I was just scamed out of 4.95 ( i pray not more) Like the others, I was lured in my a radio ad offering $1, 000 in groceries as part of a trade study on buyin habits.
The number advertised was [protected]
The rep on the phone did not try to sell me into another program, gas coupons or anything else. She simply stated that the $1, 000 card could be used for any food item at several of my local grocery stores, the only restriction was no alcohol or tobacco products (no problem) .
She completely painted the picture that this was $1, 000 in free money that could only be used at grocery stores.
What came in the mail was instructions to go online to grocerysavers.com and register for coupons that i would have to pay 10% for.
COMPLETE 180 from what I was told on the phone.
I was looking forward to serving meals to the cancer patients we serve with this $1, 000. while I am thankfull that it was only $5 that i lost, i am angry that others are being taken in this economy. I believe more should be done to shut them down.
here is a list of the deceitfull companies doing the "market research" for them
Via Email
Send mail to our online customer service department at [protected]@grocerysavers.com. Our policy is to answer all inquiries and requests within 8 business hours.
Via Phone
For questions about an order or your membership, please call: [protected], Ext. 108.
PLEASE NOTE that If you have obtained your membership from a TV, Radio, or Newspaper ad, or from a telemarketing phone call, please CLICK HERE for a list of contact information.
For your convenience we have compiled a list of our different vendors below. Here you can find the Name and Phone Number for contacting the company you purchased your membership from. Since Grocerysavers.com DOES NOT sell directly to the public, the company you purchased your membership from will handle any and all inquires regarding purchases and refunds. If you have questions about coupons and/or a coupon order, please call us with the contact information listed on the previous page. Thank you.
ATS Research
c/o Fulfillment Services
165 Pleasant Avenue
South Portland, ME 04106
Value Plus
11100 Wayzata Blvd
Suite 680
Hopkins, MN 55305
Encore Marketing
4501 Forbes Blvd
Lanham, MD 20706
*** Easy Saver - [protected]
*** American Leisure [protected]
*** Home Source [protected]
Nelson Research Group
STX - Stellar Media
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I agree! 100% After calling I too recently purchased their so called $1000.00 coupon card for $7.95 and received the card by mail and went on grocerysavers.com to select the coupons but went to check out and at first got a total of $108.00 and then clicked on the tab to waver the 99.00 fee using your unique card number and they still were going to charge me $8.00 and some change! Several different locations are listed for customer contact depending on how you heard about your card, radio, tv etc. I am going to call the customer service number that is listed on the sight and complain. Of course there is no weekend help or number listed on the card. This is completely misleading. No mention was made of any additional chargers after your coupon selection and then they say they will reimburse you by giving back the .75 cent shipping charge and more coupons to make up for the other charge of 10%. Well you can only buy so much at one time and the coupons do expire within Dec and Jan. I too am thankful that it was only $7.95 and not more. A word of advice from now on just go on the internet and type in the sight first before you make your purchase followed by scam after the web address. I know that all businesses have complaints but the ones on the internet, radio and tv are worth checking out first before you purchase so you don't get ripped off and give out your cc number!
As an apprehensive skeptic, I DID get at least three (3) other offers while the telephone rept. kept doing "her" hard sell tatic that did not work. In addition, to the $7.95 the phone rept. kept talking as if not to hear my NO response. I'm appalled, because the radio and all the other media are in truth, the biggest part of the SCAMMMMMMMMM! Before I could even get to the website, I noticed the caption about the SCAM! This is one of those time, when "we" should not allow the perpetrators get away with this... Why should we have to lose our monies when "they" lied and committed "fraud". Just think about the large number of people who heard the lie and paid the money... tell a lie and get paid very quickly...and now the advertisers aren't even heard of because the scam is revealed. As well why are the radio stations and the other media alliances a part of this fraud and lie? As a result, let's not allow them to get away with this mess! Just give me back my money, because you all are liers and frauds...! My contact blessed2truth@lycos.com. Let's not stand for this fraud. If this is how fraud is going to be presented to the public, then we will get it again, and again because there is no boundaries to stop the fraud. There must be boundaries. Anyhow, thanks for the heads-up!1
I'm also very upset with grocerysavers.com. I paid extra to get mine in 3 to 5 days it still took over 2 weeks. And what I received in the mail only upset me more to find out that I would still have to pay for coupons. I went to their web site to see what they offered, because I was told that it was based on name brand products, but half the name brand products I use was not listed on their web site. This is very upsetting, because of how the economy is, I thought I would try to at least save on groceries for my family, but instead I was scammed out of what little money I have. I know people say at least it was only $9.00 and some change, but just imagine how much they are making off everyone. This company is thriving off of people like us. It's really not fair, and unjust. And je younger is right, why are the radio stations and media alliance advertising these kinds of scams. It really just reaffirmed a lesson I already knew. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is not true. But like all bad things they will have their day. I really believe that.
