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CB Non-profit Organizations Foxies Fund non profit 501c3 ripoff from 5432 stanford village lane norcross, georgia - 678-663-9150
Foxies Fund

Foxies Fund review: non profit 501c3 ripoff from 5432 stanford village lane norcross, georgia - 678-663-9150 16

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12:55 pm EDT
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Dominick Tambone owner of the fraudulent 501c3 Inc funding group from Norcross, Georgia & facebook group Foxies Fund has pull off ripoffs and many fraud schemes with his accomplice partner Art Smith, 60 to 80 other criminals are also involved in the bogus collection of animals not injury or have injuries and suffer while these clowns lived off donations, Foxies Fund face book group was created after Dominick Tambone friends Casey Holt & Steve Ereth two male lovers had a dog named Foxie that was sick and Vet bills exceeded 16, 000 dollars, the dog suffered while Casey & Steve collected funding help before Foxies Fund was created. No Vet billing has ever been produced to show, These two men Casey & Steve own expensive sports Crossfire cars and love spending time with each other in Hawaii laughing all the way to the bank as funds poured in from scamming others. Although they say they could not afford Vet Bills they spent 5000.00 on their wedding as the two lovers drove off in their expensive sports car at their wedding. Earlier before all this Dominick Tambone became involved with the two men and created a face book group call Foxies Fund claiming he was wanting to help animals shortly his Go Fund Me & Your Caring Inc accounts was soon froze due to fraudulent activity & asking 10, 000, 000 Millon dollars in donations, Later prison con Randy Boles, convicted thief Lilian Garrick & Liz Harrison join the team of scammers, not long after they joined the crime family Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith a serial scammer joined the crime family also making this organized crime, We have proof off people ripoff on recurring donations they did not ask for & was only donating on time, while money kept pouring from the victims bank accounts, we have proof of individuals being attacked inside the first face book group when they question Art Smith or Dominick Tambone for being legitimate as well as others attacked or wrongfully blame for reporting them as frauds & scammers, No legitimate 501c3 would act in any form or fashion as these fraudulent clowns have, Before you ever donated to a organization like this one do your homework to many red flags are flying here . When Dominick Tambone Go Fund Me was frozen for fraud he begged his members to email the Go Fund Me Inc . to have it open, his attempt to do so failed the Man was found as a fraud and scammer. One person Andreal Michelle Damron with a dog named Daisy was ripoff by Art & Dominick using her dog, asking for funds without consent to do so, Art was caught and paid off Andreal Michelle Damron to keep quiet, Ryan Thomas owner of freeanimaldotor. org paid Daisy's bill in full, the screen shots prove this be on a doubt of question ? is a very honest 501c3 helping many animals, Art Smith and her gang has attacked them and many other legitimate charities

Update by Fraud Investigation Team
Dec 12, 2018 2:42 am EST

How did Art Smith from Foxies Fund rip off other from pay pal, Art was the web page builder, behind the selection button it may say $5.00 but really it could have been $15.00 recurring monthly, secure pay pal station has a area where you type in the amount that you want to donate, screen shots provide show proof of this also Art Smith was tampering with the page that was froze and can no longer run her scams, Foxies Fund had to create a whole new page with a now secure pay pal system take caution in donating to charities like Foxies Fund Art is always coming up with collection scams, Now Randy Boles you can kiss our [censored], proof shown that the web master froze the page, this makes a Go Fund Me froze for fraud, You Caring Froze for Fraud and now a whole damn web page, Also here is 100% proof of Tambone cying to his members send in emails to have his first Go Me Opened back up it remains frozen to this day or being fraudulent

Oct 12, 2019 11:09 am EDT
Foxies Fund customer support contacts
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PO Box 1442, Norcross, GA, 30091, US

