end with the EBT Cash + Food Stamps. I barely got by. So far, everything is doing okay, and all I know is that, I will try to get as much assistance if I do lose my job but only as a back up option if really needed.
my tax money this my tax money that, shut the [censor] up for real, your tax money you will get back the next year, so actually no one is using YOUR tax money, you guys that are pissed bc u dont have ebt and cant get it, dont be mad at people that do have it, mind your own., That is what is wrong with people today, all you idiots, pass judgement on others with out knowing anything. all this does is make people laugh at you. And also it means you are a low life for passing judgement, all of you make me sick.
ExpediteHater i think i will try and figure out what state and county you work for, becuase im pretty sure it si illegal for you to do what u just done. No matter if he was wrong or not, you are to for putting his business on the internet, and im a lawyer also so i will def be in contact with you. thanks
Its called slang, get over it. have a great day.
angelxoxo you sure make a lot of spelling errors for an attorney. I have many friends who are lawyers and their sentence structure is way above your level. what bar did you pass and what's your id?
si is not slang. it's spanish
I am an American citizen who currently is receiving food stamps. However, I have seen people who work, live with their parents, get help with their kids, and receive much more than I qualify for. When my kids were younger, I worked two jobs to stay off of public assistance. I was ashamed to receive any help because of prejudices by many people. It is true that some people do abuse the assistance, make a career of working the system- what is worse is that they get away with it and it makes me sick! I am 40 years old, female, a vet, and unemployed. Because of my struggles of working at least two jobs simultaneously and depending on public transportation, I now have physical ailments that make even walking a painful experience. It is people like me that get caught in the system but struggle to get out! I do not qualify for any other help, not even such programs like through "Work Source". It is people like them that pass it on to the future generation and make it hard for those of us who really need help. This is not a sob story, just a reality check... it is hard not to be judgmental, but even I have an attitude problem when I see people go through the check out line with a bunch of stuff they couldn't ever afford without help. I can't even afford a full dinner meal more than twice a week. When I was working, I qualified for NO help AT ALL. That is why you do see me buying what I would consider junk just to fill the bellies of my three high school children. Even when I pay cash, it is the same scenario.
Like I would give you any of my information. Yeah right, Get real, and actually i have never been to jail but put alot of people there like you. have a great day
I feel that if people do anything that isn't to another persons liking there's always something to complain about. I feel as like this if the government don't want people to use the EBT Card in certain ways then change and implement new ones. Everyone is entitle to their our reason for having one and using it the way they please. Yes I pay taxes and I'm very wealthy, however my heart goes out to them because it has to be an hard to live off of a set amount and not be able to have what "the people who work hard has".
thats awsome, hi santa
Wow, what happen to love thy neighbor? If most of you people are so concerned on the way people spend there government money, that is just crazy. If people who say if you will are less fortunate to buy smokes and junk food just because they are poor and you feel it is comming out of your pocket. Big deal! They have every right to buy the same [censor] that you do! The way the economy is today there is so many people needing assistance like you wouldn"t believe! Alot of lay offs and people with families losing there homes. If my tax dollars lets them be able to go into a store and buy junk food or smokes even alcohol foe that matter. They have every freaking right. You want to know why? Because this is America! People have forgotten about the greater good and to help mankind. That's all I have to say about that!
Wow..there are a lot of intelligent and not-so-intelligent comments on this. I am a 26 year old graduate, didn't have mommy and daddy pay for college. I have worked 2 to 3 jobs to put myself through college. I did a 3 month UNPAID internship of 50+ hours a week. As of today I have made $1800 working as an Assistant Camp Director and they laid me off due to my disease (systematic lupus). I was diagnosed in April of this year. My degree is Recreation Parks and Lesure Management, so in all I am an Outdoor Educator. If you do not already know this systematic lupus is an autoimmune disease that is triggered by the sun. Ironic isn't it. But in the aspect of this conversation yes I receive food assistance. 200 a month. I receive no medical support because I have to have 2 or more organs failing. I am not really sure why not...I am still looking for a beneficial job. But who is going to hire a "disabled" person...even though I do not consider myself as one. I do odd jobs, cleaning, cooking, babysitting. That's what you do while looking for a job. Key words LOOKING this means getting out there, applications in hand, talking to people hitting the pavement literally and figuratively. Sell something because it is only stuff. I use coupons I only buy things that I need. If I want something sweet...make it from scratch, it isn't very hard. I have got two hands, two legs, a brain and a mouth; sometimes even good health ;) but I keep moving on.