12/14/2009, this is a total SCAM! I also was misled my telephone rep and by advertisement on the radio. I th0ught I would be able to bless 4 needy families with $250 worth of groceries for the holiday, I knew it was to good to be true for $7.95. Never was I told that I would be receiving coupons! I was under the impression I would get a card, activate it and I would be good to go for the $1000 of groceries not true. I cant believe that tv and radio stations that we trust are allowing their faithful viewers and listeners to be scammed like this! Really, really sad.
Grocer savers is a complete scam, I wish I would have googled this co. before I gave them my info. Anybody who is interested in using this service AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE. I will make a complaint to the BBB asap!
Yes, I was also SCAMMED BIG TYME!
BUT, what really pissed me off, to no end, was two of my close friends also got scammed, and we drove 3hours to a seminar in the snow, for a bogus YTB meeting that advertised a Grocery Voucher for it's attendees (Voucher) not coupons. I was charged $12.00 processing fee for a booklet to fill out and send in, also with a $2.00 processing fee 1oo- $10 coupons, $1, 000 voucher and list list goes on ...PLEASE!...Money is tight, I haven't been able to buy food for my family, I thought this would help out ..WRONG!
I intend to hold this company and its owners accountable. I would encourage everyone to get on their local talk show stations and warn their neighbors. I would also suggest sending a letter to your local attorney general and notify the BBB that this outfit uses their name.
Birmingham, AL
I was scammed as well as the others. I'm so upset even after paying for coupons that should already be free. I paid for coupons and on top of that when I use the coupons I paid for from grocerysavers.com I would have to send $2 for it to actually work. So you have to send in more money. I get the newspaper everyday of the week and I can cut out FREE coupons. I didn't know I was calling this radio advertised company to pay for something that's free. It is such a rip off. I know to do more research the next time. Please don't fall into the trap like we did. You will be upset, $5 don't come easy these days. I'm excited when I find a penny on the ground.
SCAM – define scam. If you know the right question to ask you may not fall for this. I didn’t and I ended up giving my credit card number for the $7.95 for shipping to Nelson Research Group. Very deceptive naming of their company, I too thought it was Nielson. You do end up with an order booklet where they charge your credit card for 10% of the face value of the store coupon of 75 cents to $2. Which isn’t even close to the cost of the product. IT JUST A STANDARD COUPON, which you pay for. I was able to get two phone numbers from the person answering the phone and I’m glad I did. The first one is the Nelson Research Group Customer Service at [protected], where I was able to call at have them credit my card back the $7.95. The second number are their sponsors which the Nelson Group sell your credit card information to so they can start charging you $14.95 a month for other things that you probably didn’t want. So you’ll need to call them within 45 days to cancel that charge and their number is [protected]. So if you get anything in the mail from following, call them right away to cancel.
Saving 2 Go
Leisure Plus
Plan Plus
Be on the look out for the following companies and any charges from them, because they are also located at the exact same address as the Nelson Research Group!