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The above vindictive and vexatious attempts at fraudulently discrediting an innocent charity via social media is created by a mentally unhinged and evil individual. There are many many instances of dogs lives being saved by Foxies Fund. My dog has been saved, and Foxies Fund posts the receipts on their facebook page to prove the money went where it was supposed to. The organization is a 501c3 approved charity, that is constantly reviewed by the taxation department. There is no chance for this organization to "scam" anyone. This mentally unstable individual is well known to the Polk County Sheriff for making many false accusations/statements to police officers. I fully respect, support and trust in the way Foxies Fund is run. It deals directly with the vet so the dog receives the funding for treatments. Funding leaves Foxies Fund directly to the vet. All clients are screened to make sure Foxies Fund members don't get ripped off. Foxies Fund decided to make their facebook page accessable to the public so created a new group (that is why a new group was created... it had nothing to do with any alleged wrong-doings). Foxies Fund also decided to go with a different website provider as the old one was not meeting the requirements of new devices, (not because of any alleged wrong-doings). Art Smith had to create a new facebook page because her facebook was hacked, not because of some insane reason that this individual has made up. So this crazed lunatic, makes normal happenings appear like scams and dishonesty which anyone can create if they try hard enough to manipulate the situation. This lunatic makes it his lifes work to stalk and harrass anyone who has contact with Foxies Fund. He is constantly monitoring (stalking) their facebook page for hours on end, stealing their photographs (as you can see above.) He contacts every new client or member on Foxies Fund page to harrass & threaten them to get them to try to leave and when that criminal action doesnt work he tries other criminal actions - eg: he personally phones them or their place of work or their neighbors to tell lies about the member, such as being a criminal or paedophile which causes great distress to his victims. This abbhorent behavior has been a continuous and relentless hobby for this creature. He needs serious therapy and is particularly a danger to female victims in which he targets for his insane rants, ramblings, threats and ravings. These types of people nearly always project their faults, actions and flaws onto the thing they are trying to destroy, that being Foxies Fund, its staff and members. This person, Michael Dale Dodd, of Winterhaven Florida, is himself the perpetrator of domestic violence, his wife has been charged with check fraud and his daughter (bless her poor soul) has been charged with prostitution on many occassions. Mr Dodd also makes it a habbit of scouring the internet for any police history of his victims so he can plaster that information all over social media. From this background manifests a life of pure evil in which he inflicts on innocent victims everywhere. Be assured that Foxies Fund continues to thrive and care about the lives of dogs and their owners, and continues to save lives despite the destruction, malicious damage, and vindictive actions Michael Dodd tries to inflict on his victims.

Fr Fraud Investigation Team Jun 11, 2018

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Halala Qez
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Jun 16, 2018 6:13 pm EDT


Dodd crap
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Dec 20, 2018 10:15 am EST
Replying to comment of Halala Qez

Lets pm his neighbors and the same people dodd/justice/todd/christian does - the tell them to share

Dollars to India now
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Sep 19, 2018 7:16 am EDT

Deflection is an intense focus, antagonism and hatred toward the actions, feelings, and beliefs of others, and an intense misdirection of attention away his own actions. When asked to focus on himself and his actions, he will be unable to do it. Ever notice how he comes up with new people to direct his anger towards on a constant basis? Then turns around and fabricates another story and blames them for his outbursts? (“I have evidence!” which is nothing more than faked screen shots he created, but claims someone else created). Just take a look at what’s really going on. It’s an attempt to direct attention away from what he’s doing now, and has done in the past. Deflection is a tactic and a manipulation derived from a need to control at any cost. Any attempt to talk about conditions, facts, feelings, or actual behavior is met with a barrage of argument, accusations and blame of everyone but himself. It produces a climate of contentiousness that takes over every situation. He’s even used his dead dog to steer people away from the truth and garner sympathy, which he relishes, thrives on, and lives for. Deflection manifests itself like this.

