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H&R Block / HRB Digital

H&R Block / HRB Digital review: Emerald advance 47

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2:36 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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THIS BLOWS! i always have done my taxes at h&r block! and since they started the emerald advance it has really helped out during the holidays! now they so a credit check! thanks to the bank that they are dealing with! this is so retarted, why even advertise that you are eligible for a advance if you can not get one! they need to put in their ad dont even try to apply if your credit is bad! who do we go to complain?!? this has put a damper on MANY peoples CHRISTMAS!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Nov 25, 2008 2:06 pm EST

Absolutely. I have made two appointments now because their systems were down. I had to take off of work for this. After a week of hasseling with them, and costing me hours at work, I got in to get my loan. A loan, mind you, that I have received for the last three years. I was denied, even though I will be getting over 5, 000 back on my tax return. It is due to "credit issues". Well, if I wasn't having such a hard time, I wouldn't be in there with their outrageous interest rates to begin with. To make me even madder, there are advertisements all over the office saying "no credit check". Am I crazy, or does this make any sense to anyone?

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Apr 19, 2017 12:32 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Christy

Grace Emma
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Dec 13, 2018 6:23 pm EST
Replying to comment of Christy

Yes, this sucks, its 2018 and I think this was posted a year ago but I got rejected and I am still upset! Come on can't they give people a break, so we can ALL Have a Good Christmas! F*in credit scores!

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Nov 30, 2008 12:09 am EST

Same thing happen to me !WE got that advance every year but this one ! Upset and miss lead !

Kim D. Jackson
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Feb 09, 2017 12:40 pm EST
Replying to comment of Alison

I am in total agreement! I am just trying to get back $33.01 that is owed to me and they keep giving me the runaround! I know that it isn't a lot of money, but it is mine! Kim D. Jackson -

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Nov 30, 2008 12:20 am EST

We even got a letter telling us to come on in and get up to a $1000.00 not one word about a credit check I'm almost glad that we didn't get the loan if you did, that green card costs $ 89.00 that they don't tell you about! Plus $300.00 + in fees and then when you pay it back out of your taxes you pay another $300.00 + in fees.!%$#%#%$ So we are doing TURBO TAX for $49.00 bucks and keeping all our money this year! :}

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Dec 03, 2008 5:53 pm EST

We have an appointment on Monday im hoping we get this loan my hubby has been layed off, we have crappy credit. but i figured if my sister was approved she has a bankrupcey that is barely a year old and her house was up for foreclosure but paid the money back so it wouldnt get if she can get approved we should beable to. but i dont see how so many people are getting denined how are they even making money with so many people getting hoping we have a good outcome i have read so many people getting denined for this im not even sure if i should waste the time driving there to only get denined

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Dec 04, 2008 11:42 am EST

Out of curiosity..
Where do you guys live?
..Because I went into HR Block, last night, here, in California, and I got my advance without ANY difficulties..
And I don't the best credit.. known to man!

So unless they are doing this to certain places/States, then, HONESTLY, there SHOULD NOT be any problems!

jonesboro, US
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Dec 15, 2008 2:21 pm EST

I've had my taxes done with h&r for 12 years and this year I went the day the emerald advance started and was denied. My reason for denial was too many car and house loans. Never had either my entire life. Always paid cash. Anywho my husband went and got it with all my info at another h&r office in another city. The H&R bank told me that they were having glitches with their computers and I could get mine redone at the office where my husband went. Well that office told my that once denied you cannot reapply. Sounds to me that they need to get their crap together.

fedup-in nj
Whiting, US
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Mar 14, 2009 11:21 am EDT

This all sounds like a horror show. I just e-mailed H&RBlock corp. office a 4 page letter! I too will no longer deal with them. the emerald card is a big scam. charged me fees which I did not owe! been on the phone for over a month all different #' none of them know what the other hand is doing! very Rude and unprofessional. along with their letter I am contacting the better bureau and the attorney generals office.
like I told them in the letter I stand on principle if even for one penny.
they can not continue to be unjust to the hard working person. go to their web site loge a complaint if everyone did we will be heard. www.
H&RBlock Bank. there you can email them direct. LET'S BE HEARD!

fed-up in nj

Saint Paul, US
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Nov 30, 2009 3:18 pm EST

I originally got denied in December when I needed the money for Christmas last year. In January, they called me and said that there was a glitch in the computer program, and some people were denied in error. I went in and sure enough I got approved. I'm going again this year and hopefully this issue is squared away. BTW: You don't have to have your taxes prepared by H&R Block to get the advance. Since they are touting this as a personal loan, they can't force you to pay with your taxes... I didn't. Even though they acted like I had to, I read in the agreement where it states that getting your taxes prepared by them is not a requirement to get the loan. I sent them a check in time for my due date and everything was fine.