Products for Life
Twin Vision Corporation
The Road to Health, Inc
TWD Management Services, LLC
Rosca, Inc
Top Shape Publishing, LLC
Sage International, Inc
Nevada Black Chamber of Commerce
Bingham Nevada Family Investments
A S A Real Estate Inc
Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union Local 86
Chellaul Corporation
Comstock Plumbing Llc
Cyber Nation International, Inc. Dept. QL1
Titan Manufacturing Solutions
Automotive Advisors of America Inc
North Vector Inc
we went through the same. only difference is we paid 9.95 for a rush delivery and still took 3 weeks to get it. we are going to use the info that was posted by the others on this complaint. thanks for some helpful leads.
thw same thing happen to me 02/16/2010 the people on the phone can't speak good english, they got me for 9:95 rush delivery 2 to 5 days, then i got a call just morning from [protected] the lady was checking my order, i told i went on the computer and there was a lot of complaint that this was a scam, she no but she it is, i called my bank and cancel my debt card. this is all the numbers i have, [protected], [protected], [protected], my god bless those people .
I totally agree with all the comments placed above. Total SCAMMMMMMMM! My sister called me and told me that she heard on the radio that they were giving away 1000 food vouchers, to help people out with their high food costs. So we gave our credit card info, expecting food vouchers; not an order form that you have to pay for everytime you fill it out to receive coupons. There is a big difference in a coupon and a voucher. A voucher should be a 1000 limit on food, and a coupon is a certain amount saved on each food item. I would not have paid for coupons that's free in the newspaper, and sometimes found on my doorstep. She paid 9.95 for express 2-3 day delivery and I paid 4.95 for 1-2 weeks delivery and we both received ours today; and we ordered them the same day. Not to mention they sent hers to the wrong address after calling her three times to verify her order, so they call it. I'm gonna call every number I have for them, and request my money back. It's only five dollars, but that five could be spent on something very well needed. DON'T BE FOOLED LIKE WE DID!
Im not sure I understand the complaint. I too ordered the book just today because I was under the impression that I would get the coupons and be able to go directly to the store and use them. But from what I have read, I am understanding that you pay 2 dollars for a 10 dollar coupon. Which, still saves me eight dollars. So, I am getting 10 dollars worth of groceries for 2 which is still a save. As I stated, I am unclear as to what all the fuss is about. If someone with experience on this offer could it explain it to me step by step I will be greatly appreciative. My email is la.jessikah@gmail.com. Some questions I have are, are the coupons divided by certain products? If I go to this grocerysaver.com and order a coupon do I have to order the coupon per item worth 10 dollars or is it a coupon worth 10 dollars in which I can spend on whatever products I wish? Someone please explain to me the oh so horrible complaints... la.jessikah@gmail.com
It's a bunch of misleading crap. I think we should file a class action lawsuit. I am contacting my attorney general today.
I agree that the general description that this company is using to advertise this program is VERY misleading and should definitely be called into question by whoever regulates such things. The program itself is not a complete rip-off, however.
What it should be called on the radio and in the operator's descriptions is a coupon purchase program. As many above have explained, the $7.95 fee is really a discount membership fee to GrocerySavers.com, where people can cherry pick a wide variety of name-brand product coupons to be sent to them for 10% of the coupon's value, plus a flat $.75 shipping fee. To make up for the fee somewhat, they also throw in a few extra coupons from the selections you made in an amount that roughly equals your fee (an order of coupons totaling $35 of savings will have about $3.50 worth of extra coupons thrown in).
This program is actually not a scam or even that bad of a deal when you know what you're getting. I just took some of the coupons I ordered myself to my local SuperFresh and was pleasantly surprised to see that they double the value of coupons worth less than a dollar, so I saved a good bit just on the first 5 that I used so far out of my first order. This works well for me because I only subscribe to the UK's paper, The Financial Times and it doesn't carry any coupons, so I don't find clippable coupons all that often. If, however, you feel that you're already swimming in coupons, maybe this isn't for you.
I feel sorry that some people don't ask questions when they speak to the operators at Nelson, who I also mistook to be Neilson when I called (my mom worked for Neilson in the past and they were very reputable, which is why I decided to call). It's clear they are using some very questionable tactics to get people to call in, but I could get a sense when I spoke to the operator on the phone that the program would be more complicated than just a grocery voucher as the radio announcement had implied. What I had expected from the operator was a coupon book to come for the $7.95 fee, and instead it was instructions on how to sign up for GrocerySavers.com which seriously annoyed me at first. Now that I've gotten my first batch of coupons I think the program isn't all bad, but their advertising methods are pretty terrible and should be corrected soon.
