I have been having the worse experience dealing with this company. I had neck surgery 2 consecutive years in a row and both times have been rough. I always turned my paperwork from my surgeon on time yet they still has given me a hard time. First i had to go 3 months without receiving anything and they made up all kind of excuses they could think of also the entire time never have i received a payment on time. They have caused me to be late on a number of bills which i had to pay late fees, i have received a number of disconnect notices and some of the bills were credit card bills that i have never been late paying until dealing with them. Although my surgeon has informed them that i will be evaluated in march to see if i'm able to return to work, i didn't receive a dime in December which i received in January but still haven't received my January benefits. Every bill for December had to be doubled with late fees and i have a disconnect on my gas bill. They have all of my updated information yet still are making up excuses to pay me. They don't care if my kids and i don't eat, or are without heat or electric. I called them and even though my paperwork has been updated and faxed in 3 months ago, they are still taking their time paying me. Regardless of the Dr. statements, they keep making up different excuses about needing to talk to my therapist or me. S
GUARDIAN INSURANCE...We have had the same experience - although the severe injury and illness shows a strong 11 month recovery & case by a primary care doctor, pulmonologist and neurosurgeon, a continual 31+ day lapse in short term payments has added to emotional distress, non-sufficient funds at the bank and food shortage for the entire length of short term coverage. We don't expect integrity from these predatory paycheck thieves regarding a long term disability check - however entitled - for months. The medical profession which is plagued with repeated fine print & BS requests necessetating wasted time at the fax machine for these financial scammers - should address a decades long paycheck con game to the insurance standards board.
We solved our 3 month short term disabilty delay! Here's how we are coping with vulgar telephone treatment. Guardian does business by Fax Machine & even claims 5 days to receive and read a medical office fax. Request all of your doctors & radiologists to keep careful records of fax dates to Guardian. Call Guardian weekly and review every faxed document your doctors sent. Chances are, they are going to tell you how complex the notes are, that your doctors are not updating your medical information, and that they need extra time for "case management". Request from your doctors a confirmation fax cover sheet of each transmission & keep the log with your discharge summaries. On your every-Monday call with Guardian, request a review of all appointments surrounding the date of claim. Chances are, your last check is dated near the same day your doctor faxed new short term disability evidence. Do not let them sideline you with multiple complaints of "too many notes" from "so many doctors". Demand a short term disability denial letter. When they tell you "you're not denied", ask the "case manager" to verify in legal format to your doctor's office that they have not provided evidence of a short term disability. Record the phone call! By the time 2 months are up, you will have enough inaction to initiate a legal complaint that Guardian does not maintain customary medical business records or reasonable and customary fax and telephone communication with medical offices involved in the treatment of long and short term disabilities.
I am having such a hard time with them. I call daily and all i am told is that my case is in review they owe me 3 checks and no response. How can i file a formal complain? I need help
Will this also work for Long term? My case mgr has lied about advising me of cut off date, has not said a word. I've written numerous lengthy emails, and always get a quick ok let me know if you need anything, as well as waiting 3 WEEKS to a month for simple questions to be answered. But then out of no where w/ out any Notice whatsoever Guardian does not send a payment, I beg a and they send another payment, I get my Dr. To see me and try to get ppwk in order but Drs are booked out and I'm living at 40% decrease in pay and still have to pay for both insulins and 10 other meds, on way less. But am supposed to see specialists with higher copays more .. how is this legal. Then they put a time stamp and just expect me to be able to pay all of this extra just to get disability, if I had disability I would be able to get into Specialists Dr.s etc.. but trying to live on almost half of what I was plus having to pay more. This is Ludacris. So at this point they have said they need updated Drs notes for anymore payments, so I'm going to be evicted without any type of real help or disability claim help from Guardian.
I wish I knew what to do at this point, I'm even paying child support out of my 40% loss in wages. And most likely I'll lose the Job as well. They did nothing for me but give me false hope and to make me feel alone in the midst of pain, and my entire life changing regardless My choice.
I have been out for a month due to a back injury and still no payment for STD. I have called several times to make sure they had what they needed and they would say yes and several days later, something comes in the mail saying that a form needs to be filled out. Why not send all the necessary forms at the same time? The only person that has been on time at Guardian is my Case Manager for FMLA, Thank God.
It is appalling what the do... My case manager at the beginning was Kevin Kvederas and he would call and try to pick fights with me, or tell me my claim was being closed due to not receiving info they requested that I had faxed to him weeks before that. The one that really upset me was he said that he didn't even know why I would bother filing a claim since I would only be getting $100 a month anyway, the actual amount was over $1500. I hated them and almost dropped them all together except he called one too many times and I decided if I only get 10 cents a month I was gonna claim it. Now they have closed my case because of a Functional Capacities Exam. This is geared to "prove" you can go back to work FULL time. I am in the appeal process and am trying to find out all the info I can. Because I get SSDI (thank God) they deduct that payment from money they are supposed to pay. But without warning, AND on my payday where my rent was due, I received a call telling me that my claim has been close and no more payments. That is over $600 a month less now, with no preparation or warning. The fact they call themselves an insurance company is very misleading because I have not been able to rely on them at all, except to make my life a living hell. All you employers out there who are trying to take care of your valuable workers be sure to read the fine print and do your homework because I almost would have rather not had them at all, with all the lies, paperwork, reviews, delays, lost paperwork, etc. No wonder they think we aren't disabled, because just dealing with them during the worst pain in my life IS a full time job damn near.