Primary Deflection: He immediately responds to any discussion or confrontation of his actions by changing the focus onto someone else and keeping it there. It is almost a reflex. When he brings up a counter complaint, he gets lost, and quite commonly, the event becomes an opening for his verbal abuse. He’s created situations, manipulated documents and broken the law in order to attack his victims. Survivors are never able to 'earn' the right to talk about his aggressive behavior. Statements like, "Right now, I only want to discuss your behavior", or "Nevertheless, I want to discuss this matter first" is never possible. In his mind, everyone else is a transgressor and his anger has been validated, and in some instances, encouraged by his family of trolls.
Pressured Manner: There is a natural instinct to respond to questions, attacks and criticism, even more so when this is delivered rapidly and oh so publically. By his attacking and challenging non-stop, he gets excited, flustered, angry and confused, forgets who the original target is and becomes unable to communicate or function properly. He then uses fabricated, awkward and incomplete attempts to use this situation as material for further belittlement, fraud, lies and attacks. Simply do a web search to see for yourselves. Truly the rantings of a mad man.
Unprincipled Complaints: Who is being complained about is more important than what is being complained about. These are truly 'ad hominem' attacks. There is no discrimination or consistency about his principles or beliefs. While this makes complaining easy for him, it is very crazy-making and exhausting for others who are trying to be logical and sincere. Whatever the response, more complaints are forth-coming, because the complaints are not about reaching a solution. The complaints are about weakening and destroying the sense of legitimacy or reputation of the target. In this arena, quantity counts a lot, and quality in nonexistent. Many times his accusations are a reflection of this very disturbed individual.
Abuse of Process: Many government or non-profit entities have processes for formal complaints. The entire civil legal system is an open-ended process for complaints. These complaints compel a response. It is of course much easier to make a groundless or distorted accusation than to respond to one thoughtfully and legally. The burden is great for the respondent, who faces his attacks for not responding. Until now, he risked nothing, so this became an easy tactic to distress, harm and destroy his targets while enjoying the notoriety that he thrives on. There is no easy answer to this problem when it is done through actual statutory processes, but naming what is going on may help functionaries in the middle recognize the problem sooner. The right to dispute things has become necessary and essential; he has left us no choice. His actions will be addressed in court. All manner of hypocrisy, fraud, manipulation, lies, deceit and harm will be made public once the process has finished. India is next in line.

troll patrol
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Nov 27, 2018 1:49 pm EST

Dodd is one seriously sick freak. Nothing he says is true. He's dangerous. I hope anyone reading his hate filled lies takes the time to look into his accusations. If anything he says were true - people would be in prison, and Foxies Fund would no longer exist. He has 15 facebook groups about dogs, and was ordered by a judge to take classes before owning another one. He had 20 dogs removed from his trailer. Watch his videos closely. See those dogs shake when he holds them? He tells them he's their master. There is no love. Just control. Which is what he is doing here. He is a diagnosed narcisstic sociopath. What that means is, every negative thing he blames on others - he himself is guilty of. Dont question him - you will become his next target. You've been warned. Watch out!

Fraud Investgation Team
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Dec 13, 2018 6:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kelly Scott Sandusky & Wise Karin create false post that Dominick Tambone is a Vet
In this comment I'm going to prove just how big of a liar Kelley Scott Sandusky is making such false post to promote fraud and draw in others to be members of the face book Foxies Fung group so they can scam people. Kelly Scott Sandusky lives high off the hog from fraudulent funds on bogus pets that pour into the Foxies Fund Face book group and Inc. from Norcross Georgia, Kelley Scott Sandusky & rescue puppy flipper Wise Karin made claim that Dominick Tambone the CEO of the Foxies Fund Inc had gotten license as a Veterinarin, When fact he did not this lie was told to make Dominick look like a big shot to draw in more members in the group to fraud, Who better to handle your sick pet and collect funds than a Vet . This bogus pump up lie went on for over two months finally Dominick clear the air and told others on a You - Tube video he was no Vet. The video had captioned on it ( Dom doesn't have an honorary Vet ) readers of this rebuttal this is nothing to joke about these people are dirty rats doing anything to make them selves look good to fraud others, Kelly with her lies, if you lie about one thing what else do you lie about and hide, This witch is discredited on anything she post or says. This bunch are scammers frauds, rats, low low life scum don't donate to the web page or Foxies Fund group or Inc fron Norcross Georgia. we have caught Dominick Tambone, Art Smith, Kelley Scott Sandusky Wise Karin, Randy Boles alias Gillian Algoode Casey Holt & Steve Ereth are all frauds with the Foxies Fund Inc not to trust,