I agree with you, if you cannot afford to provide for your kids, than you have no business buying alcohol and smokes. First off, smoking is a nasty, makes you look old, causes risks to the people around you, and will kill you in a horrible way. I watched my grandmother die of lung cancer that spread throughout her body, she died a horribly painful death. It is a selfish habit, and shouldn't be supported on the governments dime. When I see people smoking, it makes me think of them as whatever trash their ethic is. If you have children, how can you justify shortening your life, and causing your kids asthma, low birth weight, never ending URIs, and spending money that should be going to feed/cloth your children? I had this trashy friend who used her child support to support her filthy habit. The money that should be going to support her kid, were going to supply her pain med and smoking problem. That is just selfish and trashy. She wasn't working, and her husband worked two jobs to support her fat [censor], his daughters, and her son. While she spent her day high on pain meds, smoking her fat [censor] into oblivion. She couldn't even get off her fat [censor] to clean the house. She had her children do it for her... She made dinner, and that was about it... Poor man didn't even get sex. In end she is going to die before her son has children of his own. She will miss watching her grandchildren grow up, and in about ten years, she will develop lung cancer, or her kidneys will give out because of her never growing pain med addiction. If welfare moms are doing the same, the government is also flipping the bill for their nasty habits in medi-kaid. Their children health issues, their health issues because of drugs and smoking. So, it is our business if someone is choosing to live their lives that way, because we are flipping the bill for their addiction, and the complications with come from abusing this.
I am currently on Food Stamps because it helps my family out. I only get 222 a month in stamps. I am a single parent that lost her job due to a fact of an injury that has turned into something more complicated than a torn minuscule. Talking now of knee replacement. I can't walk with out a limp, knee locks and I fall. It is hard living off 353 a month in child support and your expenses are 349 a month. And if something breaks down oh well got to figure out where I can come up with the money to pay that. I am just thankful for the food stamps that I do get otherwise my daughter and I would be very hungry since 4 dollars does not cover much food.
stealth pilot you are a horrible human and a waste of my air.
I'm on the stamps and all I bye is junk food. I can't cook very well and I eat junk food. So what am I suppose to bye food that I don't like? If I'm hungry I grab a couple of snack cakes or a PBJ sandwich and a glass of milk and I'm happy because that's what I like! No I'm far from over weight if that crossed your mind. People are so quick to judge others it's sad you don't know what these peoples situations are. My cousin is diabetic and he has to have some junk food laying around in case he has a low blood sugars. People quit being so petty And stop sweating the small stuff! We can't even live off the land anymore! You need a license to go fishing and hunting And it's got to be in season to kill a turkey or deer.So there is something to get pissed about. If it's for food and not sport anyone should be able to feed themselves.The law shouldn't even have a say over food!
ok ok we all need to calm down. first of all it is nobodys business what people buy with thier food stamps. if people want to buy oreos for thier kids then so what. the people who can afford to buy thier own groceries buy junk food for thier kids. also people on ebt have also paid taxes at some point in thier life because you can obly be on welfare for 2 years unless you are disabled. there isa reason it is called transitional assistance. it is a transition period for people who need help. all the people who are judging are just asking for bad karma. just wait until you need it because unless you have a really good job that you will have a big fat 401 k when you retire then you will be one of the people who will need foodstamps along with your social security to survive. and simplicity89 you are totally a racist. you dont make comments like that if your not. and its spelled government not govmints. because i know that since you claim your not racist then you must not have know how to spell government. right? you werent trying to talk like a black person right? i hope somebody knows it was you who wrote that and i hope some big huge "[censor]s" come and beat the s@#$ out of you. people need help sometimes so F#@$ YOU! and to all the people who were offended by these ignorant low class hill billys just remember that bthey hate themselves and thier miserable lives and thats why they make other people feel like crap. i myself do not get welfare but i do know what its like to need hepl adn not everyone abnuses them. i also dont thinkl its anywhere near 70 -80 %. maybe like 35% tops. at least not in massachusettes.