Elkhart, US
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Dec 01, 2009 9:49 am EST

There are no hidden charges when it comes to the Emerald Advance Debit Card. If you read your material that is given to you when you sign your life away, it tells you exactly how much they will charge you. I agree with the comments of the excessive fees. Here's an idea there is a $15 fee to withdrawl a lump sum, just take the $15 hit. By time you check your balance, take 100 or 200 here and there, the fees have gone far and beyond. Also the customer service department for HR Block Bank is not the same as HR Block. I have delt with both and the Emerald Advance Customer Service blows. They are NOT helpful and very rude. I wish Hr Block would do with the card. Unfortunately I don't think you have an option of getting a check for the advances. I definitely don't encourage anyone to get one unless you are in dire need of it. And no you don't have to go back to HR Block to complete your taxes, you just have to make sure your debt is paid by the due date so that you don't incur late payments or interest (like they don't rape you with the interest on the principal amount already!) I agree with some of the complaints, but most of the problems with the complaints are due to poor credit. They lies within the hands of the borrowers and the banks, not the people who do your taxes. Direct the complaints to the bank, not HR Block Associates.

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Apr 19, 2017 12:34 pm EDT

blockhead is a ripoff and I've got proof:

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Dec 14, 2009 12:17 pm EST

Stay away from the Emerald advance this year! We have been with H&R Block for ten years, and it seems to me every year their service gets worse. We were denied this year due to our "credit" with H&R Block Bank(Seems to me the fact they identify themselve as a bank is even a joke). Normally, a denial is not a huge deal, but in our case it has taken 10+ phone calls, 2 offices, 5 appointments and 2 weeks for them to deny us. I know that some of you will look at this and apply anyway, but I am telling you, it's not worth the pain of thinking that everything will be okay and finally being told it won't. Think about it this way: Is getting you and your family's hopes crushed even more in an already dismal holiday season worth it. I am furious and intend to file complaints with the state attorney general's office and anyone else who is listening. If you are still interested, think about this- H&R Block Bank has an entire department set up just to handle denial complaints.

Pembroke, US
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Dec 15, 2009 7:29 am EST

They do not do credit checks! The only way you cannot get the loan is if you did your returns online with h&r block last year and not in the office! This is not true.

Sandy Bailey
Pasadena, US
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Dec 16, 2009 3:49 pm EST

They did the same thing to me and this is a total scam!

Kansas City, US
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Jan 03, 2010 12:22 am EST

Yes, they do run credit checks thru Experian. If the info found there is not accurate, which we have found to be in a lot of cases this year, then you have to contact them. But even if you do that because you were already denied, they are not going to approve you because the info was to be corrected before you went in to apply. Yes this year they are tightening the reigns on who they issue the EA to. HRBB has lost a lot of money with people not paying back their loans as you say by going other places to file. We have a lot of people that admit that they couldnt afford to pay back the loan and they needed their full refund plus the loan to take care of bills, WALMART shopping, etc... Now a year later they are trying to pay it back. Had they just used HR Block we may not be doing this. So you can pretty much blame the people that have been taking advantage of the Loan that we provide. If we seee the same this year, they may stop advertising it altogether. We did not offer it to new clients this year, only returnees, and the above is correct. If you did not use the office for 2008 year, there was no way for them to connect that you filed with Tax Cut so you were denied. They are still trying to fix the kinks but dont bank on it. They are going to not be around after 1-14-09 so if you are still waiting dont hold your breath.

oshk, US
Send a message
Jan 18, 2010 9:05 pm EST

i just want to know if i got the emerald advance line of credit in december and was approved is it possible that i could get denied for the RAL when i file?