Fraud Investgation Team
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Dec 16, 2018 12:16 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Brenda Fisher & Foxies Fund Art Smith is no doubt the same person, Not only is this human a serial scammer she is a clever narcissistic sociopath Master Manipulators that worships the serial killer Charles Manson, her personal Facebook wall post tell the story of the person she really is, She has attacked breeders, people she was once Facebook friends with and a group she use to help run on Facebook, Her co -partners in crimes is Dominick Tambone & Randy Boles along with several others We have matching IP addresses to confirm same device Ping from our internet investigations, Yes it maybe hard to believe but this is why they call these type people Master Manipulators using different tactics to have people turn on each other, Charles Manson was a very clever person and Brenda Fisher, Art Smith, Danny Fisher is all the same person that studies this serial killer defending his Master Manipulating ways, Her stories are fabricated to get others to fall into her trap to scam & to attack others, Just as her stories about Danny Fisher her husband these are all fake write ups anyone with good common sense can see these are fabricated. She has also created web page, made scam reports on others that are unfounded and not true. She has attacked Chihuahuas and dog breeds, even her own dogs she calls stupid, his person like said is a very evil person, Please be careful adding this Evil person to your Facebook groups or friends list.
These are the filthy conditions Breeder Puppy Mill Owner Brenda Fisher leaves her dogs in, She even sedated poor buttons till he was dead with over dosing him on medication, the witch is a true narcissistic sociopath & animal abuser killer, two dogs she purchased not long ago she rehome because she was neglecting to care for them while dog poop lay in their cage for days she calls dogs rats, abuses her husband and loves serial killer Charles Manson, calls her own dogs stupid, this woman is a sick as animal molester narcissistic sociopath Randy Boles, Brenda Fisher is also a Go Fund Me Fraud asking money for Buttons while she was killing him the whole time not giving him water dirty dry water bowls while she runs the streets hooking for customers, Screen Shots prove be on a doubt this is and has experience as a web page builder

Dodd crap
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Dec 20, 2018 10:20 am EST

Here's a couple of Dodds /Justice/Todd/Christians screen shots. We've got a bunch of new stuff, but Im short of time during the holidays. We're gonna let him continue harassing the Deputy a little longer.

Dodd crap
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Dec 20, 2018 10:30 am EST

PM away!

Fraud Investgation Team
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Dec 23, 2018 9:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Brenda Fisher alias Art Smith working the Motels while her poor dogs are neglected without water, left flea invested by care of her ignorant fake Husband Danny Fisher she pretends to have no one would in their right mind would be with this loser - Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas Ho Ho