to the lady who was mad at the couple for buying crab legs...get a [censor]ing life, it was a food item?well within guidlines
how do you know if they haven't alreadypurchased other foods and this was a treat after having what they needed? they could have said that [censor] to PISS YOUR REDNECK [censor] OFF...
why don't you go and gather a group in your town, make upo some white hoods and hang some EBT folks who buy [censor] like that with their card
[censor]ing jealous-assed redneck
to the lady (simplicity89) who was mad at the couple for buying crab legs...get a [censor]ing life, it was a food item?well within guidlines
how do you know if they haven't alreadypurchased other foods and this was a treat after having what they needed? they could have said that [censor] to PISS YOUR REDNECK [censor] OFF...
why don't you go and gather a group in your town, make upo some white hoods and hang some EBT folks who buy [censor] like that with their card
[censor]ing jealous-assed redneck
wow.iwas just bored with tv and decided to read some of this complaint [censor].i had no idea people were so passionate about food stamps.i have not read all this cause i do not have that much energy right now but i have not read were a particular race was, why do you call a person who wants our tax dollars spent more wisely, or for every one to be productive, or for people to eat healthier, or for people to get there priority straight, or are just pissed of because people take hand outs for food when there cloths, cars, jewelry, cds, tv, videogames, guns, furniture, houses, smokes, chews, beers, wine, and lets not forget cell phone is more expensive than the person who does not get food stamps and speaks their opinion, a racist?that is saying that mostly minorities get the stamps.why is it that if you do not agree with a minority then you are a racist.peopleof all races need to wake not be mad at the people who take advantage of a government program cause you will to if you mad at your elected officials who keep handing it out to get a vote.its just away to buy a vote and look like a saint.they pit the so called ritch against the so called poor.has anyone ever got a pay check from a broke person or a person who did not own a buisness.all those horrible rich people are getting fed up as we write and moving their jobs to places were peopl show up for work on time, do not [censor], talk on cell phones, and steel.were there are no unions wich by the way thats just another organization that dont give a [censor] about the poor man.your just income to them.the government wants to keep taking care of you cause you can vote them back in.think about it, do you know any senator personally?do you think they give a [censor] about you?THESE PROGRAMS HANDICAP YOU THEY DONT HELP YOU.WAKE UP, WAKE UP.VOTE AND REALIZE WHAT IS REALY GOOD FOR YOU AND WHAT IS NOT
i agree with you, i just had one too many when i posted the above comment
I know more white folks than black who get assistance...and they do a pretty damn good job hiding their EBT cards
This should not be about race, it is about the ignorant [censor]face (simplicity89) who made the "black couple comment", with her whole page racist rant on EBT and blacks and crablegs
what an uninformed redneck
instead of evesdropping and studying black folks and their nutitional habits why don't you go to a library or look up what kind of people qualify for stamps, do your research
but if you are an inbread cousin [censor]er I guess that's not possible
"To Lorridlilly, You piece of [censor]. You are the proverbial "WELFARE [censored] SLUT [censor] PIG",
i bet that made you feel very important and better to assume what race I am, that was a good one, so good that I came in my panties after reading it, you are such a big man, an internet gangster who won't dare say this to a person's face
I NEVER RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS IN MY LIFE...but of course you assumes otherwise
Frank, go do butt pins on a gay man's dick, get AIDS, then you are entitled to all the stamps you can get
because all of your money will go into buying pills to stay alive you [censor]ing uniformed [censor]
wanna play with me, let's play baby you redneck, winston smoking [censor] hanging, chicken [censor]er
*throws the ball back to Frank*
I bet now that I spelled "assumes" meaning assumed, I'm surely a pig [censored] welfare recieving slut, LOL Try again Frankie
Go blow up something or continue to do butt spins on gay men's dicks, you angry little [censor]
People complaining about EBT benefits, ridiculous. Trust me when I say that those few dollars don't amount to anything really. If people decide to splurge and buy shrimp and lobster, so be it. By the end of the month, there will be nothing left, so why spend time complaining on what someone else is doing. Your tax dollars are not doing THAT much. Just pray that you never need assistance. For the record, there are people who work AND pay taxes and receive benefits because their household income is not sufficient to live on.
