I usually don't go on rants on forums such as this but I was seriously miss lead by these guys. I took their class this past summer and I have to admit that they did a great job on selling me on their program but severely mislead me on the aspects and details of their program. First when I brought up the issue of other complaints I read on the internet they gave me the used car salesmen pitch that someone dropped out of their program and they still had their deposit so now suddenly they can offer me a "reduced" rate of $15, 000 if I signed up now. As much as a red flag that was, tt sounded enticing and I took the bait and attended. Second the majority of lenders you get are for equipment leasing and a few others that do different things. This was extremely disappointing as they stated we would get several lenders in other areas of finance that I expressed interest in and wanted to make sure they had. They yes't me to death just to sign me up. Also the majority of lenders you get are very very EXPENSIVE with high payments and lease rates to your customer. All throughout the class they tell you that this is the right stuff to concentrate on and focus on people with bad credit to try to sell these high interest rate loans and leases and make "huge" commissions on. So I did this and every customer a ran across that fits this profile cursed at me on the phone when they figured out their lease payment equates to a 40% rate of return that the lender wants. I finally booked one deal out of 30 applications and made $3, 500 over a 4 month period. Hardly a career with these statistics with dedicated man hours put in for 4 months. There were also numerous deals that I could not get done with the lender base you get. I brought this to Phil (the owner's) attention to try to help me with placing these deals as they were complex and required structuring and I got a simple answer of "don’t concentrate on these". "You are better off doing other types of deals". This is my support? So with my frustration I had to get these deals done elsewhere on my own and had to go through another broker that had contacts for the appropriate lending sources for these particular deals. I had to split the commissions with the broker I found and got the deals done but the point here is I could not do them through the lenders I thought I paid 15K for. I also have been in contact with the other people that I was in class with and they have had worse results then my story and have pretty much given up on this business. I have owned several businesses throughout my life (one in the financial services sector) but this business is far from what they portray it to be .
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Why didn't you report them to the Better Business Bureau in New Jersey?
Also, why don't you post who the lenders are and how they can be contacted?
Im doing my research on them as well. They do have some other complaints on other websites like this one but I dont know if they are a bad company or not but the Better Businsss Bureau is not worth anything these days. The Better Business Bureau is not an accurate way to gage the quality of a business and it does not matter if you report them. Just becuase someone has a A+ rating does not mean they are an A+ company. ABC News just did an investagtion on this matter and they uncovered some startling results. Basically if your willing to pay the BBB's premium you get the better rating. It is exstortion in it's similist form. See here for yourself.
Just go to youtube and search for: 20/20 Better Business Bureau Probe and it will pop up.
Could you please let us know if things have been any different with this company since you wrote your complaint?
Ive been looking into the possibility of taking this training but wanted to make the proper research before moving forward with the investment. I also know for a fact that the BBB is not reliable source; therefore I need to know from people like you if this is worth it. Now, I did read your comment but I would like to know if things have changed. Also, you mention other people that took the training with you and had a similar or worse experience. Can you please comment on their experience as well?
Being a single mother with a lot on my plate I have to be smart regarding my money, but since I really like the concept I would like to investigate further to make the best decision.
I am unemployed and am looking to invest my retirement savings into a business that will guarantee me a sustainable income to support my family. Global Broker Systems was on the top 4 of businesses that I had interest in but like everyone else I need to be sure and guarantees before investing my retirement fund. If anyone can give me more on this company it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I truly don’t understand how these guys get away with taking people's money. I totally agree with (debss2004). I to attended the training this year and had the same experience. The lenders they give you are all very high rate lenders and the majority of them are all leasing lenders. That is because that is all the owner does...broker leases. You can find these same leasing lenders through various leasing associations which brings me to another point. I asked some of these leasing lenders once out of the class if they get a lot of business from past Global students and they chuckled and said not really. I too tried to keep in touch with the other people in my class and they have ALL moved on to other things due to their in ability to get things done with their lenders. There are a few other lenders that do different things but I felt that their program was missing several lenders that do other types of finance. The reason is the clients I get to date, have other finance needs in which I can’t get done through their lenders which leaves me searching on my own. The company puts more energy into advertising that they are next to wall street (which is really a rented conference room in a fancy building) and the theatrics of selling the good life then really training people properly for this business. All that goes away when you leave there and soon realize that you bought nothing more than a couple of leasing lenders and lenders that put out very high rates which you can’t sell.