Sumner, US
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Dec 04, 2010 9:08 pm EST

I go to hr block every year, and i plan to go next week to get my loan... i have never ever had a problem with getting approved. where do all u people live? i have terrible credit and so do a coupld of my very close friends, and we all go there every year so that we can buy chrismas for our children... hr block has made the holidays a little easier for us...

Indianapolis, US
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Dec 07, 2010 7:17 pm EST

I am trying to go this weekend to get a loan and all these reviews are making me really nervous I am a single mom with 3 little boys and have no other option! I do not have good credit either so I don't even know if I should waste my time and gas when I call HR Block and ask they tell me they run a light credit check what does that mean exactly does anyone actually know?!

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Dec 13, 2010 4:10 pm EST

I don't think them doing a credit check for giving out loans is "retarted" but paying 400 dollars in fees just to get some money a little early certainly is, especially if you're broke. Awesome money management skills people.

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Dec 14, 2010 11:11 pm EST

I to go to H&R every year so that i can do christmas for my kids.I have gotten it every year for 4 years.this year i was denied because my income was to low, but i make more now than i did in past years.Now my kids are going to suffer because i dont have the money for christmas.I was told that they had changed thier policy. I feel like there is more to say but i am just to angry. I will find a new tax place for my income tax returnes this year

Tampa, US
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Apr 07, 2011 4:40 pm EDT

I just picked up my tax material...and had to pay this stupid company over $230 for their so-called efforts. A CPA had been doing my taxes for $85 (yes, a steal). I told the pro that I would never be back...and I hope some clients there and their staff claearly heard me. Absolute rip-off. TampaTaxPayer

Luray, US
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Jan 07, 2014 6:26 pm EST

I'm not sure about the credit check but my mom got denied because she wasn't going to be getting $1, 000 back on her taxes. Why would this be a problem when she only wanted 350? Because they charge so many fees! I DO NOT RECOMMEND THE LOAN because you end ip paying back at least what you borrowed, if not more.

Albuquerque, US
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Nov 13, 2014 1:15 pm EST

I have never done this loan before and reading all this makes me super nervous to even try or to get my hopes up. My daughters birthday is 5 days before Christmas so imagine the pressure im feeling if I get denied and cant afford her birthday or Christmas. I have pretty crappy credit too so that doesn't make me feel to confident. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!

Arthur, US
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Nov 20, 2014 10:37 pm EST

My husband and I have gotten the Emerald Advance Loan for the past 4 years and our credit was not great by any means. We recently filed for bankruptcy this past February. I am really concerned about not getting it due to the bankruptcy! I will post an upate when I find out on if we get it onTuesday!

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Nov 20, 2019 3:39 pm EST

I was denied today. Only reason was a bankru3 i fiked in 2017 that has long been discharged

Sioux City, US
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Nov 25, 2014 6:40 pm EST

I just applied for a emerald advance and I was told that I owed money to them from the prior year. Reason (02). I called them and they looked up my information and said that I didn't owe anything. Wtf... So then I'm thinking ok maybe I'll be able to know because they made a mistake. Nope, the lady begins to apologize and tells me that I won't be able to reapply until next year. Bunch of crap... H&r you suck...

Sascha Monroe
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Dec 07, 2021 2:32 pm EST
Replying to comment of lkarges77

That's exactly what happened to me said my account was in negative and I owed them, after 45 min on the phone Turns out it was a scam 2 years ago and I called them immediately their security and support investigated confirmed fraud and got the money back with in 5 days it was wrapped up but that disqualified me for the loan.. wow 16 years of loyalty filing my taxes with them.. and this is how they show their loyalty to us.. thumbs 👎👎 time for a change

San Antonio, US
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Nov 25, 2014 7:28 pm EST

Does anyone know that if you dont have a bank account or a bill to provide for proof address but have current mail to show if I will get denied?

Alisha Aragon
Pueblo, US
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Dec 22, 2014 4:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also i have just been denied and yes i agree with every one else i have never been denied and this year i was denied i have always paid back my loans in full before time and now i call and no one will answer or at least not a live person who do i talk to i want answers and this is really upsetting now my children wont have the christmas I expected. I am still employeed but on medical leave i go back to work at the first of the year I feel they denied me in error and now there is no way to fight there decision.

katrina d
Hartselle, US
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Jan 12, 2015 1:42 pm EST

we have used hr block for 15 years and always get the 1000 emerald advance since they first offered it. They have never ran a credit check.. All they did was estimate our refund to see if our refund would qualify for the max 1000 and thats it.. Never been denied

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Nov 24, 2015 4:14 pm EST

I would not recommend the "Emerald Advance." They run a credit check, and it is based on your score. So, if you have: late payments, owe government student debt, utilities, store credit cards, etc., it will be taken into consideration. They use Experian to run a credit check.