Fraud Investgation Team
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Jan 02, 2019 5:00 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Art Smith and Dominick Tambone serial scammers / Fraudulent Charity Organization
Art Smith and Dominick Tambone are no doubt a clever serial scammers, coming up with many schemes to fraud and deceive others from running collect scams using names unauthorized to use In collection to promoting bogus raffle set ups, Art Smith's first face book was violated by face book and taken away from her for this action by face book, We have the proof of this as well in screen shots, She has many clients helping her in bogus collections of funding on dogs 60 to 80 others are also involved in this fraud taking place in the Foxies Fund face book group, Although the Norcross Georgia base 501c3 non- profit has helped some animals out while other posting are scams of collection, This is a give and take scam, They give some to keep looking good so the scam continues forward, We have proof be on a doubt of these scams and members being involved in this organized crime of fraud by both Art Smith and CEO owner of the Foxies Fund Inc. Art Smith from Foxies Fund rip off others from pay pal, Art was the web page builder, behind the selection button it may say $5.00 but really it could have been $15.00 recurring monthly, secure pay pal station has a area where you type in the amount that you want to donate, screen shots provide show proof of this also Art Smith was tampering with the page that was froze and can no longer run her scams, Foxies Fund had to create a whole new page with a now secure pay pal system take caution in donating to charities like Foxies Fund Art is always coming up with collection scams, Now Randy Boles you can kiss our [censored], proof shown that the web master froze the page, this makes a Go Fund Me froze for fraud, You Caring Froze for Fraud and now a whole d**n web page, Also here is 100% proof of Tambone crying to his members send in emails to have his first Go Me Opened back up it remains frozen to this day or being fraudulent. Over 2 years ago a Foxie's Fund group admin Randy Boles (Gillian Algoode) on Face Book wrongfully accused a person of reporting a fraudulent gofundme and you caring accounts. There have been other people attacked by the Foxie's Fund Inc. Dominick Tambone is well aware of these attacks and promotes them. He calls his group an army. We investigated the Foxie's Fund Inc. group ourselves and discovered some of the pets they are asking funds for are not legitiment. Member clients are involved in this fraud activity. We have also had past members that reported their debit cards over charged, as they donated a one-time donation and then over the next few months money was being taken off the card without approval from the card holder in which case they had to cancel that card to stop the fraud from their account. This person was also attacked in a video on the Foxie's Fund facebook group using their name and claiming that they were hurting the puppies which in turn caused violent back lash on this person that was being scammed out of money. This person was actually attacked and stalked at her home and has the Police reports to prove this activity. another person also received death threats via phone and private messages and these were also reported to the proper authorities as well and we also have the screenshots of these attacks as proof and evidence. One of the admins Randy Boles ( Gillian Algoode) still to this day continues to attack this man's family including members that have nothing to do with any kind of dog groups on facebook. Olaf Rodgers or Heinz Maak was the first to make a scam report on these frauds the Foxie's Fund Inc. & Face Book group Foxie's Fund blamed another person for these attacks about taxes & not being a legit 501C3 non profit, After we investigated into this we found that these are very shady people that help fraud & attacks others, My personal advise is to block these criminal from your face books they are very dangerous, Having various accounts closed down is a red flag proving they are scammers

Another analysis
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Jan 03, 2019 5:42 am EST

Make no mistake. Dodd is a narcissist who has an over grandiose sense of self. He believes he was put on this earth to be admired, revered, adored and that the world should revolve around him. When Dodd’s’ needs are being met, he feels clever, smart and special. The spotlight on himself is what he strives for, and uses others to put the much needed spotlight on him. The problem is that because his ego is not being continually stroked, he becomes resentful, spiteful, angry and dissatisfied, and creates new situations and drama to get that “happy feeling” back. In that sense, his list of victims continually grows.
What makes Dodd unhappy?

- He is not flattered
- He is criticized or questioned
- He is ignored by those of a higher status
- He is not the centre of attention
- His advice is not listened to or ignored
- He is questioned about the veracity of his stories and lies
- He is laughed at

The things that make narcissists like Dodd deeply unhappy is that all their happiness comes from external forces. If any one of these factors proves to be less than special, amazing, or ego building, their whole world collapses and another victim must be found quickly to rebuild that need at all cost. Everything he associates with happiness is related to outside influences or factors. In Dodd’s’ case, he wants to be seen as some sort of cape crusader or savior of causes or an expert on anything he can fool people into believing he really is – but in fact isn’t. He has solicited neighbors and family to bolster his claims, even to the point of breaking the law. He must appear to others to be special, to be intelligent, and to be cleaver and better than anyone else at anything and everything he claims, but in fact he isn’t.

Dodd needs a constant stream of attention and suffers when he is on his own as his source of flattery dries up. Look at the large amount of dog groups he has on facebook. Why? Because he can build his ego and get the attention he desperately needs and craves. When he receives admiration from others, he is instantly gratified and happy, but when left alone, he must delve into his own psyche where he has to come face to face with the ugly person he is - behind the mask he wears. Dodd needs to be the center of attention and be admired by all those around him. He desires flattery and adoration, and wants to be at the top of that hierarchy at any cost. No one is allowed to question him. His word is gospel and should you question him for any reason, you will be shunned, publically humiliated, or in Dodd’s case – verbally and emotionally attacked.