EAT A DICK FRANKIE, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME, When did this become personal anyway? When you come out of nowhere insulting me FIRST instead of sticking to the issue at hand you [censor]ing upper class hillbilly, foodstamps are for ANYONE in need, go to the housing projects somewhere in BALTIMORE (WHERE YOU SAY YOU ARE) and TALK ALL THAT [censor] there, see if you come out alive, LOL@this upper class keyboard warrior from nice little Owings Mills MD...
All that anger Frankie, those long angry paragraphs..what flavor hatorade have you been drinking in between making up these HATEFUL and incorrect comments? don't your stubby fat little red fingers hurt from all the hard pounding to the keyboard?
Like I said previously, go blow up something, [censor] your kids, you know all that [censor] sick white people do
you AIDS infested test tube baby
I completely agree with Drekk454. I am a college student in NY State and am applying for Food Stamps benefits because my parents can't afford to continue buying groceries for me, and the school I'm at doesn't have enough work study jobs for me to be able to get one. I also can't afford to pay my car insurance, so I have no way of getting to work if I had a job, and the only money I really get is if/when I receive financial aid refunds from school. I am, however, writing a report for my English class about people who abuse the EBT system. I don't necessarily believe that it's people of a certain minority or economic class that do it, but I am confident in the fact that there are a good amount of people who do indeed live off government funding and abuse the system. What makes me the angriest is when people either have food stamps and use them to buy junk food, or use what money they actually have to buy beer, cigarettes, etc.
I agree with sweetgirl I am white and I see more white people jerkin off their stamps and I live in the second biggest city in Indiana ... Hell so people do need to check theirselves
Lorrid, you slut, of course you're on WELFARE, you're to stupid not to be, you have the mentality of a 2 year old and understanding your handicap and that you have a limited capacity to comprehend, I'll take this into consideration and contribute it to the reason for you collecting that check every month. Ya, you're a piece of [censor] always have been and will continue to be. You want to get into a pissing contest with me will do nothing but, show the people how illiterate and sick you are. I really have no ambition to contribute to your mentally challenged dumb [censor] because, I'd just be taking advantage of you. I want the people to understand my purpose for entering this site is to present my views on how taxpayers are getting hosed: by people suffering the very deficiencies you are exhibiting now. Your a racist, stupid, dumb, ignorant, mentally challenged and FAT, unkempt, nasty, cum guzzling, [censor] licking, piece of [censor] living off us taxpayers. If I left anything out so, be it I'm done with you [censored]. My interest is trying to get Pigs, like you off the Government dole and to work doing something. You will no longer divert my attention from this goal. I thought it appropriate to put you in your place when you pulled the race card on the redneck white woman. There was no reason for it but, to inflame the embers of a by gone era. I'm sure there is still very much racism in this Country and I expect there always will be. The reason for this is because, of ignorance, illiteracy and those in society who refuse to educate themselves to others cultures. You, you [censor], are a racist cum guzzling, trifling cucksucking on and on and on piece of [censor] who will die on welfare because, you refuse to work due to your Mentally challenged handicapped overweight lazy fat [censor]. No, [censor], you definitely don't want to [censor] with me, I'll make you wish you had a job. For all you other people out there, keep in mind this is why our Country, is so [censor]ed. [censor]es, like this sitting on her fat [censor] day after day, mocking us while counting those stamps and money while we the taxpayers who, are obligated to support her and as many kids as she can put out. It's the illiteracy, the ignorance, the racist attitude of entitlement that we the taxpayers have to tolerate and suffer for. [censor] it, until there's a solution nothing is going to change. frank
You ignorant uppity pos who are you to talk about anybody? Did your daddy neglect or not tell you he loves you? Is this the reason you are so mad? I have a job and go to school and I still have to be on food stamps so I can keep a roof over my daughter's head and mine. Some people can't help but be out of work. Factories and businesses are going under everyday you judgmental sonofa[censored]
blah blah blah, the world's smallest violin is being played for frank294
writes a whole [censor]ing story sounding like an uptight uniformed [censor]
talking about black people online in front of your comp in the saftey and privacy of your home is really the only way you know how to vent ABOUT [censor] YOU ARE MISTAKEN ABOUT...