All in all, they have great salesmen but a very poor disapointing product.
FYI: I found some negative comments similar to these on [redacted].com with these guys. Just type in global broker training systems. Dont know if these guys are good or bad...
Well I checked into the company and their is ONE complaint on [redacted] and THREE positive rebuttals. I have looked elsewhere and found a couple of complaints here and there, but more positive then negative. So looking at this complaint that you only made $3, 500 in 4 months on an investment of $15, 000 and you consider a complete waste. BUT, when I did the math, if every 4 months for the next 10 years you only made $3, 500 every 4 months---that's $10, 500 per year. In less than 2 years you would have recaptured your investment of $15, 000. BUT in 10 years, you would have made $105, 000 in income from your $15, 000 investment, an increase of $90, 000, or an annual rate of return of 67.6% of your $15, 000 investment. I don't know any bank that you can invest $15, 000 and receive 67.6% return on your investment. But if you take that same $15, 000 and invest in a CD at 5% (if you can find 5%) at the end of 10 years that $15, 000 would be worth $24, 433...A far cry from the $105, 000 you would have generated with the Broker system. Anything business takes work, and any NEW business take time, dedication and hard-work to get it off the ground. I think it depends on how hard you are willing to work to make it work. But, based on your experience, the rate of return could work out nicely. Is it possible that your disappointment was with the fact that you weren't making $10, 000 a month out of the gate?
jmackjr...unfortunately, NO business can guarantee that you will make money and that your money will be safe...Its a risk you take when you invest your money...There are too many factors at play, including self motivation...Some people get discouraged and give up on a project within a few months. Success takes work, and perseverance. It takes belief in yourself, and in whatever business that you are in. What if the wright brothers, thomas edison, ford, and many other inventors had given up within a few months of their visions or dreams? We wouldn't have many of the inventions that we have today. Many people have road blocks in business, and they give up, because its too much work or too hard, or everyone says no. Well that person really needs a job, because that's just how business is. And if the leader isn't motivated, then failure is a guarantee. Oh, yeah, and you can't put your faith in a job either, because they can't guarantee you that you will always have a job.
I did not sign up with these guys, ...The scary thing is the mintute they found out I was considering another franchise, they quickly "dropped" their price from $19, 995 to $15, 000 and the deal was if I did not make $50, 000 in the next 4 months then I dont have to pay back the $5, 000. What a complete shame! They know dame well that it is very highly unlikly to make 50K in 4 months just starting out so they know that it will never happen. I believe their goal is just to take my 15K...I did not take the bait from these slick salesmen. I almost drinked the COOL AIDE here and I hope others are smart enought to realize what these guys are doing...
I took the course in 2007 at the brink of the financial collapse. Things needless to say, were challenging the first couple of years. You can now check out my websites www.inbeefinancial.com www.inbeefinancial.blogspot.com and www.financialwinners.blogspot.com we are doing very well. The key is it takes persistence and work. Not all the lenders from the class will fit you niche. Phil never claims that he is the answer to your wealth he only offers you entrance to the lucrative career of the finance industry. I thank Global for their start in the industry that I built my fortune in.
I think Global is great. The best training ever.
I took the training about two years ago and I must say it changed my life. I was working for a large company as a senior manager and was let go and replaced by a recent college graduate. I looked at many different businesses to go into because I never wanted to be in a position where other people were in control of my future. I looked at many different types of businesses and felt that the global program was a perfect fit because every business owner needs financing and the banks were not lending. I looked at a few different programs and decided on Global because they have been in the finance business for over 30 years. Phil Dushey taught the program I attended and that was a major plus. He has so much knowledge of the business but taught us in a way it was easy to understand. The lenders were great and I met the people who I would be working with after I left the training. The selection of the types of financing you could do just about covered anything a business would need. As a matter of fact I closed my first transaction two weeks after the training and I was able to get my client a $50, 000 piece of equipment which I made about $5000.00 and also got them a working capital line of credit which I receive a healthy residual check every month. I have seen some people complain about many things, like high rates and the lenders not approving loans. All of this is nonsense. Each lender gives you their lending guidelines as to who they will approve. If you bring them someone who fits the guidelines they are approved.As far as rates go, Global gives you a broad array of lenders you are approved with that go from very low rates for great credits to higher rates for riskier deals. Their follow up and support is great as well. Whoever complains is just not working the business. If you put in the time and follow what they teach you will make a lot of money and your phone will start ringing off the hook if you follow their marketing program. Again Global was the best thing I ever did and I am making more money than I ever thought was possible.