He enjoys this ‘top dog’ status as it cements his ego and helps to boost his low self-esteem. Being on top feeds into his notion of an over-indulged sense of self. The happiness of Dodd lies with what other people have to say about him. To Dodd, the only true way to happiness is to be admired for his high imaginary status. Unfortunately, this is not sustainable and Dodd soon finds this situation untenable and quickly moves on to find other people in which to build himself up and feel superior again. There are dozens of pages written by Dodd to verify this diagnoses, both on the World Wide Web and Facebook. Take the time to really look at what Dodd says and does, it’s very plain to see. My best advice is to steer clear, never question him, do your homework and don’t be taken in by his latest stories, claims and accusations against his latest targets. Until internet harassment laws are enacted, his list of victims will continue to grow. Don’t become his next target.

Fraud Investgation Team
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Jan 05, 2019 7:10 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Andreal Michelle Franchi Alais Andrea Frische Double Dipped On Her Injured Pet For Funding Help Andreal Michelle Franchi first contacted Michael on Facebook messenger about the Foxies Fund group on face book using her dog Daisy to collect funds from without her consent to do so. The dog Daisy was a client or Ryan Thomas owner of this link shows this is proof. Michael sent screen shots to Andreal of the posting of her dog, She also said she was contacting Facebook and police of the scam. We have evidence of this chat in messenger on Facebook and a phone record of Michael and Andreal phone call, because a neighbor of Mike's was also hearing the conversation between the two, he will witness this. We will not discuss who he works for but his reputation is outstanding in the line of work he does, A day later Andreal seem to change he mind about Foxies Fund and soon was also involved in the fraud scheme. First Art Smith a admin used her pet to collect bogus funds on and when she was caught contacted Andreal and paid her off the keep her mouth shut about what happen. We have all this evidence and if Andreal wants challenge this we will be more than happy to take her on, Because she double dipped on funds for her injured pet making her a fraud as well. This is a felon crime to do this & we can prove she stepped into the crime that occurred on her dog daisy taking a pay off by the Foxies Fund Inc & Foxies Fund Facebook group. You can not change Facebook chat between people, Michael also talk to Ryan Thomas in messenger and over the phone about this fraud that took place, so for Andreal this is a heads up, Michael's neighbor heard every bit of you two conversation and you will play hell & high water proving this person as a liar. You Art Smith, Randy Boles & Dominick Tambone are criminals this can be proven be on a doubt. There is screen shots from Facebook messenger, phone records & a witness to this matter of fraud that occurred. Foxies Fund has been involved in many other bogus fraud collection schemes that can be uprooted & proven the bunch is very shady. our advise don't donate or trust Art Smith real name Beverly Murphy, Dominick Tambone, Randy Boles also known as Gillian Algoode, Randy Mee, and Rick Stephens, Kelley Scott Sandusky or Wise Karen know as Karen Wise. The receipt Art Smith provided is a bogus and fake as it gets. it is a pay off to shut up receipt, Ryan Thomas paid Daisy's bill in full we have that receipt as 100% proof, proving fraud took place with this charity 501c3 from Norcross Georgia. Andreal Michelle Franchi changed her name to Andrea Frische we have screen shots of version of both names of the chat between her and Michael as Face Book allowed her to changed her name she claimed to get married. One screen shot here Randy Boles is so stoned and drunk she calls Daisy . Dixie what a pathetic narcissistic sociopath idiot Randy Boles really is. Andreal Michelle Franchi is shown here as well with proving Randy Boles is a fraudulent liar

Fraud Investgation Team
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Jan 10, 2019 11:15 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

China McQuire real name Sarah McQuire and Sarah's step daughter Deanna Arnold are well known scammers to our Fraud Investigation Team that help Art Smith and Dominick Tambone pull off quick cash scams on bogus sick pet set ups in the Facebook Foxies Fund group, If China( Sarah ) McQuire and her Step Daughter is making $60.00 a hour in the self employed massage business CHinas Magic Massages, Maybe their pets should not be so sick all the time, like Deanna Arnold's with the bogus parvo case that was posted in the Foxies Fund Facebook group, Beside maybe some checking would not hurt to see if China( Sarah ) McQuire has a legitimate massage license from Gilmore Texas. And as we see another Foxies Fund client X-Con Randy Boles promotes, asking funds for and posted it on her personal wall. Art Smith deleted Deanna Arnold's post for the sick dog Buddy claiming it passed away and Deanna did not want to see it, but left the group shortly after the suppose death of Buddy ( bogus lie and scam that was )You don't have to be the brightness crayon in the box viewer to figure this one out, this is scamming at it's best with a little hooker to it. The gals even have their very own Facebook page CHinas Magic Massages

