I bought handbag and baby clothes from the website www.happybuying.com. All my order was about $400. After several weeks, I received nothing from the seller, and he didn’t provide me the information about the status of my order. I sent them email and asked to return the whole sum, but they replied and refused. Maybe someone has any ideas how to return money back, please contact me then or leave a comment. Thanks.
they have many website .they are assume scammer, and they do not trace any order after paid.very bad
they are scammer group from china, happybuying.com, porterant.com, agencytaobao.com, happybuying.com, happybuying.ru, and www.buyishappy.com, be aware and high consideration while u buying, big scammer group
So I did a survey to get a Amazon $100 gift card it says to pick one of the gifts. I picked the watch it said free watch just pay shipping and handle.. Then Thehappy-buying.com charged my debt card 98.00 dollars. THEY BAIT YOU and SWITCH THE PRICE. I stated my case to the supervisor. I did not get the 98.00 refund. She give 75% back. It is FRAUD NO MATTER WHAT! DONOT DO ANY SURVES. DONOT PICK ANY OF THOSE GIFTS. THEY ARE NOT GIFTS. I WARN EVERYBODY. THE COMPANY IS FRADULANT AND THEY ARE THIEVES.. THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE A SHAMED OF THEMSELVES FOR DOING THIS TO ANYBODY.. ITS VERY UGLY..
I went on marketplace they have a site called balsam hills Christmas tree and wreaths I fell for this 30 days later no tree this site is fraudulent they are scammers
Yes I just fell for the same thing . Did you get a refund an how did you get it?
They even send you fake tracking.