I just went through the training two months ago. I am surprised to read the complaints posted on this website. I thought the training was well worth the money. I do not come from a finance background (previously I owned a car wash) and I was still able to grasp all of it. I started my business as soon as I got back home & I already have a lot of activity & have funded two transactions already. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me in this industry.
Hmmm...sounds like Newman36 is a spokeperson for the company...my experience is quite the opposite. I gave this business everything I had and could not get one deal done with their lenders. I had good credit clients that I brought to the table and their lender's rates would cause me to lose every deal. Finally I had to cut bait and move on to a Real Career.
What career did you end up going into?
A little over 5 years ago my partner invited me to join Global Broker Training Systems as his quest. Since my financial obligation was zero, I said "sure way not." In the past I had done some commercial transactions, so I thought I knew pretty much everything. I was amazed at how little I really did know. The trainer was excellent. He led the class through all aspects and repeatedly stopped when anyone had questions. The lenders that I met, seemed sincere in helping close any potential clients. If you follow their qualifications approval is pretty much guaranteed. I left the training excited and ready to start building my business. Over the years my business has grown steadly and I look forward to continued success .
I just think that anybody who has to sell me this hard on something is not being 100% honest with me. So I'm not going to take the bait.
FYI: These guys are now operating under a new name! GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRAINING PROGRAM. www.globalfinancialtrainingprogram.com instead of Global Broker Systems.com...they moved their content over to a new domain name. They have a new website. This is typical of dishonest companies. Probably because they have so many complaints here and on [redacted].
No I did not take this program nor do a intent to now that I found this out along with other shady things.
I took the GBS Class 4 years ago. If you think right out of the gate you are going to being doing huge deals you are mistaken. You need to be out their selling and networking, the phone does not ring by itself. I was involved in leasing and SBA loans for a 2 years than shifted my career in 2010 becuase I missed engineering work. But I enjoyed GBS when i was involved. But my business partner is still doing deals and doing quite well. But if you are not networking, doing sales calls, then more networking, and more sales call then you will not succeed. If you think these guys are a scam, then you obviously are lazy and just think putting a website up is goign to make your phone ring for leads. Its all about negotiatng, sweet talking and selling. In regards to the lenders he introduces you to. Some are good, some are not good. But to be honest...after my 2nd year in of doing GBS I had my own group of lenders (none of them introduced by Phil), but I made connections in the industry through NETWORKING!
If you are going to go forward with GBS be prepared to Network and Sell. Its fun, lucrative...but it is actual hard work! So do not expect to just throw up a website and have the phone ring.
I took the course June 2011. Yes, you can find your own lenders. Some are willing to deal with a novice broker, but many want 3 years experience. With Global you are automatically set up with 18 lenders. Do you leave after the one week classes knowing everything you need? Of course not. They tell you in the course, " Go home and read all the Lender's Manuals (several) times and the other info you are given. Plus, your own notes." Also, I called all of the lenders and asked many questions... sometimes I still do.
I just attended this program recently. Although I did learn some things and Im trying to work with the lenders they give you I can warn others that the majority of the lenders they give you are in the commercial equipment leasing arena. Not a bad thing at all but I honestly expected more areas of expertise in other markets. The real estate lender they give you is nothing more than a broker and they actually have this broker shop try to teach you commercial real estate financing...not Global themselves...In the last few months, I have actually focused my time in trying to create relationships with lenders outside of what global gives you in areas that I felt the program was lacking in. Im not trying to bad mouth them but rather just explain my experience . I think this program can be good for some people but for some you might be disappointed at what you are actually introduced too as I was. Good luck
I got recruited this week to take their course. Had no idea it was so costly, not to mention the cost of staying in NYC for a week (I used to work on Maidson Ave. with IBM). I think I'll pass, but I've done this business for 20 years, so anyone that wants a little free help, can contact me. I won't run a class, but I'll offer suggestions from 20 years of equipment leasing experience. I just re-opened a company this month, and have already secured about a dozen good funding sources, based upon my experience.
