Gurmit Vilkhu of 68 Windmill Rd Coventry on the 26/12/17. Gurmit Vilkhu of 68 Windmill Rd Coventry instigated a situation between himself and his brother. Thus resulting in the arrest of his brother. As Gurmit Vilkhu expressed his insulting opinion in front of other's. Gurmit Vilkhu was reported to have been struck in the face by his brother after Gurmit Vilkhu directed his insult's toward his own brother on the night of the 26th dec 2017. Boxing day. After honor was reclaimed by Gurmit's brother by way of a blow to the face. Gurmit Vilkhu then reported his brother to the police and was shortly arrested spending the night in police custody. As soon as the event happened Gurmit Vilkhu was planning his brother's demise by getting his lie's and allaby's in place. by going to his guest's house's asking them to give statement's against his brother who struck him. All we can say to the brother of Gurmit Vilkhu of 68 Windmill Rd is well done our prayer's are with you.