Be careful about Gemological Laboratory of America and its Director Christina Cruz. This person with a GIA diploma, does not have any integrity and ethics in term of evaluating Jewels. In order to satisfy dishonest companies who sell junk jewels on the internet, she provide a highly misleading value estimates, in ost cases it can be tens of times the real valu of an item. I had personnal experience, when I bought items from a company that seemed to be a big Ripoff. Whwn I tried to contact Christina Cruz from Gemological Laboratory of America or GLA who evaluated those items, to have some answers about her evaluation process, she didn't even answered my request. Be careful this person and her company are dishonest. Her appraisals are too nice to be true.
It is true, GLA is not avalueted unesly. I but from Dimond Studs, diamond ring with there avaluation. When I take that ring to the another appraiser and showe them, they was surprise of the value GLA did on thet ring, and told me the same what you just wrote about GLA.
I personally would not trust the person writing this complaint. The miss spelled words alone and the language is not from a professional person. I don't know miss Cruz at all, but I do pick up on bill crap when I read it. Just my opinion on this complaint.