Good luck to all. I can be reached at cmac@curtisfunding.com (website under development - should be done in a week).
Thank you.
Curt MacRae
My comment above was not meant as criticism; just that the program is expensive. That being said, anything that is good is expensive, and this could be very good. I' was recruited to attend by someone who said he believed it was more than worth every penny.
Twenty years ago, I also spent money to get equipment leasing training, so I am not opposed to that. It's often better to spend money, get training, and try to do things right than to try to do it all on a shoestring. Just check everything out, and do what's best for you.
I apologize if I sounded negative above. I'm simply cautious with money, and encourage others to do their due diligence before spending large sums. Good luck to all.
Curt MacRae (cmac@curtisfunding.com)
Anyone that is interested in selling the information that they got from this business oppt, and willing to let us work this under their contract with GBS, and make some money off their investment, please give me a call my name is Larvell and I can be reached at [protected], thanks!
Anyone that is interested or unhappy with this business oppt and want to make some money on this oppt please give me a call ay [protected], thanks!
Global Broker Systems is a total scam and so is Phil Dushey. $20, 000 for a 3 day training program? Come on! Global Broker Systems are preying on people out of work and who are desperate to start working again. Anyone can get a book and learn about equipment leasing and hard money loans for under $50.00. FIFTY DOLLARS. Global Broker Systems are a bunch of scammers and crooks. $20, 000 is alot of money and how can you justify charging someone that much. Unbelieveable! Phil Dushey needs to be investigated for fraud by the FBI.
I took the training in July 2012 and it was fantastic. Most of the comments that are negative are from people who have not attended the program. I made my first deal two weeks out of the training and made $6500. They take you to the head of the class and give you what you need . The lenders are great and I can get good and bad credits done. To the person who complained about the hotels being expensive he is correct but Global pays for them. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but if you are willing to work you make a lot of money. I learned a great expression in the program and it's so true. Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not do.
Would like to speak with about tne training program... looking to do the program
Please call me Fred Dworsky [protected] Florida
For everybody looking into these guys please note that their name indeed changed to global financial training systems...and have two different websites...I found one of their students in TX and he and I had a very interesting conversation...to some it up he tried to do this full time and ran into numerous problems with their lenders...90 percent of them charge outrageous rates and could not get a deal done.. Then their are lenders that are actually brokers. His opinion was that global only had experience in leasing which was most of their lender baseand not much of anything else. He said it was not a scam but what they portray and tout is not what you really get and certainly not for 15, 000 which they offered him to get him in the program. I decided not to go based on my conversation with him so others be ware...
To all who are considering investing time and money in a business opportunity, please ask yourself "why am I doing this?" and please don't say "for the financial freedom" because money is only the result of the value you create, the result of the "what" (the benefit you are providing)
You should be asking yourself the "why" because if you don't follow what your beliefs and your passion are, you will hit a wall of disappointment. I've read and listened to the stories of Steve Jobs, Ray Kroc, and the Wright brothers, and the one thing they all had in common was PASSION!
You must discover your passion and your purpose in life in order to live a meaningful life. Please don't get lost in the noise of all these "financial opportunities" because they are not about your dream they are about someone else's dream. And if you chose to move forward with this opportunity then put all your heart and determination otherwise it will not work.
I'm writing here because a friend of mine is considering this opportunity and I promised him I would look into and give him my feedback. By the way, the comment someone made earlier about getting the same information from a book for $50.00 is not accurate because in today's digital world you can get for Free, just google it and youtube it and you will find so many so called experts, gurus talking about it, enough information for you to evaluate for FREE.
My recommendation and advice for anyone lost and confused about business, is the following book and people: The E-Myth by Michael Gerber, and youtube Simon Sinek.
Get Inspired.