Fraud Investgation Team
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Jan 13, 2019 2:49 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Art Smith, Lilian Garrick, Randy Boles, Cynthia Foster alais Cyndi Pomlover Shady Characters
There are way to many Shady Characters that play a roll in the Foxies Fund collection Army to even trust these individuals with donations going thru their hands, Like the Cyndi Pomlover broken dog leg case, really who in their right mind would donate to such a bogus name and scam set up, The Tiffany Tadlock Lucy case also took our investigation Team eye Art Smith creating a Facebook in the name of the dog Lucy Tadlock, Thousand was collected off Lucy, But now she has up and disappeared with no updated post on her condition, When Art Smith, Dominick Tambone, Randy Boles or Lilian Garrick was questions about certain clients, They always used this Michael's guys name, calling him a troll and the person questioning a troll or saying he was attacking their group, When fact Michael did not know these people, Any legitimate ran 501c3 if asked questions about where there donations go to should be happy to forward information.Art Smith, Lilian Garrick, Randy Boles, Cynthia Foster alais Cyndi Pomlover are all Shady Characters, including Foxies Fund newest scammer revial Sarah McGuire alais China McGuire which has not one, but two accounts in the new Foxies Fund group she also runs a Facebook page called CHinas Magic Massages that looks like the sex trade business, The first group Art Smith claims to close it down to have a public group, when all she had to do is take out members down to 4999 members in the group and change the Facebook setting to public, She close it down to create the new group under her name Art Smith, The first group was created by Dominick Tambone yet another very shady and suspicious move from this Norcross Georgia based 501c3 fraudulent organization. Screen Shots provided prove they are very Shady Individuals

Fraud Investgation Team
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Jan 15, 2019 7:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Felicia view on Randy Neumann Boles Inmate Number W077414
Deflection is an intense focus, antagonism and hatred toward the actions, feelings, and beliefs of others, and an intense misdirection of attention away her own actions. When asked to focus on herself and her actions, Randy Neumann Boles is unable to do it. Ever notice how she comes up with new people to direct her anger towards on a constant basis? ( Other Dodd Family members not even involved) Then turns around and fabricates story after story, lie after lie and blames her victims for her outbursts? (We have evidence!). Just take a look at whats really going on. It’s an attempt to direct attention away from what she’s doing now, and has done for many years. Deflection is a tactic and a manipulation derived from a need to control. Any attempt to talk about conditions, feelings, facts or actual behavior is met with a barrage of argument and hatred of everyone but herself. It produces a climate of contentiousness that takes over every situation. She’s even uses his dead people ( decease Veterans posting on her personal wall ) to steer people away from the truth and garner sympathy, which she relishes and thrives on. Deflection manifests itself in the aspects listed below.
•Primary Deflection: Randy Neumann Boles will immediately respond to any discussion, question or confrontation of her actions by changing the focus onto someone else and keeping it there. Even when supplied with cold hard facts. It is almost a reflex. When she brings up a counter complaint, she gets lost, confused, unintelligible, incomprehensible, hard to follow, disjointed, disconnected from reality, bizarre, mixed up and muddled. Quite often, the event becomes an opening for more of her verbal hatred and abuse. She’s created unbelievable situations, manipulated documents (even official government documents) and broken laws in order to attack her victims. Survivors like Brendolyn and Alania are never able to 'earn' the right to talk about her aggressive behavior and lies. Statements like, "Right now, I only want to discuss your behavior", or "Nevertheless, I want to discuss this matter first" is never possible. In her mind, everyone else is a transgressor and her anger has been validated, and in some instances, encouraged by her enabling trolls fraudulent bunch of Liars and crooks
•Pressured Manner: There is a natural instinct to respond to questions, attacks and criticism, even more so when this is delivered rapidly and oh so publically – such as on scam report. By her attacking and challenging non-stop, she gets very excited, flustered, angry and confused, forgets who the original target is and becomes unable to communicate or function properly. She then uses fabricated, awkward and incomplete attempts to use this situation as material for further belittlement, fraud, lies and attacks. Do a search on this web site for perfect examples. of her created pages and memes on the Dodd family
•Unprincipled Complaints: Who is being complained about is more important than what is being complained about. These are truly 'ad hominem' attacks. There is no discrimination or consistency about her principles or beliefs. While this makes complaining easy for her, it is very crazy-making and exhausting for others who are trying to be logical and sincere. Whatever the response, more complaints are always forth-coming, because the complaints are not about reaching a solution. The complaints are about weakening and destroying the sense of legitimacy or reputation of the target. In this arena, quantity counts a lot, and quality in non existent. Simply do a search on this web site Randy Neumann Boles, Randy Boles name comes up many times
•Abuse of Process: Many government or non-profit entities have processes for formal complaints. The entire civil legal system is an open-ended process for complaints. These complaints compel a response. It is of course much easier to make a groundless or distorted accusation than to respond to one thoughtfully and legally. The burden is great for the respondent, who faces her attacks for not responding, and even more attacks for trying to. Until now, she risked nothing, so this became an easy tactic to distress, harm and destroy her targets while enjoying the temporary notoriety that she thrives on. When that notoriety begins to wain, she creates another target, another complaint. There is no easy answer to this problem when it is done through actual statutory processes, but naming what is going on may help functionaries in the middle recognize the problem sooner. The right to dispute things has become necessary and essential, she has left us no choice.Her actions will be addressed in court. All manner of hypocracy, fraud, manipulation, lies, deceit and harm will be made public once the process has finished.Randy Neumann Boles the Dodd family never reported any funding accounts of this Dominick Tambone, you created this by forwarding attacks on the Man's family, Animals, Wife, Daughter, Grandchildren, Groups and Staff that help run his groups. Randy Neumann Boles Inmate Number W077414 released Ohio Northeast Pre- Release Center 11/02/2014 Incarcerated State Prison Term 5 years, Monitor for future crimes

