Please research Helderberg Exotics before buying from them. The negative reviews regarding sick cats and kittens are 100% accurate. This cattery is infected with FCoV (feline coronavirus) which, in healthy cats is not necessarily a huge deal, but in young cats and kittens or geriatric cats can suddenly mutate into FIP which is 100% FATAL. FCoV itself has no cure and the cat will be a lifelong carrier, meaning it can infect your other cats (if you have any). I personally own a Helderberg Cat, as do several of my friends. Ive been lucky to not have faced any serious health issues with my cat. My friends have not been as lucky. Helderberg is VERY aware of this issue, but fail to advise buyers or even admit their cats are sick/ carriers.
I am sick to read this. I am going through a law suit with the lack of information provided to me by a breeder that sold me a sick
kitten with feline herpes. Did you contact the SPCA? Do they get involved with these types of cases? Do you know?