I took the training in June 2012 and I thought it was great. I read some of the comments from some of the other people and was a little reluctant. I took a leap of faith and am I happy. I was laid off from my company after 15 years of loyal service and needed to replace a six figure income. I spoke with Phil Dushey and even went to visit their office in New York. I saw their operation and was impressed that they were an established business . Not only do they teach the business but they are actually in the business. In New York they operate Global Financial Services which is about 35 years old. Phil spent about 2 hours with me and he really has a lot of knowledge in the finance business . I left his office and really felt that I wanted to learn from him. During the training I met around 12 of the 25 lenders and I was very impressed . We had lenders in almost every type of loan a business owner would need. I could do clients from A to D credits.The marketing was great and I started getting leads in weeks after I completed the program. I want to be honest I worked very hard as Phil said I would have to . This is not a get rich quick scheme and if you put in the work you will make money. I closed my first deal and made about $5500 in my fourth week . The best part of the program is the ongoing support. I must have called them 4 or 5 times a week the first month and they always got back to me promptly. Once you get into the real world you will need help and they are there for you. Phil even got on the phone with one of my clients last month and helped me to close a $200, 000 deal. This is not for everyone, but if you are not afraid to work it;s great.
The Co. also advertises they can do venture capital deals etc. and all I see is equip. leasing . Too
Are these the same people now called Commercial Capital Training Group?
Everything sounds very similar...just wondering!
There are many of these companies popping out of nowhere. To me, it doesn't make sense to charge someone $20, 000 for a 3 day course on how to become a lender. Do the math. That's $7, 000 per day per student. Multiply that by 20 students. All of these so called 3 day training programs are borderline scams. Barclay Butler Financial is a mortgage broker shop in East Dundee Illinois and he runs a similar scam where he tells borrowers that he doesn't charge a commission but in fact does get a yield spread premium of 2.75% from real direct lenders. He claims he is a lender and he gets paid by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barclay Butler is a two time hustler who prays on borrowers who are desperately in need of financing. If you are looking for a real lender with a national reputation Guaranteed Rate is your best lender. Always deal with a Vice President of Lending and not Barclay Butler. Barclay Butler claims himself to be President of Barclay Butler Financial which is a scam and con artists. Google Barclay Butler Financial, Michael Wilfong of Barclay Butler Financial, Mark Settle of Barclay Butler Financial, Mark Sher, Maria Marroquin of Barclay Butler Financial. Again, borrowers should be aware about companies like Global Broker Systems Phil Dushey, Barclay Butler Financial Barclay Butler, because they are the next Bernie Madoff wannabes.
John Edward Neall Jr.
Vice President of Lending
Guaranteed Rate
John Neal used to work for my company years ago, both he and his father were asked to leave due to unethical issues. He jumps from company to company he has now worked for 6 different companies since 2012. He used to own his own business before it failed. I see he is now working for Guaranteed rate. We always inform our customers were are a mortgage broker, and yes we do not charge an origination fee we are paid by the investor we work with. Barclay Butler Financial has an A+ rating with the BBB. This is Barclay Butler President of Barclay Butler Financial Inc.
Barclay Butler is so full of it and I really think and believe he believes in his own BS. My father got fired because I came to visit him for lunch and brought the whole office lunch. Barclay Butler has weener envy because he felt threatened because all of his loan officers at Barclay Butler Financial knew he was a major cheap skate. Barclay Butler does not pay his loan officers and there were numerous loan officers who took him to the labor board and before he was about to lose, he ended up settling to him. He brain washes his loan officers that working as a mortgage broker is better than working as a banker. Google Barclay Butler. Google Barclay Butler Financial. Barclay Butler Financial is a low life who is on scam report, Scam.com, Complaints Board, and even has three bad reviews on Google. Barclay Butler Financial and Barclay Butler is a wanna bee. He oversleeps and does not come into the office until noon every day and has a separate business on the side selling chemicals for cleaning. Barclay Butler pays the Better Business Bureau to be on the BBB. Who is he kidding. I do have had multiple jobs because I have gotten promoted and moved my way up to Vice President of Lending. I rather be a Vice President of Lending for a national mortgage giant with over 3, 000 licensed loan officers than a President Wanna Bee of a two man mortgage shop with 10 dead beat non producing loan officers like Byron Thomas, Mark Settle, and Michael Wilfong who are wanna bees non producers who prey on poor black people on the West Side or Black Side of Chicago.