take Zoloft much Frnkie?
As everyone has stated all of their opinions and are validated as such, I am going to state mine. I believe EVERYONE should mind their own business and faults. The state offers MANY different kinds of funding ranging from school funding, to unemployment, to food, etc. NONE of you knows the hardships other go through REGARDLESS of the misuse. If you're going to complain about something as tedious as a woman/man drinking cooking wine then why don't you complain about the MANY who abuse OTHER government funding as well. Keep in mind that YOU at some point, I am more than sure, has abused the system whether by work or otherwise. So, perhaps you (generalized, not directed to the original complainer) should worry about all of the bad things you have done as well. While your "friend" drinks cooking wine, I am sure he/she also buys FOOD and with your complaint you are jeopardizing his/her funds. Not to say that its OK for him/her to do so BUT his/her 'karma' will eventually return- which leads to say that you should focus on yourself and not everyone else's problems. As per "simplicity89", your comment reads racist all over it. You began with a simple complaint about how food stamps are being taken advantage of in which case would of been justified if you had omitted the fact that it was a black couple and even went as far as mocking the way they spoke. So if you do not want others to think that you are racist, perhaps you should make a more generalized statement because it is not only blacks, I've seen my share of WHITE, HISPANICS, ASIANS, etc who are on the SAME boat. (& for your information, no I am not black). These are the type of things you should voice to the "abuser" if its truly your friend and not PUBLICLY on complaints board.
Although the food stamp system could be a little different, keep in mind that each state has more than 1 person to keep track of and while checking up on each individual to ensure no misuse sounds like a great idea, there are just too many people in need of help and too little employees to do so. Taxes? PLEASE. There is so much more to worry about than the government funding your friend with the 'taxes' you've paid. (I am sure that at SOME point, everyone is going to need help from the government and would only HOPE that no one is focusing on their lifestyle and choices. Not to say that nothing should be said to the individual, if it is your "friend" you could simply say "I do not agree with how you are treating your funding but you are my friend and will support you anyway". & if your friend is an alcoholic, instead of complaining about it on a national website, try to find him or her HELP for the alcoholism-- that is, after all, what friends do.
