Gurmit vilkhu of 68 windmill rd coventry has been covertly recording people in his house and father's house nextdoor at n0 70 windmill rd and then spreading it about. This is illegal.The low life will show you illegal camera footage while the rest of the family is present and get you to openly comment on what you see. recording your every word and expression as to show other's so you get the blame.Gurmit vilkhu and his family have secretly recorded so many people over the year's if the police found out there would be jail term's. gurmit showing other's and putting his spin on events and thing's to discredit other's when other people know that for year;s the vilkhu family have been covertly filming them there is no excuse or reason for it only to get people hated.what do you expect from the vilkhu victim's one victim of the vilkhu's has been tormented for 13 yrs and more with there camera's in there car's and garden. And getting other people to break the law and telling them what to do.Do not listen to them they are breaking the law to get someone hated it aint right there is a reason for gurmits victims doing what there doing but the vilkhu's don't want you to find out the truth.There is now a £5000 pound reward for the arrest and conviction of gurmit vilkhu and or any other member of this family for what they;ve been doing over the years to there victims. I'm sure his brother's got alot to say about it seeing as gurmit got his brother in trouble with harassment.Back in 2013.