Home buyers and homeowners who are thinking of getting solicited to Barclay Butler Financial and Barclay Butler of East Dundee, Illinois. Please beware of Byron Thomas, a loan officer for Barclay Butler Financial and Barclay Butler right hand man, he has taken several of my clients application over the phone include all their identity information and never called those clients back we don't know if he's i attempting to use their Identity or not my clients has attempted to call Byron Thomas of Barclay Butler Financial and Maria Marroquin, the toothless processor for Barclay Butler, over 20 times about their identity and the application that he took on them and he never responded responded beware Byron he may be doing identity theft.
Complaint From Lisa Mager : Borrower Of Barclay Butler
Barclay Butler Financial
1051 E. Main Street
East Dundee Illinois 60118
Barclay Butler
President of Barclay Butler Financial
Dealing with Barclay Butler, the scammer, and Barclay Butler Financial of East Dundee Illinois was the most stressful experience of my life. Barclay Butler of Barclay Butler Financial was our buyer's mortgage company. We upheld our end of the deal and were out of our home by the initial closing date. Five delays later and we are finally closed. Our belong have been in storage and our dogs boarded for longer than needed, costing us considerable money. Their inefficiencies almost cost us our purchase due to delays. Hoping I never have to work with Barclay Butler Financial and the clowns associated with Barclay Butler ever again. Barclay Butler Financial is the worst mortgage broker anyone can set their step to. Stay away from this horrible Barclay Butler and Barclay Butler Financial.
This person was not our client it was the seller of the house our customer purchased. Our customer was very happy with the results. This loan closed 12 days past the initial contract closing date. The loan was supposed to close on 11/04/2016 it closed on 11/16/2016. The reason for the delay was the customers took 2 weeks to get us the signed loan application pkg. with supporting docs. The seller was upset mainly because there was no communication between her attorney and the buyers attorney. She ordered the moving truck etc. and did not know she wasn't closing. The seller should have contacted her attorney before ordering the moving truck etc. Also Barclay Butler Financial kept the buyers side up to date including the attorney. This seller did actually call me and we discussed the situation.
Barclay Butler and Barclay Butler Financial is the worst mortgage brokers in existence. Barclay Butler is similar to a mortgage good will store where he pawns loans off to real direct lenders. Google Barclay Butler. Google Barclay Butler Financial. You will see stories where Barclay Butler and Barclay Butler Financial ripped off borrowers and how Barclay Butler and his wife are swingers. Barclay Butler and Barclay Butler Financial is all over the Internet and has the worst reputation
Can you please tell me what any of the Barclay Butler vs John Neal have to do with Phil Dushey and Global Financial Training? Phil runs his own business which is separate from the training. I have not heard anything that he has done that was improper or immoral. You other two ladies need to either go to court and settle your differences like professionals.Otherwise, you can get down and dirty. You sound like two middle school girls who have a crush on the same boy. The moral of the story is you both came out smelling bad after that exchange.
I am hoping to get some recent reviews of the company. All these are from [protected], and I know many things have most likely changed. Any recent comments from anyone
I just completed the training and it was excellent and well worth the investment! Already have a few deals in the making, on day two. This is not financing for the bank-approved borrow. This is working with banks and other lenders turn-down borrowers, bc of credit factors, etc etc. Not everyone can be approved for a bank loan, hence nontraditional lending options. They expect to pay a higher rate -- they know their circumstances. Help them out and you will be their hero. Good luck. Go for it.
@angieb1...I was considering the program as well. Could you put your link on here. I would like to see the kind of websites they create. Also, since your comment was in June. What would your update be now?
I am considering training, any update from June 2018
I am considering the training for March 2019..Any validations that Global Financing connects trainee directly with lenders not Brokers funds business owners with All Credit Types..From A to D. and works with lenders that offer funding for any type of business loan..for most businesses...including FIX AND FLIP...
@Cynthia Jones, have you taken the course, and if so any reviews u can give us?
A more reasonable alternative is purchasing The Art of The Financing - A Practical Guide to Underwriting Commercial Real Estate Loans. rkhan@lcasllc.com