Please feel free to email me with any questions if you have them at PhillyFinAdv[at]gmail.com and best of luck to everyone.
I heard the radio commercial early one Saturday, half-awake, called and signed up. I asked the operator: "Nielson, like the TV?" and she said Yes! Apparently a lie, since it was Nelson. Started to become suspicious when the operator repeatedly tried to sell a second, unrelated product before we hung up - to the point where I threatened to cancel the grocery savers program she just signed me up for if she asked me again. She said "thank you" and hung up.
Then I started looking into Nelson, Products for Life and Groverysaver.com on these message boards. I could not reach the company because I didn't write down the number and my wife made another call, removing the "redial" option from my older phone. I tried some other numbers found on the web, but could only find similar companies, not "Products for Life" and no one answered at Nelson.
So, I called my credit card company and explained I thought I was ripped off. The very helpful lady advised the charge had not yet cleared, and that she could block the charge by cancelling my account and issuing a new credit card with a new number! I absolutely agreed, and now will not be charged by Products for Life, Nelson, Grocerysavers.com or whomever else they would have given my number too.
So, if you realize you were ripped off quickly like I did, try this option. I am slightly inconvenienced since I am without a credit card for a week, but I think it is better than the hassle later for cancelling the subscription and contesting the charge or being charged who knows how many more times by these pirates!
Got this text on my phone:
From: [protected]
Thanks 4 visiting our website
Call [protected] to claim your $200 Target Rebate Voucher.
Re STOP to opt-out
I ve just received a box from Biomax Co. and what they told me that I was gonna receive it wasn't true, they said they were going to send me some clothing coupons and what I received is some groceries coupons that I have to go through internet and order and some diet pills! I am a single mom and I have two little girls and they just took $140.00 from me and I am trying to contact them and the phone is not working... I am unemployed and those $140.00 would help me to buy some food for my kids...Can somebody please help me? This is not right!
I too fell for a radio commercial asking for people to participate in a market reasearch survey about grocery shopping habits and for my participation I would receive $2000 in grocery "certificates". I am an avid coupon clipper and am pretty good at matching my coupons to sale items and in the end keeping a few dollars in my pocket. I was pretty excited about the opportunity to receive $2000 in manufacturers coupons that I wouldn't hae to cut out, that could be used in all of the stores in my area and that didn't have an expiration date. So, you can imagine my dismay upon completion of the survey and the rep telling me that I "qualified for the $2000 in grocery certificates", and he asked for my credit card number so I could be billed for the $19.95 shipping/processing fee. I asked - "why would I have to pay when you asked me to participate and I can go to the manufacturers website or call them directly and ask for coupons without having to pay them?" H eexplainedtha the fee was Nelson's fee for handling the survey and mailing out the 100s of 1000s of certifiactes to all of their satisfied customers. So I thought about and it did seem like a pretty good deal - $10 for $2000 - pretty good right? I asked the rep how exactly it worked and what else I had to do and he said nothing, just sit back and wait to get my certifiates. So thats what I did, it only took two weeks which I thought was great cause the coupons would come in handy for a part I am throwing. Well, I finally rec'd an envelope from Nelson last Friday and I was surprised at how small it was being that the shipping was $20 and it was supposed to be $2000 in coupons. My surprise turned to anger as soon as I opened the envelope and found a pamphlet and a cover letter, that's it - no certifiactes/coupons. My anger turned to fury when I read the letter and found out that I had to submit an oredr form from the pamphlet or go on-line and order the coupns that I wanted and pay additional fees and shipping. Are you kididng me? I asked about this so many times while talking to the telephone rep and he continually lied about having to take any extra steps or pay any additional fees. Then, to add insult to injury, they tell you over the phone that if you are not completly satisfied, you can call and request a refund and it would be double the amount you paid - NOT TRUE! I already submitted a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and Good Housekeeping - the letter I received has the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval - but they won't when I get done! I am also going to send an e-mail to the radio station playing the commercial and let them know that they are advertising for sam artists! Good luck all.
