on Sunday; October 1st, 2017 @ 6:30pm; I picked up my Bengal Kitten and she had a lot of sneezes but Linda (the owner) reported to me that it was probably from the vaccine she received the night before which was administered nasally.
On (Monday; October 2nd, 2017 @ 8:30pm) I reached out to Linda complaining that my cat had a lot of mucus draining out of her eyes (yellow in color) and was still continually sneezing. Linda reported to me that she was speaking to her "vet" and they reported that it was a reaction to the vaccine and Linda would send me some amoxicillin & electrolyte powder to keep her hydrated priority mail the following morning (Tuesday; October 3rd, 2017).
On (Tuesday; October 3rd, 2017 @ 4pm) I verified with Linda that the medicine got shipped out UPS and she said "yes, it sure did".
On (Wednesday; October 4th, 2017 @ 6:45pm), Linda texted me asking for my address; "when products were supposedly shipped the day prior"?
On (Friday, October 6th, 2017 @ 3:30pm), I sent another message asking how she sent package as it hadn't arrived in the 2-day priority she had said; she told me her husband ended up sending it a different route because her ups store was closed by the time he arrived at 4PM but clarified that shipment would arrive (Saturday, October 7th, 2017).
On, (Saturday; October 7th, 2017 @ 11:50am) I contacted Linda letting her know that my medicine had not arrived and questioned her for the tracking information; She proceeded to tell me that she called her post office and they told her it was sitting in my home town post office (but it wasn't because I had gone down there to verify any packages waiting for me), she finally sent me the tracking information and it showed that it wouldn't be arriving to my destination until (Tuesday; October 10th, 2017); 1 week past the day we had started this conversation of my baby kitty being sick...
On, (Saturday; October 7th, 2017 @ 3:10pm) I again contacted Linda letting her know that my baby could not breathe and her nostrils were plugged solid so was breathing out of her mouth. Linda suggested that I send her on a flight back to her so she can take her to her Vet! I said absolutely not I would not do that.
On, (Saturday; October 7th, 2017 @ 11:20pm) I had to bring my kitty to emergency vet (Critter care pet clinic); she was diagnosed with upper respiratory infection. Treated and released with an antibiotic shot and some ongoing Vitamins to help with her Immune System. Cost $274.33
On, (Saturday; October 7th, 2017 @ 11:30pm) I again contacted Linda in regards to bringing my baby girl to emergency vet care. She had been diagnosed with Upper Respiratory Infection and I was told she had it for quite some time. Linda was then worried that she was using an OLD vaccine and that was what created the issues?...I proceeded to ask her for help with the emergency vet bill but she never would send any money or help in any way. My Vet bill was over $400.00 for her visit.
On, (Saturday; October 9th, 2017 @ 1:30pm) I let Linda know that I was Again bringing my cat to my local vet for a regular visit as she had gotten a bloody nose and a swollen face so I wanted a second opinion. My local vet had reported that my cat was very sick prior to pick up date (Sunday, October 1st, 2017 @ 6:30pm).
On, (Monday; October 9th, 2017 @ 2:45pm) I brought Gypsy to regular office visit to (Mesaba Animal Hospital) for a second opinion. Dr. Kalinowski said that Critter Care pet clinic was treating Gypsy for upper respiratory infection and was treated properly. He wanted to revisit in 10-days if Gypsy was not seeing any improvements. Cost $33.00
On, (Thursday, October 19th, 2017 @ 3:50pm) I had to bring Gypsy back to vet for same issues with her breathing and runny eyes with mucus. Mesaba Animal Hospital again treated Gypsy for Upper Respiratory infection as her lungs were plugged and she needed another antibiotic dose for another 10-days. Cost $33.23
On, (Sunday, December 31st, 2017 @ 3:15pm), Linda contacted me telling me that my register papers and a Christmas card was ready to be sent out and verifying that I didn't need anything else sent along with that. I replied back to her letting her know that the papers would be great.
On, (Monday, January 8th, 2017 @ 6:40pm) I texted Linda asking if the papers were sent as I had not seen anything in the mail at this point yet again.
On, (Saturday, January 13th, 2017 @ 8:25am) Linda messaged me telling me that her dad had a stroke in Brazil and has been too busy for anything else.
On, (Tuesday, January 16th, 217 @ 3:15pm) yet again I'm asking if paperwork was sent and when I would expect it. (Wednesday, January 17th, 2017 @10:40am) Linda clarified that my papers would be delivered tomorrow to me (Thursday, January 18th, 2017).
On, (Saturday, January 20th, 2017 @ 5:50pm) I texted Linda direct on her cell phone and her daughter Tiff texted me saying that her mom Linda had flown back to Brazil to take care of paperwork. She then clarified that yes, her mom did send out paperwork before she left again. Daughter clarified with her father and he confirmed that yes, he dropped all paperwork in the mail in Custer post office.
On, (Wednesday, January 24th, 2017 @10:45am) I messaged the daughter stating that once again I have not received the necessary paperwork and wanted it asap or some answers as to why this issue. The daughter replied asking what paperwork was to be sent and why my big concern that I wanted my paperwork so badly?! She then proceeded to tell me that some things were returned due to wrong postage on packages! She then says "yes, I just got yours today, let me see what my mom sent and I'll let you know". then she texted in the same message "I'm out doing horse chores and then I will be back up to the house to check package".
I recently contacted to TICA breeder registration site and they have NOT registered all their litters nor was my Gypsy registered. I have a fake name and registered number of my baby girls parents (confirmed with TICA) which means my baby girl is probably not even what they say she was. Also, Spoke to Many customers and they have paid between $700-$800 (I paid $2, 200)! My next step is a Lawyer...along with Animal Control and Sheriffs department
We just purchased our kitten and are having the same issue! Have you recieved amd resolution thus far?
I am so sorry y’all had such a horrible experience with her, I did years ago as well! Which is why I started breeding, I have only 1 very loved female that has currently 3 kittens available if any interest! Bengals do wonderful with another bengal! Garza Bengals on FB