Fraudulent Funding Investigation
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Jan 28, 2019 1:03 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Randy Boles alias Randi Mee, Liz Harrison & Brenda Fisher the three of them are the worst of the worst handing out a web page called that displayed verbal animal abuse and suggested physical abuse three years back, None of them should even be allow in Facebook Dog groups, all of them are also frauds in the promoting of Foxies Fund Facebook group & attacking others wrongfully, We have 100% proof of evidence be on a reason of doubt, Randy can hire all the attorneys she wishes, She drew first blood blaming Dodd on reporting this fraud and scammer Dominick Tambone's Go Fund Me, Go Fund Me shut his account down because he is a fraud, so did You Caring Inc. Than Randy Boles alias Randi Mee, Liz Harrison & Brenda Fisher attacked this man's pets with display of verbal animal abuse and suggesting physical abuse .Randy Boles is nothing but a drug addict, drunk and narcissistic sociopathic liar all 3 of you are narcissist sociopaths and master manipulators, That enjoy attacking people and animals that don't fit their approval on Facebook, Facebook harassment and promoting graphic violence violations can also proof this be on a doubt, Evidence shows Brenda Fisher passed the link in the group All Pom No Drama at the time she ran the group, She has since been removed as a Admin and blocked, Randy Boles and Liz Harrison passed the link out in her created group pOmFaBuLouS where Randy Boles was her Admin Liz Harrison also order her Admin to attack Michael Dale Dodd and pass the link out to his members, Liz Harrison now sells Rodan + Fields on her new created Facebook account and page . She sure needs the product for her ugly face! We sure are ready for any court date, with these Narcissistic Sociopathic lying Drama Queens everything has been printed out in files and ready to go. Links provided for these women that all thought was so wonderful ! Randy Neumann Boles Past Inmate Number W077414 Ohio prison was Incarcerated State Prison Term 5 years, Should be Monitor for future crimes.For those that visit that web page they don't need to own dogs also, their a bunch on pathetic animal abuse supporters

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