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Nov 27, 2015 7:03 pm EST

I go to h and r Every yr but never did the enerakd advance my credits slow but I made over 12, 000 this yr will I be OK for an advance

Diana Todd
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Jan 16, 2016 1:46 am EST

I have really bad credit and I got an emerald advance . Been going to h&r block for 15 years. But this year...I have been having so many problems with hidden fees...extra money being taken out...maybe i didnt read the fine print enough but my phone app doesnt look the same as the online statement. Online it says i have 112$ but my app says 2.23$...ok so what the hell?

Debbie Kurtz
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Nov 14, 2016 8:40 am EST

I agree with most of these people. I've done taxes there for over 10 years, with over $5000 coming back, and since the last few times with the new bank I have been denied! I bad credit and filed bankruptcy, but I have always gotten it in the past with bad credit and 2 bankruptcy. I will try one more time, if I don't get it this time...I'M DONE!. I will go elsewhere to file my taxes!

cassandra williams
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Nov 29, 2016 12:58 pm EST

Did you get approved?

Amber Peck
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Feb 16, 2017 5:54 am EST

Paid over 590 dollars just for h & r block to prepare my refund plus another 35 total of 633.24 590 just for tax preparation i was there 20 minutes i could see paying that to get the emerald card loan but your not guaranteed that loan plus i filed the 3 rd of feb i figured paying over 600 dollars I'd get my return quicker haha guess again cause my refund can't b sent til after the 15th plus it says no refund until the week of the 27th so still almost 30 days to get my refund back even though i was under the assumption i would get it back faster or at least in 21 days hell no so i paid 633$ just to get my money on this stupid emerald card first time filer and they got me put an L on my forehead loser didn't even make 10000 all year horrible service for a first timer in the 20 minutes i was there

Ms D64
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Nov 27, 2017 7:45 am EST

H & R BLOCK SUCKS ! I have been doing taxes since I was 18 with them been getting Emerald Advance now was denied ! Christmas will suck this year going to someone else now !1

The Cute Elekid
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Nov 15, 2021 8:17 pm EST
Replying to comment of Ms D64

H&R Block emerald advance is denying everyone this year due to the child’s tax credit. Everyone I know got denied. I always apply every year and get approved. I was denied this year. That’s why I go to H&R blocks to have this benefit I think I will be looking elsewhere next year to do my taxes.

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Dec 04, 2017 9:41 am EST

The [censor] that sucks is, that with applying for the LOAN. It counts as a hard inquiry on your credit.

News watcher
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Jan 10, 2019 7:33 am EST

You can not get a loan during the government shut down..

mary ann bzdon
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Nov 21, 2019 7:14 am EST

I went in to h&r block yesterday in Forest Park IL yesterday to apply for emerald advance and at the end of the application a box gave up stating there was some problem and there is a hold on my account for fraud . I was very disappointed that the workers there could not answer my question or explain to me what was happening. All they said was someone will be calling. I have been doing business with h&r block for over 30 years and find this unacceptable that they could not help me understand what to do. I want action today, I don;t want to wait around for days. I expected more for all the money I have spend with your company.

Mims, US
Send a message
Nov 25, 2021 11:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same here been going to them over 30 years and we just bought a house and we got denied too, they suck

Tavauna Grimes
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Nov 14, 2020 2:05 pm EST

So what was your outcome... same thing happened to me today.

Easton, US
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Jun 17, 2022 4:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The same thing happen to me and almost 2000 dollars was taken off my card and when I reported it they made me send all the info and sed it was my fault this was my tax return and I’ve been contacting and contacting and getting no response I would like my money back

mike Steph kati steph
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Nov 22, 2022 10:00 pm EST

wife was approved for 350 dollars. gave her the card with 200 dollars on it and said that 105 dollars would be there the next day. well allmost a week later and nothing but the website says payment due late december but she cant even use what she was approved for.

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