Stay away! Don't waste your money. It is all hype. I gave the person who was to write up a draft of my resume a zip file of information that he could work from. I then spoke with him for a 1/2 explaining how I was going from one field into another and that he needed to find wording that helped to translate skills from my old career into a new one.
Instead he copied and pasted my resume from the previous field. That would surely confuse the person reading my resume where I was going from being a clinician to interior design.
In addition, what was abhorent were the run-on sentences. I am copying and pasting what I wrote to the manager who I haven't even heard back from today after I requested a full refund.
Run-on Sentence:
As an innovative design professional with a recently acquired Master of Science degree in Interior Architecture and a Master of Arts degree in Speech/Language Pathology that provides a unique combination enabling me to develop residential and commercial spaces that deliver the psychological balance required to shape optimum communal environments, I am now seeking to use my skills in a (JOB BEING APPLIED FOR) position
Run-on Sentence which doesn’t even make sense: I didn’t design environments as a speech/language pathologist. You don’t specialize in Speech/Language Pathology-specialize means to have expertise within a field. I am a clinician as a speech/language pathologist versus a physical therapist, for example.
Having over a decade of previous hands-on experience as a specialist in Speech/Language Pathology that highlighted the importance of designing environments that deliver the balance and harmony required to shape optimum communal spaces, I believe I can help you to achieve your interior architectural objectives.
Copy & Pasted my Speech Pathology resume-crazy because it defied common sense-not seeking a job in speech/language pathology AND he put in place the word tutor. I’m not a tutor.
Desired outcome: Full Refund