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CB Online Shopping Review of Heal-N-Soothe

Heal-N-Soothe review: no response to a reasonable proposal to resolve unreasonable recurrent billing 1

Author of the review
12:33 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

I made an order for one product thinking it was another on a trial basis. The time taken for delivery of this product (1 month) made it impossible to trial this product before I was recurently billed for additional orders of it. I described this problem in 3 emails to the company's Customer Loyalty section and in the second and third of these emails asked to have my complaint directed to the company director, Jesse Cannone. When the self described head of the Customer Loyalty section proclaimed that my case had been "deemed to be resolved", I asked that my account be cancelled. Then Jesse Cannone wrote asking for my reasons and supplied a multiple choice page that did not cover my complaint. So I used the email address marked "Jesse Cannone" to attempt a resolution. This letter to Jesse Cannone can be read below.
To this date I have received no replyfrom him or anyone else at The Healthy Back Institute.

Dear Jesse,
I am glad to have established direct contact with you. As the correspondence below will show, I have been trying to do so from the outset of what has led to my cancellation. All the correspondence is included considering this only fair for all parties in what, for me, has become a conflict perhaps innocently arising from a management process than deliberately intended by those responsible for administering it, although I must say that I found Heather's response more abrupt and less considerate of my situation than seemed necessary. It was her failure to use her self-announced position as Supervisor to respond directly to my proposals for solution or to pass on my messages to you and to state that my request "has been deemed resolved" that led me to cancel. So, again I'm glad to be addressing you directly.

For my part, I have tried to sort out a problem arising from 2 sources as I see it:
First, my mistake in ordering one product when wanting another. At this time I am receiving another form of attention for my back and leg pain issue and want to evaluate its effects before looking elsewhere, if and when that is necessary. Heal-n-Soothe could well be the one.
Second, the time lapse between your shipping dates and the time of customer reception, a procedural matter offered to your consideration apart from its direct relevance to my case. As noted in your files, I live in Mexico City and it might be useful for you to know that your book was shipped on November 20 but didn't arrive until just before Christmas (Attachment). It also took close to a month for the mis-ordered product to get here (Attachment). Perhaps this is a problem particular to the vagaries of the Mexican postal service. In the case of the book, which I enjoyed and shared with family and friends, there was no recurrent billing issue and so this time delay had no financial consequence. But there is a consequence for products with recurrent billing, this being insufficient time for the customer first to give the product a fair trial and second to return the product for the refund, if they so choose. Both these consequences were explained to the Customer Loyalty people. The outcome was my decision to cancel, a negative outcome for all parties.
Jesse, I am hoping that we can turn the negative into a positive along the lines I suggested to Customer Loyalty or some other proposal from you. My proposal is to purchase Rub-on-Relief upon written assurance that the full amounts billed in June and July for Heal-n-Soothe (Attachments) be credited to my account upon my return of the products, neither of which have yet arrived.
Spiral on!
Dr John
I ADD A COPY (Attachment) OF JESSE CANNONE'S PERSONAL 100% FOR ANY REASON GUARANTEE and submit that the case I presented to him falls within the terms of it.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Gaithersburg, US
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Jul 26, 2012 12:10 pm EDT

Hi John,
I sincerely apologize that your problem has not been resolved. I will email you with the same subject you used here and we will get this taken care of.

Eva Klein