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CB Business and Industrial Review of Glass Systems Ltd
Glass Systems Ltd

Glass Systems Ltd review: Double Glazed Units 1

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6:24 am EDT
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BSi kitemark, what does it really mean for the consumer?. My experiences with Glass Systems Ltd. & the BSi.

For years I believed that products displaying the BSi Kite mark was a sign of quality and high standards. Unfortunately, I have had to make contact with the BSi regarding issues of quality concerning a product displaying the kite mark. In this instance the product in question was glazing units supplied by Glass Systems Ltd.

I was informed by the BSi that:-

“Some standards a company may hold are enforced by BSI through testing procedures or auditor visits, but most standards are self – declared”

I informed the BSi of an issue with quality and standards of Glazing Units that had been supplied by Glass Systems Ltd. The issues were as follows:-

Between the double glazed units of glass there are distortions (mist like) and another contains a foreign substance (mould like). At this point in time the glazing units were less than 1 year old.

The BSi’s response was,

“If you are making a direct complaint against Glass Systems Ltd KM 27701 then Glass Systems Ltd will need to be contacted and asked how they intend to resolve the complaint as per their complaints procedure. I would like to obtain the complaint letter and their response so we could log it as a formal complaint and BSI can review their complaints process, this complaint specifically, during their next assessment.

Can you please forward me the required information so we can start the investigation?”

As the BSi requested, I forwarded Glass Systems Ltd response, that came from one of the Managing Directors. The response was:-


I think I told you weeks ago - end of Januaryish - that your contract of sale is NOT with Glass Systems, so any issue you have with your installation should NOT be addressed to us.

DESPITE THAT you have sent me many many emails and copied me on many more that up until tonight I have ignored.

I have seen all the mails you have sent to the owners of, and to be frank, my heart goes out to them.

What on earth did they do to deserve your business... They must rue the day they ever "signed you up" ...

25 years I have been in this industry, and only once before have I come across something as barking as this.! The person on that occasion was a serial fruitcake...

When I read your more or less daily emails, I thank MY God that we deal with the trade not the public ...

We will back our customer, which is, if agrees something with them, then we will honour it ... End of!

Best Wishes,

Glass Systems Ltd


You, the public can make your own judgement of the character of one of the Managing Directors of Glass Systems Ltd, from his words used within the email above.

The BSi’s, (Regulatory Systems Co-ordinator, Compliance and Risk) would not acknowledge the response I had received from Glass Systems Ltd, that I had forwarded to the BSi.

Subsequently, I contacted the BSi and asked the following questions:-


1. If a member of the public contacts the BSI in regards to a complaint concerning a company that holds a BSI certificate, how long does it take for the BSI to make contact with the complainant?

2. Which BSI department handles the complaint and what is their contact details?

3. Does the BSI conduct site visits free of charge to visually inspect the quality/standard of a product in question?

A company (in this instance, Glass Systems Ltd.) produced a product, double glazed units of glass which have distortions (mist like) and another contains a foreign substance (mould like) enclosed within the units. (Glass Systems Ltd viewed the flawed units on 6 January 2012. The double glazed units were less than 12 months old.)

4. What official investigations are conducted by the BSI, following the company (Glass System Ltd. BSI registered), not changing the double glazed units free of charge.


The BSi’s Regulatory Systems Co-ordinator ignored the questions.

In conclusions, Glass Systems have produced double glazing units, that have been inspected and dispatched. Some of my glazing units have been found to have distortions (mist like) and another contains a foreign substance (mould like).

All my glazing units have passed Glass Systems’ inspection process and are displaying the BSi’s kite mark, which I believed meant, quality and a high standard of a product.

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Milton Keynes, GB
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Jan 17, 2014 7:34 am EST

The BSI Kiteamark scheme for double glazing units entails initial type testing of the products then on-going (audit) sample checking twice a year as well as the ISO9001 audit twice a year. Under the Kitemark protocol samples are selected by ISO9001 assessors who go on site whilst undertaking quality audits those sample(s) are sent and tested at BSI Laboratories testing on audit samples are tested to limited clauses only. With Auditing bit is n products or quality system it is a “snap shot” of company activities. The quality procedures and processes in place should ensure there is consistencies in manufacturer to ensure products meet the standard to which they were initially tested. With humans in the loop of manufacturer there are always possibilities of errors but non-conforming products should be picked up by Quality inspections (yes another human).
Regards BSI, complaints are investigated but must involve manufacturer. The manufacturer under ISO9001 should have a complaints procedure any issues should be dealt via that. The content of the complaints procedure is down to the manufacturer how they investigate/ rectify and put corrective measure in place is something they have to do. BSI assessors should review complaints as part of the assessment visits and look how the compliant was addressed in accordance with company’s procedures.
it is the Risk & Compliance Department who deal with any accreditation issues.
Product testing and certification, Kitemark™ and CE marking
Phone +[protected] / +[protected] FREE
Kitemark Court
Davy Avenue, Knowlhill
Milton Keynes, MK5 8PP
United Kingdom

BSI does not do Free site visits only locations of manufacture as listed on certificates issued.
The products described do appear to point at manufacturing flaws it is up to the company to readdress the issue BSI do not get involved in commercial despites. The manufacturer would as part of their own quality system address the issues raised. BSI as an organisation cannot stipulate they change units free of charge it is a decision that has to be made by buyer and vendor if it is believed the product is it not fit for purpose. BSI does have right to cancel/ suspend certificates if products being produced are not in accordance with standards (following audit tests) and there is a breakdown in quality system (assessment visit).
In cases like this it would be something that would need to be taken up by Trading Standards under the fit for purpose. This could be just single (couple) units what were not detected as part of the quality procedure but it would not be a total breakdown in a company’s Quality Management System.