Wow I can 't belive some of these compaints and coments, recently aolt of ppl have had to use the Ebt system, I am reciving aide from the gov.Due to working for a company that did'nt follow osha safty laws i was injured, I did not file a lawsuit as some suggested, unstead i returned to work for my next shift to be told i could not work.two back surguries later, and three mouths to feed depended on me, btw Id never Ask a man to apply Id really doubt he do it ! If everyone is bring race up i guess i can get sexiest I applied for food assiantance, Where OWF is enforced I work for my food stamps for the federal gov. for 78 hours a month, assiting a lady who was about to retire, I applied for the postion took an exsam, i passed but because I enrolled in collge courses btw without a high school dipolma or a good enough education i was inelliegable to work for uncle sam.due to an outstanding loanSeverL Years ealier, I can get no creidit in my name let alone a loan to pay off what i owe. I did get my GED and still recived benift's though. I did have a since of entilement when i work more than a part time job to feed three mouths. As far as the system it is set up in such away that it seems they could care a less about who get what or why, half of the social worker recived benifets before they got the job they have they see job secureity when they look and me.:) and prob you. As far as the market place persons who worry about junk food and beverages their really upset because they know there is a hidden tax on beverages and if you have to purchase them with cash you pay the tax, not so when you use EBT so when ppl give me looks I really feel if they wanna whine start by fixing things that are broke, and btw i pay taxes pretty much everyday from all the so called taxables i do'nt know about you but im with the lady that can't buy toliet paper, if the did'nt charge tax on that you might be able to buy that on the EBT cause uncle sure wounld'nt charge tax on himself for it. oh wait your tax dollors, i mean all the rich people pay taxes i don't contribute anything.Or do I? Sorry to say so much but this really upset me i was looking for something totally opposite of this page, but i could'nt help read the comments I had to add my own.feed back is most certainly welcome maybe you got a similar or yet worst sitution than mine . please don't say im looking for pity, just try to stop the stupidity!
Frank294 give it a [censor]ing rest ...I will say it one more time. your fat sweaty red, keyboard pounding [censor] might have missed it the first time
I am NOT a welfare recipient or a EBT recipient, all because I used colorful language towards you that makes me low class and a pig and a [censored] and all the other things you sad and crass.
Now if I used nice language and made a comment you agreed on, would you still consider me a recipient of all the above?.. or assumed I was Black? don't all races cuss and carry on? Frank you look like an [censor] now
you are mentally screwed, because I made a comment and took up for those who need and use it, now I am all kinds of [censored]s and mentally incapaciated, and you give me the" I lived in ghetto before" speech, when you have to say [censor] like that that
that tells me you are white racist fat cracker who hides behind his keyboard hurling untruths or a Black person who was rejected by their own people...either or it's gotta hurt Frankie Baby
like I said previosuly Eat a dick
people like you are hilarious, the long hateful comments and paragraphs of nothing, who the [censor] are you the Senate? talking loud and saying nothing
yours truly
No matter how many long redundant paragraphs this [censored] Frank294 pounds out, it will not change the fact that he assumed otherwise and made it a race issue, EBT is for ALL IN NEED!
and you know what they say about Those who assume
Now everyone pay close attention to him when he returns here, and skim through the paragraphs of nothing-ness that he will retort with.
He has lived in the ghetto he says, LOL, this now qualifies him to make ugly comments to people on this subject
what a [censor]!
lilly, what is but pins on a gay mans dick?
"We know most Welfare Recipients, are the ones who have more muscle then Arnold, Big and Healthy, Fat and Lazy"-Frank294
Now this is what really pisses me off, and I'm neither of the above. Have you heard of the welfare to work program for those who are "suspected" of being lazy or by the records they "turn over" to the agency? This is very effective. It could be a riot seeing them unhappy and sweeping the streets and doing minimum wage work just to keep the benefits. Now thinking of that what about the mothers who most of the time have no vehicle to get to these jobs they could be miles away, no one to care for the kids they have and they bring home next to nothing and are "allowed" to keep their do you feel about that? Does that comment still apply to those who are not fat and lazy and have kids? Or is a crime to have kids and need help?
@well well
it's called a typo
a sexual act I suppose, look it up
at the time it applied to Frank294
"You, you piece of TRASH, will never be anything but, a scurrilous pole slider (as fat as you are) who will always continue to live a revolting life of sin. So, [censor] off and bother those who exist in your own world and please, get some help."-Frank294
Frank294, YOU are a peice of work, You come here talking [censor] and insulting me first and you got what you came for and quit ya crying [censor]
keep pounding away fatass, you are hilarious, Mr. "I lived in the ghetto before"