They target college students promising 5-600 dollars per week. They falsely advertise what you will be doing. You are forced to work long hours everyday. You are put on random street corners in Boston stopping people to ask for unrealstic amounts. You are expected to meet quota's that are unrealstic as well. I quit after just a few days and they said I would get paid that following Friday. It has been three weeks since then, I have called and called and called. I have left messages and even talked to two people and they have not called me back or told me where my check is. This IS A SCAM TO ABUSE COLLEGE STUDENTS AND MAKE THEM THINK THEY WILL MAKE ALL THIS MONEY THEN NOT PAY THEM.
In 2004 I worked for this company for 1 day and was told I would be on a try out basis and wouldn't get any pay. I was handed a piece of paper to memorize a script that had to be word for word while out canvasing. The blond manager who seemed very stuck up, sat down and went over the script with me and then after an hour had me go out with a group of people to canvas. After the canvasing we came back to their head quarters in Boston and the manager took the paper away from me and quizzed me on what the script said. This was just like stating lines from a play, yet no one is going to get it perfect after a few hours of practice and watching others. And because I didn't get their so called money making script word for word perfect she told me that it wasn't going to work and to give back their DNC shirt. I couldn't believe how rude she was. To think that someone should get a script (which is completely phony) 100 percent memorized and be tossed aside like garbage is still one of the most disturbing experiences I have ever had...
Also you are only getting paid commission off of what you raise from donors, They will cast you aside after the election...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME...and get a real job instead!
I worked for the three days and did not make the required quota. The director in the Kansas City office, Neil, sat me down for my debriefing and told me they couldn't offer me a position. The payroll office in Boston reported to the Kansas Unemployment office that I had been hired but not terminated. Kansas has stopped my unemployment and I have not been paid for three weeks. Further, it has been reported to me by a supervisor at the KUI office that Grassroots reported that I quit. That is called fraud! I'm reporting them to their client, The Nature Conservancy.