I cant believe all the complaints with Grocery Savers, i was going to find out why I never recieved the 1, 000.00 dollars in couponds I was to recieve. I now have my ansewer, I too was taken for ten dollars and no couponds. I will be calling BBB in the morning!
Had the same thing happen - was told it was a 1000 visa and i had to buy name brand products at my local store. Was also sold several other "deals" that i have now cancelled. One of them even included another "1000 grocery card". Will not be using this.
Just got my booklet in the mail today. I too was expecting vouchers, not coupons. I wasn't as lucky as others - my credit card was debited for $19.95. I called to cancel and return the booklet. Let's see if they refund as fast as they debit. I also was pressured into a "free" membership into savings2go. Even if I cancel, I can still use the $100 gas vouchers. HOWEVER, I must be an active member to use the voucher and it is only allowed to use 1 voucher every quarter. I feel like I've been violated and no cigarette was even offered!
Well I almost fell for this SCAM so dam happy I read the complaints before I even selected coupons from their site. When I tried to pull the site up. The COMPLAINT page came up so I read ALL FRIENDLY COMPLAINTS. I am not working & dont have a job, I was just trying to save money & feed my child. But I really anit tripping . Im happy it was 7.96 instead of more. You live and you learn, IF IT SOUND TOO GOOD, IT ANIT GOOD FOR U. Someone please report the perpetraders. THANKS, K"
I almost feel for this SCAM but I read the complaints. So glad I did. K-cee
Got two calls from this number, didn't recognize it so I have an app on my smartphone called Mr.Numbers and I blocked it, if they call again the app answers it and hangs up on them. If you have an Iphone or Android powered phone, look it up in the market and it's free.
Caller: Unknown
I tried to sign up for grocery savers.com. my authorization number is: [protected] (as per letter recieved on 9/16/2011). I never saw the "new users: join now" information to set up my account. please help me get signed up please. dale baptie 6432 cabbage lane new port richey, FL [protected]
I should have went with my 1st instinct-If its to good to be true it usually is! I cautiously called and spoke with a rep. I asked her all sort of questions trying to detect if this was a scam or not.She charged $19.95 for the shipment of vouchers and I had to repeat my card# several times, I am sure that was for recording purpose to show I authorized payment. When I asked her for a website she danced all around that question.That little voice in my head warning me to stop was now yelling 'SCAM'. When she finally told me Grocery Savers I instantly typed it in, bringing up several sites including this one, with complaints. I immediately called my bank and stopped payment and even cancelled my visa card to avoid any chance of future charges. All I can say is thank god for the Internet. I am smarter then this, really I am. These are desperate times and these scammers are making it worse by taking advantage of our vulnerability. I really feel bad for those without the Internet and seniors. Bless all of you who have/are going through this scam.
Gosh, I've been using the grocerysavers service for almost a year & I love it! At first I was skeptical that I would be "buying" the coupons, but, I BUY a newspaper JUST for the coupons, so to me, it's no different. Plus, I get to choose exactly what I want, and get nothing I won't use. I've also purchased (known, REAL) coupons off eBay, and have spent more than some of the orders from grocerysavers.com
So yes, you "pay" the 10% plus $.75 shipping & handling - but they give you extra coupons from your order to cover the cost. So when I am placing an order, I order as many as I definitely need, less one, and usually if not always, I get the extra of the one I left off.
They keep the list up-to-date & are always adding new coupons from the new inserts, sometimes as quickly as the Monday right after they came out! They put coupons from Smartsource, Redplum and P&G - many of which tend to be "regional" & higher value that what came in my Sunday paper.
Sorry you all got "scammed" because I too called after the radio ad, so I *must* have the same deal as all of you, right? I doubt I would pay the $99/year fee, but I'd gladly pay $4.95 to remain a member another year.
Yes I was also ask to paid $10, 00 for a coupon booklet. By Senior Advocate Outreach for Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance. They were invited to the Senior Building to do an Presentation. They lied to us from the beginning. i counsel my Policy also. there is just too many people out here trying too rip others off. I am so disappointment by the whole situation. Unbelievable Corathea
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